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Vilnius University Institute of International Relations and Political Science
TypeState Institute
DirectorRamūnas Vilpišauskas
Academic staff
66 (2012)
Students723 (2012)
Colors  Blue,   White

Institute of International Relations and Political Science (IIRPS) is a branch of Vilnius University which prepares political science and international relations specialists and carries out policy research. This is one of the most prominent social science institutions in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic region.

IIRPS prepares three degree programs: Bachelor of Political Science, five graduate (master) programs - European Studies, Comparative Politics, International Relations and Diplomacy, and Public Administration in Central and Eastern European Studies (the latter is taught in English), and also postgraduate studies.

For twenty years IIRPS study program have remained one of the most popular in Lithuania. A large part of of the acceding students receive the maximum possible values during their high school graduating examinations.

IIRPS attracts the brightest and most motivated youths to study at the Institute. Students of IIRPS gain university education and also are actively involved in community life. After leaving the Institute, IIRPS alumni become leaders in various industries.

The director of the Institute since June 10, 2009 has been professor Ramunas Vilpišauskas.

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Institute of International Relations and Political Science





The Institute of International Relations and Political Science (IIRPS) of Vilnius University was established on 7 February 1992 by the agreement between Vilnius University and the Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania. Having commenced its activities with a two-year programme in international relations, at present IIRPS VU is a faculty-status holding core academic unit of Vilnius State University, wherein studies in political science on all three levels and scientific research are conducted. Institute conducts all level (bachelor, master and PhD) studies to satisfy the needs of the state and society. It also conducts significant and perspective research of political science that meets demand of state, society and political science development.[1]

Currently there are more than 720 Students studying in IIRPS.

Directors of Institute

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Director of IIRPS Ramūnas Vilpišauskas
  • The first director of the Institute since the establishment of the institution was a lawyer, a former Constitutional Court judge, Professor Egidijus Kuris. Kuris held this position from 1992 to 1999[2].
  • Since 1999 to June 2009 professor Raimundas Lopata served as the director of the Institute. Raimundas Lopata is the member of European Humanities University International Relations Master's program advisory council, the Association President of Republic of Lithuania and the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations, the editor of magazine "Political Science", a board member of the journal "Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review", Deputy Editor of Lithuanian Political Science Association Board.
  • Current director of IIRPS is professor Ramūnas Vilpišauskas.



Studies at the Institute embody respect for tradition and modernity, providing extraordinary attention and fostering interdisciplinarity. Critical thinking in the Institute is regarded as the greatest value, while self-studies and active student and faculty discussions are highly encouraged.

Study programs


Undergraduate Studies

  • Political Science program. Its purpose is to provide general and university political science knowledge. Institute's cherished tradition of interdisciplinarity allows development of professional, skilled and critically-minded professionals.

Institute's Master study programmes combine traditional specialisation in political science and contemporary interdisciplinary approaches endeavouring to train creative professionals able to critically analyse foreign and domestic affairs.

ECE Studies include a 1,5 year long programme which provides knowledge and skills enabling to conduct independent analysis and evaluation of developments in ECE countries and in the region as a whole.[4] Students acquire knowledge about domestic policies of the Central and Eastern European states: their historic development, political and economic systems, and decision making mechanisms. Furthermore, students analyse foreign policies of Central and Eastern European states: the processes of interstate cooperation and the specifics of foreign policy. They choose the elective courses on the relevant problems in the regions.[5]
Particular skills and knowledge students acquire:

  • advanced knowledge of the concepts, theories and methods in contemporary political science, especially in the field of International Relations and Comparative Politics;
  • deep understanding of the history and political systems of the Eastern and Central European countries, as well as political and economical transformation processes that are taking place in the region;
  • skills and knowledge to discern factors that influence the making of domestic and foreign policies in the states of Eastern and Central Europe;
  • skills to analyse the development of the region in the context of contemporary international and regional co-operation;
  • methodological skills to undertake and produce independent research project.

Doctoral Studies

  • Political Science PhD program. This is the highest political science study cycle which prepared doctors in political science, developing the political science in Lithuania. Political Science doctoral include: doctoral studies, baseline studies and preparation of the dissertation.

Departments and Centres

  • Department of European Studies. Head of the department is Prof. dr. Vytautas Radžvilas.
  • Department of Political Theory. Head of the Department is Prof. dr. Alvydas Jokubaitis.
  • Russian and Central Eastern European Studies Centre. Members: Assoc. prof. Dovile Jakniunaite (head); Assoc. prof. Natalija Arlauskaite; Dr. Nerijus Maliukevičius; Assoc. prof. Vladas Sirutavičius; Assoc. prof. Inga Vinogradnaitė; Prof. Ramūnas Vilpišauskas.

Academic Field




The Institute seeks to contribute to the development of political science in Lithuania by conducting original and valuable research, disseminating its results to the academic community, policy makers and all those interested in political life.

IIRPS conducts research in Lithuania's and other countries' political evolution, Foreign Policy and international relations areas.

In 2009 the Council of IIRP approved five broad research themes for the next few years. The themes are based on the existing expertise and are directed towards the reflection, analysis and solutions of the contemporary political problems.

  • Changes in International Politics, Research methods and Lithuanian Foreign Policy;
  • Challenges to Democracy in Postcommunist World;
  • Political Transformations in Eastern Europe;
  • The Development of the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty: The Problems of Economic Integration, Political Consolidation and External Relations;
  • Public Policy Process and Development of Public Administration in Lithuania after the EU Enlargement[6].

The most important research results are published in the periodical publications of the Institute "Political Science", "Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review" Lithuanian Political Science Yearbook, "Lithuanian Annual strategic Review ".


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Professor Egidijus Kūris

The Institute is proud to have gathered together a number of prominent experts on national, European and international politics who are renowned for their competent and original public commentaries, expertise, knowledge and professional experience.

The Institute's scientists are known to the public as experts. To name a few, the list would include doc. Alvidas Lukošaitis, prof. Dr. Vitalis Nakrošis, Lithuanian Political Science Association member Mindaugas Jurkynas; advisor of the chairwoman of the Seimas Laurynas Kasčiūnas, dr. Klaudius Maniokas, Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association of the college, the study of comparative literature, the network of the International Dostoevsky Society member dr. Natalia Arlauskaite, member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius University Senate, member of the Council IIRPS, magazines, "Political Science" and "problem" member of editorial boards, professor of humanities sciences Evaldas Nekrašas, the Lithuanian Social Sciences Forum coordinator of young Lithuanian scientific Society and the Lithuanian Political Science Association, magazines, "Lithuanian Political Science Yearbook" and "Political Science" editorial board member Dr. Ainė Ramonaitė, former Constitutional Court judge Professor. Egidijus Kūris and many others.

Public Relations


Actively developed relationships with foreign partners provide the Institute a reliable and influential Eastern European research and education center status.

The IIRPS carries out training of professionals, civil servants and diplomats in political science, international relations and public administration studies; it develops and promotes knowledge in political science among specialists and the general public by organising public events and issuing publications. In co-operation with Lithuanian institutions and NGO’s, the IIRPS organises training courses, provides expertise for public institutions, organises public events, initiates the establishment of NGO’s, promotes the development of political culture and civil society in Lithuania, forms public opinion on the issues of domestic and foreign policy[7].

International cooperation and public policy


The Institute participates in various international projects and programs with international organizations and foundations, a number of international organizations, academic institutions and academic networks. IIRPS has signed a Cooperation Agreement with various foreign universities.

The Institute is actively involved in public policy. In cooperation with the Lithuanian government institutions and non-governmental organizations IIRPS organizes training and qualification courses, provides expertise to state institutions, non-governmental organizations by initiating, promoting political culture and civil society in the formation of public policy shapes the opinion of the domestic and foreign policy issues.

IIRPS is well known as a reliable partner in initiating and participating in organizing major events and political science in Lithuania and the Baltic countries. IIRPS holds the most important country's political science events - conferences, seminars, round table discussions involving Lithuanian and the world's best scientists[8].

Student Organizations


IIRPS student corporation "RePublica"


200px|thumb|right|IIRPS student corporation "RePublica" Corporation "Republica" is an independent, non-political, social organization. "Republica" connects current and former students of IIRPS. This is Institute's oldest active student organization, founded in 2001.

The colors of the corporation are gold, black, red, and the slogan is " Faithfulness! Science! Generosity!" The main objectives of the Corporation are to foster community of IIRPS and maintain links between former and current students, as well as mobilize students to the Institute for creating a democratic, legal and civil society in Lithuania. The corporation consists of junior, seniors, and philistines.

The corporation is celebrating national holidays, birthdays and Political Science and the Institute's days. "Republica" also publishes a thematic newspaper Post Scriptum, organizes conferences, seminars, meetings and public events[9].

Periodic Newspaper "Post Scriptum"


"Post Scriptum" is a thematic, nonprofit, independent, distributed free of charge IIRPS students' newspaper, having been published since 2002 twice a year. It is published by the corporation "Republica". "Post Scriptum" attempts to gain an insight into current social phenomena to analytically evaluate the various social processes, searching for points of contact between different academic disciplines, an emerging approach to the fundamental state, civil society, religion, art, interoperability issues, the variety of the most important political events in the world, and on their interpretation of the unexpected.

Scientific Students' Society


Students' Scientific Society (SSS) was established in 2003. This organization brings together academic IIRPS students interested in science. There are 9 sections of the Society whose members, with the help of the Institute faculty, organize meetings with politicians, academics and prominent public figures. SSS prepares students for research work and international conferences, discussions, seminars, summer expeditions.

The Student Representative

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Students of IIRPS during a lecture

IIRPS SR represents the interests of the students, encourages active and creative community of the institute, develops closer links with the Administration of the Institute. The Student Representative organizes student events, carries out a mentor program, liaises with other faculties of Student Councils, organizes summer camps for future freshmen.

The Student Representative of IIRPS is one of the youngest in Vilnius University. It was founded in 2003. Along with 13 other agencies, it is the Vilnius University Students' Council (VU SC) part.

The main IIRPS SR objective is to represent the students and protect their interests, to answer their questions, provide any necessary assistance.



Alumni are undoubtedly an important integral part of the community of the Institute.

For twenty years of its existence, the Institute has certainly something to be fond of. By 2010 1264 students have defended BA and 741 masters students have defended their MAs asweel, while 33 students defended political science PhD dissertations.

Eminent and distinguished people have finished IIRPS, such as Colonel to Military Academy of Lithuania Gintaras Bagdonas, the Lithuanian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Spain Audra Plepytė, the Lithuanian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the United States and Mexico Žygimantas Pavilionis, a spokesman for the EU permanent Representation of Lithuania, a journalist of Lithuanian political Science Association, Comparative Politics graduate program UN Bulletin, a member of the European Commission Algirdas Šemeta and many more.


  1. ^ History of the Insitute, retrieved 2012-03-20; {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  2. ^ Interview with the First Director of IIRPS, retrieved 2012-03-20; {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  3. ^ Admission Requirements for International Students, retrieved 2012-03-21; {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Text "first" ignored (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  4. ^ Courses in foreign languages, retrieved 2012-03-20; {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  5. ^ Description of the ECE programme, retrieved 2012-03-16; {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  6. ^ http://cloud1.gdnet.org/~organizations/Institute%20of%20International%20Relations%20and%20Political%20Science%20%28IIRPS%29,%20University%20of%20Vilnius,%20Lithuania
  7. ^ Description of the Institute, retrieved 2012-03-20; {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  8. ^ http://www.batakiai.taurage.lm.lt/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51:vu-tspmi-
  9. ^ Student Corporation "RePublica", retrieved 2012-03-21; {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)