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[[Image:Tdcover.gif|thumb|right|The novel ''The Turner Diaries'' told of a "race war" between [[White people|White]] Americans and other races]]
'''Race war''' is a slang term referring to developing hostilities between ethnic groups divided on the basis of [[race]]. The term may refer to specific [[violence|violent]] acts or to general overt or covert hostilities between ethnic groups; compare [[ethnic warfare]].
'''Race war''' is a slang term referring to developing hostilities between ethnic groups divided on the basis of [[race]]. The term may refer to specific [[violence|violent]] acts or to general overt or covert hostilities between ethnic groups; compare [[ethnic warfare]].

== Historical instances ==
== White racialism ==
* Centuries ago, [[Indo-European]]-speaking [[nomad]]ic groups invaded [[India]] and established the [[caste system]], an [[elitist]] form of social organization separating the light-skinned [[Aryan|Indo-Aryan]] conquerors from the conquered dark-skinned indigenous [[Dravidian people|Dravidian]] tribes through enforcement of racial [[endogamy]]. In this system, the Dravidian [[Dalits|Untouchables]] and other aboriginal stocks were legally subject to rigorous segregation and bound to servile occupations.<ref>[http://www.ericmargolis.com/archives/2001/08/indias_hidden_a.php India's 'Hidden Apartheid']</ref> "If the whole of Sanskrit literature, sacred or profane, makes one thing clear, it is that there is one line no Hindu could cross, and that was the line which separated the Aryan in India from the non-Aryan. The two ethnic nouns even acquired moral connotations: to be ''Arya'' was to be noble and honourable, and to be ''Anarya'' was to be base and dishonourable. The non-Aryans were beyond the pale of Hindu society, and therefore untouchable. The Aryan Hindus regarded them with fear, hatred, contempt and disgust..." ([[Nirad C. Chaudhuri]], "Hinduism and the Aboriginals", ''Hinduism: A Religion to Live By'', Oxford University Press, USA; New Edition, 1997, p. 97).

The concept of a 'Racial Holy War' or a 'Rahowa' is a core rallying cry for White racialist groups advocating a survivalist agenda, separated by [[racial identity]]. In [[1987]], the [[White Patriot Party]] declared that a Race War had begun. Some White racialist groups advocate a [[Racial Holy War]] [http://www.adl.org/Learn/ext_us/WCOTC.asp?xpicked=3&item=17]. Likewise, some so-called "[[Black Jews]]" and people associated with the [[Nation of Islam]] have also advocated race wars.
* [[Carthage]] was completely destroyed by [[Roman Republic|Rome]] in the [[Third Punic War]] (149-146 BC). The surviving Carthaginians (perhaps a tenth of the original pre-[[war]] population) were sold into [[slavery in ancient Rome|slavery]].<ref>[http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001198.html Ancient History]</ref><ref>[http://www.crystalinks.com/punicwars.html Punic Wars]</ref>

The term doesn't refer to an all out war between blacks, whites, and latinos, rather the separation between the three, due to Mexican immigrants moving into the southwest, and Mexican gangs like La Raza killing blacks in LA and forcing them into the southeast. And eventually those blacks are supposed to force the remaining whites in the southeast to the northwest. Then once the groups are separated, the idea is that ZOG won't be able to appease both the blacks and Mexicans with the white tax dollars anymore, or even more that whites will finally refuse to support a government that they feel has them on the bottom of America's food-chain. Looking at demographics to large cities in all regions, you can decide for yourself. Often things like La Raza are hidden by the media, as black on white murders have been to keep certain people dumb deaf and blind.
* After conquering western [[Anatolia]] in 88 BC, [[Mithridates VI]] reportedly ordered the [[murder|killing]] of all [[Roman republic|Romans]] living there. The [[List of massacres|massacre]] of Roman men, women and children is known as the [[Asiatic Vespers]].<ref>Staff. [http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-572893/Lucius-Cornelius-Sulla Mithradates VI Eupator], [[Encyclopaedia Britannica]]., Accessed [[26 December]] 2007</ref>

== In Fiction ==
* [[Julius Caesar]]'s campaign against the [[Helvetii]], the [[Celt]]ic inhabitants of modern [[Switzerland]]: approximately 60% of the tribe was killed, and another 20% was taken into [[slavery]]. The remainder of the Helvetii were driven back into their old lands.

Race war is the main theme of the [[William Luther Pierce]] 1978 novel [[The Turner Diaries]].
* The Germanic [[Vandals]] were enslaved and deported from [[North Africa]] after the Vandal kingdom in North Africa was defeated by a [[Byzantine]] army during a [[Vandalic War]] in 533 and 534.<ref>[http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/secondary/BURLAT/17*.html J. B. Bury: History of the Later Roman Empire • Vol. II Chap. XVII]</ref>

== See also ==
* An apartheid-like system existed in early [[Timeline of Anglo-Saxon England|Anglo-Saxon England]], which prevented the native [[Brython|British]] genes getting into the [[Anglo-Saxons|Anglo-Saxon]] population by restricting intermarriage and wiped out a majority of original British genes in favour of [[Germanic peoples|Germanic]] ones, according to a new study. According to research led by [[University College London]], Anglo-Saxon settlers enjoyed a substantial social and economic advantage over the native [[Celt|Celtic Britons]]<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/2076470.stm English and Welsh are races apart]</ref> who lived in what is now [[England]], for more than 300 years from the middle of the [[5th century]].<ref>[http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1635457 Evidence for an apartheid-like social structure in early Anglo-Saxon England]</ref><ref>[http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/07/060721-england.html Ancient Britain Had Apartheid-Like Society, Study Suggests]</ref><ref>[http://www.newscientist.com/channel/life/genetics/dn9575-apartheid-slashed-celtic-genes-in-early-england.html 'Apartheid' slashed Celtic genes in early England]</ref>

* The [[Pechenegs]], nomadic [[Turkic people]] from the [[steppe]], were nearly annihilated at the [[Battle of Levounion]] by a combined [[Byzantine]] and [[Cuman]] army in [[1091]]. Attacked again in [[1094]] by the Cumans, many Pechenegs were slain or absorbed.

* [[Jews]] were frequently [[massacred]] and exiled from various European countries. The persecution hit its first peak during the [[Crusades]]. In the [[First Crusade]] (1096) flourishing communities on the Rhine and the Danube were utterly destroyed; see [[German Crusade, 1096]]. In the [[Second Crusade]] ([[1147]]) the [[Jews in France]] were subject to frequent massacres. The Crusades were followed by expulsions, including in, [[1290]], the banishing of all English Jews; in [[1396]], 100,000 Jews were expelled from France. According to [[James P. Carroll|James Carroll]], "Jews accounted for 10% of the total population of the [[Roman Empire]]. By that ratio, if other factors had not intervened, there would be 200 million Jews in the world today, instead of something like 13 million."<ref>Carroll, James. ''[[Constantine's Sword]]'' (Houghton Mifflin, 2001) ISBN 0-395-77927-8 p.26</ref>

* [[History of the Jews under Muslim rule|Jews]] and [[Christians]] expelled from [[Morocco]] and [[Islamic Spain]] during the reign of [[Berber people|Berber]] dynasty of [[Almohads]] in the [[12th century]]. Almohads gave a choice of either death or conversion to [[Islam]], or exile. Some, such the family of [[Maimonides]], fled east to the more tolerant [[Islam by country|Muslim lands]], while others went northward to settle in the growing Christian kingdoms.<ref>[http://www.theforgottenrefugees.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=66&Itemid=39 The Forgotten Refugees]</ref><ref>[http://www.myjewishlearning.com/history_community/Medieval/IntergroupTO/JewishMuslim/Almohads.htm The Almohads]</ref>

* At the beginning of the [[13th century]] the eastern part of the [[Islamic world]] experienced the terrifying holocaust of the [[Mongol invasions]], which turned northern and eastern [[Iran]] into a desert. Over much of [[Central Asia]] speakers of [[Iranian languages]] were replaced by speakers of [[Turkic languages]].<ref>[http://www.sfusd.k12.ca.us/schwww/sch618/Ibn_Battuta/Battuta's_Trip_Three.html Battuta's Travels: Part Three - Persia and Iraq]</ref>

* Northern [[Iraq]] remained predominantly [[Assyrian Christian]] until the destructions of [[Tamerlane]], an Islamic conqueror of [[Turco-Mongol]] descent, at the end of the 14th century.<ref>[http://www.geocities.com/somasushma/Timur4.html The annihilation of Iraq]</ref>

* Between the 11th and 18th centuries, the [[Vietnamese]] expanded southward in a process known as {{lang|vi|nam tiến}} (''southward expansion''). In 1471 the kingdom of [[Champa]] suffered a massive defeat by the Vietnamese, in which 120,000 [[Cham people]] were either captured or killed, and the kingdom was reduced to a small enclave near [[Nha Trang]].<ref>[http://www.cpamedia.com/history/cham_survivors/ The Chams: Survivors of a Lost Civilisation]</ref><ref>[http://countrystudies.us/vietnam/11.htm The Le Dynasty and Southward Expansion]</ref>

*[[Spain]]'s large [[Islam|Muslim]] and [[Judaism|Jewish]] minorities, inherited from that country's former [[Islamic Spain|Islamic kingdoms]], were expelled following a [[Alhambra decree]] in [[1492]], while [[Converso|converts to Catholicism]], called [[Morisco]]s or [[Marrano]]s, were expelled between [[1609]] and [[1614]].<ref> Rezun, Miron, "Europe's Nightmare: The Struggle for Kosovo", (p. 6), Praeger/Greenwood (2001) ISBN 0-275-97072-8; Parker, Geoffrey, "Europe in Crisis", (p. 18), Blackwell Publishing (1979, 2000) ISBN 0-631-22028-3; Gadalla, Moustafa, "Egyptian Romany: The Essence of Hispania" (pp. 28-9), Tehuti Research Foundation (2004) ISBN 1-931446-19-9 </ref>

* In [[1622]], the tribal chief of the Powhatan Confederacy of what is now [[Virginia]] in the [[United States]] planned the destruction of the English settlers. During the [[Jamestown Massacre]], the [[Powhatans]] killed 347 [[English people|English]] settlers throughout the Virginia colony, almost one-third of the English population of first permanent English colony in the New World.<ref>[http://www.bookrags.com/Indian_massacre_of_1622 Around 347 people were massacred in the attack]</ref>

* Hundreds of thousands of [[Poles]] and [[Jews in Poland|Jews]] had been wiped out or driven from the lands of present-day Ukraine by [[Zaporozhian Cossacks]] during the [[Khmelnytsky Uprising]] (1648-1654).<ref>[http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=808&letter=C JewishEncyclopedia.com - "Cossacks' Uprising", by Herman Rosenthal]</ref> As a result of events during [[Deluge (history)|The Deluge]], population of [[Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth]] dropped by one-third.

* On [[August 10]], 1680, the [[Pueblo people|Pueblo]] Indians rose in revolt against Spanish rule. By the time the [[Pueblo Revolt]] succeeded, the Pueblo warriors killed 380 [[Spaniards|Spanish]] settlers and drove the surviving Europeans from [[New Mexico]]. By 1690s, certain Pueblo groups wanted the Spanish to come back to protect them against [[Apache]] and [[Navajo people|Navajo]] raiders.<ref>[http://www.hfac.uh.edu/gl/mav1.htm Resistance and Accommodation in New Mexico]</ref>

* Expulsion and massacres of the [[St. Domingue]]’s 40,000 white [[French people|French]] settlers during the [[Haitian Revolution]] from 1791 to 1804. [[Jean-Jacques Dessalines]], first ruler of an independent [[Haiti]], declared Haiti an all black nation, slaughtered all the remaining whites on the island and forbade [[Caucasian race|Caucasians]] from ever again owning property or land there.<ref>[http://www.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/history/earlyhaiti/dessalines.htm A Brief History of Dessalines from 1825 Missionary Journal]</ref><ref>[http://www.fsmitha.com/h3/h34-np2.html Slave Revolt in St. Domingue]</ref>

* When the [[Venezuelan War of Independence]] started, the Spanish enlisted the [[Llanero]]s, playing on their dislike of the ''[[Criollo (people)|criollo]]s'' of the independence movement. [[José Tomás Boves]] led an army of llaneros which routinely killed white Venezuelans. After several more years of war, which killed half of [[Venezuela]]'s white population, the country achieved independence from Spain in 1821.<ref>[http://www.globalpr.org/knowledge/businessguides/prlandscape-venezuela.pdf Venezuela]</ref><ref>[http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/1491 A First-Hand Impression of the Venezuelan Opposition]</ref>

* In the immediate aftermath of [[Pedro I of Brazil|Dom Pedro]]’s abdication in 1831, the poor people of color, including slaves, staged anti-[[Portuguese people|Portuguese]] riots in the streets of [[Brazil]]'s larger cities.<ref>[http://isc.temple.edu/evanson/brazilhistory/Bahia.htm Rebelions in Bahia]</ref>

* In the [[United States]] in the 19th century there were numerous instances of relocation of Native American peoples from their traditional areas to often remote reservations elsewhere in the country, particularly in the [[Indian removal]] policy of the 1830s. The [[Trail of Tears]], which led to the deaths of about 2,000 to 8,000 [[Cherokees]] from disease, and the [[Long Walk of the Navajo]] are well-known examples.<ref>Perdue, Theda, ''Cherokee Women and the Trail of Tears'' in ''American Encounters: Natives and Newcomers from European Contact to Indian Removal, 1500-1850'', p. 526, (Routledge (UK), 2000)</ref><ref>Committee on Indian Affairs, US Senate, ''Cherokee Settlement and Accommodation Agreements Concerning the Navajo and Hopi Land Dispute'', (US General Printing Office, 1996)</ref>[http://www.marionkentucky.us/Marion-Kentucky-trailoftears.htm]

* The [[Tasmanian aborigines|Tasmanians]], estimated at 8,000 people in 1803, were reduced to a population of around 300 by 1833, although much of this has been attributed to the effect of [[disease]]s to which they had no natural immunity (including [[smallpox]] and [[syphilis]]) and [[alcoholism]].<ref>[http://www.abc.net.au/pm/stories/s746130.htm Historian dismisses Tasmanian aboriginal genocide "myth"]</ref> Estimates of the total number of Tasmanian deaths at the hands of European settlers vary, with some estimates ranging as low as 118 in the period from [[1803]] until [[1847]].<ref>[http://www.adelaideinstitute.org/Dissenters/windschuttle.htm Our history not rewritten but put right. Accusations of genocide have been based on guesswork and blatant ideology. SMH, 24 November 2002]</ref> This conflict is a subject of the [[Australia]]n [[history wars]].

* [[Ainu people]] are an ethnic group indigenous to [[Hokkaidō]], northern [[Honshū]], the [[Kuril Islands]], much of [[Sakhalin]], and the southernmost third of the [[Kamchatka peninsula]]. As Japanese settlement expanded, the Ainu were pushed northward, until by the [[Meiji period]] they were confined by the government to a small area in Hokkaidō, in a manner similar to the placing of Native Americans on reservations.

* Expulsion of Muslim populations from [[Balkan]]s following the independence of Balkan countries (e.g., [[Serbia]], [[Greece]], [[Bulgaria]]) from [[Ottoman Empire]] from early 1800s to early 1900.<ref>Justin McCarthy, ''Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922'', (Princeton, N.J: Darwin Press, c1995</ref>

*Expulsion of Muslim populations in [[Northern Caucasus]] by imperial [[Russia]] throughout 19th century. Particularly, expulsion of [[Adyghe people|Circassians]] to [[Anatolia]] in [[1864]].<ref>McCarthy, ''ibid.''</ref> (see [[Muhajir (Caucasus)]] for more details)

* The [[Armenian Genocide|Armenian]]/[[Assyrian Genocide]], under the [[Three Pashas]] of the late [[Ottoman empire]] and the later [[Pontian Greek Genocide]], both perpetrated by the [[Young Turks]] during [[1914]]&ndash;[[1922]].<ref>Norman M. Naimark. ''Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe.'' Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 2001. ISBN. See also [http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=84591082031333 review] by Nick Baron, H-Genocide, March 2004.</ref>

* The persecutions and expulsions of [[Jews]] in [[Germany]], [[Austria]] and other [[Nazi]]-controlled areas prior to the initiation of [[the Holocaust|mass genocide]] in which 6 million Jews were killed.<ref>Naimark, ''op. cit.''</ref>

* [[Generalplan Ost]]. During [[World War II]], Nazis planned to ethnically cleanse the whole Polish population. Eventually during [[Consequences of German Nazism|Nazi occupation]] up to 1.6 to 2 million [[Poles]] were expelled, not counting millions of slave labourers deported from Poland.<ref>[http://www.ushmm.org/education/resource/poles/poles.php?menu=/export/home/www/doc_root/education/foreducators/include/menu.txt&bgcolor=CD9544 Poles: Victims of the Nazi Era]</ref>

* The [[Palestinian exodus]], in which the substantial majority of Arab [[Palestinians]] (approximately 700,000) in the areas of [[British Mandate of Palestine]] that became part of [[Israel]] fled or were deported by Israeli forces following the [[1948 Arab-Israeli War]].<ref> [[Benny Morris]], The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge University Press. (2004) ISBN 0-521-00967-7 </ref><ref>Yoav Gelber, Palestine 1948: War, Escape and the Emergence of the Palestinian Refugee Problem. Sussex Academic Press. (2005) ISBN 1-84519-075-0 </ref><ref> [[Ilan Pappe]], Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Oxford: Oneworld. (2006) ISBN 1-85168-467-0 </ref>

* [[Jewish exodus from Arab lands]], in which 99% of [[Jews]] (approximately 800,000) from Arab countries were deported by Arab governments, or fled oppression and discrimination, between the [[1948 Arab-Israeli War]] and the [[Six Day War]] in 1967. The major populations affected were in [[History of the Jews in Iraq|Iraq]], [[History of the Jews in Syria|Syria]], [[History of the Jews in Yemen|Yemen]], [[History of the Jews in Egypt|Egypt]], [[History of the Jews in Libya|Libya]], [[History of the Jews in Algeria|Algeria]], [[History of the Jews in Tunisia|Tunisia]] and [[History of the Jews in Morocco|Morocco]].<ref> Itamar Levin, Locked Doors: The Seizure of Jewish Property in Arab Countries. Praeger/Greenwood. (2001) ISBN 0-275-97134-1 </ref><ref> Maurice Roumani, The Case of the Jews from Arab Countries: A Neglected Issue, Tel Aviv: World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries. (1977) ASIN B0006EGL5I</ref><ref> Malka Hillel Schulewitz, The Forgotten Millions: The Modern Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands. London. (2001) ISBN 0-8264-4764-3</ref><ref>Ran HaCohen, [http://www.antiwar.com/hacohen/h011303.html "Ethnic Cleansing: Some Common Reactions"]</ref>

* After [[Indonesia]] received independence from the [[Netherlands]] in 1949, around 300.000 people, predominantly [[Indo people|Indo]]s or Dutch Indonesians (people of mixed Indonesian and European descent), fled or were expulsed from Indonesia.<ref>[http://www.dutchmalaysia.net/press/Easternization.html Easternization of the West: Children of the VOC]</ref>

* On 5 July [[1960]], five days after the [[Democratic Republic of the Congo|Congo]] gained independence from Belgium, the [[Force Publique]] garrison near [[Léopoldville]] mutinied against its white officers and attacked numerous European targets. This caused the fear amongst the approximately 100,000 [[white African|whites]] still resident in the Congo and mass exodus from the country.<ref>[http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/united_nations_congo.htm ::UN:: History Learning Site]</ref>

* Mass expulsion of the [[pied-noir]] population of European descent and [[History of the Jews in Algeria|Jews]] from [[Algeria]] to [[France]]. In just a few months in [[1962]], 900,000 of these Europeans and native Jewish people left the country.<ref>[http://marketplace.publicradio.org/shows/2006/08/01/PM200608016.html Marketplace: Pied-noirs breathe life back into Algerian tourism]</ref><ref>[http://lexicorient.com/e.o/pied-noir.htm Pied-Noir]</ref>

* The [[Zanzibar Revolution]] of January 12, 1964 put an end to the local Arab dynasty. Thousands of [[Arabs]] and [[Demographics of India|Indians]] were massacred by [[Black people|Africans]].<ref>[http://whosfaultisit.blogspot.com/2006/09/homemade-genocide-arab-world-is.html Who's Fault Is It?]</ref>

* The forced expulsion of [[Uganda]]'s entire [[Non-resident Indian and Person of Indian Origin|Asian]] population by [[Idi Amin]]'s regime.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/august/7/newsid_2492000/2492333.stm 1972: Asians given 90 days to leave Uganda]</ref>

* Since April 1989, some 70,000 black Mauritanians -- members of the [[Peul]], [[Wolof]], [[Soninke]] and [[Bambara]] ethnic groups -- had been expelled from [[Mauritania]] by the Mauritanian government.<ref>[http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?ReportId=70522 Fair elections haunted by racial imbalance]</ref>

* In 1989, after bloody pogroms against the [[Meskhetian Turks]] by [[Uzbeks]] in Central Asia's [[Ferghana Valley]], nearly 90,000 Meskhetian Turks left [[Uzbekistan]].<ref>[http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=28663 Focus on Mesketian Turks]</ref><ref>[http://www.cal.org/co/pdffiles/mturks.pdf Meskhetian Turk Communities around the World]</ref>

* Expulsion of [[white people|white]] farmers by the [[Robert Mugabe|Mugabe]] regime in [[Zimbabwe]] in 2000. There were 270,000 [[whites in Zimbabwe]] (when the country was known as [[Rhodesia]]) in 1970. There are only a few thousand whites left in Zimbabwe today.

* Attacks by the [[Janjaweed]] [[Arabs]], [[Muslim]] militias of [[Sudan]] on the [[African]] population of [[Darfur]], a region of western Sudan.<ref> Collins, Robert O., "Civil Wars and Revolution in the Sudan: Essays on the Sudan, Southern Sudan, and Darfur, 1962-2004
", (p. 156), Tsehai Publishers (US), (2005) ISBN 0-9748198-7-5 .</ref><ref>Power, Samantha "Dying in Darfur:
Can the ethnic cleansing in Sudan be stopped?"[http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?040830fa_fact1], ''The New Yorker'', [[30 August]] [[2004]].
Human Rights Watch, [http://hrw.org/english/docs/2004/05/05/darfur8536.htm "Q & A: Crisis in Darfur"] (web site, retrieved [[24 May]] [[2006]]).
Hilary Andersson, [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/3752871.stm "Ethnic cleansing blights Sudan"], ''BBC News'', 27 May 2004.</ref> A July 14, 2007 article notes that in the past two months up to 75,000 Arabs from [[Chad]] and [[Niger]] crossed the border into Darfur. Most have been relocated by the Sudanese government to former villages of displaced non-Arab people. Some 2.5 million have now been forced to flee their homes after attacks by Sudanese troops and Janjaweed militia.<ref>[http://news.independent.co.uk/world/africa/article2768232.ece Arabs pile into Darfur to take land 'cleansed' by janjaweed]</ref>

* There have been reports of racially motivated attacks against [[African American]]s who have moved into neighborhoods occupied mostly by [[Mexican American]]s, and vice versa. According to gang experts and law enforcement agents the [[Mexican Mafia]] leaders, or shot callers, have issued a "green light" on all blacks in some racially mixed [[Los Angeles]] neighborhoods.<ref>[http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-op-hernandez7jan07,1,414328.story?coll=la-news-comment&ctrack=1&cset=true Roots of Latino/black anger]</ref><ref>[http://www.alternet.org/story/46855/ Ethnic Cleansing in L.A.]</ref><ref>[http://www.blackamericaweb.com/site.aspx/bawnews/stateof/hutchinson105 Thanks to Latino Gangs, There’s a Zone in L.A. Where Blacks Risk Death if They Enter]</ref><ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/01/23/wgangs23.xml FBI called to deal with 'race' gang violence]</ref><ref>[http://observer.guardian.co.uk/world/story/0,,2036580,00.html A bloody conflict between Hispanic and black gangs is spreading across Los Angeles]</ref>

*In October 2006, [[Niger]] announced that it would deport the [[Arabs]] living in the Diffa region of eastern Niger to Chad.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6087048.stm Niger starts mass Arab expulsions]</ref> This population numbered about 150,000.<ref>[http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L25138454.htm Reuters Niger's Arabs say expulsions will fuel race hate]</ref> While the government was rounding Arabs in preparation for the [[deportation]], two girls died, reportedly after fleeing government forces, and three women suffered miscarriages. Niger's government had eventually suspended a controversial decision to deport Arabs.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6081416.stm Niger's Arabs to fight expulsion]</ref><ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain?docid=469638881e UNHCR | Refworld - The Leader in Refugee Decision Support]</ref>

== See also ==
* [[List of race riots]]
* [[Apartheid]]
* [[Apartheid]]
* [[Balkanization]]
* [[Balkanization]]
* [[Crusade]]
* [[Jihad]]
* [[Fern Senior]]
* [[Race]]
* [[Race]]
* [[Racism]]
* [[Racism]]
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* [[Neo Nazism]]
* [[Neo Nazism]]
* [[Kamau Kambon]]
* [[Kamau Kambon]]
* [[Racial Holy War]]

== References ==

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[[Category:Neo-Nazi movements and concepts]]
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Revision as of 06:17, 27 January 2008

The novel The Turner Diaries told of a "race war" between White Americans and other races

Template:Discrimination2 Race war is a slang term referring to developing hostilities between ethnic groups divided on the basis of race. The term may refer to specific violent acts or to general overt or covert hostilities between ethnic groups; compare ethnic warfare.

White racialism

The concept of a 'Racial Holy War' or a 'Rahowa' is a core rallying cry for White racialist groups advocating a survivalist agenda, separated by racial identity. In 1987, the White Patriot Party declared that a Race War had begun. Some White racialist groups advocate a Racial Holy War [1]. Likewise, some so-called "Black Jews" and people associated with the Nation of Islam have also advocated race wars.

The term doesn't refer to an all out war between blacks, whites, and latinos, rather the separation between the three, due to Mexican immigrants moving into the southwest, and Mexican gangs like La Raza killing blacks in LA and forcing them into the southeast. And eventually those blacks are supposed to force the remaining whites in the southeast to the northwest. Then once the groups are separated, the idea is that ZOG won't be able to appease both the blacks and Mexicans with the white tax dollars anymore, or even more that whites will finally refuse to support a government that they feel has them on the bottom of America's food-chain. Looking at demographics to large cities in all regions, you can decide for yourself. Often things like La Raza are hidden by the media, as black on white murders have been to keep certain people dumb deaf and blind.

In Fiction

Race war is the main theme of the William Luther Pierce 1978 novel The Turner Diaries.

See also