User:Uanfala/sandbox/Cyrillization of German
< User:Uanfala | sandbox
German | Russian | Bulgarian[1] |
a | а (but at the end of a word, following i, я is used: Bavaria → Бавария) | |
aa | а (Aachen → Ахен) | |
ae | transcribed like ä when it stands for that letter; otherwise, transcribed like a + e | depending on pronunciation |
ai | ай (Mainz → Майнц) | |
ay | ай | |
ä | е after consonants, э after vowels and at the beginning of a word | е |
äu | ой (historically also ей: Bäumler → Беймлер) | ой |
b | б | |
c | as к (Calw → Кальв) or ц (Celle → Целле) depending on pronunciation | as к or ц depending on pronunciation |
ch | х (or, in loanwords, ш, ч, к etc. based on pronunciation) (Chiemsee → Кимзе, historically also Химзе or Химское озеро) | к at the start of the word (Chiemsee → Кимзе); х after vowels (Achim → Ахим) |
chh | хг (traditionally), or хх (modern variant)[2][3] (Hochhuth → Хоххут; Eichhorn → Айххорн) | хх if ch and h belong to different morphemes (Hochheim → Хоххайм) |
chs | кс, when pronounced as x, otherwise transcribed like ch + s | |
ck | к, or between vowels (and always, according to the rules for transcribing geographic names)[4] кк (Boris Becker → Борис Беккер) | к |
d | д | |
e | е after consonants, э after vowels and at the beginning of a word (Erfurt → Эрфурт) | е |
ee | like e (Spree → Шпре) | |
ei | ай | |
eu | ой (Neumünster → Ноймюнстер) (historical;y also ей: Neumann → Нейман) | ой |
ey | ай | |
f | ф | |
g | г (in loanwords, before e, i, y, sometimes ж or дж based on pronunciation) | г |
gk | гк (Woldegk → Вольдегк) | ? |
h | х, when pronounced: Herne → Херне; Dietharz → Дитхарц; omitted when silent: Ehenfeld → Ээнфельд, Lahr → Лар (historically also transcribed with г) | х at the start of a word or morpheme; otherwise not transcribed |
i | и at the beginning of a word or after consonants, й after vowels | |
ie | и when e indicates a long i, ие when divided between two syllables (Marienberg → Мариенберг) | |
j | й at the end of a syllable; at the beginning of a word or between vowels, ja → я, jä → е, je → е, jo → йо, jö → йё, ju → ю, jü → йю; after consonants: ja → ья, jä → ье, je → ье, jo → ьо, jö → ьё, ju → ью, jü → ью; when between parts of a compound word, then ъ instead of ь | depending on the following vowel: ja → я; je, jä → йе (only at the start of the word or after a vowel, otherwise: е); ju, jü, jui → ю |
k | к | |
l | л before vowels, ль before consonants or at the end of a word (exceptions include Karl → Карл); after l, u becomes ю instead of у (Ludwigsburg → Людвигсбург) | л |
ll | лл except between consonants and vowels; at the end of a word -ь is appended (exceptions include Rheinmetall → Рейнметалл) | л |
m | м | |
n | н (but -mann → -ман) | |
o | о | |
oe | transcribed like ö when it stands for that letter; otherwise, transcribed like o + e | transcribed like ö when it stands for that letter; if it stands for a long o then transribed as о: Coesfeld → Косфелд; if the two letters form separate syllables, then transcribed like o + e: Buchloe → Бухлое |
oo | о (Koopmann → Копман) | |
ö | э at the beginning of a word, otherwise ё (Österreich (as a last name) → Эстеррайх) | ьо after a consonant, otherwise йо |
p | п | |
ph | ф | ф, unless divided by a syllable boundary: Diepholz → Дипхолц |
qu | кв (Querfurt → Кверфурт) | ? |
r | р | |
s | з for /z/, с for /s/: Sassnitz → Засниц, Kiste → Кисте | likewise: з at the start of the word or if between vowels (or between a vowel and a sonorant), in all other cases: с |
sch | ш | |
sp | шп at the beginning of a word (including inside compound words), otherwise сп | |
ss | сс or с (when ss stands for ß, then с), unless divided between two syllables: Ludwigsstadt → Людвигсштадт | s unless at morpheme boundary |
st | шт at the beginning of a word (including inside compound words), otherwise ст: Rostock → Росток | щ at the beginning of a word (including inside compound words), otherwise ст |
ß | с | |
t | т, but the suffix -tion → -цион | |
tsch | ч (unless divided between two syllables, in which case тш: Altschul → Альтшуль) | ч |
tz | тц between vowels, otherwise ц (Ratzeburg → Ратцебург) | ц: Рацебург |
u | у | |
ue | transcribed like ü when it stands for that letter; otherwise, transcribed like u + e: Adenauer → Аденауэр | transcribed like ü when it stands for that letter; if it stands for a long u then transribed as у: Buer → Бур; if the two letters form separate syllables, then transcribed like u + e: Adenauer → Аденауер |
ü | и at the beginning of a word, otherwise ю (Neumünster → Ноймюнстер, Uelzen → Ильцен) | ю |
v | ф when pronounced like f; в when pronounced like w | |
w | в (Wagner → Вагнер) | |
x | кс | |
y | и at the beginning of a word and after consonants (even when pronounced as ü) (Bad Pyrmont → Бад-Пирмонт), й after vowels; as a consonant, ya → я (Yanina Wickmayer → Янина Викмайер) | |
z | ц | |
zsch | ч (unless divided between two syllables, in which case цш: so, Delitzsch → Делич, but Nietzsche → Ницше) |
- ^ Наредба № 6 за транскрипция и правопис на чужди географски имена, 1995–1999
- ^ Архипов, А. Ф., Письменный перевод с немецкого языка на русский язык. Рецензент: проф., к. ф. н., и. о. зав. кафедрой теории, истории и критики перевода МГЛУ Цвиллинг М. Я. — Изд.: Книжный дом «Университет» (КДУ), page 51, 2008, ISBN 978-5-98227-318-5
- ^ Ермолович Д. И. (ru), Имена собственные: теория и практика межъязыковой передачи. (М.: Р. Валент, 2005, ISBN 5-93439-153-4, page 333: «Hochhuth — Хоххут»
- ^ Инструкция по русской передаче немецких географических названий / сост.: В. С. Широкова; ред. Г. П. Бондарук. — Москва: Типография издательства «Известия», 1974, С. 10, 1000 экз., § 25