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This is a Wikipedia userbox-page of tundrureboi (arctic fox) of the Livvi-Karelian Wikipedia.


This user enjoys drawing.

This user enjoys reading non-fiction.

This user is against art generated by artifical intelligence and believes it harms human artists.

This user is a cinephile.

This user is against the colorization of black and white movies.

Music of the common peopleThis user enjoys folk music.

This user enjoys music of the past.

This user listens to comedy music.

LemonThis user's favourite colour is lemon.

Wed. a.mThis user is an Elephant with tusks

This user likes to ponder Philosophical questions like "Why does 2 + 2 = 4?" and "Why can it not equal 5?"

This user believes that
life is good.

This user values

This user drinks
water regularly.

This user likes to be a tourist in their hometown

This user is a psychiatric survivor.

This user is afraid of flying.

This user is neurodivergent.

This user proudly confuses right and left.

This user has/had social mutism.

STPDThis user has been diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder.

PSYThis user lives with episodes of psychosis.

Ж жThis user's favorite letter in the Russian alphabet is жэ.

This user loves silent movies.