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Naturally occurring ice forms and features.

  • Ice cap – Ice mass that covers less than 50,000 km² of land area
  • Ice sheet – Large mass of glacial tulips


  • Amorphous ice – States of matter for water as a solid
  • Firn – Partially compacted névé
  • Frost – Coating or deposit of ice
  • Ice crystals – Water ice in symmetrical shapes
  • Névé – Young, granular type of snow
  • Rime ice – Granular whitish deposit of ice formed by freezing fog
  • Slush – Mixture of snow and liquid water

General ice phenomena

  • Ice cave – Natural cave that contains significant amounts of year-round ice
  • Ice jacking – Structural damage caused by freezing water
  • Ice stalactite
  • Icicle – Spike of ice formed by water dripping and freezing

Ice in water


Category:Water ice, Category:Sea ice

  • Anchor ice – Submerged ice anchored to a river bottom or seafloor
  • Ball ice – a rare phenomenon in which small pieces of sea ice in open water grow into spheroid pieces of ice
  • Brinicle – Sea ice formation
  • Congelation ice – Ice that forms on the bottom of an established ice cover
  • Drift ice – Sea ice that is not attached to land
  • Fast ice – Sea ice that is connected to the coastline, to the sea floor along shoals or to grounded icebergs
  • Finger rafting – Compression overlapping of floating ice cover in alternating overthrusts and underthrusts
  • Frazil ice – Collections of ice crystals in open water
  • Frost flower (sea ice) – Ice crystal found growing on young sea ice
  • Grease ice – Stage in the formation of sea ice
  • Ice jam – Accumulation of ice in a river
  • Ice circle – Rotating slab of ice on slow-moving water
  • Ice massif
  • Ice mélange – Mixture of sea ice types, icebergs, and snow without a clearly defined floe
  • Ice shelf – Large platform of glacial ice
  • Ice shove – Ice pushed onshore due to water movements or wind
  • Ice spike – Upward projection of ice from surface of frozen water body
  • Ice volcano – Wave-driven mound of ice formed on terrestrial lakes
  • Iceberg – Large piece of freshwater ice broken off a glacier or ice shelf and floating in open water
  • Lead (sea ice) – Fracture that opens up in an expanse of sea ice
  • Polynya – Area of unfrozen sea within an ice pack
  • Pressure ridge (ice) – Linear accumulation of ice blocks resulting from the convergence between floes
    • Bellycatter (shoreline ridge)
    • Stamukha – Static accumulation of sea ice rubble (landfast ridge)
  • Sea ice – Outcome of seawater as it freezes
  • Shelf ice – Ice formed on a lake and washed up on the shore
  • Strudel (ice) – Vertical hole in sea ice

Ice ashore

  • Aufeis – Sheet-like mass of layered ice
  • Black ice – Thin coating of glazed ice on a surface
  • Frost flower – Thin layer of ice extruded from a plant
  • Frost heaving – Upwards swelling of soil during freezing
  • Glacier – Persistent body of ice that is moving downhill under its own weight
  • Glaze (ice) – Coating of ice on objects
  • Hair ice – Hairlike ice that forms on dead wood
  • Ice dam (roof) – ice build-up on the eaves of sloped roofs of heated buildings
  • Ice lens – Ice within soil or rock
  • Ice storm – Weather event characterized by freezing rain
  • Ice field – Large area of interconnected glaciers
  • Needle ice – Ice column formed when liquid groundwater rises into freezing air
  • Penitente (snow formation) – Field of regularly spaced ice formations formed by sublimation at high altitudes
  • Snow patch – Snow accumulation which stays longer than other snow cover

Ice aloft

  • Clear ice – smooth, compact, and transparent deposit of amorphous ice formed by freezing fog
  • Diamond dust – Ground-level cloud of ice crystals
  • Ice dune – Dune made of ice
  • Ice fog – Fog consisting of fine ice crystals suspended in the air
  • Ice nucleus
  • Niveo-aeolian deposition – Deposition of sediments onto snow or ice
  • Snow – Precipitation in the form of ice crystal flakes