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User talk:Nnamezie

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Hi there, thanks for uploading Image:Mokah.jpg. I noticed that there is some required information missing from the image description. The Wikimedia Foundation has to be very careful about the images included in Wikipedia because of copyright law. We need you to specify two things on the image description page:

  • who created the image
  • the copyright status

If you created the image:
If you haven't already, please add a note in the description of the image saying that you created it.
Next you need to choose a copyright license so that people on Wikipedia know what they can and cannot do with your image. There are only a few licenses to choose from for images you created yourself. Once you have decided which one you wish to use, simply copy the tag exactly as shown into the image description. Please note that you MUST allow people to freely use and copy your image (you may apply some conditions to that), else it may not be used on Wikipedia.

If you didn't create the image:
If you haven't already, please provide a URL to the site it came from (or the name of the source if it didn't come from a website) and the name of the person or organisation that owns the copyright.
You next need to add a copyright tag so that other users know how the image may be used. Please browse the list of image copyright tags and determine which applies to the image. If, after browsing this page, you are unsure of the tag to add, please add a {{Don't know}} tag to the image description and someone will help you choose the correct tag.

Please note that if you do not choose a copyright tag for the image within seven days, it will be deleted. Please could you ensure that any other images you have uploaded also have the above information in the description - you can see a list of the images you've uploaded by clicking on My Contributions and selecting Image from the drop-down box. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask on my talk page. Thanks! --David Johnson [T|C] 21:36, 28 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hello! Mokah Nnamezie is not the appropriate spot to post information about yourself, because that's the encyclopedic part of the Wikipedia website. User:Nnamezie, however, is available for personal information about yourself. Please see Wikipedia:Introduction and Wikipedia:User page for more information. --wwwwolf (barks/growls) 17:31, 17 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]