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It uses an extended Latin alphabet. However, vowels and the letter Y can be doubled or written with a tilde (~).

Its complete alphabet (excluding accents) is:




Most pronunciations are similar to English. In some cases, however, they are different:

Q is not always followed by a U.

Jakenese IPA Approximate English
A /æ/ at
B /b/ bad
C /t͡ʃ/ chip
D /d/ do
E /e/ egg
F /f/ face
G /ɡ/ go
H /h/ help
I /ɪ/ ink
J // jump
K /k/ kale
L /l/ lamp
M /m/ map
N /n/ not
O /ɔ/ pop
P /p/ pet
Q /x/ loch
R /r/ rain
S /s/ see
T /t/ tool
U /ʌ/ mud
V /v/ view
W /w/ wet
X /ʃ/ sharp
Y /j/ yesterday
Z /z/ zoo
Double letters and ligatures*
AA /a/ father
EE /eɪ/ ate
II /i/ teacake
OO /o/ оpen
UU /u/ boot
YY /ə/ '
Æ /aɪ/ kite
Œ /ɔː/ boring
UE /ɛ/ burn

*Double letters can instead be written with tildes: (AA -> Ã, EE --> Ẽ, etc.).

There are no silent letters.





There is a singular and plural form of the word "you".

Transitive pronouns (Nominative)

Ĩ = I
Si = you (s)
Di = he/she/it
Is = we
Sis = you (pl)
Dis = they

Transitive pronouns (Accusative)

Id = me
Sid = you (s)
Did = him/her/it
Ids = us
Sids = you (pl)
Dids = them

Reflexive pronouns

Iz = myself
Siz = yourself
Diz = himself/herself/itself
Izes = ourselves
Sizes = yourselves
Dizes = theirselves

Possessive pronouns

If = my/mine
Sif = your/yours (s)
Dif = his/hers/her/its
Ifes = our/ours
Sifes = your/yours (pl)
Difes = their/their
Other Possessive forms:

To make a noun into its possessive form, simply add 'im after the noun (similar to the English 's).

Alternatively use de, which means "of", e.g. "The book of Graham".



All verbs conjugate the same way, regardless of their ending. Endings are bold.

Main Conjugations


lotrotaz = to have

Present tense

lotrotõ = I have

lotrot = you (s) have

lotrota = he/she/it has

lotrotos = we have

lotrotes = you (pl) have

lotrotas = they have

Continuous present tense

lotrot = I am having

lotrotyẽ = you (s) are having

lotrotya = he/she/it is having

lotrotyos = we are having

lotrotyes = you (pl) are having

lotrotyas = they are having

Perfect tense

lotrotabõ = I have had

lotrotabẽ = you (s) have had

lotrotaba = he/she/it has had

lotrotabos = we have had

lotrotabes = you (pl) have had

lotrotabas = they have had

Continuous perfect tense

lotrotyabõ = I have been having

lotrotyabẽ = you (s) have been having

lotrotyaba = he/she/it has been having

lotrotyabos = we have been having

lotrotyabes = you (pl) have been having

lotrotyabas = they have been having

Simple past tense

lotrotesõ = I had

lotrotesẽ = you (s) had

lotrotesa = he/she/it had

lotrotesos = we had

lotroteses = you (pl) had

lotrotesas = they had

Imperfect tense

lotrotehõ = I was having

lotrotehẽ = you (s) were having

lotroteha = he/she/it was having

lotrotehos = we were having

lotrotehes = you (pl) were having

lotrotehas = they were having

Pluperfect tense

lotrotũbõ = I had had

lotrotũbẽ = you (s) had had

lotrotũba = he/she/it had had

lotrotũbos = we had had

lotrotũbes = you (pl) had had

lotrotũbas = they had had

Continuous pluperfect tense

lotrotyũbõ = I had been having

lotrotyũbẽ = you (s) had been having

lotrotyũba = he/she/it had been having

lotrotyũbos = we had been having

lotrotyũbes = you (pl) had been having

lotrotyũbas = they had been having

Future tense

lotrotizõ = I will have

lotrotizẽ = you (s) will have

lotrotiza = he/she/it will have

lotrotizos = we will have

lotrotizes = you (pl) will have

lotrotizas = they will have

Near future tense

ya lotrotõ = I am going to have

ya lotrot = you (s) are going to have

ya lotrota = he/she/it is going to have

ya lotrotos = we are going to have

ya lotrotes = you (pl) are going to have

ya lotrotas = they are going to have

Future perfect tense

lotrotibõ = I will have had

lotrotibẽ = you (s) will have had

lotrotiba = he/she/it will have had

lotrotibos = we will have had

lotrotibes = you (pl) will have had

lotrotibas = they will have had

Continuous future perfect tense

ya lotrotibõ = I will have been having

ya lotrotibẽ = you (s) will have been having

ya lotrotiba = he/she/it will have been having

ya lotrotibos = we will have been having

ya lotrotibes = you (pl) will have been having

ya lotrotibas = they will have been having

Direct Imperative

Direct Imperatives are orders: e.g. Cook some dinner for yourself (Cũqed ha glogod feur sidz).

lotroted = have (s)

lotrotidis = let's have

lotrotedes = have (pl)

lotrotid = have (neutral)

Indirect Imperative

Indirect Imperatives are things that must happen. See Modal Verbs.

N.B. There is an irregular word in the verb "to be" (sasataz), i.e. there are 2 words for "it is": sasata AND ge. Both are acceptable in any circumstance.


lotrotũb = had


lotrotab = have


The gerund, like other parts of the verb, is always regular.

lotrotyuz = having


If = qod

Subjunctives are identical to regular conjugations.

"QOD" should always come BEFORE "SEN" with negatives.


The = lat
A (an) = a
Some = ha

Passive Voice


The passive voice can be formed by adding "qe" before a normal future, present or past tense conjugation applicable to the sentence (e.g. Yellow Submarine qe fildexesa sa The Beatles = Yellow Submarine was written by The Beatles). Alternatively, it can be formed the same way as in English: using the verb to be (sasataz) followed by the past participle.


These are equivalents of modal verbs. They conjugate regularly. The English past tense equivalent is in brackets.

fũtaz = can (could)
gustaz = want (wanted)
qutaz = must (needed to)
kotũpaz = would (would (have) )
foldaz = should (should (have) )



Pluralization follows a regular pattern: every noun is pluralized with the addition of an -s if the noun ends with a vowel, and -es if it ends with a consonant.



To make a word negative, add the word "sen" before it (e.g. sen lotrotõ a ceyibej = I don't have a cat).


Dop = who
Fĩ = what
Dœrset = when
Dũta = where
Lẽda = why
Dẽya = how
Nuer = how much / how many
Dus = which

When Speaking


Questions are formed either by raising the voice or using a question word (a list of these is show above):

Fĩ ge lat jœrek? (What is the time?)

When Writing


Questions are formed by adding a question mark at the end of the sentence, or using a question word and adding a question mark at the end of the sentence.

Sid lotrotabẽ dudfit? (Have you had lunch?)



I'll get back to you on that one.

Linguistic Composition


The language is composed as follows:

100% from thin air



A dictionary of common words is coming soon.

See Also

