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Hippocampus Prosthesis is a type of cognitive prosthesis. A cognitive prosthesis is a prosthesis implanted into the nervous system in order to improve or replace the function of damaged brain tissue. This is especially difficult because any other kind for prosthesis who use plasticity of the brain to adapt to the requirement of the prosthesis, thus allowing the user to "learn" the use of his new body part, a cognitive prosthesis require the device to be able to fully replace the function of a small section of the nervous system. In order to achieve this we need a deep understanding of the functioning of the nervous system, a reliable mathematical model as well as the technology in order to properly manufacture and intall a cognitive prostesis. The primary goal of an artificial hippocampus is to provide a cure for the Alzheimer diesis and hippocampus related problem . To do so the prosthesis has to be able to receive information directly from the brain, analyse the information and give an appropriate output to the cerebral cortex. In other words being able to behave just like a natural hippocampus, also the artificial organ has to be completely autonomous since any exterior power source will greatly increases risk of infection.





The hippocampus is part of the human Limbic system, by interacting with the Neocortex and other part of the brain the limbic system produce emotions.[1] Being a part of the limbic system, the hippocampus play its part in formation of emotion in addition of it's other role such as consolidation of new memories, navigation and spacial orientation. [2] The hippocampus is important in the sense that it is responsible for the formation of long term recognition memories, in other words this is the part of the brain that allow us to associate a face with a name. Because of its close relation with memory formation, Hippocampal damage is closely related to Alzheimer diesis.



The hippocampus is situated under the neocortex, it is "composed of several different subsystem that form a closed feedback loop, with input from the neocortex entering via the entorhinal cortex, propagating throught the intrinsic subregions of the hippocampus and the return to the neo cortex" In a electronic sense, the hippocampus is composed of slice of parallel circuits.

Essential Requirements


Bio compatibility


Since the prosthesis will be permanently implanted inside the brain, long term bio compatibility is required. Also we must also take into account the tendency for brain cell to encapsulate the implant(This is a natural response for braincell, in order to protects neurons), thus impairing it's function.



Being biomimetic means that the implant must be able to fulfill the properties a real biological neuron. To do so we must have a depth understanding of the neuron behavior to build a solid mathematical model to be based upon. First we must take into account that like most of biological process the behaviors of neuron are highly Nonlinear and depends on many factors: input frequency pattern etc. Also a good model must take into account the fact that the expression of a single nerve cell is negligible since the process are carried by group of neurons interacting in network.[3] Once installed the device must assume all(or at least most) of the function of the damaged hippocampus for a prolonged period of time. First the Artificial neurons must be able to work together in network just like real neurons. Then, they must be able working and effective synaptic connection with the existing neurons of the brain; therefore a model for silicon/neurons interface will be required.



The implant must be small enough to be implantable while minimizing collateral damages during and after the implantation.

Bidirectional communication


In order to fully assume the function of the damaged hippocampus the prosthesis must be able to communicate with the existing tissue in a bidirectional manner. in other words the implant must be able to receive information from the brain and give an appropriate and compressible feedback to the surrounding nerve cell.[4]



The structural and functional characteristic of the brain varies greatly between individual; therefore any neural implant has to be specific to each individual. Which require precise model of the hippocampus and the use of advanced brain imagery to determine individual variance.

Surgical Requirement


Since the prosthesis will be installed inside the brain, the operation itself will be much like a tumor removal operation. Although, collateral damage will be inevitable the effect on the patient will be minimal.[5]



Technology involved




Technology such as EEG, MEG, fMRI and other type of imaging technology are essential to the installation of the implant, which require a high precision in order to minimize collateral damage(since the hippocampus is situated inside the cortex)as well as the proper function of the device.

Silicon/Neuron interface


A silicon/neuron interface will be needed for the proper interaction of the silicons neurons of the prosthesis and the biological neurons of the brain.

Neuron network processor


In the brain, tasks are carried out by groups of interconnected neuronal network rater than a single cell, which means that any prosthesis must be able to simulate this network behavior. To do so we will need high number and density of silicon neuron to produce an effective prosthesis; therefore, a High-density Hippocampal Neuron Network Processor will be required in order for the prosthesis to carries out the task of a biological hippocampus. In addition a Neuron/Silicon interface will be essential to the bidirectional communication of the implanted prosthesis. The choice of material and the design must ensure long therm viability and bio compatibility while ensuring the density and the specificity of the interconnections.[6]

Power Supply


Appropriate power supply is still a major issue for any neural implant, because the prosthesis are implanted inside the brain, long term biocompatibility aside, the power supply will require several specification. First the power supply must be self recharging. Unlike other prosthesis infection is a much greater issue for neural implant due to the sensitivity of the brain; therefore an external power source is not envisagable. Because the brain is also highly heat sensitive the power and the device itself must not generate to much heat to not disrupt brain function.

Recent development


Theodore Berger and his colleagues at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles have developed a working hippocampal prosthesis that has just passed the live tissue test, [7] implantation in live rat then monkey are planned in the near future. The prosthesis is in the form of two electrode plate on both side of the damaged hippocampus, the input is gathered and analyzed by a external chips then an appropriate feedback will be computed and remitted to the brain so that the prosthesis function like a real hippocampus. [8]


  1. ^ Campbell,Neil A. BIOLOGY.Éditions du Renouveau Pédagogique Incs, p. 1147.
  2. ^ [1], Anatomy of the Brain.
  3. ^ W.BERGER, THEODORE. TOWARD REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR THE BRAIN. Chap 12 Brain-implantable Electronics as a Neural Prosthesis for hippocampal memory Function.
  4. ^ W.BERGER, THEODORE. TOWARD REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR THE BRAIN. Chap 12 Brain-implantable Electronics as a Neural Prosthesis for hippocampal memory Function.
  5. ^ [2], World's first brain prosthesis revealed.
  6. ^ W.BERGER, THEODORE. TOWARD REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR THE BRAIN. Chap 12 Brain-implantable Electronics as a Neural Prosthesis for hippocampal memory Function.
  7. ^ [3], Brain prosthesis passes live tissue test .
  8. ^ http://arstechnica.com/old/content/2003/03/476.ars