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User:Visaalaakshi Sanaatana Kalaa Parampara

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    BROAD OBJECTIVES IN Visaalaakshi Sanaatana Kalaa Parampara:- in short VSKP'Bold text'

To Learn, Assimilate, Practise, Propagate (LAPP Technique for short),

Muthuswamy Dikshitar's Compositions especially Navagraha kritis,

Tyagaraja Kirtanas especially Pancharatna kritis,

Other Vaggeyakarakas like Shyama Shastri, Bharathiyar, Papanasam Sivan, Purandara Dasa etc and their compositions,

Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada's compositions especially Soundarya Lahari etc,

Sahasra Namams of various deities like Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lalita Sahasranama, etc,

Vedic mantras, Sooktas, Upanishads like Rudram, Shri Rudram Chamakam, Purusha sukta etc,

Shlokas for Everyday usage etc,

Vishwa Sanaatana kalaa Parampara which comprises or includes theKala / 64 Kalas or the64 Ancient Arts ([[CHATUS

SASHTI KALA]])like Dancing ,Singing, etc,

Naamasmarana which includes recitation of 108 Ashtotharas, 1008 Sahasranamam, names of various deities during

special occasions,

Naama Sankeerthanam eg. Divya Naama Sankeethanam or Bhajan programmes,

Holding Satsangams periodically where all can participate in various types of programmes,

And Many more programmes to come...


Holding "Satsangh" social gatherings in different places in different peoples houses,

Celebrating our tradition of holistic living during occasions like Marriage, Birthday Celebrations etc,

Conducting Summer Camps or Holiday camps for children / Adults etc,

Conducting Special Tours for visiting various places / Celebrating occasions etc,

Conducting Training Camps for specific and Specialised learning of any of our great Art Forms,

Holding Seminars, Workshops for various type of skill enhancements etc,

Event management where our unique style and ways of celebrating our Traditional Culture gets blended with present day

requirements like eg.Birthday parties, wedding etc,

Audio Visual Media / Fora like FM RADIO, TV SHOWS, Short Films etc to project our methods of Celebrations, Performance, etc,

Having our own "VSKP" television channel where our 64 Art Forms can be popularised for common man etc,

VSKP RASIKA LOKA:- Our own web portal where virtual Reality, Internet experience is accessed. A mega project of Futuristic

Varsity / University, where our Ancient Arts are nurtured(Gurukula STYLE),

MAHA SANKALPAM:- where in experiencing the virtual reality of our ancient concepts and also bringing to life ideas as

propounded in Maha Sankalpam into exhibition type reality,

And many more programs to come....


Muthuswamy Dikshitar's Compositions especially Navagraha kritis,

Tyagaraja Kirtanas especially Pancharatna kritis,

Other Vaggeyakarakas like Shyama Shastri, Bharathiyar, Papanasam Sivan, Purandara Dasa etc and their


Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada's compositions especially Soundarya Lahari etc,

Sahasra Namams of various deities like Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lalita Sahasranama, etc,

Vedic mantras,Vedic Mantra Treatment Sooktas, Upanishads Shri Rudram Chamakam Rudram,Purusha Sukta etc,

Shlokas for Everyday usage etc,

Vishwa Sanaatana kalaa Parampara which comprises or includes the Kala or 64 Kalas i.e 64 Ancient Arts (CHATUS SASHTI


Dancing , Singing, etc,

64 Kalas

It is believed that Ravana, lord Krishna and many others learnt the 64 kinds of arts called "Chausath Kalas". They are as follows:

(1) Geeta vidya—art of singing,Vocal music

(2) Vadya vidya—art of playing on musical instruments.Percussion instrument, Percussion music,

(3) Nritya vidya—art of dancing.

(4) Natya vidya—art of theatricals.

(5) Alekhya vidya—art of painting.

(6) Viseshakacchedya vidya—art of painting the face and body with color

(7) Tandula-kusuma-bali-vikara—art of preparing offerings from rice and flowers.

(8) Pushpastarana—art of making a covering of flowers for a bed.

(9) Dasana-vasananga-raga—art of applying preparations for cleansing the teeth, cloths and painting the body.

(10) Mani-bhumika-karma—art of making the groundwork of jewels.

(11) Sayana or sayya-racana—art of covering the bed.

(12) Udaka-vadya—art of playing on music in water.

(13) Udaka-ghata—art of splashing with water.

(14) Citra-yoga—art of practically applying an admixture of colors.

(15) Malya-grathana-vikalpa—art of designing a preparation of wreaths.

(16) Sekharapida-yojana—art of practically setting the coronet on the head.

(17) Nepathya-yoga—art of practically dressing in the tiring room.

(18) Karnapatra-bhanga—art of decorating the tragus of the ear.

(19) Sugandha-yukti—art of practical application of aromatics.

(20) Bhushana-yojana—art of applying or setting ornaments.

(21) Aindra-jala—art of juggling.

(22) Kaucumara Prayoga—a kind of art.

(23) Hasta-laghava Yuddha Vidhi—art of sleight of hand.

(24) Citra-sakapupa-bhakshya-vikara-kriya—art of preparing varieties of delicious food.

(25) Panaka-rasa-ragasava-yojana—art of practically preparing palatable drinks and tinging draughts with red color.

(26) Suci-vaya-karma—art of needleworks and weaving.

(27) Sutra-krida—art of playing with thread.

(28) Veena-Damuraka-vadya—art of playing on lute and small drum.

(29) Prahelika—art of making and solving riddles.

(30) Durvacaka-yoga—art of practicing language difficult to be answered by others.

(31) Pustaka-vacana—art of reciting books.

(32) Natika khyayika-darsana—art of enacting short plays and anecdotes.

(33) Kavya-samasya-poorana—art of solving enigmatic verses.

(34) Pattika-vetra-bana-vikalpa—art of designing preparation of shield, cane and arrows.

(35) Tarku-karma—art of spinning by spindle.

(36) Takshana—art of carpentry.

(37) Vaastu-vidya—art of architecture and construction (Civil Engineering),

(38) Raupya-ratna-pariksha—art of testing silver and jewels.

(39) Dhaatu-vada—art of metallurgy.

(40) Mani-raga jnana—art of tinging jewels.

(41) Akara jnana—art of mineralogy.

(42) Vrikshayur-veda-yoga—art of practicing medicine or medical treatment, by herbs.

(43) Mesha-kukkuta-lavaka-yuddha-vidhi—art of knowing the mode of fighting of lambs, cocks and birds.

(44) Suka-sarika-prapalana (pralapana)? -- art of maintaining or knowing conversation between male and female cockatoos.

(45) Utsadana—art of healing or cleaning a person with perfumes.

(46) Kesha-marjana-kausala—art of combing hair.

(47) Akshara-mushtika-kathana—art of talking with fingers.

(48) Dharana-matrika—art of the use of amulets.

(49) Desa-bhasha-jnana—art of knowing provincial dialects.

(50) Nirmiti-jnana—art of knowing prediction by heavenly voice

(51) Yantra-matrika Dhaarana-matrika—art of mechanics.

(52) Mlecchita-kutarka-vikalpa—art of fabricating barbarous or foreign sophistry .

(53) Samvacya—art of conversation.

(54) Manasi kavya-kriya—art of composing verse mentally.

(55) Kriya-vikalpa—art of designing a literary work or a medical remedy.

(56) Chalitaka-yoga—art of practicing as a builder of shrines called after him.

(57) Abhidhana-kosha-cchando-jnana—art of the use of lexicography and meters.

(58) Vastra-gopana—art of concealment of cloths.

(59) Dyuta-visesha—art of knowing specific gambling.

(60) Akarsha-krida—art of playing with dice or magnet.

(61) Balaka-kridanaka—art of using children's toys.

(62) Vainayiki vidya—art of enforcing discipline.

(63) Vaijayiki vidya—art of gaining victory.

(64) Vaitaliki vidya—art of awakening master with music at dawn.

Naama Smarana which includes recitation of 108 Ashtotharas, 1008 Sahasranamam, names of various deities during special occasions,

Naama Sankeerthanam eg. Divya Naama Sankeethanam or Bhajan programmes,

Holding satsangams periodically where all can participate in various types of programmes,

And Many more programmes to come...


Holding "Satsangh" social gatherings in different places in different peoples houses,

Celebrating our tradition of holistic living during occasions like Marriage, Birthday Celebrations etc,

Conducting Summer Camps or Holiday camps for children / Adults etc,

Conducting Special Tours for visiting varios places / Celebrating occasions etc,

Conducting Training Camps for specific and Specialised learning of any of our great Art Forms,

Holding Seminars, Workshops etc for various type of skill enhancements etc,

Event management where our unique style and ways of celebrating our Traditional Culture gets blended with present day

requirements like eg.Birthday parties, wedding etc,

Audia Visual Media / Fora like FM RADIO, TV SHOWS, Short Films etc to project our methods of Celebrations, Performance, etc,

Having our own "VSKP" television channel where our 64 Art Forms can be popularised for common man etc,

VSKP RASIKA LOKA:- Our own web portal where virtual Reality, Internet experience is accessed. A mega project of Futuristic

Varsity / University, where our Ancient Arts are nurtured(Gurukula STYLE),

MAHA SANKALPAM:- where in experiencing the virtual reality of our ancient concepts and also bringing to life ideas as


in Maha Sankalpam into exhibition type reality,

And many more programs to come....