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Happy New Year's 2010+


WAT(?) is it all about in this 1 minute, 25 seconds video from 2009 ... http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=j06H2J3Mi4A

"...Brittany had a history of HYPOglycemia and was hospitalized in April 2009 for low blood sugar while on location in Oregon..."

WAT(?) about substantially upping blood glucose FUEL concentration to help FUEL her heart & nerves ...

... all sorts of excuses for complacency are being provided to / adopted by the media with comments like 'unknown cause of collapse' and 'enlarged heart muscle'

... the irony of which is that a large heart, or any heart with more muscle, foreseeably needs more fuel and can use more fuel at a faster rate just like why big fast cars run out of gas easier than tiny low performance vehicles[1][2][3]

Brittany Murphy & Antonio Puerta were very high performance Human Beings ...

... CPR 'Cardio-Pulmonary Rescue' can be performed successfully for hours and a VA ECMO*, including appropriate ketosing nutrition, could have rescued Brittany Murphy & Antonio Puerta within 1 week or so ...
*Veno-Arterial Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation

... many People when peculiarly distressed [(emotionally or physically) to drain more fuel than normal] can then 'faint or collapse' from fuel exhaustion ... the important issue, especially when sports inc running are involved, is to then raise the blood glucose fuel concentration substantially and asap ...

PROPOSED RESCUE protocol includes that the primary objective of appropriate emergency treatment should be maintenance of life-support and NOT 'premature resuscitation' [prior to addressing the cause of the effect]. Resuscitation should be a secondary objective. Brittany Murphy & Antonio Puerta had fainted potentially as a protective effect to conserve/utilise what was left of an apparent relative shortage of fuel [cause] to the brain. Chest/heart massage can provide blood to the brain for hours ... plenty of time for medical assistance by way of an intra-venous glucose drip to raise the blood glucose fuel concentration to above 15mmol/litre or 270mg/decilitre or 2700mg/litre [preferably within 15 minutes of fainting]. Such a procedure is likely to return the heart to spontaneous rhythm and can be adopted at low cost and should be adopted globally asap ...

... if You can in any way in the future help prevent this from happening in the 'celebrity world' / associated organised celebrity events [nationally / internationally] ... because of some possible future conversation or fortunate serendipity that may arise as a result of this video then that will be worthwhile ...

Below are examples of what is going on [often following current questionable CPR procedure] ...

Jack Sheriff, 17, fainted in association with a suspected heart seizure whilst on cross country run ... followed by PREMATURE resuscitation demanded apparently without provision of FUEL ...

Reuben Wilson, 28, Kieran Patching, 34, David Mahaffey, 43, and Phil Lewis, 52, are further examples of running & sudden fainting without reasonable emergency treatment ...

... and then Rianna Wingett, 11, during a cross-country run on FRI.27.NOV.2009 ...

Under-reported ?

In the UK ... 12+ apparently healthy Youngsters 'faint' every week [without a fuel rescue] and goodness knows how many 100's of apparently healthy People in USA ...

Similar events have appeared before as outlined in this series of videos ...

Carry honey for when You feel faint ... too simple?

Should likely save many lives.

Warm thanks; Nicholas Dynes Gracey BSc(Hons) Med BioChem WATerian (talk) 20:12, 1 January 2010 (UTC)



"... Thanks, I hadn't thought especially about a big heart, but a big brain does require an unusually good supply of glucose or ketones. George W. Crile was thinking about related issues, the need for the thyroid, adrenals, and liver to match the needs of the brain ..." Raymond Peat FRI.01.JAN.2010 @ 04:18 GMT


  1. ^ Fuelled Stress Prevents Distress, Video explains how glucocorticoids can be safe: "... This ability of glucocorticoids short term enhancing the hippocampal function ...".
  2. ^ Fuel From Within One, Article discusses PhosphoEnolPyruvate CarboxyKinase (PEPCK) an enzyme present in a wide variety of mammalian tissues such as the small intestine, colon, mammary gland, adrenal gland, lung & muscle and that is involved in gluconeogenesis in the liver & kidney cortex and in glyceroneogenesis in the liver & white & brown adipose tissue: "... mice were able to exercise on a treadmill for 2-6 km, as compared to 0.2 km for wild-type mice, and they ran twice as fast as control mice. This greatly enhanced exercise capacity was accompanied by a large increase in mitochondria and triglyceride content in the skeletal muscle. The transgenics were long-lived and retained their enhanced exercise capacity, as well as their fecundity, into murine old age ...".
  3. ^ Fuelling Potential Of PEPCK, Video imagines the SuperMan potential of up-regulation of PEPCK in Humans: "... Super Mouse ...".



RESCUE "Corey Oakes" 03 "Rianna Wingett" 11 "Olivia Raby" 14 "Trevor Tonsing" 16 "Emma McVilly" 17 "Dale Tennent-Butler" 18 "Frederiek Nolf" 21 "Antonio Puerta" 22 "Fabrice Salanson" 23 "Miklos Feher" 24 "Daniel Jarque" 26 "Marc Vivien Foe" 28 "Brittany Murphy" 32 "Matthew Knight" 34 "sudden collapse" collapsed fainted cramp SCA "cardiac arrest" fainting CPR hypoglycemia hypoglycorrhachia adrenaline adrenalin love ketones Brooks Sports running Nike basketball football handball ice hockey