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'''Jutta Treviranus''' currently full Professor at the [[Ontario College of Art and Design University]] in Toronto, Canada is Director and Founder of both the [[Inclusive Design Research Centre]] (IDRC) and Inclusive Design Institute (IDI).
#REDIRECT [[Inclusive Design Research Centre]]

Jutta Treviranus is a world expert <ref>{{cite web|title=Prof. Jutta Treviranus |url=http://globalsciencecollaboration2013.sched.org/speaker/jtreviranus@ocadu.ca#.U3UU-j9OXIU|publisher=EU Science: Global Challenges Global Collaboration Conference |accessdate=15 May 2014}}</ref> in the field of Inclusive Design who has made appearances at the [[White House]] and [[United Nations]]. She has, "led many international multi‐partner research networks that have created broadly implemented technical innovations that support inclusion." <ref>{{cite web|title=CMHR's Inclusive Design Advisory Council Aims to Make Museum Experience Universally Enriching|url=http://finance.yahoo.com/news/CMHR-Inclusive-Design-iw-75359005.html;_ylt=A0LEVwrEz1JTkiYAYZBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBzajE3bzE3BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMTAEY29sbwNiZjEEdnRpZAM-
|publisher=United Nations |accessdate=30 January 2014}}</ref> Her work has included designing open source content and helping implement [[Web Accessibility Initiative|accessibility legislation]], standards, and specifications. <ref>{{cite web|title=Jutta Treviranus: Background for ECM |url=http://www.un.org/disabilities/documents/egm2012/JuttaTreviranus.pdf |publisher=United Nations |accessdate=30 January 2014}}</ref> In 2013, the [[Governor General of Canada]] awarded Treviranus the Queen's [[Diamond Jubilee]] Medal.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.gg.ca/honour.aspx?id=261656&t=13&ln=Treviranus|title= The Diamond Jubilee Medal |date= 2013 |publisher=[[Governor General of Canada]] |accessdate=February 3, 2014}}</ref> [[ZoomerMedia]] chose Treviranus as one of Canada's Top 45 over 45 in 2012. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.everythingzoomer.com/the-3rd-annual-zoomer-list-canadas-top-45-over-45-jutta-treviranus/#.U0cKHFd79Bg
|title=Canada’s Top 45 Over 45: Jutta Treviranus |date=October 5, 2012 |publisher=Zoomer Magazine|accessdate=April 19, 2014}}</ref>

==Career and Education==

Jutta Treviranus graduated from [[University of Toronto]] in 1981 with a [[B.Sc.]] OT, Occupational Therapy. In 1994, Treviranus earned a M.A. in [[Special Education]] from University of Toronto; she continues to pursue post graduate work at [[University College Dublin]],

At the beginning of her career, for the first personal computers: [[Apple Computers]] 2+, the [[Tandy]] Model 100, [[Texas Instruments]], and later the [[Commodore 64]] and [[Vic 20]] - Treviranus designed alternative access systems for People With Disabilities. She was assisted by experts at the [[University of Washington]], the [[National Research Council (Canada)]] Rehabilitation Technology Unit and the Microcomputer Application Program at the Hugh MacMillan Centre.

This project began while Treviranus was under contract to integrate 12 students with disabilities into [[McMaster University]] in compliance with Bill 82. She was a tutor at McMaster in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Bill 82, the Ontario Education Act by the Education Amendment Act, 1980, states that: "the responsibility of school boards to provide (or to agree with another board to provide) in accordance with the regulations, special education programs and special education services for their exceptional pupils (paragraph 7 of subsection 170. "<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/general/elemsec/speced/edact.html|title=Education Act|publisher=Ontario Government|accessdate=April 10, 2014}}</ref>

The McMaster, "experience was a pivotal moment for Treviranus and inspired her work with people with [[disabilities]] [[PWD]]s and in the field of Inclusive Design." <ref name=Torontoist>{{cite web |url=http://torontoist.com/2013/09/i-want-your-job-jutta-treviranus-director-of-the-inclusive-design-research-centre/|title=I Want Your Job |publisher=Torontoist|accessdate=April 14, 2014}}</ref>

In 1994, Treviranus founded the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre at the University of Toronto.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.news.utoronto.ca/adaptive-technology-resource-centre-going-strong|title=Adaptive Technology Resource Centre Going Strong|publisher=University of Toronto|accessdate=April 10, 2014}}</ref> Her first major research project was in collaboration with [[SoftQuad]] and [[Yuri Rubinsky]], funded by [[Canarie]]. The goal of the project was to embed accessibility support into HoTMeTaL, the first [[HTML]] editor. This in part, with Mike Paciello's help, led to the formation of the [[Web Accessibility Initiative]] of the W3C. ( Daniel Dadeiller's alludes to this in his WAI early days account at: http://www.w3.org/WAI/history).

Treviranus moved the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre to OCADU in 2010 and rebranded it as the IDRC. “She has played a leading role in developing accessibility legislation, standards and specifications internationally (including WAI ATAG, IMS AccessForAll, ISO 24751, and AODA Information and Communication)”. <ref>{{cite web |url=http:http://www.wise-qatar.org/content/mrs-jutta-treviranus//|title=Biograhy of Jutta Treviranus|publisher=The World Innovation Summit for Education |accessdate=April 04, 2014}}</ref>

In 2000, Treviranus was a chief expert witness in [[Maguire v SOCOG 2000]] an Australian human rights case regarding the inaccessibility of the Sydney Olympics. Bruce Maguire won the case leading to changes in accessibility requirements at international games. Further, as a result of this case, the Australian government made the decision to require its agencies to employ W3C Guidelines. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.tomw.net.au/2000/bat.html|title=Olympic Failure: A Case for Making the Web Accessible|publisher=The World Innovation Summit for Education |accessdate=April 04, 2014}}</ref>

In 2007, Treviranus was an expert witness in the Donna Jodhan Canadian Supreme Court case whose verdict compelled the Canadian Government to make all of their websites accessible. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/court-orders-ottawa-to-make-websites-accessible-to-blind/article1316244/|title=Court orders Ottawa to make websites accessible to blind|publisher=The Globe and Mail|accessdate=May 30, 2014}}</ref>

As the founder of the [[IDRC]] and the IDI, one of the areas that Treviranus focuses her efforts on is making the internet accessible through research on devices such as voice screen readers, touch pads and joysticks. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.everythingzoomer.com/the-3rd-annual-zoomer-list-canadas-top-45-over-45-jutta-treviranus/#.U0cKHFd79Bg
|title=Canada’s Top 45 Over 45: Jutta Treviranus |date=October 5, 2012 |publisher=Zoomer Magazine|accessdate=April 19, 2014}}</ref> Treviranus’s research has been used by the [[Government of Ontario]] Diversity Office as well as by the United nations to create disability policy such as the [[Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities]]. Her work is the focal point of a feasibility study by the United States Department of Education on accessibility. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/society-societe/stories-histoires/story-histoire-eng.aspx?story_id=178|title=Addressing technology challenges for people with disabilities in the workforce|date=29/10/2013|publisher=SSHRC|accessdate=April 9, 2014}}</ref>

As a university professor, she established a new Master of Design (MDes) in Inclusive Design programme at OCAD University in 2010. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ocadu.ca/graduate-studies/programs/inclusive-design|title=Master of Design (MDes) in Inclusive Design programme|publisher=OCADU|accessdate=April 04, 2014}}</ref> The MDes programme teaches the fundamentals of inclusive design. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ocadu.ca/graduate-studies/programs/inclusive-design|title=Master of Design (MDes) in Inclusive Design programme|publisher=OCADU|accessdate=April 04, 2014}}</ref> “Part of the reason I came to OCADU was because there was the opportunity to start a new graduate program.”<ref name=Torontoist/> What is unique about the MDes programme is that the students in the programme are selected for their diversity - from a very wide range of interests and expertise.<ref name=Torontoist/>

In 2012 Treviranus cofounded Designing Enabling Economies and Policies (DEEP) Conference: “To engage in substantive in-depth discussion about implementation strategies for digital inclusion of persons with disabilities among decision makers promoting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in their respective countries; To identify levers and innovative approaches that go beyond current strategies.” <ref>{{cite web|url=http://g3ict.org/events/schedule/event_overview/p/eventId_279/id_652|title=Designing Enabling Economies and Policies |accessdate=April 18, 2014}}</ref>

Treviranus is the lead project editor of the [[ISO]] 24751 standard, [[ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36]], which supports automatic matching of user [[accessibility]] needs with [[digital]] resources and [[user interface]] configurations. Jutta Treviranus chairs the [[Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines]] Working Group (AUWG) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), [[Web Accessibility Initiative]].

====Current appointments====
Jutta Treviranus, as well as working as a full Professor in the Faculty of Design at [[OCAD University]], is [[Graduate Program]] Director in the Inclusive Design Graduate Program. She is also Director of the [[Inclusive Design Research Centre]] at OCAD University. She is Principal Investigator, Inclusive Design Institute (a regional research hub with eight postsecondary institutions as partners). She is the Chair, Web Access Initiative, [[W3C]], Authoring Tools. Treviranus is the Canadian Head of Delegation, [[ISO]] JTC1 SC36 working group and Co-Director Raising the Floor International.

==Research Areas==

===Inclusive [[Education]]===
Jutta Treviranus has written extensively on Inclusive Education. <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.un.org/disabilities/documents/egm2012/JuttaTreviranus.pdf
|title=Jutta Treviranus: Background for ECM|accessdate=April 14, 2014}}</ref> “We need to design these systems, and our policies, so that they are accessible to everyone,” Treviranus wrote. <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/society-societe/stories-histoires/story-histoire-eng.aspx?story_id=178
|title=Addressing technology challenges for people with disabilities in the workforce|accessdate=April 16, 2014}}</ref>

====[[Policy Development]] and [[Policy Analysis]]====

Treviranus has written that an information model is required so that education delivered by web based systems can be tailored to the specific needs of each student. <ref>{{cite |url=http://web.a.ebscohost.com/abstract?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=14364522&AN=85866621&h=%2bJrCHFJBzgU2RPW3YyqHdN5zDciL%2bNpQDiHLdQB1uaXHu7SbEn4OWd44U8VkaqafZYP7MBAW1iMaPFk4bS9rCg%3d%3d&crl=c|title=Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems|accessdate=April 19, 2014}}</ref> Because information devices and delivery systems are so easy to change, and are flexible, that allows for infinite permutations so that obstacles faced by disabled students can be ovecome.<ref>{{cite |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-0-387-73315-9_46|title=Meeting the Learning Needs of all Learners Through IT|accessdate=May 04, 2014}}</ref> Further, Treviranus asserts that when educational resources are shared that further enhances an education system's ability to provide a match for each student's needs. <ref>{{cite |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-0-387-73315-9_46|title=Meeting the Learning Needs of all Learners Through IT|accessdate=May 04, 2014}}</ref> An embodiment of these ideals, is the [[open educational resources]], OER, community since it has the potential to rectify several of the flaws of traditional education. <ref>{{cite |url=http://hdl.handle.net/10609/4869|title=The Value of Imperfection: the Wabi-Sabi Principle in Aesthetics and Learning|accessdate=May 02, 2014}}</ref> One way to stop OERs from experiencing the same problems as traditional education is to embrace imperfection. <ref>{{cite |url=http://hdl.handle.net/10609/4869|title=The Value of Imperfection: the Wabi-Sabi Principle in Aesthetics and Learning|accessdate=May 02, 2014}}</ref> She notes that another risk to inclusive education is the overuse of the [[big data]] [[statistical analysis]] which can be used to justify non-inclusion. <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.educause.edu/ero/article/value-statistically-insignificant|title=The Value of the Statistically Insignificant|accessdate=May 05, 2014}}</ref>


P.E.B.B.L.E.S. is an acronym for Providing Education By Bringing Learning Environments to Students. Initially funded and supported by [[Wayne Gretzky]] in the late 1990s, and several other funders<ref>{{cite |url=http://www.ryerson.ca/pebbles/history.html
|title=PEBBLES: History|accessdate=June 1, 2014}}</ref>
, "Through the use of videoconferencing and robotics, the PEBBLES project is able to connect a hospitalized child with his or her classroom in order to minimize loss of social and intellectual stimulation and to facilitate reentry into the classroom after hospital discharge." <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.healthysanbernardinocounty.org/index.php?controller=index&module=PromisePractice&action=view&pid=3187|title=Providing Education by Bringing Learning Environments to Students (PEBBLES)|accessdate=June 1, 2014}}</ref> <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.ryerson.ca/pebbles/history.html
|title=PEBBLES: History|accessdate=June 1, 2014}}</ref> According to [[TIME]], "the robots, created by Toronto-based Telbotics, work in pairs. One with a 15-in. LCD screen for a face goes to school in the absent child's place. The other remains in the hospital, transmitting an image of the child's face to the classroom. Using a video-game-style controller, the child can direct the school robot to raise its hand to ask a question or swivel its head to follow the teacher." <ref>{{cite |url=http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,423542,00.html
|title=The Robot Ate My Homework|accessdate=June 1, 2014}}</ref>
Treviranus et alia noted that, "The results indicate that, overall, PEBBLES has a very positive effect on both the young and adult participants; the most dramatic effect of all was on the ill child who used PEBBLES to attend school." <ref>{{cite |url=http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s007790170006|title=PEBBLES: a personal technology for meeting educational, social and emotional needs of hospitalised children|accessdate=June 1, 2014}}</ref> Treviranus has been involved with computer technology, robotics and learning from the very beginning.


Treviranus has argued that the [[outliers]] in any society are frequently the true innovators. She writes that e-educating these people makes very good sense, especially because this group may contain the shy, the gifted or sensorially challenged - plus, [[marginalization]] largely depends on context. <ref>{{cite |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4020-3803-7_19#page-1|title=Inclusive e-learning|accessdate=April 11, 2014}}</ref> Another [[observation]] that Treviranus makes is that by breaking down digital barriers and therefore making education more inclusive that that has advantages for all learners, including non-PWDs, such as causing the learning environment to become much more open, fluid and accepting of individual talents and interests. <ref>{{cite |url=http://cclp.mior.ca/Reference%20Shelf/PDF_OISE/Bridging%20the%20Digital%20Divide.pdf|title=Bridging the digital divide in higher education|accessdate=March 11, 2014}}</ref> Taking the [[abstract]] notion of serving individual learners further, Treviranus discusses an accessibility strategy called Access For All<ref>{{cite |url=http://www.naesp.org/sites/default/files/McLaughlin_2012.pdf
|title=Access for All Six principles for principals to consider in
implementing CCSS for students with disabilities|accessdate=April 130, 2014}}</ref> that hones in on the need for accessible [[automated]] systems to collect resources and spread this network globally. <ref>{{cite |url=http://web.a.ebscohost.com/abstract?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=14364522&AN=85866621&h=%2bJrCHFJBzgU2RPW3YyqHdN5zDciL%2bNpQDiHLdQB1uaXHu7SbEn4OWd44U8VkaqafZYP7MBAW1iMaPFk4bS9rCg%3d%3d&crl=c|title=Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems|accessdate=April 1, 2014}}</ref>

====Inclusive Digital Education Techniques====

Problem: much education disseminated over long or short distances, but not in a physical classroom, lacks some, or all of the educational [[modalities]] required by a very large of group of students with disabilities, namely, for the blind or learning disabled, ways of receiving information by touch, (the [[somatosensory system]]), and /or [[tactile]] manipulation, for example. <ref>{{cite |url=http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=885057&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D885057|title=Adding haptics and sound to spatial curriculum|accessdate=April 1, 2014}}</ref> To arrive at, perhaps, a potential solution/direction of a solution, to the problem, Treviranus conducted research that examined the understanding of [[spatial]] ideas like geography by using a number of non-visual techniques: [[haptics]], ([[haptic technology]], [[haptic communication]], [[haptic perception]]and, [[haptic poetry]], [[haptic media]]), [[3D]] [[real world]] sounds and [[talking]] to figure out the best ways to communicate various kinds of data. <ref>{{cite |url=http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=885057&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D885057|title=Adding haptics and sound to spatial curriculum|accessdate=April 1, 2014}}</ref>

===Inclusive Computer Technology and Inclusive Internet===

====Public Policy====

In the context of an ever increasingly digital economy, and the requirement/tendency to combine technology of all sorts into everyday life, there is a potential problem for even larger numbers of people to become marginalized since accessible technology only meets the needs of a few, be it at a very high cost, and this accessible technology is frequently not compatible with newer technology – and, so destined to fail. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-21672-5_57|title=Creating a global public inclusive infrastructure|date=2011|publisher=Springer Berlin Heidelberg|accessdate=May 14, 2014}}</ref> A public policy response to this is the creation of a Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) that will access, by way of the cloud, a pool of resources that will marry supply and demand so that accessible technology will be automatically provided to every individual that needs it so that they will not have to justify, or bargain. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-21672-5_57|title=Creating a global public inclusive infrastructure|date=2011|publisher=Springer Berlin Heidelberg|accessdate=May 14, 2014}}</ref> GPII is a global collaboration with end-users and programmers/developers and industry players that has designed a platform, premised on the one-size-fits-one philosophy, with three major parts: firstly, a system to users to determine the best interface for them, located in the cloud; secondly, a way to cause all digital interfaces they come across to adapt to their needs instead of vice versa; and, thirdly, provide the data and digital design and programming techniques for both mainstream and assistive technology developers more economically efficiently. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://pro.sagepub.com/content/56/1/926.short|title=Auto-Personalization: Theory, Practice and Cross-Platform Implementation|date=2012, September|publisher=SAGE Publications|accessdate=May 14, 2014}}</ref> <ref>{{cite web |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-39188-0_12|title=The evolving global public inclusive infrastructure (GPII)|date=2013|publisher=Springer Berlin Heidelberg|accessdate=May 13, 2014}}</ref>

Treviranus has observed that [[Human computer interaction]], (HCI), investigators working such projects as GPII are more than ever impacted by public policy considerations from not only government bodies but also from both the corporate world and also [[NGO]]s, for example organizations that set standards – the [[ISO]] group. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2510123|title=Public policy and the global public inclusive infrastructure project|date=2013|publisher=interactions|accessdate=May 11, 2014}}</ref>

Another public policy notion that Treviranus describes is the curb-cut phenomena that envisions the new technology and other modes of accommodating PWDs will be scaled up and used to economically benefit the broader majority – not only PWDs. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bsl.2105/full|title=Leveraging the Web as a Platform for Economic Inclusion|date=2014|publisher=Behavioral Sciences & the Law|accessdate=May 10, 2014}}</ref>

====Tools and Approaches====

As early as 1992, Treviranus had begun working in the field of Inclusive Design. In, 'An Overview of Human-computer Interaction Techniques for People with Physical Disabilities,' Treviranus and her team stressed that being able to have physical contact with computers is of essential importance for people with disabilities; they researched a large array of cutting edge technological solutions that allowed users with a variety of physical impairments to use and interact with computer technology. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016981419290115G|title=An Overview of Human-computer Interaction Techniques for People with Physical Disabilities|date=1992|publisher=International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics|accessdate=June 1, 2014}}</ref> The paper anticipates changing input devices like keyboards and mice to technology involving switches to allow for the physical difficulties of users. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016981419290115G|title=An Overview of Human-computer Interaction Techniques for People with Physical Disabilities|date=1992|publisher=International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics|accessdate=June 1, 2014}}</ref>

Developing from the notion that the disabled require interaction with technology, Treviranus goes on to postulate that the alternative technological techniques that are being developed to be used with computers be as easy to use as the control mechanisms they replace such as speech or touch-typing for example. TIM --- APA Citation: Treviranus, J. (1994). Mastering alternative computer access: The role of understanding, trust, and automaticity. Assistive Technology, 6(1), 26-41. This idea is further developed with suggestion that computer interfaces fit each individual user not matter where they encounter the interface - from public work-station to online learning environments. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45491-8_123|title=In Computers Helping People with Special Needs: Making yourself at home—portable personal access preferences|date=2002|publisher=Springer Berlin Heidelberg|accessdate=June 1, 2014}}</ref>
For the [[Web Accessibility Initiative]], in 1999, Treviranus co-edited ''Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines''. <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG10/|title=Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines|accessdate=April 11, 2014}}</ref> <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.w3.org/WAI/history
|title=WAI early days|accessdate=May 15, 2014}}</ref> This text helped web developers to, firstly, design authoring tools that create web content that is accessible and, as well, secondly, to help them to design accessible authoring tool user interfaces. <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG10/|title=Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines|accessdate=April 11, 2014}}</ref> <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.sapdesignguild.org/editions/edition4/authoring_tools.asp
|title=Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines, Take 2|accessdate=April 17, 2014}}</ref> By 2008, Treviranus was able to outline how important authoring tools are to the process of creating accessible websites. <ref>{{cite |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-84800-050-6_9|title=Authoring tools: in Web Accessibility|accessdate=April 11, 2014}}</ref> By using tools that adhere to the standards established by the W3C Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines, (ATAG,) developers of websites who are not familiar with accessibility concerns, or who are not enthusiastic about helping people with disabilities, end up producing accessible sites because the tools they are using are pre-set to be accessible by default. <ref>{{cite |url=http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-84800-050-6_9|title=Authoring tools: in Web Accessibility|accessdate=April 11, 2014}}</ref>

To further understand the need for accessible technology, for example, Treviranus describes the adaptation and substitution of ordinary input mechanisms like keyboards and mice with switches that allow the physically disabled to have access to digital technology <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016981419290115G|title=An overview of human-computer interaction techniques for people with physical disabilities|accessdate=May 15, 2014}}</ref>.

==Selected Works==
===Peer Reviewed Journals===

* Treviranus, J. (2014) The Value of the Statistically Insignificant. Educause Review, January/ February 2014: 46-47
* Lewis, L., Treviranus, J. (2013): Public policy and the global public inclusive infrastructure project. Interactions 20(5): 62-66.
* Treviranus, J., & Hockema, S.A. (2009). The Value of the Unpopular: Counteracting the Popularity Echo-Chamber on the Web. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference—Science and Technology for Humanity, SED 6: Symposium on Education and Social Implications of Technology, Toronto, ON.
* Weiss T., Whiteley C., Treviranus, J., and Fels, D.I. (2000). PEBBLES: A personal technology for meeting educational, social and emotional needs of hospitalized children. Personal Technologies.
* Fels, D.I., Williams, L., Smith, G., Treviranus, J., & Eagleson, R. (1999). Developing a video-mediated communication system for hospitalized children. Telemedicine Journal. 5(2). 193-207.
* Williams, L., Fels,D. I., Smith, G., Treviranus, J., Eagleson, R. (2002). Control of a remote communication system by children. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.
* Treviranus, J. (1994). Mastering Alternative Computer Access: The role of understanding, trust and automaticity. Assistive Technology: the official journal of RESNA, 6(1), 26-42.
* Treviranus, J. (1994). Virtual Reality Technology and People with Disabilities. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. MIT Press. 3(3),201-208.
* Treviranus, J. (1993). The many views of Jane. In A Glimpse of Disabilities and Empowerment. P. Lindsay, I. Davidson and J. Light eds. Toronto: Sharing to Learn, 173-201.
* Shein, F., Treviranus, J., Brownlow, N. D., Milner, M., & Parnes, P. (1992). Human-Computer Interaction by People with Physical Disabilities. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 9(2), 171-181.


* Kemper, A., Stolarick, K., Milway, J., Treviranus, J., (2010) Releasing Constraints: Projecting the Economic Impacts of Increased Accessibility in Ontario. Martin Prosperity Institute.
* Treviranus, J., Richards, J., Silva, J., Mobile, (2011) “Wireless Handset Accessibility Assessment.” CRTC.
* Treviranus, J., Stolarick, K., Densted, M., Fichten, C., Ascunsion, J., (2011) “Leveraging Inclusion and Diversity as Canada’s Digital Advantage.” SSHRC.
* Treviranus, J. (2009) “You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato, Let’s Not Call the Whole Thing Off “in On the Horizon. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

===Book Chapters (since 1990)===
* Nantais, T., Shein, F., and Treviranus, J. (1993). A Predictive Selection Technique for Single-Digit Typists. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, in print.
* Shafrir, U., Etkind, M., Treviranus, J. (2006). ELearning Tools for EPortfolios in Handbook of Research on EPortfolios. Editors Ali Jafari, Catherine Kaufman. IDEA Group Reference.
* Treviranus, J. (2008), “Authoring Tools,” in Web Accessibility: A Foundation for Research..Editors: Yeliz Yesilada and Simon Harper. Springer, Hamburg
* Treviranus, J. & Roberts, V. (2007), “Disability, Special Education and IT “in International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Editors: J.M. Voogt, G. Knezek. Springer, Hamburg.
* Treviranus, J. & Roberts, V. (2006), Inclusive E-learning in International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environment. Editors: Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Peter Trifonas, Kluwar, Springer, Hamburg.
* Brewer, J., Treviranus, J., (2003), “Developing and Reusing Accessible Content and Applications” in Reusing Resources for Networked Learning, Allison Littlejohn editor, Routledge Press, London, UK.
* Treviranus, J., Roberts, V., (2003). “Supporting competent motor control of AAC systems”in Communicative Competence , David Beukelman, Joe Reichle editors, Brookes Publishing.
* Treviranus, J., Petty, L., 2001, Computer Access, in Manual of Assistive Technology. Mosby, Chicago.
* Treviranus, J. and Serflek, C., “Virtual Reality Technologies and People with Disabilities,” Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, vol. 19, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York 1997
* Vanderheiden, G., Treviranus, J., Gemou, M., Bekiaris, E., Markus, K., Clark, C., Basman, A. (2013). The Evolving Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII). HCI(6) 2013: 1-7-116.

===Conference Proceedings===
* Treviranus, J. (2010). The Value of Imperfection: the Wabi-Sabi Principle in Aesthetics and Learning. In Open ED 2010 Proceedings. Barcelona: UOC, OU, BYU. [Accessed: 10/1/2011].< http://hdl.handle.net/10609/4869>
*Treviranus, J. (1997, April). Nimble Document Navigation Using Alternative Access Tools, Sixth International World Wide Web Conference, Santa Clara, CA.

==Awards and distinctions==
Recent Honours and Awards (since 1995)

* 2013 [[International Electrotechnical Commission]] (IEC) 1906 Award
* 2013 The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
* 2012 Canada’s Top 45 over 45, [[ZoomerMedia]], Recognizing Canadians who have made a difference to Canada
* 2011 (to IDRC) Platinum Learning Impact Leadership Award, IMS Global Learning Consortium for A-Tutor
* 2009 IEEE TIC-STH 2009 Best Paper Award for paper entitled “The Value of the Unpopular”
* 2009 (to IDRC) Delegates Web Accessibility Challenge Award, WWW/W4A Conference, Madrid for A-Tutor & AccessForAll.
* 2008 (to IDRC) Gold Learning Impact Award, IMS Global Learning Consortium for A-Tutor
* 2008 (to IDRC) Learning Impact Leadership Award, [[IMS Global Learning Consortium]] for Fluid Project
* 2008 (to IDRC) Learning Impact Leadership Award, IMS Global Learning Consortium for Transformable
* 2008 and 2007 [[IBM]] Faculty Award
* 2005 Dr. Dayton M. Forman Memorial Award
* Canadian Finalist in E-inclusion category for World Summit Awards (for Aprompt)
* 2003 Trophées du Libre, awarded to [[ATRC]] for development of GOK
* Canarie IWAY Award Honorable Mention.
* 1999 Global [[Bangemann]] Challenge Finalist for PEBBLES, with Deb Fels, Ryerson and Graham Smith, Telbotics.
* 1999 Cited in United Nations Global Vision Award, awarded to Australia, for role as expert witness in recent human rights trials involving World Wide Web access.
* 1998 American Foundation for the Blind, Access Award, with [[SoftQuad]].
* 1997 WWW6 Award for best paper in access track
* 1995 RESNA Pin Dot Outstanding Paper Award, for paper entitled "Mastering Alternative Computer [[Access]]: The Role of Understanding, Trust and Automaticity."

==Recent Advisory Roles ==

* Expert Member, [[United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs]]
* Member, Advisory Board, [[Canadian Human Rights Museum]]
* Member, [[Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act]], (AODA), Advisory Council
* Co-director, Raising the Floor International
* Board member, Broadcast Accessibility Fund (2012-)
* Board member, [[Sakai Foundation]] (2007-2011)
* Board member Lights, Camera Access! (2008-2010)
* Board member OpenCast (2009-2010)
* Board member CollectionSpace (2008-)
* Board member Decapod (2008-)
* Board Chair Fluid Engage (2008-)
* Board Chair Fluid (2006-)
*Project Editor, [[ISO]]/IEC JTC1 SC36 on Education Learning and Training
* IMS Global Learning Consortium - Accessibility Working group
*Chair [[W3C]] ATAG (Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines)
*W3C WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) Coordination group member
* Access to Academic Materials for Print-Disabled Post-Secondary Students: A Partnership of Users and Service Providers, [[NEADS]], Steering Committee
* Eduspecs, [[Industry Canada]], Canadian E-learning specifications panel
* Pathways and Clusters Consulting Expert, [[HRDC]]
* Spectrum Advisory Panel on Common Look and Feel, [[Industry Canada]]
* [[Treasury Board Secretariat]], Consultant on Inclusive [[Information Architecture]] and the Federated Architecture
*Advisor on Accessibility, [[MIT]] Physics Dept., [[Distance Education]] Project
* Advisor, PEARL Project, [[Open University]], UK
*Member, Trace Centre, Advisory Panel, [[University of Wisconsin]]
* Member, Texas Task Force on [[Accessible]] Textbooks
* Expert Witness, [[Australian Human Rights Commission]]
* [[CRTC]] expert witness and technical expert Accessibility hearings Net Neutrality hearings
* Expert Witness [[Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms]] Challenge
* EU4All advisory panel
* [[OECD]] consultant to Industry Canada Minister - OECD meetings in Korea (preparation of briefing and resolutions)
* AODA, Minister's Advisory Committee (Information and Communication Standard)
* [[UNESCO]] workshop on Open Education [[Accessibility]] expert member

==Select Keynote Presentations (since 2005, very abbreviated)==
* “Stretching the Endeavor to Make Room for Us All” Keynote at 18th Annual EdMedia World Conference on Educational [[Multimedia]], [[Hypermedia]] and [[Telecommunications]], Orlando, Florida, June 26-30, 2006
* “[[Inclusive]] [[eLearning]]”. Keynote at ELearn.ca Institute, Supporting All Learners, Edmonton, Alberta, February 21 and 22, 2006.
* “Living, Learning, Communicating in a [[Diverse]] World.” Keynote at [[Distributed Learning]] in the 21st Century, Shaping the Future of Learning, October 17-19, 2007. Edmonton, Alberta.
* “[[Inclusion]] in a Digital Age.” Keynote at United Nations International Day of People with [[Disabilities]], CAILC, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, November 30, 2006.
* “Inclusion in a [[Digital Age]].” Keynote at Making Way: International Day of Disabled Persons, Peel, November 9, 2007.
* “Inclusion in the Connected Classroom.” Keynote for Association for Special [[Education Technology]] Conference, Whitby, May 4, 2007

==Recent Guest Lectures==
* Harvard, [[Harvard Graduate School of Education]]
* [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]]
* [[University of Alberta]], Computer Science
* [[University of Gothenburg]], Department of Linguistics
* [[University of Dundee]], Computer Science
* [[University of Tennessee]], Faculty of Engineering
* [[Dalhousie University]], School of Occupational Therapy
* [[University of Manitoba]], Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
* [[University of Toronto]], Faculty of Medicine
* University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Speech Pathology
* [[University of Western Ontario]], Faculty of Applied Health Science
* [[State University of New York at Buffalo]], Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
* [[McMaster University]], Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
* [[University of Guelph]], Faculty of Computer Science
* [[York University]], Department of Media and Broadcasting

1. Jump up ^ Kochany, Kaitlyn. "I Want Your Job: Jutta Treviranus, Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre".
2. Torontoist. Retrieved 30 January 2014.
3. Jump up ^ "Jutta Treviranus: Background for ECM". United Nations. Retrieved 30 January 2014.

External links

Revision as of 23:22, 9 July 2014

Jutta Treviranus currently full Professor at the Ontario College of Art and Design University in Toronto, Canada is Director and Founder of both the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) and Inclusive Design Institute (IDI).

Jutta Treviranus is a world expert [1] in the field of Inclusive Design who has made appearances at the White House and United Nations. She has, "led many international multi‐partner research networks that have created broadly implemented technical innovations that support inclusion." [2] Her work has included designing open source content and helping implement accessibility legislation, standards, and specifications. [3] In 2013, the Governor General of Canada awarded Treviranus the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal.[4] ZoomerMedia chose Treviranus as one of Canada's Top 45 over 45 in 2012. [5]

Career and Education

Jutta Treviranus graduated from University of Toronto in 1981 with a B.Sc. OT, Occupational Therapy. In 1994, Treviranus earned a M.A. in Special Education from University of Toronto; she continues to pursue post graduate work at University College Dublin, Ireland.

At the beginning of her career, for the first personal computers: Apple Computers 2+, the Tandy Model 100, Texas Instruments, and later the Commodore 64 and Vic 20 - Treviranus designed alternative access systems for People With Disabilities. She was assisted by experts at the University of Washington, the National Research Council (Canada) Rehabilitation Technology Unit and the Microcomputer Application Program at the Hugh MacMillan Centre.

This project began while Treviranus was under contract to integrate 12 students with disabilities into McMaster University in compliance with Bill 82. She was a tutor at McMaster in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Bill 82, the Ontario Education Act by the Education Amendment Act, 1980, states that: "the responsibility of school boards to provide (or to agree with another board to provide) in accordance with the regulations, special education programs and special education services for their exceptional pupils (paragraph 7 of subsection 170. "[6]

The McMaster, "experience was a pivotal moment for Treviranus and inspired her work with people with disabilities PWDs and in the field of Inclusive Design." [7]

In 1994, Treviranus founded the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre at the University of Toronto.[8] Her first major research project was in collaboration with SoftQuad and Yuri Rubinsky, funded by Canarie. The goal of the project was to embed accessibility support into HoTMeTaL, the first HTML editor. This in part, with Mike Paciello's help, led to the formation of the Web Accessibility Initiative of the W3C. ( Daniel Dadeiller's alludes to this in his WAI early days account at: http://www.w3.org/WAI/history).

Treviranus moved the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre to OCADU in 2010 and rebranded it as the IDRC. “She has played a leading role in developing accessibility legislation, standards and specifications internationally (including WAI ATAG, IMS AccessForAll, ISO 24751, and AODA Information and Communication)”. [9]

In 2000, Treviranus was a chief expert witness in Maguire v SOCOG 2000 an Australian human rights case regarding the inaccessibility of the Sydney Olympics. Bruce Maguire won the case leading to changes in accessibility requirements at international games. Further, as a result of this case, the Australian government made the decision to require its agencies to employ W3C Guidelines. [10]

In 2007, Treviranus was an expert witness in the Donna Jodhan Canadian Supreme Court case whose verdict compelled the Canadian Government to make all of their websites accessible. [11]

As the founder of the IDRC and the IDI, one of the areas that Treviranus focuses her efforts on is making the internet accessible through research on devices such as voice screen readers, touch pads and joysticks. [12] Treviranus’s research has been used by the Government of Ontario Diversity Office as well as by the United nations to create disability policy such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Her work is the focal point of a feasibility study by the United States Department of Education on accessibility. [13]

As a university professor, she established a new Master of Design (MDes) in Inclusive Design programme at OCAD University in 2010. [14] The MDes programme teaches the fundamentals of inclusive design. [15] “Part of the reason I came to OCADU was because there was the opportunity to start a new graduate program.”[7] What is unique about the MDes programme is that the students in the programme are selected for their diversity - from a very wide range of interests and expertise.[7]

In 2012 Treviranus cofounded Designing Enabling Economies and Policies (DEEP) Conference: “To engage in substantive in-depth discussion about implementation strategies for digital inclusion of persons with disabilities among decision makers promoting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in their respective countries; To identify levers and innovative approaches that go beyond current strategies.” [16]

Treviranus is the lead project editor of the ISO 24751 standard, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36, which supports automatic matching of user accessibility needs with digital resources and user interface configurations. Jutta Treviranus chairs the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AUWG) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative.

Current appointments

Jutta Treviranus, as well as working as a full Professor in the Faculty of Design at OCAD University, is Graduate Program Director in the Inclusive Design Graduate Program. She is also Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University. She is Principal Investigator, Inclusive Design Institute (a regional research hub with eight postsecondary institutions as partners). She is the Chair, Web Access Initiative, W3C, Authoring Tools. Treviranus is the Canadian Head of Delegation, ISO JTC1 SC36 working group and Co-Director Raising the Floor International.

Research Areas

Inclusive Education

Jutta Treviranus has written extensively on Inclusive Education. [17] “We need to design these systems, and our policies, so that they are accessible to everyone,” Treviranus wrote. [18]

Treviranus has written that an information model is required so that education delivered by web based systems can be tailored to the specific needs of each student. [19] Because information devices and delivery systems are so easy to change, and are flexible, that allows for infinite permutations so that obstacles faced by disabled students can be ovecome.[20] Further, Treviranus asserts that when educational resources are shared that further enhances an education system's ability to provide a match for each student's needs. [21] An embodiment of these ideals, is the open educational resources, OER, community since it has the potential to rectify several of the flaws of traditional education. [22] One way to stop OERs from experiencing the same problems as traditional education is to embrace imperfection. [23] She notes that another risk to inclusive education is the overuse of the big data statistical analysis which can be used to justify non-inclusion. [24]


P.E.B.B.L.E.S. is an acronym for Providing Education By Bringing Learning Environments to Students. Initially funded and supported by Wayne Gretzky in the late 1990s, and several other funders[25] , "Through the use of videoconferencing and robotics, the PEBBLES project is able to connect a hospitalized child with his or her classroom in order to minimize loss of social and intellectual stimulation and to facilitate reentry into the classroom after hospital discharge." [26] [27] According to TIME, "the robots, created by Toronto-based Telbotics, work in pairs. One with a 15-in. LCD screen for a face goes to school in the absent child's place. The other remains in the hospital, transmitting an image of the child's face to the classroom. Using a video-game-style controller, the child can direct the school robot to raise its hand to ask a question or swivel its head to follow the teacher." [28] Treviranus et alia noted that, "The results indicate that, overall, PEBBLES has a very positive effect on both the young and adult participants; the most dramatic effect of all was on the ill child who used PEBBLES to attend school." [29] Treviranus has been involved with computer technology, robotics and learning from the very beginning.

Treviranus has argued that the outliers in any society are frequently the true innovators. She writes that e-educating these people makes very good sense, especially because this group may contain the shy, the gifted or sensorially challenged - plus, marginalization largely depends on context. [30] Another observation that Treviranus makes is that by breaking down digital barriers and therefore making education more inclusive that that has advantages for all learners, including non-PWDs, such as causing the learning environment to become much more open, fluid and accepting of individual talents and interests. [31] Taking the abstract notion of serving individual learners further, Treviranus discusses an accessibility strategy called Access For All[32] that hones in on the need for accessible automated systems to collect resources and spread this network globally. [33]

Inclusive Digital Education Techniques

Problem: much education disseminated over long or short distances, but not in a physical classroom, lacks some, or all of the educational modalities required by a very large of group of students with disabilities, namely, for the blind or learning disabled, ways of receiving information by touch, (the somatosensory system), and /or tactile manipulation, for example. [34] To arrive at, perhaps, a potential solution/direction of a solution, to the problem, Treviranus conducted research that examined the understanding of spatial ideas like geography by using a number of non-visual techniques: haptics, (haptic technology, haptic communication, haptic perceptionand, haptic poetry, haptic media), 3D real world sounds and talking to figure out the best ways to communicate various kinds of data. [35]

Inclusive Computer Technology and Inclusive Internet

Public Policy

In the context of an ever increasingly digital economy, and the requirement/tendency to combine technology of all sorts into everyday life, there is a potential problem for even larger numbers of people to become marginalized since accessible technology only meets the needs of a few, be it at a very high cost, and this accessible technology is frequently not compatible with newer technology – and, so destined to fail. [36] A public policy response to this is the creation of a Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) that will access, by way of the cloud, a pool of resources that will marry supply and demand so that accessible technology will be automatically provided to every individual that needs it so that they will not have to justify, or bargain. [37] GPII is a global collaboration with end-users and programmers/developers and industry players that has designed a platform, premised on the one-size-fits-one philosophy, with three major parts: firstly, a system to users to determine the best interface for them, located in the cloud; secondly, a way to cause all digital interfaces they come across to adapt to their needs instead of vice versa; and, thirdly, provide the data and digital design and programming techniques for both mainstream and assistive technology developers more economically efficiently. [38] [39]

Treviranus has observed that Human computer interaction, (HCI), investigators working such projects as GPII are more than ever impacted by public policy considerations from not only government bodies but also from both the corporate world and also NGOs, for example organizations that set standards – the ISO group. [40]

Another public policy notion that Treviranus describes is the curb-cut phenomena that envisions the new technology and other modes of accommodating PWDs will be scaled up and used to economically benefit the broader majority – not only PWDs. [41]

Tools and Approaches

As early as 1992, Treviranus had begun working in the field of Inclusive Design. In, 'An Overview of Human-computer Interaction Techniques for People with Physical Disabilities,' Treviranus and her team stressed that being able to have physical contact with computers is of essential importance for people with disabilities; they researched a large array of cutting edge technological solutions that allowed users with a variety of physical impairments to use and interact with computer technology. [42] The paper anticipates changing input devices like keyboards and mice to technology involving switches to allow for the physical difficulties of users. [43]

Developing from the notion that the disabled require interaction with technology, Treviranus goes on to postulate that the alternative technological techniques that are being developed to be used with computers be as easy to use as the control mechanisms they replace such as speech or touch-typing for example. TIM --- APA Citation: Treviranus, J. (1994). Mastering alternative computer access: The role of understanding, trust, and automaticity. Assistive Technology, 6(1), 26-41. This idea is further developed with suggestion that computer interfaces fit each individual user not matter where they encounter the interface - from public work-station to online learning environments. [44]

For the Web Accessibility Initiative, in 1999, Treviranus co-edited Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines. [45] [46] This text helped web developers to, firstly, design authoring tools that create web content that is accessible and, as well, secondly, to help them to design accessible authoring tool user interfaces. [47] [48] By 2008, Treviranus was able to outline how important authoring tools are to the process of creating accessible websites. [49] By using tools that adhere to the standards established by the W3C Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines, (ATAG,) developers of websites who are not familiar with accessibility concerns, or who are not enthusiastic about helping people with disabilities, end up producing accessible sites because the tools they are using are pre-set to be accessible by default. [50]

To further understand the need for accessible technology, for example, Treviranus describes the adaptation and substitution of ordinary input mechanisms like keyboards and mice with switches that allow the physically disabled to have access to digital technology [51].

Selected Works

Peer Reviewed Journals

  • Treviranus, J. (2014) The Value of the Statistically Insignificant. Educause Review, January/ February 2014: 46-47
  • Lewis, L., Treviranus, J. (2013): Public policy and the global public inclusive infrastructure project. Interactions 20(5): 62-66.
  • Treviranus, J., & Hockema, S.A. (2009). The Value of the Unpopular: Counteracting the Popularity Echo-Chamber on the Web. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference—Science and Technology for Humanity, SED 6: Symposium on Education and Social Implications of Technology, Toronto, ON.
  • Weiss T., Whiteley C., Treviranus, J., and Fels, D.I. (2000). PEBBLES: A personal technology for meeting educational, social and emotional needs of hospitalized children. Personal Technologies.
  • Fels, D.I., Williams, L., Smith, G., Treviranus, J., & Eagleson, R. (1999). Developing a video-mediated communication system for hospitalized children. Telemedicine Journal. 5(2). 193-207.
  • Williams, L., Fels,D. I., Smith, G., Treviranus, J., Eagleson, R. (2002). Control of a remote communication system by children. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.
  • Treviranus, J. (1994). Mastering Alternative Computer Access: The role of understanding, trust and automaticity. Assistive Technology: the official journal of RESNA, 6(1), 26-42.
  • Treviranus, J. (1994). Virtual Reality Technology and People with Disabilities. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. MIT Press. 3(3),201-208.
  • Treviranus, J. (1993). The many views of Jane. In A Glimpse of Disabilities and Empowerment. P. Lindsay, I. Davidson and J. Light eds. Toronto: Sharing to Learn, 173-201.
  • Shein, F., Treviranus, J., Brownlow, N. D., Milner, M., & Parnes, P. (1992). Human-Computer Interaction by People with Physical Disabilities. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 9(2), 171-181.


  • Kemper, A., Stolarick, K., Milway, J., Treviranus, J., (2010) Releasing Constraints: Projecting the Economic Impacts of Increased Accessibility in Ontario. Martin Prosperity Institute.
  • Treviranus, J., Richards, J., Silva, J., Mobile, (2011) “Wireless Handset Accessibility Assessment.” CRTC.
  • Treviranus, J., Stolarick, K., Densted, M., Fichten, C., Ascunsion, J., (2011) “Leveraging Inclusion and Diversity as Canada’s Digital Advantage.” SSHRC.
  • Treviranus, J. (2009) “You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato, Let’s Not Call the Whole Thing Off “in On the Horizon. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Book Chapters (since 1990)

  • Nantais, T., Shein, F., and Treviranus, J. (1993). A Predictive Selection Technique for Single-Digit Typists. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, in print.
  • Shafrir, U., Etkind, M., Treviranus, J. (2006). ELearning Tools for EPortfolios in Handbook of Research on EPortfolios. Editors Ali Jafari, Catherine Kaufman. IDEA Group Reference.
  • Treviranus, J. (2008), “Authoring Tools,” in Web Accessibility: A Foundation for Research..Editors: Yeliz Yesilada and Simon Harper. Springer, Hamburg
  • Treviranus, J. & Roberts, V. (2007), “Disability, Special Education and IT “in International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Editors: J.M. Voogt, G. Knezek. Springer, Hamburg.
  • Treviranus, J. & Roberts, V. (2006), Inclusive E-learning in International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environment. Editors: Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Peter Trifonas, Kluwar, Springer, Hamburg.
  • Brewer, J., Treviranus, J., (2003), “Developing and Reusing Accessible Content and Applications” in Reusing Resources for Networked Learning, Allison Littlejohn editor, Routledge Press, London, UK.
  • Treviranus, J., Roberts, V., (2003). “Supporting competent motor control of AAC systems”in Communicative Competence , David Beukelman, Joe Reichle editors, Brookes Publishing.
  • Treviranus, J., Petty, L., 2001, Computer Access, in Manual of Assistive Technology. Mosby, Chicago.
  • Treviranus, J. and Serflek, C., “Virtual Reality Technologies and People with Disabilities,” Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, vol. 19, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York 1997
  • Vanderheiden, G., Treviranus, J., Gemou, M., Bekiaris, E., Markus, K., Clark, C., Basman, A. (2013). The Evolving Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII). HCI(6) 2013: 1-7-116.

Conference Proceedings

  • Treviranus, J. (2010). The Value of Imperfection: the Wabi-Sabi Principle in Aesthetics and Learning. In Open ED 2010 Proceedings. Barcelona: UOC, OU, BYU. [Accessed: 10/1/2011].< http://hdl.handle.net/10609/4869>
  • Treviranus, J. (1997, April). Nimble Document Navigation Using Alternative Access Tools, Sixth International World Wide Web Conference, Santa Clara, CA.

Awards and distinctions

Recent Honours and Awards (since 1995)

  • 2013 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 1906 Award
  • 2013 The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
  • 2012 Canada’s Top 45 over 45, ZoomerMedia, Recognizing Canadians who have made a difference to Canada
  • 2011 (to IDRC) Platinum Learning Impact Leadership Award, IMS Global Learning Consortium for A-Tutor
  • 2009 IEEE TIC-STH 2009 Best Paper Award for paper entitled “The Value of the Unpopular”
  • 2009 (to IDRC) Delegates Web Accessibility Challenge Award, WWW/W4A Conference, Madrid for A-Tutor & AccessForAll.
  • 2008 (to IDRC) Gold Learning Impact Award, IMS Global Learning Consortium for A-Tutor
  • 2008 (to IDRC) Learning Impact Leadership Award, IMS Global Learning Consortium for Fluid Project
  • 2008 (to IDRC) Learning Impact Leadership Award, IMS Global Learning Consortium for Transformable
  • 2008 and 2007 IBM Faculty Award
  • 2005 Dr. Dayton M. Forman Memorial Award
  • Canadian Finalist in E-inclusion category for World Summit Awards (for Aprompt)
  • 2003 Trophées du Libre, awarded to ATRC for development of GOK
  • Canarie IWAY Award Honorable Mention.
  • 1999 Global Bangemann Challenge Finalist for PEBBLES, with Deb Fels, Ryerson and Graham Smith, Telbotics.
  • 1999 Cited in United Nations Global Vision Award, awarded to Australia, for role as expert witness in recent human rights trials involving World Wide Web access.
  • 1998 American Foundation for the Blind, Access Award, with SoftQuad.
  • 1997 WWW6 Award for best paper in access track
  • 1995 RESNA Pin Dot Outstanding Paper Award, for paper entitled "Mastering Alternative Computer Access: The Role of Understanding, Trust and Automaticity."

Recent Advisory Roles

Select Keynote Presentations (since 2005, very abbreviated)

  • “Stretching the Endeavor to Make Room for Us All” Keynote at 18th Annual EdMedia World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Orlando, Florida, June 26-30, 2006
  • Inclusive eLearning”. Keynote at ELearn.ca Institute, Supporting All Learners, Edmonton, Alberta, February 21 and 22, 2006.
  • “Living, Learning, Communicating in a Diverse World.” Keynote at Distributed Learning in the 21st Century, Shaping the Future of Learning, October 17-19, 2007. Edmonton, Alberta.
  • Inclusion in a Digital Age.” Keynote at United Nations International Day of People with Disabilities, CAILC, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, November 30, 2006.
  • “Inclusion in a Digital Age.” Keynote at Making Way: International Day of Disabled Persons, Peel, November 9, 2007.
  • “Inclusion in the Connected Classroom.” Keynote for Association for Special Education Technology Conference, Whitby, May 4, 2007

Recent Guest Lectures


  1. ^ "Prof. Jutta Treviranus". EU Science: Global Challenges Global Collaboration Conference. Retrieved 15 May 2014.
  2. ^ "CMHR's Inclusive Design Advisory Council Aims to Make Museum Experience Universally Enriching". United Nations. Retrieved 30 January 2014.
  3. ^ "Jutta Treviranus: Background for ECM" (PDF). United Nations. Retrieved 30 January 2014.
  4. ^ "The Diamond Jubilee Medal". Governor General of Canada. 2013. Retrieved February 3, 2014.
  5. ^ "Canada's Top 45 Over 45: Jutta Treviranus". Zoomer Magazine. October 5, 2012. Retrieved April 19, 2014.
  6. ^ "Education Act". Ontario Government. Retrieved April 10, 2014.
  7. ^ a b c "I Want Your Job". Torontoist. Retrieved April 14, 2014.
  8. ^ "Adaptive Technology Resource Centre Going Strong". University of Toronto. Retrieved April 10, 2014.
  9. ^ [http:http://www.wise-qatar.org/content/mrs-jutta-treviranus// "Biograhy of Jutta Treviranus"]. The World Innovation Summit for Education. Retrieved April 04, 2014. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  10. ^ "Olympic Failure: A Case for Making the Web Accessible". The World Innovation Summit for Education. Retrieved April 04, 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  11. ^ "Court orders Ottawa to make websites accessible to blind". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved May 30, 2014.
  12. ^ "Canada's Top 45 Over 45: Jutta Treviranus". Zoomer Magazine. October 5, 2012. Retrieved April 19, 2014.
  13. ^ "Addressing technology challenges for people with disabilities in the workforce". SSHRC. 29/10/2013. Retrieved April 9, 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  14. ^ "Master of Design (MDes) in Inclusive Design programme". OCADU. Retrieved April 04, 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  15. ^ "Master of Design (MDes) in Inclusive Design programme". OCADU. Retrieved April 04, 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  16. ^ "Designing Enabling Economies and Policies". Retrieved April 18, 2014.
  17. ^ Jutta Treviranus: Background for ECM (PDF), retrieved April 14, 2014
  18. ^ "Addressing technology challenges for people with disabilities in the workforce". Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  19. ^ Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems, retrieved April 19, 2014
  20. ^ Meeting the Learning Needs of all Learners Through IT, retrieved May 04, 2014 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  21. ^ Meeting the Learning Needs of all Learners Through IT, retrieved May 04, 2014 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  22. ^ The Value of Imperfection: the Wabi-Sabi Principle in Aesthetics and Learning, retrieved May 02, 2014 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  23. ^ The Value of Imperfection: the Wabi-Sabi Principle in Aesthetics and Learning, retrieved May 02, 2014 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  24. ^ The Value of the Statistically Insignificant, retrieved May 05, 2014 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  25. ^ PEBBLES: History, retrieved June 1, 2014
  26. ^ Providing Education by Bringing Learning Environments to Students (PEBBLES), retrieved June 1, 2014
  27. ^ PEBBLES: History, retrieved June 1, 2014
  28. ^ The Robot Ate My Homework, retrieved June 1, 2014
  29. ^ PEBBLES: a personal technology for meeting educational, social and emotional needs of hospitalised children, retrieved June 1, 2014
  30. ^ Inclusive e-learning, retrieved April 11, 2014
  31. ^ Bridging the digital divide in higher education (PDF), retrieved March 11, 2014
  32. ^ Access for All Six principles for principals to consider in implementing CCSS for students with disabilities (PDF), retrieved April 130, 2014 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); line feed character in |title= at position 60 (help)
  33. ^ Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems, retrieved April 1, 2014
  34. ^ Adding haptics and sound to spatial curriculum, retrieved April 1, 2014
  35. ^ Adding haptics and sound to spatial curriculum, retrieved April 1, 2014
  36. ^ "Creating a global public inclusive infrastructure". Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2011. Retrieved May 14, 2014.
  37. ^ "Creating a global public inclusive infrastructure". Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2011. Retrieved May 14, 2014.
  38. ^ "Auto-Personalization: Theory, Practice and Cross-Platform Implementation". SAGE Publications. 2012, September. Retrieved May 14, 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  39. ^ "The evolving global public inclusive infrastructure (GPII)". Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2013. Retrieved May 13, 2014.
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  45. ^ Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines, retrieved April 11, 2014
  46. ^ WAI early days, retrieved May 15, 2014
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  48. ^ Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines, Take 2, retrieved April 17, 2014
  49. ^ Authoring tools: in Web Accessibility, retrieved April 11, 2014
  50. ^ Authoring tools: in Web Accessibility, retrieved April 11, 2014
  51. ^ An overview of human-computer interaction techniques for people with physical disabilities, retrieved May 15, 2014

1. Jump up ^ Kochany, Kaitlyn. "I Want Your Job: Jutta Treviranus, Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre". 2. Torontoist. Retrieved 30 January 2014. 3. Jump up ^ "Jutta Treviranus: Background for ECM". United Nations. Retrieved 30 January 2014.

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