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Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Equine/Horse training/Archive 2

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This page is an Archive of the discussions from WikiProject Equine/Horse training talk page (Discussion page).
(2006) - Please Do not edit!

animation of a canter

hello, i'm put in a image request for an animation of Horse gaits, in particular the Canter, since the description is a bit hard to follow. Does anyone know a good reference for this? Mlm42 17:37, 11 October 2006 (UTC)

Several are available at:

A new proposal

Sorry I haven't been here for a while - other things have kept me busy.

I suggest we pole-vault past the controversy over who discovered what first, and which Roberts is more believable.

I'd like to see information about how people have trained horses, from the earliest historical accounts to the present.

  • How has force been used?
  • How has persuasion been used?
  • What elements of instinctual behavior have been exploited?
  • Who has reported "loving" their horses?
    • And does a loving "bond" affect anything?
  • Where and when and how have people caught or "joined up" with wild horses?
  • What about movies where people (especially young teenagers!) have found and/or tamed a special horse?

I'm not interested in proving that anyone was the "first" or that another one "copied" his methods from someone else. For me, it's not about credit: I want to know about the horses! ^_^ --Uncle Ed 21:55, 20 November 2006 (UTC)

For some info, see Domestication of the horse. What I did to contribute to the cause was to take the horse training article, de-stubbify it, and write a very general article that mentions NO ONE and NO ONE METHOD, deliberately--only provides a general overview of what basically happens across all disciplines and most cultures. I'd prefer to keep that article pretty much the way it is and use it as a place where we can link to other categories and methodologies. (Maybe "history of horse training" would be a good article name for some of the things you mention.) Feel free to add categories and more "See also" links within reason, though let's not overdo it (isn't there a page of links to various training methods somewhere out here?)
All this talk of Horse whisperers basically is an argument about people who operated in the last 100 years. Classical dressage goes back centuries. Xenophonn wrote before the time of Christ and outlined principles that "horse whisperers" still use today. There is nothing new under the sun, and in fact the current fad of "natural horsemanship" is quite insulting to a lot of old hands when they claim that everything prior to the Dorrance brothers was a brutal method. The masters of the Spanish Riding School would beg to differ...
That said, movies about taming "special" horses are romanticized myths and about much abou taming real horses as James Bond movies are about real spies! IMHO more people have been hurt -- at least in this century --because they buy into romantic nonsense and forget they are dealing with a 1000 pound animal with a fight or flight instinct. And the first person who "joined up" with a wild horse did it about 4,500 years ago. Roberts is just one in the herd with Parelli, Lyons, Anderson, Branneman/Hunt/Dorrance, ad infinitum, ad nauseaum
Sorry if I'm a little snippy right now. I taught riding lessons for almost 20 years on and off, plus trained a fair number of horses. Have read many of the classics as well as the newbies' bestsellers too. While most of the famous guys are certainly capable, none of these guys are god, and there are plenty of trainers as kind and as good with horses as the famous fellas, and some doing it longer, just with less PR skill.
Can you tell I kind of burned out trying to dissuade half the people from thinking their horse was a cuddly stuffed animal to love and the other half from taking the darkest side of their temper out on an innocent animal? So tired of myths and misconceptions. I recommend everyone on this project read _Revolution in Horsemanship_ by Miller and Lamb. Very good overview of all the stuff being discussed here. Montanabw 07:25, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
Thanks for you thoughtful remarks and painstaking work. Lil Peck & Patrick, I think we've found our new project leader, okay?
Montana, you have my support. ^_^ --Uncle Ed 14:27, 21 November 2006 (UTC)

No! No! Whatever you do, B'rer Bear, don't throw me in dat dere briar patch <grin>! Montanabw 22:25, 21 November 2006 (UTC)

Greetings Montanabw! I like your perspective. I've been too busy outdoors to participate for the past several months; great to see someone new take an interest in the project. Lil

Proposed Veterinary medicine project

There is now a proposed project at Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Proposals#Veterinary Medicine to deal with matters of veterinary medicine, a subject which currently has disproportionately low content in wikipedia. Any wikipedia editors who have an interest in working on content related to the subject are encouraged to indicate as much there. Thank you for your attention. Badbilltucker 22:17, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

You guys don't know me (natch!) but kudos to Montanabw on his (her?) stance on this horse whisperer stuff. I read Xenophonn as a teenager in the early 70s -- it's all in there and I used it as my bible. Agree on the Spanish Riding School comments as well. Having said that, here are links to the video Florian (that is noted in the article list as being unavailable). It is available from LANA (Lipizzan Association of North America) and/or the USLR (United States Lipizzan Registry) and a few others:

Florian http://www.lipizzan.org/merchandisepages/florianvideo.html

The Spanish Riding School of Vienna (English dub) http://www.lipizzan.org/merchandisepages/spanische_reitschule.html

More SRS videos/books from USLR at this link: http://www.uslr.org/merchandise.html and from LANA: http://www.lipizzan.org/store.html

You guys can delete this from the talk pages if need be. I just wanted to post the links for the project use and in doing so help promote my favorite breed of horse ;)

--Roan Art 22:39, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

Amazing. I was just going over the scene in the riding academy in my mind and wishing I could see it again. The first time I saw it I didn't know how to ride. The second time was years later and I had just returned from riding two hours in the dark. It brought tears to my eyes. P0M 07:39, 22 December 2006 (UTC)


If anyone knows how to do archives, what say we archive some of this page? Maybe just keep what's been posted in the last six months, or remove stuff that has been addressed...? Just a thought Thanks for the kudos, gang. NPOV is my (almost) motto! Montanabw 21:15, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

Agreed--archiving is a good idea. Lil 07:37, 23 December 2006 (UTC)

Wikipedia Day Awards

Hello, all. It was initially my hope to try to have this done as part of Esperanza's proposal for an appreciation week to end on Wikipedia Day, January 15. However, several people have once again proposed the entirety of Esperanza for deletion, so that might not work. It was the intention of the Appreciation Week proposal to set aside a given time when the various individuals who have made significant, valuable contributions to the encyclopedia would be recognized and honored. I believe that, with some effort, this could still be done. My proposal is to, with luck, try to organize the various WikiProjects and other entities of wikipedia to take part in a larger celebrartion of its contributors to take place in January, probably beginning January 15, 2007. I have created yet another new subpage for myself (a weakness of mine, I'm afraid) at User talk:Badbilltucker/Appreciation Week where I would greatly appreciate any indications from the members of this project as to whether and how they might be willing and/or able to assist in recognizing the contributions of our editors. Thank you for your attention. Badbilltucker 19:33, 29 December 2006 (UTC)