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User:Vikram maingi/NCERT Text Book Solutions - Class VII Geography

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NCERT or National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT, Hindi:Hindi: राष्ट्रीय शैक्षिक अनुसंधान और प्रशिक्षण परिषद), is an organisation set up by the Government of India, with headquarters located at Sri Aurbindo Marg in New Delhi, to assist and advise the central and state governments on academic matters related to school education.The Government of India's Ministry of Education resolved on 27 July 1961 to establish the National Council of Educational Research and Training, which formally began its operation on 1 September 1961.

Class VII Books and solutions


NCERT books are based upon the curriculum/syllabus defined by CBSE. These syllabus are periodically reviewed and revised. The NCERT book for a particular subject is divided into various chapters and every chapter has a set of questions following the chapter. This section provides links to various subjects of respective classes, where subjects can browse the answers to the questions and update them if required. Solutions to the [[Class VII Books for the following classes can be accesses via below links:-

  1. English
  2. Hindi(Hindi: हिन्दी))
  3. Mathematics
  4. Social Studies
    1. History
    2. Civics
    3. Geography
  5. Science

Solution to Geography Book


This section covers solutions to all the chapters mentioned in NCERT Geography test book for Class VII

Chapter 01 Environment Geography


The Questions with Answers of this chapter are provided below:[1]-

Question 01: Answer the following questions:- (i) What is an ecosystem?

Answer: An ecosystem is a community in a given area where living organisms interact with each other and their immediate surroundings including non livings.

(ii) What do you mean by natural environment?

Answer: The environment which is created by nature comprises land, water, air, plants and animals is known as natural environment.

(iii) Which are the major components of the environment?

Answer: The major components of the environment are: (i) Natural environment (ii) Human environment (iii) Human made environment

(iv) Give four examples of human made environment.

Answer: Four examples of human made environment are: (i) Vehicles (ii) Buildings (iii) Roads (iv) Parks

(v) What is lithosphere?

Answer: Lithosphere is the solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth which is made up of rocks and minerals and covered by a thin layer of soil.

(vi) Which are the two major components of biotic environment?

Answer: Two major components of biotic environment are: (i) Plants (ii) Animals

(vii) What is biosphere?

Answer: Biosphere is a narrow zone of the earth where land, water and air interact with each other to support life. It consists of plant and animal kingdom together.

Question 2. Tick the correct answer. (i) Which is not a natural ecosystem?

   (a) Desert          (b) Aquarium          (c) Forest

Answer: ✓ (b) Aquarium

(ii) Which is not a component of human environment?

    (a) Land           (b) Religion            (c) Community

Answer: ✓ (a) Land

(iii) Which is a human made environment?

     (a) Mountain           (b) Sea            (c) Road

Answer: ✓ (c) Road

(iv) Which is a threat to environment?

     (a) Growing plant             (b) Growing population            (c) Growing crops

Answer: ✓ (b) Growing population

Question 3. Match the following.

(i) Biosphere (a) blanket of air which surrounds the earth (ii) Atmosphere (b) domain of water (iii) Hydrosphere (c) gravitational force of the earth (iv) Environment (d) our surroundings - (e) narrow zone where land water and air interact - (f) relation between the organisms and their surroundings

Answer: (i) Biosphere (e) narrow zone where land water and air interact

(ii) Atmosphere (a) blanket of air which surrounds the earth

(iii) Hydrosphere (b) domain of water

(iv) Environment (d) our surroundings

Question 4. Give reasons.

(i) Man modifies his environment

(ii) Plants and animals depend on each other


(i) Man modifies his environment because the are capable of modifying it according to their need and live comfortable life. Humans learn new ways to use and change environment and invented many things. Industrial revolution enabled large scale production. Transportation became faster. Information revolution made communication easier and speedy across the world.

(ii) Plants and animals depend on each other for their sustainability. Animals consume plants as they are the only producers and also takes oxygen from them. Plants are dependent on animals as they give out carbon dioxide which is important for photosynthesis. Also, dead remains of animals provide nutrients to the plants.


  1. ^ "Class VII Geography NCERT Solutions". Study Rankers. Retrieved 10 August 2016.
