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Approximation theory
Approximation theory
Baskakov operator
Bernstein's inequality (mathematical analysis)
Bernstein's theorem (polynomials)
Bramble–Hilbert lemma
Chebyshev polynomials
Elliott Ward Cheney, Jr.
Constructive Approximation
Constructive function theory
Dirichlet kernel
Discrete Chebyshev polynomials
Euler–Maclaurin formula
Favard operator
Fekete problem
Haar space
Hilbert matrix
Jackson's inequality
Journal of Approximation Theory
Kolmogorov–Arnold representation theorem
Least-squares function approximation
Lebesgue's lemma
Modulus of continuity
Modulus of smoothness
Remez algorithm
Semi-infinite programming
Szász–Mirakjan–Kantorovich operator
Szász–Mirakyan operator
Trigonometric polynomial
Unisolvent functions
Unisolvent point set
Universal differential equation
Whitney inequality
Theorems in approximation theory
Arakelyan's theorem
Bernstein's theorem (approximation theory)
Carleman's condition
Erdős–Turán inequality
Favard's theorem
Fejér's theorem
Hartogs–Rosenthal theorem
Krein's condition
Lethargy theorem
Mergelyan's theorem
Müntz–Szász theorem
Stone–Weierstrass theorem
Wirtinger's representation and projection theorem