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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi all!

I am a 33 year old lawyer. Yes, yes I know - I’ve heard the jokes :D

I'm male, Caucasian, and 6 ft 3 in height. I was born in Ayelsbury, England and grew up (to an extent) in Christchurch, New Zealand and Brisbane, Australia. I presently reside in France and England although I get around a bit.

I love sailing on yachts and traveling as well as other bits and pieces that are the changing flavour of my month. Scotch Whiskey is also a sourse of great pleasure for me, and a constant flavour of the month.

I must say that it gives me a bit of a buzz to discover something that hasn’t yet been written about on Wiki, and then to go about adding that content.

Likes: Information and content.

Dislikes: Spammers - They should not be lazy and add content.

Extreme Dislikes: Spam Fighters Who Unjustifiably Removal All Links - They sould not be lazy and review the links.