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User talk:ClemRutter/Archives/2008/January

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The changes I made to the template are part of a larger project: Template:Infobox Town DE. The term sister city is the American term for this concept for towns of any size. British English is twin town. Partner town, although it is a direct translation, is not a recognizable English term.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ksnow (talk) 15:41, 1 January 2008 (UTC)Ksnow

Creative Commons photos on Flickr

What licence would I use if I wanted to use photos from Flickr that are Creative Commons use photos, like this and this? Mjroots (talk) 12:42, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

Oh well, can always include a link to them then, like I have on the Oast article.Mjroots (talk) 15:52, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

Re: Co-ordinates?

Thanks for the contact! I agree with all of your points! It would be nice if we could put something together as I think this is good stuff for our place articles. -- Jza84 · (talk) 01:51, 9 January 2008 (UTC)

Do you think you could put a proposal together for the talk page of WP:UKCITIES about the grid refs? This is something you're clearly very well informed about (much more than myself!). I'm also conscious that I've put together a guideline with little contribution (though much talk) from many others! I'm not entirely sure I have the terminology and knowledge to put together a proposal about this anyway! -- Jza84 · (talk) 13:13, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
Hello again! And thanks for the swift reply.
You raise valid points, and I hadn't realised this was such a minefield. To someone like myself who isn't mathmatically inclined, the co-ordinate system seems perfectly sound. But I understand the issues here for those who want precision and have the whole system's intrests at heart.
A cursory glance at the WikiProject's talk page and I can see there are several issues still being worked out. I guess the best bet (as you say) is to hang back until something is codified. It's not a problem mind, afterall, there is no deadline!!! Keep me in the loop! Thanks again, -- Jza84 · (talk) 00:32, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Medway Navigation

Just a few comments - Hartlake Bridge is missing, as is Big Bridge in Tonbridge. The two railway lines could be named and linked. Mjroots (talk) 08:01, 12 January 2008 (UTC)

Grid refs & Geograph

I've had an idea! how about turning the grid refs into a direct link to the grid square on geograph? Thus Bourne Mill, Hadlow would be at TQ 627 502. Doing this would make it easier to keep an eye on new photos in that square. Mjroots (talk) 10:56, 12 January 2008 (UTC)

I've been looking at that discussion. The way I understand it is that the geotag we put in leads to Geohack. There is a link from Geohack to the relevant page on Geograph, along with lots of others. Therefore, a direct link from the grid reference to Geograph is just making that page a little easier to find, and is not preventing anyone from using any other map source. I've linked the grid refs on the Bourne page, will leave it at that for now. Dare we risk asking for comments??

BTW, the grid ref for the source of the Bourne seems wrong to me. I thought the Bourne rose above (northwest) of Ightham.Mjroots (talk) 10:07, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

Meopham Mill diagram

Would it be possible to change the text "vertical shaft" to "upright shaft" on the picture? I've created a page to describe the main pieces of mill machinery and used the diagram there. Mjroots (talk) 08:38, 21 January 2008 (UTC)

Helmert transformation

Thank you for helping out with the translation of the Helmert transformation article. You asked a question in your commentary, and I believe the answer is this: The OSGB36 coordinate reference system is based on the Airy 1930 ellipsoid (the Germans used Bessel 1841), while Gauss-Krüger is a map projection, not a reference system. However, the G-K is in use in some countries in Western Europe, including Germany (from which this article is translated) - and therefore G-K is used as an example in this article. --MoRsE (talk) 11:12, 21 January 2008 (UTC)

I could perhaps take a look at it later in the week when I have more time. I should have plenty of examples if I start going through my books. As you said, it could be useful to include some other ones, like Heyford 1910/International 1924 (basically the same one), Bessel 1841, and Krassovsky 1940, which are some of the more popular ones, before the age of satellite positioning. Today, and in the future, the WGS-84 (GPS reference system) and GRS-80 (basis of the EUREF reference system) will be among the more used ones. --MoRsE (talk) 14:36, 21 January 2008 (UTC)

Grid refs

More work for me to do then! :/ I saw you had been adding grid refs, but you forgot the spaces (is easier to read that way). I've added them in. Is a 10 figure grid ref really necessary? Mjroots (talk) 21:49, 27 January 2008 (UTC)

How's the conversion tool going? Is it ready yet or is more work needed? Mjroots (talk) 10:14, 31 January 2008 (UTC)


he clem, if u remember ages ago we were talking about ranscombe farm and what have you...

well i noticed you had taken quite a few photographs and i have a few of my own lying around but don't really know if they are good enough or if they are needed but still. since the only thing i carry with me up when i take the dog for a walk is my phone they have all been taken on a phone, so the quality isn't good but it is by no means bad. they should be good enough for a typical wikipedia sized picture anyway.

i just don't really know what to do with them. get back to me on my talk page please. thank you Pratj (talk) 21:37, 31 January 2008 (UTC)