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Ludmyla Padalko

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Liudmyla Padalko
Liudmyla Kyi

(1949-03-08) 8 March 1949 (age 75)
OccupationObstetrician gynaecologist
Years active1973–present

Liudmyla Padalko (Ukrainian: Падалко Людмила Іванівна; born 8 March 1949) is a Ukrainian doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist, and has been chief doctor at the Regional Perinatal Centre in Dnipropetrovsk since 1990. She was awarded the title of Honoured Doctor of Ukraine in 2001 and became a Candidate of Medicine in 2002.[1]



Padalko, born Liudmyla Kyi, was born on 8 March 1949 in Tersyanka, Novomykolaivka Raion, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Her father, Ivan Kyi, was a mathematics teacher at a local school. Her mother, Halyna, was the head of a grocery store. In 1964–1965, Padalko moved to the district centre with her parents and sister. She graduated from Novonikolayevsk Secondary School with a gold medal in 1966.[citation needed]

In 1967, she began studying medicine at Voroshilovgrad Medical Institute. She married Vadym Padalko in 1970. A year later, Padalko transferred to Dnipropetrovsk. In 1971, her son was born. In 1973, Padalko graduated from the medical institute with specialization in "general medicine" and qualification of obstetrician-gynecologist.[citation needed]

After medical school, she completed an internship at Dnipropetrovsk City Hospital No. 9, after which she started working at Synelnykove Central Regional Hospital as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Later, she received the position of deputy chief physician for the medical domain.[citation needed]

In 1985, Padalko started working as an obstetrician-gynecologist at Dnipropetrovsk Regional Oncologic Dispensary. On 10 April 1990, she became the Chief Physician of Dnipropetrovsk City Maternity Hospital No. 2. On 26 June 2012, the hospital was reorganized into the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Perinatal Center, where she remained Chief Physician.[2][3]

Political activity

With Yulia Tymoshenko (2007)

In 1982, Padalko was first elected as a deputy in Synelnykove City Council. In 2002, she was elected a deputy in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Council and was a candidate for people's deputies from the political party "Women for the Future".[4]

In 2005, she joined All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland",[5] and in 2006, she was the second elected deputy to the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Council. She was a member of the standing committee of the regional council on the issues of entrepreneurship, the processing industry, trade, and consumer services. In 2010, Padalko became a deputy to the regional council for the third time. In 2014, in the parliamentary elections, Padalko was on the No. 158 election list of the All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland".[6]

As chief doctor

First day in 1990
After 23 years (2013)
In work (2004)

During Padalko's tenure as a chief doctor, first at the maternity hospital and later at the Dnipropetrovsk regional perinatal centre, she assisted 5843 births (3006 boys and 2837 girls). Since its opening, 18,301 births have taken place in the perinatal center.[7] She performed more than 4,000 gynecological operations and took over 30,000 women for personal examination.[citation needed]

Padalko and her assistance helped open a hyperbaric oxygen department in 1991. An anaesthesiology and intensive care department were opened in 1993. In 1998, the centre for women with disabilities was opened. In 2000, the centre for pediatric and adolescent gynecology and the centre for juvenile obstetrics was opened. In 2006, the breastfeeding support centre was opened. In 2015, an organisational and methodological department with a telemedicine cabinet was opened.[citation needed]

In 1989, at the maternity hospital, the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Perinatology of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy was opened on the initiative of professor Dubossarska Zinaida. Padalko continued setting up the department's work, opened with the support of the rector Novitska-Usenko Liudmyla, where employees conduct medical advisory work for women and newborns in the form of clinical rounds, consultations, surgeries, and consultations.[8][9][dead link]

Scientific activities


During her career, Padalko has authored several scientific papers. Some of them are:

  • Беременность, роды и состояние фетоплацентарной системы у женщин, перенесших кесарево сечение // Збірник наукових праць Асоціації акушерів-гінекологів України. (1998) С. 106–108.
  • Досвід реабілітації генеративної функції хворих із запаленням додатків матки // Актуальні проблеми післядипломної освіти. (1998) С. 41.
  • Оцінка ефективності та проблеми акушерської допомоги юним та літнім першовагітнім // Педіатрія, акушерство та гінекологія. (1999) No. 2, С. 83–86.
  • Особливості перебігу вагітності та пологів у юних першородящих при урогенітальному хламідіозі // Педіатрія, акушерство та гінекологія. (1999) No. 2, С. 90–92.
  • Психовегетотативные предикторы позднего гестоза у юних первородящих // Збірник наукових праць асоціації акушерів-гінекологів України. (2000) С. 235–237.
  • Проблема спайкообразования в гинекологической практике // Збірник наукових праць Асоціації акушерів-гінекологів України. (2012) С. 167–169.

Awards and honours

With Leonid Kuchma (2001)

Padalko has been awarded many awards:


  • 1999 — a commemorative medal "For the Faithful Service to the Hometown"
  • 2004 — a medal "For Services to the City"
  • 2009 — a medal Order of Princess Olga III degree[10]
  • 2019 — a commemorative medal "For Services to the City"

Other awards

  • April 2004 — the Honorary Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada
  • October 2005 — the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine
  • June 2007 — by the October District Council of Dnipropetrovsk
  • 2008 — the Ministry of Health Care Certificate of Ukraine
  • November 2008 — the sign "Honor" of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine
  • 2009 — the honorary title of the chairman of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Council and the distinguished name of the chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration "For the development of the region"
  • September 2010 — an honorary diploma from the Dnipropetrovsk regional organization
  • August 2015 — the diploma and badge of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
  • 21 August 2001 — the honorary title "Honored Doctor of Ukraine"
  • 15 May 2002 — Ph.D. in medical sciences specializing in obstetrics and gynecology


  1. ^ "Падалко Людмила Іванівна". Irbis-nbuv.gov.ua. Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  2. ^ "Днепропетровский Перинатальный Центр » Падалко Людмила Iванiвна". perinatalcenter-dnepr.com.
  3. ^ "Школа родителей, естественные роды, нормальные роды, подготовка к родам, стимуляция родов, естественная стимуляция родов, кесарево сечение" [Parenting school, natural birth, normal birth, preparation for birth, labor stimulation, natural labor stimulation, cesarean section] (in Ukrainian). 1 July 2019. Archived from the original on 1 July 2019. Retrieved 26 October 2022.
  4. ^ "ЦЕНТРАЛЬНА ВИБОРЧА КОМІСІЯ ПОСТАНОВА" [Central Election Commission Resolution]. consultant.parus.ua. 29 January 2002.
  5. ^ "Падалко Людмила Іванівна — вся правда Біографія, Балотування, Фракції, Декларація" [Padalko Liudmyla Ivanivna — the whole truth Biography, Voting, Factions, Declaration]. www.chesno.org.
  6. ^ "Про реєстрацію кандидатів у народні депутати України, включених до виборчого списку політичної партії Всеукраїнське об'єднання "Батьківщина"" [About the registration of candidates for people's deputies of Ukraine, included in the electoral list of the All-Ukrainian Union "Batkivshchyna" political party.]. Zakon.rada.gov.ua. 31 May 2016. Archived from the original on 3 April 2019. Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  7. ^ Kasyanova, Vera (4 June 2017). "У Дніпропетровському обласному Перинатальному центрі вітали дітей" [Children were welcomed in the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Perinatal Center]. Рідна Дніпропетровщина (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 12 October 2024.
  8. ^ "Лікувальна робота - Кафедра акушерства, гінекології та перинатології ФПО ДМА". 605.dsma.dp.ua.
  9. ^ "Історія кафедри - Кафедра акушерства, гінекології та перинатології ФПО ДМА". 605.dsma.dp.ua.
  10. ^ "Указ Президента України №121/2009".


  • Падалко Людмила Іванівна // Талановиті співвітчизниці: історико-біографічні нариси: монографія / Л. П. Шумрикова-Карагодіна; дар. Л. П. Шумрикова-Карагодіна. – Дніпропетровськ: Гамалія, 2003. – С.120: фото. – ISBN 966-7180-64-6