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User:SilverBalletShoes/Blake Rodenburg

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Blake Rodenburg

Often associated with cutting wit, this sad excuse for a plague ridden shemale of the Homo Sapien can be found alone in his room crying crocodile tears over a dead computer screen. A victim of having a suppressed afro, Rodenburg has often felt inadequate about his physical appearance, and is very self concious about his crooked eagle nose, despite the special powers it evokes within him upon every third moon cycle. Most notably he develops a higher sense of smell, as well as being able to spray his bile over 20 meters. This is coupled with an acute gaydar that means he can spot when your shoes do not match your outfit. Stereotypically a solo creature, the Rodenburg in it's natural habitat will avoid social interaction, and seek satisfaction and gratification within online role playing games, which is not surprisingly, a reflection of his sexual desires and needs. His most common character in role playing situations is that of the sarcastic policeman with perfectionist attitude. He has suppressed OCD towards his roleplays and physically and emotionally becomes the character being portrayed. This is therefore very much a dangerous shapeshifter, with the criminal capabilities to commit identity theft.

In his original form he looks very similar to Jim Parsons in both his looks and mannerisms. Alongside that is a striking similarity to the fictional creature Gollum, with whom he shares a crippling addiction to Desomorphine.




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