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Chief Claim

  • The abuse of acoustic surgical techniques to induce organic mental illness has been perfected. There exists, today, inaudible acoustic weapons that can perform involuntarily psychosurgery on a victim. You can use such weapons to induce anti-social traits and personality disorders by quietly obliterating parts of the frontal cortex. You can induce hypersexuality, hyperaggression, depressive states, mania, etc. The weapons rely on mechanical vascular injury via ultrasound acoustic cavitation.

This technology exists and it is being exploited as a method of neurological assassination. This was done to me in order to execute a mass propaganda exercise. My mutilated personality was used to pin a number of misdeeds onto me.

tl;dr : MKULTRA is close: control over personality and emotion achieved, but not mind control; control over the insanity, but not control over the insane.

Techniques Experienced

  1. inaudible acoustic blows that crack small vessels and hammer the skull ("immaculate concussion"?)
  2. ingested, resonant, whistling, magnetic metals inside the head (post-surveillance)
  3. inflamed, edematous meninges ("psychotronic torture") (post-surveillance)
  4. acoustic stunning of joints (post-surveillance)

2, 3 require (SPION based?) poison. 4 does not require poison. 1 may or may not require poison.

Organic Mental Illness


Injury to the orbitofrontal cortex (frontotemporal dementia) can induce anti-social, obsessive, hypersexual and psychopathic personality whilst leaving other faculties intact.

The most famous case of behaviourally disruptive cortical injury is that of Phineas Gage (below) who lost much of his frontal cortex. The injury negatively altered his personality:

The equilibrium or balance, so to speak, between his intellectual faculties and animal propensities, seems to have been destroyed. He is fitful, irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity (which was not previously his custom), manifesting but little deference for his fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts with his desires, at times pertinaciously obstinate, yet capricious and vacillating, devising many plans of future operations, which are no sooner arranged than they are abandoned in turn for others appearing more feasible. A child in his intellectual capacity and manifestations, he has the animal passions of a strong man. (Harlow 1868)

Although there are have been many other cases throughout the 20th century. Frontal dementias are today much better understood from research on both brain cancer sufferers and patients with head injuries.

Destruction of the orbitofrontal cortex through acquired brain injury typically leads to a pattern of disinhibited behaviour. Examples include swearing excessively, hypersexuality, poor social interaction, compulsive gambling, drug use (including alcohol and tobacco), and poor empathising ability. Disinhibited behaviour by patients with some forms of frontotemporal dementia is thought to be caused by degeneration of the orbitofrontal cortex. (Wikipedia)
Damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (especially in the right hemisphere) has been connected with deficits in detecting irony, sarcasm, and deception. Subjects with damage in this area have been found to be more easily influenced by misleading advertising. This has been attributed to a disruption of a "false tagging mechanism" which provides doubt and skepticism of new beliefs. (Wikipedia)

This operation doesn't show you the "true side" of the tortured but rather the physically mutilated side of the victim born from an act of violence. This practice is evil and I don't understand how anyone could condone such an act.


  • no oxidative dementia
  • no copper cysteamine in me personally
  • acoustic weapons inflict subcortical AND cortical injury
  • targeting is active and directional, not passive and systemic



I'm an infamous torture victim. I don't fully understand how this came to be. Nothing I have actually done can explain the cruelties I've witnessed.

I have been living at my mother's home for five months now and I've been told that my activities are being streamed. Assuming perfect stream fidelity, the audience has seen me perform but they do not have accurate information about how I got to this position, how many different types of brain injury I've sustained prior to filming or the variety of acoustic weapons being used to torture me.

I know that I've been spied on for 4/5 years and impersonated for a duration of that time. Furthermore, I've seen people do awful things on throw away accounts that have since been attributed to me.

This all leads me to suspect that this episode has been premeditated in order to discredit my beliefs. I had pre-existing mental problems, granted, but nothing close to the personality that I now possess. I was scouted from among a pool because I had the perfect history (emails to 2006, coronal indentation) that would conceal the presence of simultaneously acting acoustic weapons. I was then mutilated, put on display, then allowed to mutate into the person I am now.

I might be the first one put on blast on this scale but others have surely had their minds altered to disrupt their lives before me. If it wasn't me, it would have been somebody else. This is what I've been trying to warn about. This technology and these tactics are far more sinister than most think.

I don't want this to sound like excuses. I don't know what you've been told about me or think you've seen me doing. My recent (real) behaviours on film are device-induced (I have strong reservations about the fidelity of the film) but I had control the entire time (however much my moral agency has been twisted). If you've seen me do something illicit on stream (or anywhere), let me know, but I assure you, it will be a surprise to me too.

Acoustic weapons can perform involuntarily psychosurgery. The audience are being manipulated. The emails are fabrications. The videos are almost certainly doctored, if they are not "deep fakes". State-sponsored terrorism is alive. This hoax is political.

-- 07:41, 17 August 2019 (UTC)

mutilation satirized: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/brainlet https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/apu-apustaja
assassination satirized: The Hunt
these injurious weapons are being used on a wide scale. get. that. through. your. gullible. skulls.
So folks trust their governments with "psychotronic torture", "microchip schizophrenia", targeted harassment, legions of paid trolls, obfuscation operations, the monopolisation of news, social media and content creation by a cartel of co-opted corporations but aren't critical enough to consider that government lies and technologies run deeper still? People accept horrific illegal classified technologies that only "fringe conspiracy theorists" could believe in but are so complacent that they ignore the possibility of false flag doppelganger operations alleged by the same "fringe conspiracy theorists".
I can decipher a dead language all on my own (I have the prerequisite research and three times as many leads to rubbish any rival claim) and still be denied something as simple as an explanation or discovery of evidence for whatever it is I've been "filmed" doing. Insanity.
People who accept this are responsible for each lost liberty that will soon befall western "liberal democracies". I'm not asking for something extraordinary, at minimum, I'm entitled to an explanation. -- (talk) 17:12, 26 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
The point is not: "I'm nifty, I got this far, excuse my illegalities" it's "I'm nifty, I got this far, so I'm owed an explanation and an accusation". -- (talk) 17:25, 26 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

The State of Clandestine Neuromodulation


Neuromodulation does not allow for mind control. It cannot bring an specific idea into focus; it can (i) control emotional states and (ii) alter personality. Therefore, the best it can do is elicit a general response based on a programmed emotional state appropriate to a psychopathic personality but towards a stimulus that you decide.

Thus, it can be used to program malice and aggression in anyone but the object and manifestation of the aggression is the choice of the victim. The regions targeted will excite aggression and inhibit restraint. If the same regions targeted in transient neuromodulation are liquidated, acoustic injury can mutilate personality permanently. This is what terrorists are doing to innocent people at the dead of night with their higher strength pulsed ultrasound weapons.

One day the victim wakes up with ottorhea and a slightly altered personality: a little more obsessive, a little more selfish, a little more disordered, a little less disciplined.

In my case, I never actually did anything criminal or abusive with my shattered mind and warped personality, so they started dramatising events in my name.

False Flag Events


The videos you've been watching aren't real. I was framed of capital crime using a algorithmic graphical insert, I was alienated from my original research using an algorithmic graphical insert, and I'm still being discredited as human being using the same algorithmic graphical insert.

  • Spies can place you where you weren't.
  • Spies can make you say things you didn't say.
  • Spies can make you do things you didn't do.

While their "feed" gives "live evidence".

I know because I am the victim of such a plot and I can now, with hindsight, notice the tell-tale signs when I see them.

#ChuckleSquad aren't the smartest, most tech savvy, big liars on the planet. Their overseers have subverted their precious "neighbourhood watch" system into a tool of sectionalist assassination. Enough people are aware that the feed is an forgery because they are familiar with the technology, which is why after my mass propaganda psych-op went awry, the Christchurch perpetrator had his history washed to reflect mine as closely as possible. A summer of three(!) ""incel"" terror plots and my situation, and you just accept it like the rain? Your rights are the prize, people.

In addition, does nobody appreciate the circular and exploitative nature of punishing an alleged crazy person with.. organic mental illness?

Look, technology is forever. "hologram attacks", "doppelgänger attacks", "avatar attacks" or whatever you want to call them, will continue. I wouldn't believe such hoaxes were possible if my family wasn't feeling the brunt of a false flag plot right now. If I can't expose it with all my stature, what chance is there for the next five or ten or fifty dupes? Time will vindicate me on this. This is a horrific mistake. -- (talk) 17:28, 31 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

The casualties are real but the perps are crisis throwaways. Intelligence agencies will murder people for propaganda. Yes. You read that right. Murder innocent people for radical legislative and regulative changes. Semi-automatic rifles are going to restricted, social media is going to be policed by state-sanctioned censors, free speech and alternative websites will be implicated in plots, grass roots commentary on events has been disappeared, anonymous imageboards co-opted by cartoonish extremists and comment sections flooded with purposeful misdirection. The NWO is real. Disney's "Mysterio" is real and its the anti-Trump, anti-second amendment deep state. These atrocities will continue until the final term of the next President. Eventually, tech will catch up with them but I won't be sane by then.
After Charlottesville, they flooded the internet with the brainlet, apu and no internal voice shit. Brainlet is the microcephalic, manifesto dropping, mass shooter.
I suspect because I myself have been visually implicated in an abduction/murder(?) I couldn't and wouldn't and was impossible for me to perform. Furthermore, I was placed at a linguistics conference I did not attend. Every room in my home is bugged so that the feed can be doctored to discredit me while these events take place. Obviously, I can't explain everything while I'm obstructed. How deep fakes and neuromodulation intersect can only be known to the conspirators. I am warped, true, but my adversaries (who essentially confess their conspiracy on daily basis in the news) are the personification of evil.
If it wasn't me in this position, they would have scouted somebody else. As intended the more I protest my innocence the more psychopathic and delusional I sound. Unfortunately for them, they scouted the wrong recluse madman to dupe. -- (talk) 16:23, 2 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
p.s. How many verb classes exist at the Surma-Nyima node of East Sudanic? Which suppletive verb is the original? Is there any way to tell even if the verb is unattested in Nilotic? Complete my stolen thesis with all the computation and field research at your disposal and I will still exceed the limits and find the limitations of the final product because the British government stole it from its originator.
p.p.s. If it wasn't me in this position, they would have scouted somebody else. As intended the more I protest my innocence the more psychopathic and delusional I sound. Unfortunately for them, they scouted the wrong recluse madman to dupe. -- (talk) 16:23, 2 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
p.p.p.s. A Different Kind of Drive-By & He Wasn’t Ready for the Hologram - Key & Peele — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:02, 2 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]



The deep fake used to implicate the dupe in pornography and online harassment is not a face swap, it's a scene swap. It splices together scenes and audio into a composite hence the HOLOGRAM joke name. The dupe performs on one machine, at some point in time, looking at "big black electric palisades", say, whereas the agent sat adjacent (or in another room) is on Facebook typing like an illiterate mental invalid as stranger after stranger rejects him. The algorithm will reconcile the multiple live sources of data independent of space and time: hence "holograms". Face swapping apps merely overwrite from a library. Face swapping has a single audio-visual feed, the doppleganger/hologram fakes use multiple (one streaming, one video). There are obviously cameras especially designed for this.

The average dupe, if they notice it all, will call this the gang stalking stage of "targeted harassment". One of my maternal relatives referenced this impossible act of gerontophile harassment when he likened me to a genocidal South Sudanese warlord (who I hear has a severe heart condition.. ;) ). Listen, I already know how this was faked. I didn't pull it out of whole cloth like their idiotic sketch comedy pretends. For my fellow "psychopaths", game fodder and deplorables, as soon as you reach the "gangstalking" stage pull the fuck out before you end up like the old white guy in the trailer of the Hunt. They'll bug your home when you're not in, and the next time you order food, it will arrive spiced with self-assembling SPION based poisons that will fuck up your mind like it did to Assange.

It's regretful to see the intelligence services double down and misstate the nature of this algorithm (DARPA so clever!) for the sake of the "Five Eyes" suicide pact. London is a shithole. Multiculturalism does not work. They will turn every hwite country into London. How long did it take this blasted Mayor and his enablers to fuck up this bad this early on their experiment? Like 3 years? Do you really want his ilk for an ally? Do you think they won't blow the cover of grand conspiracies again. Do you think a lazy, crazy, far-right neet is anything compared to muh CHYNA, muh Hezbollah, muh Kremlin? Do you think any conspiracy is secure in a "global city" like London?

Last time, I begged those in charge to see reason. I was polite but evidently torturers confuse vestigial respect for weakness.

Above all, people are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles: "If only," they love to think, "if only people wouldn't talk about it, it probably wouldn't happen." 
-- a bigoted old classicist born too early to be shot with an acoustic bullet to their frontal cortex, eh, Boris? ;)
  1. Disney's Mysterio is real.
  2. Alex Jones was right about everything.
  3. I thought it was a pre-Trump hangover cell, I was wrong. Something very sad happened to MAGA after the passage of the 2017 congressional resolution at "Unite The Right".
  4. Fuck Tories to high hell.
  5. Fuck the two party system. Brits should have voted for AV.
  6. I get it. I'm a "bad guy", too morally suspect, but I wasn't like this three years ago. Acoustic psychopathy doesn't end with "pedos" and the far-right. I did not perform your crime. I'm just the one far-rightist out of thousands who could have done it but actually didn't.
  7. Has obscurantism ever worked in history ever?
  8. The framers created a constitutional republic for their posterity for a reason.

I swear on the life of my child sister, (i) I was neurologically injured before my alcoholism, (ii) this was my original thesis, (iv) Aaron Ator and Brenton Tarrant are personas. End this before it's your infant child who gets shot. How many "coincidences" and disruptive attacks in sequence do you need to just follow the rule of law this once? Technology isn't history. People with superior knowledge of personality mutilating weapons will look back at the era of idiopathic PTSD and mental health terrorism with understanding. If I were lying just to save myself, I would tell a lie that is easier to believe.

the irritation nerve is being excited (modulation), I can't restrain my snarkiness (mutilated personality).
i've underestimated how mind distorting the metallic implant is
it's sound -> nervous itch around the metal -> emotional distortion. This cannot be ultrasound modulation. I think I was too quick to abandon piezoelectric principles and those magnets (now stolen) I once had. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:08, 3 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
i've tapped my mouth shut because the only reason I'm trapped here is so the directors can play with the feed... speaking of which

watch the September trailer of https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8005176/

100% False Flag Events

1) emotional control (metallic, magnetic, itching, sound responsive, infantile behaviour, logorrhea, sexual arousal physical aggression can be transient) that works like an instrument, can be heard playing inside the skull. Causes stomach ulsters on first digestion. Disordered thinking encourages you to internalise the object of your stress independently of its truth. Doubles as a tracking device. Psychotronic effect moderated my magnets.
2) concussive device
3) neighbourhood watch dog whistle deterrent device

They will concede 2 and 3 to an elite to hide 1 which is the newest generation of nanoparticle-acoustic weapon. 2 and 3 hide 1.

Seth Aaron Ator (without Tor) was invented. He. Never. Existed. One of the early Twitter videos showing people fleeing used a variant of my Skype handle from my teenage years (@?_itsyaboi). The one registered to my hijacked childhood dormant accounts DD277@hotmail.co.uk. This is after El Paso ("Remember the Alamo"?). The private deep state really is this evil. I moved to protonmail in 2016 and dropped gmail in 2017. These sequence of mass atrocities are sequenced. The alternative internet is already flooded with disinformation. It's so fucking crazy but it is the truth. The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. The more I tell the truth the more I sound like a liar.

Listen to my description of poison 1 (the "MKULTRA device") and compare it to its specification once it too is democratised in a couple of decades.

-- (talk) 15:05, 3 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]

False Flag Events


I'm a little less concussed today.

(1) Since 2016, the world has been mired by atrocities against mosques, synagogues, immigrants, journalists, politicians, counter-protesters. These events have been used to influence voters, influence incumbents and pass legislation. Many personas had extensive links to controversial policy positions, websites and wider Internet culture.

At least two of these events were staged using private sector technologies that most intelligence agencies will deny existing. I swear it. The victims are (probably) real. The perps are crisis actors with dual personas. All the while, the establishment releases media about manipulating Red state idiots, psychotronic torture and claim their omnipotence in molding public opinion. Please consider the sequence and timeliness of these events. I'm being ultraconspiratorial because I get the inside jokes within each persona but every time I point them out, I sound extremely delusional and insensitive. The "crisis actor conspiracy" is just as real as the "microchip schitzophrenia" conspiracy. Alex Jones was right. Javad Zarif was right. If you're reading this, you're living a conspiracy right now. You must investigate these false coincidences further. I wish more than anything in the world that it wasn't me making this allegation.

(2) I am the victim of a separate kind of harassment that exploits social media shadowing and newer generation nanoparticles. I was chosen for this role because of my history and how predictable my responses would be as events unfolded. I was never going to confess to plagiarism because I was the one plagiarised. I was going to be loud because I had a research secret that I thought would make the rounds internationally. I was going to be reticent about my personal history because I had lived a triple life, and in trying to conceal my second life, it would like like I was trying to conceal the third "doubled" life of the secret police. As I continued to be tortured, a Summer of "incel" terror attacks ensued. The worst one within days of the psychotronic stage of my harassment.

The best I can do now is to explain the process of modern character assassination via doubling so others can avoid it:

  1. Frontal brain injury with new generation neurodegenerative agents at the dead of night. I have the medical records to prove it. This can be done to anyone. It makes the healthy sick and sick very sick. This is what I claimed to have been done to Assange and Robinson. This is the basis of Apu, brainlet and "no internal voice" disinfo campaign.
  2. Online surveillance.
  3. Dormant account hijacking and online shadowing. Your Internet history diverges from this point forward.
  4. [time passes]
  5. "Gang stalking" with surveillance cameras.
  6. Professional alteration of the surveillance footage taken by the stalkers.
  7. A dossier is compiled mixing the real with what has been inserted into your social media.
  8. Psychotronic torture until dementia.

I stopped using mainstream social media and email in 2016. Facebook in 2012. Twitter in 2016/7. Youtube in 2017 (password and recovery information have since been replaced). Hotmail over 5 years ago. Some of the episodes I have been implicated in are hoaxed but until I get discovery, I'll never know how extensive these are. I know I didn't make any dating profiles since interpals (I made that account because I felt insecure about using a dating site sincerely, I never initiated with strangers or harassed, that's beyond my limit) and I would never insult a woman for rejecting me. Period.

I already said that I was scouted because I have the history in order to make popular policy positions look inherently psychopathic, and therefore allow their opponents to avoid addressing them on their merits. These operations were performed on Salafists and ISIL before shifting to immigration critics after the migrant crisis. Any movement can be discredited if you make a mountain out of the most embarrassing psychopath you can scout.

I hate to sound anti-semitic but watch the first two seasons of "Doubled/False Flag" VERY CAREFULLY. The only difference between the drama and the reality is that in the show it is heroic Mossad officers, innocent Israelis and their families who have to endure the shame of multiple personas, not the enemies of Israel.

Lying through his teeth. Alex Jones was dead right and they destroyed his platform because of it.

-- (talk) 16:47, 4 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]