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Professor Giovanni Stanghellini

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Professor Giovanni Stangellini

Prof. Giovanni Stanghellini, MD and Dr. Phil honoris causa is Professor of Dynamic Psychology and Psychopathology at “G. d’Annunzio” University (Chieti, Italy) and Director of the post-gradutate School of Phenomenological-Dynamic Psychotherapy in Florence. He specializes in severe mental disorders, philosophy and psychiatry and philosophy of mental health care. He has been a visiting researcher and professor in Heidelberg, Copenhagen and Santiago, where he is Profesor Adjuncto since 2013.

He founded and chairs the European Psychiatric Association Section of Philosophy and Psychiatry, the International Network of Philosophy of Psychiatry (with KWM Fulford and JZ Sadler) and has served as chairperson to the World Psychiatry Association Section Psychiatry and the Humanities till the year 2017.

He also founded (with KWM Fulford and JZ Sadler) the Oxford University Press Series International Perspective in Philosophy and Psychiatry.

Prof. Stanghellini has been published widely, in English, Italian and French. As a researcher, he is especially known for his contributions in the area of schizophrenia, manic-depressive disorders and eating disorder, including the phenomenological characterization of the life-worlds people affected by these disorders live by in their everyday existence.

Life and career

Giovanni Stanghellini was born in Siena (Italy) on July 29, 1960. He qualified as a doctor in medicine and specialized in Psychiatry at Florence University. He worked as a consultant psychiatrist from 1990 untill 2004 at the Mental Health Services of Florence before he became professor in Chieti. He is now a psychiatrist and psychotherapist based in Florence. Since the early 1990s, Stanghellini has been studying philosophy next to psychopathology contributing to the growing discipline of philosophy of psychiatry – with the aim of understanding everyday existence of people affected by mental disorders not only in clinical but also in philosophical and anthropological terms. The overall programme of his research and practice is to find an answer to the question What it is like to suffer from mental disorders?

In 1995 he spent a trimester at the Psychiatric Clinic in Heidelberg University where he contributed to reaserch on the vulnerability to major depression (melancholic type of personality).

In 2003 he spent one year at the Psychiatric Clinic in Copenhagen University. In this period he completed his monograph Disembodied Spirits and Deanimated Bodies (Oxford University Press) on schizophrenia and manic-depression as disorders of common sense.

Since 2013 he is Profesor Adjuncto at “D. Portales” University (Centro de Estudios de Fenomenologia) in Santiago Chile.

He teaches Dymanic Psychology and Psychopathology at Chieti University and in several other psychiatric institutions, facilities and post-graduate courses for psychiatrists and clinical psychologists in Italy and abroad.

Research and teaching activities

Life-World Project

Prof. Stanghellini cooperates in an International project called Life-World Project, involving several institutions and researchers all over the world, whose aim is the description of the “worlds” inhabited by persons affected by severe mental disorders. His main interests are the ways these persons experience time, space, their own body and other persons, as well as their emotions and values.  

Phenomenological-Dynamic Psychotherapy

Building on and extending the legacies of clinical phenomenology, hermeneutics and psychoanalysis he developed a method for psychotherapy called the P.H.D., providing the practical guidelines for performing phenomenological-dynamic psychotherapy. The practice of care that derives from this is based on the integration of three basic dispositives, synthesised in the acronym P.H.D. – bringing together Phenomenology (systematic knowledge of the abnormal phenomena that affect the patient.), Hermeneutics (grasping the way the patient interprets or makes sense of his own experiences) and Psycho-dynamics (tracing back the patient’s experiences and actions and her world-view to the life-history in which they are embedded).



Selected publications

Books (selected):

G. Stanghellini: Oxford Handbook of Phenomenological Psychopatholoy. G Stanghellini, et al. (Eds). Oxford University Press (forthcoming)

G. Stanghellini: L’amore che cura, Milano: Feltrinelli

G. Stanghellini: Lost in dialogue. Anthropology, Psychopathology and Care. Oxford University Press, 2016 (Italian version: Noi siamo un dialogo. Antropologia, psicopatologia, cura. Cortina, 2017).

G. Stanghellini, M. Aragona: An Experiential Approach to Psychopathology. What is it like to e a person with mental disorders. Springer, 2016.

KWM Fulford, M Davis, R Gipps, G. Graham, JZ Sadler, G Stanghellini, T Thornton (Eds): Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, 2013.

G. Stanghellini and R. Rosfort: Emotions and Personhood. Oxford University Press, 2013.

G. Stanghellini, T. Fuchs (Eds): One Century of Karl Jaspers' General Psychopathology. Oxford University Press, 2013.

C. Muscelli, G. Stanghellini: Istantaneità. Cultura e psicopatologia della temporalità contemporanea. Angeli, 2012.

G. Stanghellini, M. Rossi Monti: Psicologia del patologico. Cortina, 2009.

G. Stanghellini: Disembodied Spirits and Deanimated Bodies. The Psychopathology of Common Sense. Oxford University Press, 2004 (Italian version: G. Stanghellini: Psicopatologia del senso comune. Cortina, 2008).

KWM Fulford, JZ Sadler, K. Morris, G. Stanghellini (Eds): Nature and Narrative. Oxford University Press, 2003.

G. Stanghellini (Ed): Anger and Fury. From Philosophy to Psychopathology. Karger, 2000.

M. Rossi Monti, G. Stanghellini: Psicopatologia della schizofrenia. Cortina, 1999.

G. Stanghellini: Antropologia della vulnerabilità. Feltrinelli, 1997.

G. Stanghellini. A. Ballerini: Ossessione e Rivelazione. Bollati Boringhieri, 1992.

Journal articles (selected):

G. Stanghellini, et al.: Psychopathology of Lived Time: Abnormal Time Experience in Persons With Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 05/2015.

G. Stanghellini: Five reasons for teaching psychopathology. World Psychiatry 02/2015.

G. Stanghellini, Andrea Raballo: Differential typology of delusions in major depression and schizophrenia. A critique to the unitary concept of ‘psychosis’. Journal of Affective Disorders 01/2015.

G. Stanghellini, et al.: Is Feeling Extraneous from One's Own Body a Core Vulnerability Feature in Eating Disorders? Psychopathology 10/2014.

G. Stanghellini, et al.: The bodily self: A Qualitative Study of Abnormal Bodily Phenomena in Persons With Schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry 10/2014.

G. Stanghellini, M. R Broome: Psychopathology as the basic science of psychiatry (Editorial). The British Journal of Psychiatry 09/2014.

G. Stanghellini, R. Rossi: Pheno-phenotypes: A holistic approach to the psychopathology of schizophrenia. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 03/2014.

G. Stanghellini: The portrait of the psychiatrist as a globally minded citizen. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 07/2013.

G. Stanghellini: Psychopathology: re-humanizing psychiatry. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 06/2013.

G. Stanghellini, D. Bolton, WKM Fulford: Person-Centered Psychopathology of Schizophrenia: Building on Karl Jaspers' Understanding of Patient's Attitude Toward His Illness. Schizophrenia Bulletin 01/2013.

G. Stanghellini, et al.: Quality of hallucinatory experiences: Differences between a clinical and a non-clinical sample. World Psychiatry 06/2012.

G. Stanghellini, et al.: Identity and Eating Disorders (IDEA): A Questionnaire Evaluating Identity and Embodiment in Eating Disorder Patients. Psychopathology 03/2012.

G. Stanghellini: A Hermeneutic Framework for Psychopathology. Psychopathology 01/2010.

G. Stanghellini: Embodiment and schizophrenia. World Psychiatry 03/2009.

G. Stanghellini, M. Ballerini: Qualitative analysis. Its use in psychopathological research (Editorial). Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 04/2008.

G. Stanghellini, A. Raballo: Exploring the margins of the bipolar spectrum: Temperamental features of the typus melancholicus. Journal of Affective Disorders 07/2007.

G. Stanghellini, M. Ballerini: Values in persons with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 02/2007.

G. Stanghellini: The grammar of the psychiatric interview: A plea for the second-person mode of understanding. Psychopathology 02/2007.

G. Stanghellini: Schizophrenic consciousness, spiritual experience, and the borders between things, images and words. Transcultural Psychiatry 01/2006.

KWM Fulford, M. Broome, G. Stanghellini, T. Thornton: Looking with both eyes open: fact and value in psychiatric diagnosis? World Psychiatry 07/2005.

KWM Fulford, G. Stanghellini, M. Broome: What can philosophy do for psychiatry? World Psychiatry 11/2004.

G. Stanghellini, M. Ballerini: Dis-sociality: the phenomenological approach to social dysfunction in schizophrenia. World psychiatry. 07/2002.

G. Stanghellini: At issue: Vulnerability to schizophrenia and lack of common sense. Schizophrenia Bulletin 02/2000.


External links

EPA Website

IPPP Website

Research Gate Website

