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Garry Frederick Baverstock (born 1949) is an Australian architect specialising in energy efficient building design, an author and scientist. He was one of the pioneers of sustainable architecture in Australia, championing passive solar design of buildings and the use of solar energy from 1979.

Baverstock received The Order of Australia[1] in public recognition of his environmental and philanthropic achievements and has been appointed Adjunct Professor at Western Australia's Murdoch University[2]. He was made a Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects. Garry Baverstock has a lifetime passion for passive solar design and the use of solar energy[3] .

Since 1978, Baverstock’s work has been featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles about solar housing, commercial buildings and public interest issues relating to the environment. He has given over 200 public lectures[4], talks and radio appearances (1978-2012) in addition to university honorary and paid tutoring and teaching. He has designed over 700 solar houses in all climates throughout Australia[5] .



For 40 years Garry Baverstock has applied a philosophy of working with the natural environment to his endeavours. This evolved from an awareness of city pollution in the 1960s and the fossil fuel in the twentieth century.

A study of engineering 1977-79 and a Master of Science expanded his knowledge and gave him the technical expertise to deliver reliable and practical outcomes. Over his career Garry became one of the pioneers of green or sustainable architecture in Australia as well as one of the authorities in the field nationally and internationally.
He started his own practice in Perth Western Australia in 1975, as Garry Baverstock Contract Architect which is now called Ecotect-Architects[5] .

In 1989 he developed The Solar Energy Information Centre in South Perth. The intellectual and professional relationship with Bill Parker which commenced at The Solar Energy Information Centre continued with the founding of the website solar-e.com[6] , in the late 1990s

His involvement with the International Solar Energy Society since the late 1970s has seen his ideas and expertise disseminated at national and international conferences.

He was Built Environment Program Manager of the Research Institute for Sustainable Energy located at Murdoch University in Western Australia from 2004 -2010. He was appointed an Adjunct Professor at Murdoch University[2] in 2006.

In 2006 he was awarded an Order of Australia (AM) for his contribution to architecture and energy efficiency in the built environment[1] . In 2007 he was awarded a Life Fellowship with the Australian Institute of Architects (formerly RAIA) for his commitment to Environmentally Sensible Design.

Apart from practicing as an architect he has been a builder, land developer, inventor, entrepreneur and songwriter. During his career he been involved in teaching and mentoring[7] and has successfully applied for a number of research and project grants.



A philosophy of combining the art of architecture with the sciences of physics and engineering has always been a guiding principle for Baverstock[8] . He adopts a flexible attitude to style which has led him to describe his fusion of styles as “solar organic”.



While running public education programmes on solar housing in remote Western Australia he met with an Aboriginal community project manager. Subsequently he designed sustainable single-men’s quarters for that Roebourne Cheeditha Aboriginal Community on a voluntary basis. He has continued this work with Barry Cable’s ‘Community Development Foundation’ helping to raise funds and bring sustainable and culturally sensitive building practices to Aboriginal community projects[9] .

Fund raising activities have included musical concerts by his band ‘Anugaia’ for non-profit organisations including The Rotary Club, BeKids of Australia, L’Alliance Francaise de Perth, St. John’s Ambulance and the State Emergency Services [10] .

Career & Influence


Baverstock was strongly influenced by pioneers, Ron Brown, inventor of the first closed-couple-thermosiphon solar water heater in Australia and Dr Rob Lawrance, physicist and solar energy expert, helped immensely in the development of solar calculations and practical solutions of analysing the thermal performance of solar housing.

Another influencer is a former lecturer of Baverstock, Prof Peter Little, one of the early pioneers during the 1970s of solar housing in Australia and then senior lecturer in Architecture at Curtin University.

Garry has worked with many people over the duration of his career and pioneered education and professional development programs with many notable people, such as Professor Peter Newman one of the world’s recognized leaders of sustainable development and colleague Professor Phil Jennings a leader in protection of the natural environment.



The ‘TECTO Method’[11] of design resulted from the professional allegiance of Mr. Peter Little and Baverstock.

As part of the TECTO Method the TECTO computer program was developed to thermally analyse a home design anywhere in Australia[11] .

The TECTO method was the first quality assurance system that could deliver a high performance passive solar house in Australia for a variety of climates[11] . It was a system that allowed maximum input from the client to make sure the design and plan solved all their material, physical, economic and spiritual needs[11] .

The TECTO thermal computer analysis program was developed from 1978 to 1981 and refined later at Curtin University in the late 1980s with a grant from the CSIRO.



The title of the research thesis was “The Effect of Thermal Mass of a Structure in Energy Efficient Commercial (Air Conditioned) Buildings.”[12]

This partially government funded research clearly defined to government and the general public what the economic benefits were of making commercial and institutional buildings energy efficient. It helped open the door for more stringent building regulations and and a mandate for organizations in Australia such as the ‘Green Building Council of Australia’ to help improve the solar and energy design of all commercial buildings.

The research clearly showed the energy savings in detail from passive design strategies ad the use of fresh air ventilation.



He studied Construction Engineering 1977 to 1979 at Curtin University and thereafter gained a Bachelor Degree in Architecture 1988 followed by a Master of Science degree in Building Studies in 1993 at Curtin University. His course of study was an Applied Physics degree (thermal transfers and energy use in buildings).

Creation Of Professional Development Courses


Baverstock has authored over 50 National and International papers and publications including co-authorship of the design manual "Low Energy Buildings in Australia".

Baverstock previously presented public education programmes at the University of Western Australia and Home Base Expo where he maintains a display on climate sensible building design[13] . In addition he created and delivered professional development education programmes and post graduate programmes in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Architecture. He spearheaded an Australian national lecture tour in 2007 for the Australian Institute of Architects to promote wider adoption of sustainability principles by the profession.

He became president of the International Solar Energy Society in Western Australia[7] after holding the position of Hon Secretary 1979-1986. During his presidency in 2011 he introduced a mentoring programme for young professionals in the renewable energy industry.

He created a Masters of Environmental Architecture Course (2006), as a collaborative program for University of Western Australia and Curtin University. The course is also available as an on-line course at the University of New South Wales.

Honours and Recognition

  • 2007 - Made Life Fellow in the Australian Institute of Architects
  • 2006 - Awarded an Order of Australia – AM (member of the General division of the Order of Australia) for his services to architecture, the environment and education[1].
  • 2006 - Appointed as Adjunct Professor at Murdoch University[2].
  • 2004-06 - Appointed Adjunct Associate Professor to prepared the MSc course in Environmental Architecture Course at Murdoch University as a collaborative program with UWA , and Curtin University[2].


  • 2005 - HIA Green Smart award Western Australia - Eco-Compound [14]
  • 2005 - RAIA Ecologically Sustainable Development award – South West Beach House[15]
  • 2002 - Banksia Award for Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre[16]
  • 2002 - Royal Australian Institute of Architects, Commendation for Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre[17]
  • 1999 - Finalist WA Energy Efficiency Awards – 20 year contribution to the industry.
  • 1999 - Royal Australian Institute of Architects, Award of Merit for 'Sellick Residence'
  • 1998 - RAIA Competition for the Nedlands Home of the Future
  • 1998 - Judges nominee for the Pilbara Home of the Future
  • 1998 - Finalist WA Energy Efficiency Awards for the Alcoa Residue Offices
  • 1998 - Finalist WA Energy Efficiency Awards – Educational Section –“Green by Design”
  • 1996 - WA Energy Efficiency Award for the Perth Zoo Buildings[18]
  • 1995 - Winner of 3 Housing Industry Association Awards including the "Golden Key" and Best Individual Design for home in Albany.
  • 1994 - Awarded the Royal Australian Institute of Architects 'Energy Conservation Award' for a large solar house in Cottesloe.
  • 1993 - National Energy Award for the Solar Energy Information Centre
  • 1990 – The Australian design award for the solar Energy Information Centre
  • 1989, 1993 Winner of 2 James Hardie Awards.
  • 1985 - 1989 Winner of 5 Housing Industry Association Home of the Year "Design for Climate" Awards.
  • 1978 – Merit Award in the State Housing commission Northern Housing Competeitio


  • 1977 - “Parliament House Design Competition Report”, G F Baverstock, c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1986 - “Low Energy Buildings in Australia – Vol 1 Residential”, Garry Baverstock and Sam Paolino, Graphic Systems[11], ISBN 0-9589777-2-0.
  • 1986 - “Five Steps to a Sale”, G F Baverstock, Solar Design Centre, c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1990 - “Energy Conservation in Dampier and Karratha Housing”, Garry Baverstock and Dr John Barker.
  • 1992 - (3rd Revised pointing) “Living with the Climate”, additions by Garry Baverstock, Graphic Systems.
  • 1992 - “Tecto” Micro Computer Software package and Manual¸Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1993 - “Doing Better with Less – Energy Conservation without Loss of Amenity”, G F Baverstock and Dr Bill Parker, Solar Energy Information Centre, c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1994 - “The Effect of Thermal Mass of a Structure in Energy Efficient Commercial (Air conditioned) Buildings. Project E134 Report No. 90, MERIWA”, and for Wise Earth Pty Ltd, via www.solar-e.com, G.F.Baverstock in conjunction with Dr W Parker[12], ISBN 0-7309-5991-0.
  • 1995 - “A Presentation to BHP, for the International Centre for the Application of Solar Energy” (CASE document), G.F.Baverstock in conjunction with CASE.
  • 1997 - “Performance Evaluation of an Energy Efficient Building at the Perth Zoo”, Tecto Research (G F Baverstock) in conjunction with UWA CEED program, AEDB (WA Government via SEDO) and Wise Earth Pty Ltd via solar-e.com[6]
  • 1997 - “Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre – Design Report”¸City of Melville and/or Wise Earth Pty Ltd, G.F.Baverstock.
  • 1998 - “Mandurah Retirement Village – Concept Design”, MRV and/or Ecotect-Architects c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd, G.F.Baverstock.
  • 1998 - “Fairbridge Design Strategy for Existing Buildings”, Fairbridge Inc and/or Ecotect-Architects c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd, G.F.Baverstock
  • 1998 - “Family Owned Aged Care Duplex – Feasibility Study for the Fremantle Region”, G F Baverstock c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1998 - “Skyline Policy Document – Key Principles for Design of Buildings and Planned Outcomes through Guidelines and Incentives”, City of Mandurah and/or Ecotect-Architects c/- Wise Earth Pty Lt, G.F.Baverstock.
  • 1998 - “The Saving Energy Work Book”, G F Baverstock, WA Government, Office of Energy and or Accounting for Energy c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1999 - “Solar Skyline Policy”, G.F.Baverstock, G.F.Bavertstock, City of Mandurah, and/or Ecotect-Architects c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1999 - “Development of an Eco-Village”, G.F.Baverstock, Ecotect-Architects c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1999 - “Energy Efficient Buildings”, front cover, ACRE Schools program, “An Introduction to Solar Design”, ACRE and/or Wise Earth Pty Ltd via solar-e.com
  • 2000 - “Proposed Eco-Village for Fremantle” – philosophy and strategy document, City of Fremantle and/or Ecotect-Architects, c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 2000 - “Study on the Potential Application of Renewable Energy in Hong Kong”¸ G.F.Baverstock, Ecotect-Architects, c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 2000 - “Proposed Eco Village at Mt Helena”, G.F.Baverstock, Ecotect-Architects, c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 2000 onwards - Solar-e.com web site and search engine, G.F.Baverstock , Wise Earth P/L
  • 2001 - “Project Description and Cost Analysis Report for Cheeditha Single Men’s Quarters and Ablution Block” Garry F Baverstock, Ecotect-Architects, c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 2002 - “Energy Efficient Design of Schools in WA”, Report for DHW on behalf of the Education Department – RFP 114500, G.F.Baverstock.

Lectures and Courses created

  • 1993 - “The Climate Sensible Home”, G F Baverstock and Dr Bill Parker, Solar Energy Information Centre
  • 1995 - Series of notes for RAIA Training Courses:
“Session 1 - Science Vs Myths”
“Session 2 - Design Parameters for Solar Housing”
“Session 3 - Residential Energy Efficient Design”
“Session 4 - Case Studies of Commercial Work”
“Session 5 - Mechanical Systems”,G Baverstock c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1996 - “Secrets of Energy Efficient Living”, G F Baverstock c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1997 - “Residential Energy Efficient Design”, RAIA, Canberra, ACT and/or G F Baverstock c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1998 - Saving Energy Lecture Series Note, Office of Energy, WA Government via SEDO, and/or Accounting for Energy c/- Wise Earth Pty Ltd
  • 1994-96 - University Design Course for Solar Housing (3 year level)
  • 1999 - University Extension Course (Climate Sensible Design)
  • 1995-98 - Solar and Energy Efficient Housing Course
  • 2001 - AGO Sustainable Housing Tour talk and notes
  • 1994-2000 - Home Base – Climate Sensible Home Course
  • 2000-03 - Home Base – Solar Smart Home Course
  • 2003 - On line notes on Home Rating Scheme for Murdoch University Energy Management Course.
  • 2004 - Seminar on Climate Sensible Design at the Perth Sun Fair, University of Western Australia[19]


  1. ^ a b c "Order of Australia (AM): Australian Government". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  2. ^ a b c d "Murdoch University: Staff Profiles". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  3. ^ "Garry Baverstock: Main Mission". Retrieved 11 July 2012.
  4. ^ "Garry Baverstock - Public Speaking". Retrieved 11 July 2012.
  5. ^ a b "Ecotect-Architects". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  6. ^ a b "solar-e". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  7. ^ a b "Australian International Solar Energy Society". Retrieved 11 July 2012.
  8. ^ "Climate Sensible Design: Principles". Retrieved 11 July 2012.
  9. ^ "Community Development Foundation: Supporters". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  10. ^ "Chords for Angels: Fundraising". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  11. ^ a b c d e Baverstock & Paolino (1986). Low Energy Buildings in Australia: Residential buildings - Volume 1 of Low Energy Buildings in Australia: A Design Manual for Architects & Builders. Australia: Graphic Systems. pp. 9–29. ISBN 9780958977722.
  12. ^ a b Baverstock, G. F. (1994). The Effect of Thermal Mass of a Structure in Energy Efficient Commercial (Air Conditioned) Buildings. Australia: Minerals and Energy Research Institute of Western Australia. pp. 1–107. ISBN 9780730959915.
  13. ^ "Home Base Expo: Exhibitor". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  14. ^ "HIA Green Smart: Award 2005". Retrieved 11 July 2012.
  15. ^ "Australian Institute of Architecture: Awards". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  16. ^ "Banksia Environmental Foundation: Past Awards". Retrieved 9 July 2012.
  17. ^ "Royal Australian Institute of Architects: Awards - 2002". Retrieved 11 July 2012.
  18. ^ "1996 - WA Energy Efficiency Award". Retrieved 11 July 2012.
  19. ^ "Perth Sun Fair 2004" (PDF). Retrieved 9 July 2012.


  1. ^ Ecotect-Architects
  2. ^ solar-e
  3. ^ Murdoch University: Staff Profiles
  4. ^ Order of Australia (AM): Australian Government
  5. ^ Community Development Foundation: Supporters
  6. ^ Chords for Angels: Fundraising
  7. ^ Australian Institute of Architecture: Awards
  8. ^ Banksia Environmental Foundation: Past Awards
  9. ^ Home Base Expo: Exhibitor
  10. ^ Perth Sun Fair 2004
  11. ^ Australian International Solar Energy Society
  12. ^ Baverstock, G. F.
  13. ^ Baverstock, G. F., & Paolino, S.
  14. ^ Garry Baverstock - Public Speaking
  15. ^ Garry Baverstock: Main Mission
  16. ^ Climate Sensible Design: Principles
  17. ^ 1996 - WA Energy Efficiency Award
  18. ^ Royal Australian Institute of Architects: Awards - 2002
  19. ^ HIA Green Smart: Award 2005