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Meroitic has been deciphered under the most unusual circumstances. It is Eastern Saharan. Its closest related languages are Zaghawa and Berti. For evidence, follow the links below.

You can cause organic mental illness via dementia with "immaculate concussion". As a victim, it feels like you're being beamed by an invisible energy field. Your veins seem to move left and right in your body. If you're real quiet, you can feel the shots land. This may result in cognitive impairment, the bloody snot, joint stunning and organic mental illness. I believe the source is high-intensity focused ultrasound from a phased array traducer.

My identity can be authenticated with a handshake with PGP (see Contact) and of course my ability to furnish more authentic data on any of these three subjects. My nationality is British. Pfft.

                    |----------------------- Zaghawa (Bedeyat, Wegi, Artaj)
                    |                                    (Dirong, Guruf, Kube)
         |----------|          |------------------ Meroitic†
         |          |          |
         |          |          |
         |          |-------- (?) ---------------- Berti†
         |                             |----------- Daza
         |                             |
         |          |------ Tubu ------|
         |          |                  |
         |          |                  |----------- Teda
                    |                  |----------- Kanembu
                    |                  |
                    |-- Old Kanembu† --|
                                       |---- Kanuri/Bornu (Manga, Yerwa, Bilma)          
                                                              (Saggera, etc...)  — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:55, 14 July 2019 (UTC)[reply] 

Previous Authentic Posts


Meroitic paper 1


read online: https://docdro.id/SHZ27o9 (comments dropped)

Meroitic paper 2


read online: https://docdro.id/nceVny9 (comments dropped)

Wikipedia Page 09/07/19


Part B


Part A


Part X


Txt upload


Further Reading


QnA and Factsheet (Nanotoxins)




I am still using infected devices on an infected network. Please share firewall rules or configuration options with me below. I can't rely on the security of TLS based communication until this vulnerability is fixed network wide. I presently use Snort and IP tables based rules but they aren't dynamic.

1) Public mail drop boxes:

Public key hosting (DMM@none.email.none) - guestbooks and personal authentication, not for email:

2) PGP Email (dmm_pgp@gmx.com) - for email:



To exclude the obvious, altering the configuration does not appear to affect traffic at all:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=5
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0

The keep alive interval appears to be fixed at 10 seconds. I've checked the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ files to be sure. This is malware. Download a sample pcap here. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:22, 15 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]



The three central claims are as follows: (a) nanoparticles can cause mental illness; (b) Meroitic is East Saharan; (c) TCP buffer overflows are a means of exfiltrating data from a compromised machine. They are all true. Verification of one should lend credibility to the others. is not proof of identity; IP can be spoofed.

You don’t need to reach out to me if you don’t want the danger. I just don’t want my adversaries getting an ill-begotten head start. These two manuscripts are free. Meroitic would have been my magnum opus but I have so much more to give. Thank me by warning national defence organisations about magnetic nanotoxins and getting experts to engineer their own.

@Cybersecurity professionals
If the above fact checks out, please write dynamic firewall rules for breaking up sequenced TCP Keep-Alive chains. Eventually somebody will work out how this is executed in the kernel but until them just have an alert ready for when this pattern occurs in a network.

@Nanotoxins The key topic areas are (a) self assembling nanoparticles, (b) organic mental illness, (c) resonating and scintillating nanostructures, (d) Copper Cysteamine.

I have no problem with the CIA or China and never have. As far as I know this is just one highly organised terror group using experimental tools for personal benefit.

Forward: 10 July 2019 (UTC)


Please forward my claims securely to:
journals: afrika und uebersee, goettinger miszellen, zeitschrift fuer aegyptische sprache, beitraege zur sudanforschung, studia aegyptica, anthropos, dotawo, journal of anthropological linguistics, etc.
institutions: soas, sfdad, ifao, university of paris, university of vienna, university of khartoum, university of niamey, university of n’djamena, moscow state university of the humanities, etc.

and anyone else who can apply or improve on my work.

I have more mortal knowledge on other languages too. Meroitic was something I stumbled upon after working on a variety of linguistic problems. I only engaged in linguistic research because it was easy and egalitarian enough for an amateur to do it with minuscule budget (it started as a simple family onomastics hobby). With the right education and resources, I could have invented something physical in my time.

Rights to copy, share and derivatives are free unless revoked but allow me legal council before I completely drop attribution or copyright. The right to revoke is a formality that I have no intention of exercising.

On the nanotoxins, send a warning to all national protective security units to start installing magnetometers and tests for self-assembling SPIONs. This is all real. Find me alive, run the tests on me (or others I can name who were inadvertently poisoned on my account) and you will redeem countless innocents.

If my libelous dirty dossier gets to you first. Understand that I didn’t do anything violent or illegal and if I had done I would not be at leisure to share these things because I’d already be prosecuted. The dossier and the lies therein is a pretext to get me assassinated extrajudicially. I offer full transparency if I am allowed to review the sordid document and expose the algorithmically altered footage.

Sentencing, plea and defense is a foundational right even in the most primitive human societies.

Update: 01:10, 13 July 2019 (UTC)

  • My adversaries will undoubtedly try to discredit my authorship. I don't worry about this, I have shared a lot of leads but I possess others including advances in different language families with endangered members. Concern for the numerous of victims of nanotoxins (incl. the guilty, the framed, the innocent and the accidentally poisoned) forces me to withhold this information for now. I would happily share all I know today if I could be certain that justice will be served on the other issue I have raised. Having a highly resourced (terrorist) group try desperately to out do me in order to deny their plagiarism serves a good cause regardless of the self-serving motive behind it.
    • Remember, it's not enough to just collect lexiographical data from the right language, you need to know the right questions to ask and the right translations to solicit.
  • It is important that I should be found in a state where I am can give testimony and evidence. This is the aim served by the deep fakes and pseudo-vigilante terrorism; to deny the victim any defense. To give me a chance to clear my name is not just the lawful way things should be done; it is the humane and basic common decency way that things should be done. I’ve done wrong but not the caricatured filth that is being circulated.
  • Hell, just assume my guilt of *all of it* (I shouldn't say that; I don't know how dirty "it" goes), that doesn’t make any of this okay, especially when I can name other victims who are apolitical and (formerly) well adjusted.

Update: 15:26, 24 July 2019 (UTC)


No way in hell I'm getting my passport back after this.

New Docs: Windows https://www.sendspace.com/file/uot5xm (Spyware Status Update)
https://www.sendspace.com/file/0shw2v (Screenshots)

Once more, because I can't reiterate it enough times:

  • Nanoparticle-induced vascular dementia is the basis of modern accounts of the induced-mental illness and US embassy syndrome.
  • SPION-organic conjugates, not “mind-control waves”, not “microwave auditory effects”, not “sonic canons”, not “microchips”, nor any of pseudoscientific and distracting nonsense that litters the internet.

I’ve done by best to describe a mechanism for causing organic mental illness that is actually scientifically feasible excepting minor details. The technology for destroying brain small vessels remotely has long existed, all you have to do in order to weaponise this kind of medical injury is to target the endothelium of the subcortical vascular system instead of the vascular system of a glioblastoma. To perform this remotely from afar, sound and microwave are the safest and cheapest options but there are others to choose from.

The only innovation an attacker has to make is how to be stealthy and they’ve had years of practice to hone their execution in this regard.

The media reaction to the most high profile account (See NYT: Mike Beck, the NSA officer who went to the media to report that China gave him "Parkinson's disease") has been predictably dismissive. It doesn’t take a professor to tell you sound (by itself) can't cause dementia. The fallacy is related to that in the hypothesis "yellow teeth cause lung cancer". Knowledge of smoking's carcinogenic and tar effects is required to complete the syllogism. The initial hypothesis only sounds risible until you learn of the missing fact(s). The missing fact is that you have to poison people with a

  • .... On Meroitic, I withheld the bibliography, wordlists, name-etymologies and database of partial REM translations, obviously. Both of my paper have a few contradictory remarks as a result of only partially updating the manuscripts during their disorganised composition.
  • .... I have shared some new content on the Windows 7 variant of the spyware. The Windows variant is Regin-like. The Linux version is a very trixy kernel command hooking module. The shared rootkit is boot persistent and injects into usb live disks. Someone should take off where I left off because I'm too demented to go reflashing hardware at this point.

Finally, I’ve been advised that I have been a little self-centred in protesting my innocence to people it couldn't concern and should stick to the exposées. I apologise but please do try to understand the depth of my frustration.

Update: 15:26, 24 July 2019 (UTC)



"Key allies meet to agree joint action to counter current and emerging security threats. This is an exciting moment for the UK as we look to respond to a challenging and rapidly changing global environment, strengthening our influence on the world stage to promote our prosperity and security. The UK is a global leader on national security and child protection and we are committed to working with our close partners on shared challenges."

Don't be taken in. My adversaries watched for 5 years before closing in. They intercepted a data migration of 35,000 of my personal emails going back to 2006 and several other accounts over TLS excluding those of their own creation. I am not a child predator or a predatory person in any sense. My adversaries lied about my age by "misintercepting" my Arabic-language birth certificate, left threatening voice mails in my voice, created false dating profiles which they used to harass elderly women, associated me with extremist organisations I had never even heard of until mentioned in "counter-speech" campaigns, all this besides making me out to be a psychopathic child predator. I have held back because it disgusts me to even repeat the crimes done to my name.

The infrastructure of warrantless surveillance, dementive nanoparticles, deep fakes and extrajudical hit-squads is evil. Executed with precision, you can discredit and destroy any civilian you want and they won't even know it. If it weren't for my vestigial problem solving abilities, I would be an reviled, incoherent, mental invalid as intended and nonethewiser.

Just wait for the thousands of inmates who will be released from British prisons as psychos, dementiacs and paranoiacs with "PTSD" in the decades ahead. Tommy Robinson's "paranoid" cries for asylum in the United States and Julian Assange's squalor and "paranoia" 1 2 are just the beginning.

And do not be fooled by my writing, I have to strain hard to compose cogent English (see Meroitic papers above of what happens if I fail to edit; it's much worse since).

n.b. It occurs to me that claims of "psychotronic torture" and dysrythmia are better accounted for by piezoelectric nanotransducers rather than "silent" nanotoxic modalities that specialise in dementia or remote cell death.

Update: 04:02, 6 August 2019 (UTC)


If you let these terrorists receive the tacit protection of the state, they will understand it as a precedent and the use of these tactics will spread. More innocent people will suffer in the crossfire.

"Hypothetical" scenario: suppose a man has a torturous nanotoxin in his head. He can't deal with it so he stabs one of his dementors. How would you apportion justice? Who should go to jail? Who should be considered for mitigating circumstances? What if the dementor claims he was torturing a bona fide criminal under orders?

Ethicists, care to weigh in? Under the present regime, the aggressed party will go to prison to be tortured until his mind breaks but the aggressor walks free. I knew better than to respond with violence but other young men I could name did not. I'm not talking about the mass shootings, but stabbings.

Right now these profound decisions are being made behind closed doors by the same ilk that brought about the breakdown of civil society that now, in their minds, necessitates the introduction of nanowarfare in European cities.

These tactics could be defensible would that the following were not all true:

  • these groups are allowed to spy on a target indefinitely, for years, without court order, as they collect artifacts, biding their time for a plausible end game scenario most beneficial to themselves
  • these groups are allowed to poison a target at a standard of evidence beneath what a court would require to convict
  • these groups are allowed to invade every private space and intend to invade every space presently unavailable to them
  • these groups are allowed to manufacture false online and digital histories to vilify their target if what they have collected from their illegal spying is insufficiently incriminating
  • these groups are allowed to lie: to the victim, to police and medical staff and to civilian third parties

In isolation, one, maybe two, could be defended but together, together you have a monstrosity. To support this, you have to overturn every principle of English justice: the presumption of innocence, trial by jury, the right to a plea, sentencing before punishment, castle principle, freedom of the press, freedom from cruel and unusual punishments. How people think this is acceptable is fascinating; how people think think is a solution is tragic.

I know the desperation that drives this insanity and it comes from a place of weakness, fear and ignorance. I know, rich coming from me. I'm not the best messenger, I'm too flawed, too tainted, too suspect, but I'm the messenger that's left. The "better angels" with clean histories didn't make it this far.

I repeat. I was framed, set up and drawn into an adversarial position I could not win over a period of five years. GCHQ possess an AI that can modify high resolution video and parrot AI's are already publicly known. I know because they mock me with it. I don't care if you don't believe me. All I can offer is my worthless word.

If my extrajudical assassination sounds super convenient... well done, you get it now.

p.s. (a) Proto-Berber is the key to reconstructing Ancient Egyptian phonology. It's a travesty that nobody has done this already. I blame gateway careerism that keeps settled issues unsettled. I'm ~60% sure that Guanche is most basal branch. I didn't give it too much time, I primarily corrected very simplistic reconstructions of a few consonants. (b) Kordofanian is not a linguistic node and neither is Niger-Congo. The Nuba Mountains refugia was populated in waves.

There. Nobody can say I'm not an altruist. If you leave my plagarists in charge, they will screw up the execution because they're the sort of retrograde fanatics who let their prejudices control their judgments. Even with the salt of my brain literally leaking out my nose, I could do a better job.

p.p.s. When I purged my hard disks, I wasn't purging pornography. This is a lie, but the pornography I was deleting was fucked up but legal. My point is that pornography wasn't my prime concern.

p.p.p.s. There are emails being sent in my name pointing back here intended to muddy the waters. If it's not sent from dmm0(at)tutanota.com, it's not me.

This will be my last update unless I have something important to say.

Update: 16:29, 15 August 2019 (UTC)


And now suddenly folks think they're experts on what you can and can't do with secret acoustic weapons that shouldn't exist.

One weapon is concussive and the other weapon is torturous. More know of the second, fewer know of the first. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:29, 15 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]



Public key hosting (DMM@none.email.none)


Public mail drop boxes:

PGP Email (dmm_pgp@gmx.com) - for email


