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List of Late Quaternary prehistoric bird species

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Prehistoric birds are various taxa of birds that became extinct before recorded history, or more precisely, before they could be studied by scientists alive.

Birds evolved from feathered dinosaurs, and there is no real dividing line between birds and dinosaurs, except of course that the former survived the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event and the latter did not. For the purposes of this article, a "bird" is considered to be any member of the clade Aves. Some dinosaur groups which may or may not be true birds are listed below under "Proto-Birds".

This list is divided into two parts. The first one contains prehistoric bird taxa only known from completely fossilized specimens. These extinctions took place before the Late Quarternary and thus took place in the absence of human interference. Rather, reasons for extinction are stochastic abiotic events such as bolide impacts, climate change due to orbital shifts, mass volcanic eruptions etc. Alternatively, species may have gone extinct due to evolutionary displacement by successor or competitor taxa - it is notable that an extremely large number of seabirds have gone extinct during the mid-Tertiary; this is probably due to competition by the contemporary radiation of marine mammals. The relationships of these taxa are often hard to determine, as many are known only from very fragmentary remains and due to the complete fossilization precludes analysis of information from DNA, RNA or protein sequencing. The taxa listed in this part should be classified with the Wikipedia conservation status category "Fossil".

The second part lists taxa that have been become extinct before they could be researched by science, but nonetheless survived into (geologically) recent times. Their remains are not or not completely fossilized and therefore may yield organic material for molecular analyses to provide additional clues for resolving their taxonomic affiliations. As these species' extinction coincided with the expansion of Homo sapiens across the globe, in most (but not necessary all) cases, anthropogenic factors have played a crucial part in their extinction, be it through hunting, introduced predators or habitat alteration. It is notable that a large proportion of the species are from oceanic islands, especially in Polynesia. Bird taxa that evolved on oceanic islands are usually very vulnerable to hunting or predation by rats, cats, dogs or pigs - animals commonly introduced by humans -, as there evolved in the absence of mammalian predators and therefore only have rudimentary predator avoidance behavior. Many, especially rails, have additionally become flightless for the same reason and thus presented even easier prey. These taxa became extinct during the Late Quarternary - the Holocene or Late Pleistocene -, but before the period of global scientific exploration that started in the late 15th century. They should be classified with the Wikipedia conservation status category "Prehistoric".

For a list of birds that have gone extinct since the year 1500, please refer to Extinct birds.

List of pre-Late Quarternary Prehistoric Birds


Groups usually considered to be non-avian dinosaurs, but which may be true birds.

Birds with long bony tails, claws, and teeth.

  • Placement unresolved
    • Paranychodon
    • Euronychodon
    • Hulsanpes
    • Archaeopteryx
    • Wellnhoferia
    • ?Rahonavis
    • Shenzhouraptor
    • Jixiangornis
    • Yandangornis

Early toothless birds, not directly related to the toothless birds of today.

"Opposite Birds" due to the way their foot bones are joined, an extinct Mesozoic sub-class.

An group of small birds superficially similar to modern songbirds.

  • Unresolved and basal forms
    • ?Vorona
    • Horezmavis
    • Eurolimnornis
    • Palaeocursornis
  • Yanornithidae
    • Yanornis
    • Apsaravis
  • Chaoyangidae
    • Chaoyangia
    • Songlingornis
    • Yixianornis

  • Placement unresolved
    • Patagopteryx
    • Gargantuavis

Large, toothed, loon-like diving birds.

  • Unresolved and basal forms
    • ?Neogaeornis
    • Enaliornis
    • Pasquiaornis
    • Baptornis
    • Judinornis
  • Hesperornithidae
    • Asiahesperornis
    • Canadaga
    • Coniornis
    • Hesperornis
    • Parahesperornis
    • Parascaniornis
    • Potamornis

  • Placement unresolved
    • Gansus
    • Limenavis

Toothed birds similar to modern gulls.

The sub-class that contains all modern birds.

Primitive flightless birds

The group that includes modern ducks and geese.

The group that includes modern chickens and quails.

  • Placement unresolved
  • ?†Gallornis
  • Gallinuloididae
    • Gallinuloides
    • Paraortygoides
    • Taoperdix
  • Paraortygidae
    • Pirortyx
    • Paraortyx
  • Quercymegapodiidae
    • Palintropus
    • Taubacrex
    • Ameripodius
    • Quercymegapodius
  • Megapodes
    • Ngawupodius
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Leipoa gallinacea - formerly Progura
  • Guans and Curassows
    • Procrax
    • Boreortalis
  • Guineafowl
    • Telecrex
  • Turkeys
    • Rhegminornis
    • Proagriocharis
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Meleagris anza
      • Meleagris californica - formerly Parapavo
      • Meleagris progenes
      • Meleagris leopoldi
      • Meleagris crassipes
  • New World Quails
    • Nanortyx
    • Miortyx
    • Cyrtonyx

Gulls, auks, shorebirds

  • Basal forms
    • Lonchodytes
  • Graculavidae
    • Scaniornis
    • Ceramornis
    • Cimolopteryx
    • Zhylgaia
    • Dakotornis
    • Telmatornis
    • Palaeotringa
    • Graculavus
    • Placement unresolved
      • Graculavidae gen. et sp. indet. (Gloucester County, New Jersey)
  • Thick-knees
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Burhinus lucorum
      • Burhinus aquilonaris
      • Burhinus sp. (Cuba, West Indies)
      • Prehistoric subspecies of extant species
  • Gulls
    • Gaviota
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Larus desnoyersii
      • Larus elegans
      • Larus elmorei
      • Larus lacus
      • Larus oregonus
      • Larus perpetuus
      • Larus pristinus
      • Larus robustus
      • Larus totanoides
  • Skuas and jaegers
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Stercorarius shufeldti
  • Plovers
    • Viator
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Belanopteryx edmundi - formerly Vanellus
      • Belanopteryx downsi - formerly Vanellus
      • Oreopholus orcesi
  • Avocets
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Recurvirostra sanctaeneboulae
  • Pratincoles
    • Paractiornis
    • Mioglareola
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Glareola neogena
  • Auks
    • Hydrotherikornis
    • Alcodes
    • Praemancalla
    • Mancalla
    • Miocepphus
    • Petralca
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Uria bordkorbi
      • Uria paleohesperis
      • Uria affinis - may be subspecies of Thick-billed Murre
      • Cepphus olsoni
      • Alca antiqua
      • Alca ausonia
      • Alca stewarti
      • Alca sp. (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina) - possibly A. stewarti
      • Pinguinus alfrednewtoni
      • Ptychoramphus tenuis
      • Aethia rossmoori
      • Aethia sp. (Southwest North America)
      • Brachyramphus pliocenum
      • Cerorhinca minor
      • Cerorhinca dubia
      • Cerorhinca reai
      • ?Cerorhinca sp. (San Miguel Island, California)
      • Synthliboramphus rineyi
      • Synthliboramphus sp. (Cedros Island, California)
      • Fratercula sp. 1 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Fratercula sp. 2 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
  • Waders and snipes
    • Paractitis
    • Erolia
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Limosa gypsorum
      • Tringa ameghini
      • Tringa antiqua
      • Tringa edwardsi
      • Tringa sp. 1 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Tringa sp. 2 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Gallinago cf. media (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
  • Jacanas
    • Janipes
    • Nupharanassa
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Jacana farrandi

The group that includes modern rails and cranes.

  • Gastornithidae - Diatrymas
    • Omorhamphus
    • Zhongyuanus
    • Gastornis - formerly Diatryma
  • Rallidae - Rails
    • Creccoides
    • Eocrex
    • Euryonotus
    • Fulicaletornis
    • Ibidopsis
    • Ludiortyx
    • Miofulica
    • Miorallus
    • Palaeogramides
    • Pararallus
    • Paraortygometra
    • Rallicrex
    • Palaeorallus
    • Quercyrallus
    • Youngornis
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Rallus ibycus (Bermuda, West Atlantic)
      • Rallus recessus (Bermuda, West Atlantic)
      • Porzana piercei (Bermuda, West Atlantic)
      • Porzana cf. flaviventer (Bermuda, West Atlantic)
    • Placement unresolved
      • Rallidae gen. et sp. indet. (Bermuda, West Atlantic)
      • Prehistoric subspecies of extant species
  • Geranoididae
    • Eogeranoides
    • ?Geranodornis
    • Geranoides
    • Palaeophasianus
    • Paragrus
  • Eogruidae
    • Sonogrus
    • Eogrus
  • Ergilornithidae
    • Proergilornis
    • Ergilornis
    • Amphipelargus
  • Gruidae - Cranes
    • Probalearica
    • Badistornis
    • Geranopsis
    • Aramornis
    • Eobalearica
    • Palaeogrus
    • Pliogrus
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Balearica exigua
      • Balearica rummeli
      • Grus afghana
      • Grus cubensis
      • Grus latipes
      • Grus melitensis
      • Grus miocaenicus
      • Grus primigenia
      • Grus cf. antigone (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
    • Placement unresolved
      • Gruidae gen. et sp. indet. - formerly Grus conferta
  • Messelornithidae - Messel-birds
    • Itardiornis
    • Messelornis
  • Cariamidae - Seriemas
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Chunga incerta
  • Bathornithidae
    • Eutreptornis
    • Bathornis
    • Paracrax
    • Bathornithidae gen. nov. - formerly Bathornis celeripes and B. cursor
  • Idiornithidae
    • Gypsornis
    • Occitaniavis
    • Oblitavis
    • Propelargus
    • Elaphrocnemus
    • Idiornis
  • Phorusrhacidae - Terror Birds
    • Brontornis
    • Physornis
    • Paraphysornis
    • Phorusrhacos
    • Devincenzia
    • Titanis
    • Patagornis
    • Andrewsornis
    • Andalgalornis
    • Psilopterus
    • Procariama
    • Paleopsilopterus
    • Mesembriornis
  • Otididae - Bustards
    • Gryzaja
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Chlamydotis affinis
  • Phoenicopteridae - Flamingos
    • Juncitarsus
    • Palaelodus
    • Megapalaelodus
    • Phoeniconotius
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Phoenicopterus aethiopicus
      • Phoenicopterus croizeti
      • Phoenicopterus floridanus
      • Phoenicopterus stocki
  • Grebes
    • Miobaptus
    • Pliolymbus
    • Thiornis
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Podilymbus majusculus
      • Podilymbus wetmorei
      • Podiceps discors
      • Podiceps dixi
      • Podiceps oligocaenus
      • Podiceps parvus
      • Podiceps subparvus
      • Podiceps cf. auritus - formerly P. pisanus, P. howardae and Pliodytes lanquisti
      • Prehistoric subspecies of extant species

The diverse group that includes storks, herons and New World vultures.

  • Xenerodiopidae
    • Xenerodiops
  • Ardeidae - Herons
    • Calcardea
    • Proardea
    • Gnotornis
    • Zeltornis
    • Ardeagradis
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Ardea howardae
      • Ardea polkensis
      • Egretta subfluvia
      • Butorides validipes
      • Nycticorax fidens
      • Botaurus hibbardi
  • Scopidae - Hammerkop
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Scopus xenopus
  • Threskiornithidae - Ibises
    • Rhynchaeites
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Theristicus wetmorei
      • Eudocimus leiseyi
      • Eudocimus ?peruvianus
      • Eudocimus sp. (Florida)
      • Plegadis gracilis
      • Plegadis paganus
      • Plegadis pharangites
  • Teratornithidae - Teratorns
  • Cathartidae - New World Vultures
    • Phasmagyps
    • Diatropornis
    • Plesiocathartes
    • Brasilogyps
    • Hadrogyps
    • Pliogyps
    • Dryornis
    • Geronogyps
    • Antillovultur
    • Aizenogyps
    • Breagyps
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Coragyps occidentalis
      • Sarcoramphus kernense
      • Gymnogyps howardae
      • Gymnogyps kofordi
      • Prehistoric subspecies of extant species
  • Balaenicipitidae - Shoebills
    • Paludavis
    • Goliathia
  • Ciconiidae - Storks
    • Palaeoephippiorhynchus
    • Grallavis
    • Ciconiopsis
    • Prociconia
    • Pelargosteon
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Ciconia gaudryi
      • Ciconia kahli
      • Ciconia lucida
      • Ciconia maltha
      • Ciconia minor
      • Ciconia nana
      • Ciconia sarmantica
      • Ciconia stehlini
      • Ciconia sp. 1 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Ciconia sp. 2 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Ephippiorhynchus pakistanensis
      • Leptoptilos falconeri
      • Leptoptilos titan
      • Leptoptilos richae
      • Leptotilos cf. falconeri
    • Placement unresolved
      • Ciconiidae gen. et sp. indet. - formerly Cygnus bilinicus
      • Ciconiidae gen. et sp. indet. - formerly Leptoptilos siwalicensis

The group that includes modern pelicans and cormorants.

  • Basal forms
    • Torotix
  • Prophaethontidae
    • Prophaethon
    • Lithoptila
  • Tropicbirds
    • Heliadornis
  • Frigatebirds
    • Limnofregata
  • Gannets and boobies
    • Eostega
    • Empheresula
    • Masillastega
    • Miosula
    • Microsula
    • Palaeosula
    • Sarmatosula
    • Rhamphastosula
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Morus atlanticus
      • Morus avitus
      • Morus loxostylus
      • Morus magnus
      • Morus peninsularis
      • Morus peruvianus
      • Morus reyanus
      • Morus sp. 1 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Morus sp. 2 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Sula magna
      • Sula ronzoni
      • Sula sulita
  • Cormorants and shags
    • Pliocarbo
    • Valenticarbo
    • Nectornis
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Phalacrocorax anatolicus
      • Phalacrocorax brunhuberi
      • Phalacrocorax chapalensis
      • Phalacrocorax destefani
      • Phalacrocorax femoralis
      • Phalacrocorax filyawi - may be same as P. idahensis
      • Phalacrocorax goletensis
      • Phalacrocorax gregorii
      • Phalacrocorax ibericum
      • Phalacrocorax idahensis
      • Phalacrocorax intermedius
      • Phalacrocorax kennelli
      • Phalacrocorax kumeyaay
      • Phalacrocorax lautus
      • Phalacrocorax leptopus
      • Phalacrocorax littoralis
      • Phalacrocorax macer
      • Phalacrocorax macropus
      • Phalacrocorax marinavis
      • Phalacrocorax miocaenus
      • Phalacrocorax mongoliensis
      • Phalacrocorax pampeanus
      • Phalacrocorax reliquus
      • Phalacrocorax rogersi
      • Phalacrocorax vetustus
      • Phalacrocorax wetmorei
      • Phalacrocorax sp. (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Phalacrocorax sp. (Sarasota County, Florida) - may be P. idahensis
  • Diving-boobies
    • Phocavis
    • Tonsala
    • Copepteryx
    • Plotopterum
  • Darters
    • Protoplotus
    • Macranhinga
    • Meganhinga
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Anhinga fraileyi
      • Anhinga grandis
      • Anhinga hadarensis
      • Anhinga laticeps
      • Anhinga minuta
      • Anhinga pannonica
      • Anhinga subvolans
  • Pseudotooth Birds
    • Odontopteryx
    • Caspiodontornis
    • Cyphornis
    • Dasornis
    • Gigantornis
    • Osteodontornis
    • Palaeochenoides
    • Pseudodontornis
    • Tympanoneisiotes
    • Pelagornis
  • Pelicans
    • Protopelicanus
    • Miopelecanus
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Pelecanus cadimurka
      • Pelecanus cauleyi
      • Pelecanus gracilis
      • Pelecanus halieus
      • Pelecanus intermedius
      • Pelecanus odessanus
      • Pelecanus schreiberi
      • Pelecanus sivalensis

The group that includes modern albatrosses, petrels and storm-petrels.

  • Basal forms
    • Lonchodytes
    • Tytthostonyx
  • Diomedeoididae
    • Rupelornis
    • Diomedeoides
  • Diomedeidae - Albatrosses
    • Plotornis
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Diomedea milleri
      • Diomedea thyridata
      • Diomedea sp. 1
      • Diomedea sp. 2
      • Diomedea sp. 3
      • Diomedea sp. 4
      • Phoebastria californica
      • Phoebastria anglica
      • Phoebastria rexsularum
      • Phoebastria cf. albatrus - formerly Diomedea howardae
      • Phoebastria cf. immutabilis
      • Phoebastria cf. nigripes
  • Hydrobatidae - Storm-petrels
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Oceanodroma hubbsi
      • Oceanodroma sp.
      • Pelagodroma sp. 1
      • Pelagodroma sp. 2
  • Procellariidae - Petrels
    • Argyrodyptes
    • Frigidafrons
    • Pterodromoides
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Calonectris krantzi
      • Puffinus arvernensis
      • Puffinus conradi
      • Puffinus holeae
      • Puffinus micraulax
      • Puffinus nestori
      • Puffinus pacificoides
      • Puffinus raemdonckii
      • Puffinus cf. tenuirostris (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Puffinus sp. 1 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Puffinus sp. 2 (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Puffinus sp.
      • Procellaria sp.
      • Pelecanoides sp.
      • Fulmarus hammeri
      • Fulmarus miocaenus
      • Pachyptila sp. 1
      • Pachyptila sp. 2
      • Pachyptila sp. 3
      • Pachyptila sp. 4

The group that includes modern loons.

  • Basal forms
    • Polarornis
    • Gaviella
  • Gaviidae - Loons
    • Colymboides
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Gavia brodkorbi
      • Gavia concinna
      • Gavia egeriana
      • Gavia fortis
      • Gavia howardae
      • Gavia moldavica
      • Gavia paradoxa
      • Gavia schultzi
      • Gavia sp. (Clavert Formation)
  • Spheniscidae - Penguins
    • Anthropodyptes
    • Anthropornis
    • Archaeospheniscus
    • Arthrodytes
    • Chubutodyptes
    • Dege
    • Delphinornis
    • Duntroonornis
    • Insuza
    • Korora
    • Marplesornis
    • Nucleornis
    • Pachydyptes
    • Palaeeudyptes
    • Palaeospheniscus
    • Paraptenodytes
    • Platydytes
    • Pseudaptenodytes
    • Wimantornis
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Pygoscelis tyreei
      • Spheniscus predemersus
      • Spheniscus urbinai
  • Columbidae - Doves and pigeons
    • Gerandia
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Columba omnisanctorum
  • Psittacidae - Parrots, lories and cockatoos
    • Precursor
    • Pseudastur
    • Serundaptus
    • Psittacopes
    • Quercypsitta
    • Pulchrapollia
    • Palaeopsittacus
    • Archaeopsittacus
    • Xenopsitta
    • Bavaripsitta
    • Prehistoric species of extant and recently extinct genera
      • Conuropsis fratercula
      • Aratinga roosevelti

Cuckoos, turacos and allies.

  • Opisthocomidae - Hoatzins
    • Hoatzi - may be same as Foro
    • Hoazinoides
  • Musophagidae - Turacos
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Musophaga africanus - formerly Apopempsis
      • Musophaga meini - formerly Apopempsis
    • Placement unresolved
      • Musophagidae gen. et sp. indet. (Egypt)
  • Cuculidae - Cuckoos
    • Dynamopterus
    • Cursoricoccyx
    • Neococcyx
    • Placement unresolved
      • Cuculidae gen. et sp. indet.

Birds of prey

  • Pandionidae - Ospreys
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Pandion lovensis
      • Pandion homalopteron
      • Pandion sp. (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
  • Sagittariidae - Secretary Birds
    • Pelargopappus
  • Accipitridae - Hawks
    • Horusornis
    • Messelastur
    • Aquilavus
    • Amplibuteo
    • Neogyps
    • Palaeohierax
    • Palaeoborus
    • Pengana
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Buteo grangeri
      • Buteo hoffstetteri
      • Buteo sp. (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
      • Aquila bivia
      • Neophron vetustus
      • Neophron dakotensis
      • Neophron slaughteri
      • Neophron vallecitoensis
      • Neophron ricardoensis
      • Neophron americanus
      • Neophron sp. (Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina)
    • Placement unresolved
      • Accipitridae gen. et sp. indet. (Egypt)
  • Falconidae - Falcons
    • Badiostes
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Milvago alexandri
      • Milvago readei
      • ?Milvago sp. (Jamaica, West Indies)
      • Milvago sp. (Cuba, West Indies)
      • Falco ramenta
      • Prehistoric subspecies of extant species

Nightjars, potoos and allies.

  • Basal forms
    • Archaeotrogon
  • Steatornithidae - Oilbirds
    • Prefica
    • Paraprefica
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Steatornis sp.
  • Podargidae - Frogmouths
    • Masillapodargus
    • Quercypodargus
  • Nyctibiidae - Potoos
    • Euronyctibius
  • Aegothelidae - Owlet-nightjars
    • Quipollornis
  • Caprimulgidae - Nightjars
    • Ventivorus

Swifts and hummingbirds.

  • Basal forms
    • Eocypselus
  • Trochilidae - Hummingbirds
    • Placement unresolved
      • Trochilidae sp. et gen. indet. (Bahamas, West Indies)
      • Trochilidae sp. et gen. indet. (Brazil)
  • Jungornithidae
    • Argornis
    • Jungornis
    • Palescyvus
    • Laputavis
    • Parargornis
  • Aegialornithidae
    • Cypselavus
    • Aegialornis
    • Primapus
    • Scaniacypselus
  • Apodidae - Swifts
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Cypseloides ignotus
      • Cypseloides mourerchauvirae
      • Tachornis uranoceles
      • Apus gaillardi
      • Apus wetmorei

Mousebirds and relatives

  • Basal forms
    • Botauroides
    • Chascacocolius
    • Eobucco
    • Eocolius
    • Uintornis
    • Limnatornis
  • Sandcoleidae
    • Sandcoleus
    • Anneavis
    • Eoglaucidium
    • Selmes
  • Coliidae - Mousebirds
    • Masillacolius
    • Primocolius
    • Oligocolius
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Colius palustris

Owls and barn-owls

  • Basal forms
    • Ogygoptynx
    • Palaeoglaux
  • Protostrigidae
  • Sophiornithidae
    • Sophiornis
    • Strigogyps
  • Strigidae - Owls
  • Tytonidae - Barn Owls
    • Prosybris
    • Nocturnavis
    • Palaeobyas
    • Palaeotyto
    • Necrobyas
    • Selenornis
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Tyto sanctialbani
      • Tyto robusta
      • Tyto gigantea
      • Tyto sp. 1
      • Tyto sp. 2

Rollers and allies.

  • Basal forms
    • Eocoracias
    • Ceranopterus
  • Primobucconidae
    • Primobucco
  • Todidae - Todies
    • Palaeotodus
  • Motmotidae - Motmots
    • Protornis
  • Trogonidae - Trogons
    • Paratrogon
    • Primotrogon
    • Septentrogon
    • Placement unresolved
      • Trogonidae gen. et sp. indet. 1 (Northwest Europe)
      • Trogonidae gen. et sp. indet. 2 (Northwest Europe)
  • Bucerotidae - Hornbills
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Bucorvus brailloni
  • Capitonidae - Barbets
    • Capitonides
  • Picidae - Woodpeckers
    • Pliopicus
    • Palaeonerpes
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
  • Palaeoscinidae
    • Paleoscinis
  • Laniidae - Shrikes
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Lanius miocaenus
  • Corvidae - Crows, Ravens, Jays and Magpies
    • Miocitta
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Corvus larteti
  • Emberizidae - Buntings
    • [[Palaeospiza
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Ammodramus hatcheri - formerly Palaeospiza or Palaeostruthus
  • Motacillidae - Wagtails
    • Prehistoric species of extant genera
      • Motacilla humata
      • Motacilla major

Neornithes incertae sedis

    • Aenigmavis
    • Ameghinornis
    • Anisolornis
    • Cunampaia
    • Fluvioviridavis
    • Foro
    • Halcyornis
    • Laornis
    • Piksi
    • Riacama
    • Sylphornis
    • Volgavis
  • Gracilitarsidae
    • Eutreptodactylus
    • Gracilitarsus
  • Zygodactylidae
    • Zygodactylus

Aves incertae sedis

    • Hongshanornis

List of Late Quaternary Prehistoric Birds

All of these are Neornithes.

The group that includes modern ducks and geese.

The group that includes modern chickens and quails.

Gulls, auks, shorebirds

The group that includes modern rails and cranes.

The diverse group that includes storks, herons and New World vultures.

The group that includes modern albatrosses, petrels and storm-petrels.

Birds of prey

Nightjars, potoos and allies.

Owls and barn-owls

See also