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== Guiri ==
== Guiri ==
I would like to know where the person who wrote this fact entry received his information. For one thing, the phrase asking where something is in Spanish is ''Donde está ---,'' which doesn't sound any thing like ''guiri''. Second, ''guiri'' has three meanings in Spanish, one of which is "turist." That, I assume, is the meaning of the word in this context. So, I'm going to revise this entry a bit right now.
I would like to know where the person who wrote this fact entry received his information. For one thing, the phrase asking where something is in Spanish is ''Donde está ---,'' which doesn't sound any thing like ''guiri''. Second, ''guiri'' has three meanings in Spanish, one of which is "turist." That, I assume, is the meaning of the word in this context. So, I'm going to revise this entry a bit right now. [[User:|]] 02:42, 2 September 2005 (UTC)

Revision as of 02:42, 2 September 2005

Need for expansion of title

What should it be called? I have heard it said that some of these are merely "slang" others say it's not derogative... Should Vandal, hooligan be included, Jerry, Charlie etc.. The need for the expansion seems important

Jerry i would reckon belong in the 'political slur' article, although im not sure. 'charlie' might be both political and ethnic. vandal and hooligan, those are more political/social/economic than racial or ethnic. besides this was not 'planned out' when we broke up these categories, we just kind of did it.

here's a place where they have a list-http://www.rsdb.org/ Dwarf Kirlston 12:38, 19 Mar 2005 (UTC)


Deleted reference to"ethnophaulisms" because I cant find it on the internet except in reference to the "n" word. No one uses the word "negritude" on a large scale. Chappelle has a hit show which makes things like saying " bitch" popular right now, But current catch phrases are not the same as a traditionaly qualified ethnic slurs. Also ethnic slurs are slang, but slang is not an ethnic slur. Unless its an important exception, an ethnic slur should be DEROGOTIVE, and ETHNICALLY TINGED. player hater is niether of these. If you have a local ethnic slur that no one else uses Note were its in use at so that it can be verified or disputed. No one says "negritude" in california.

This page was listed for deletion on September 18, 2004. The result of the debate was to keep the article. For an archive of that debate see Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/List of ethnic slurs.

I'm uncertain if the term Mohammedan belongs on this list. It was, originally, the accepted terminology in much of Europe for a Muslim person. While it is currently out of favor (and viewed as archaic) it seems that some continue to use it in a deliberately pejorative manner. Any thoughts?

I don't see how Mohammedan's use could be construed as being pejorative. School text books I was using in the 1990s still had "Mohammedans" in them, it was simply what was used before the terms Moslem then Muslim became known of.
Well, it's offensive to certain Muslims because it implies they worship Mohammed. Those who use it because they know Muslims find it offensive are using it pejoratively. --Dante Alighieri 21:08 8 Jun 2003 (UTC)
I recognize there are people who choose to be offended by it, but Mohammedan no more implies that they worship Mohammed than "Calvinist" implies Calvinists worship Calvin or Lutheran implies Lutherans worship Luther. -- Someone else 21:21 8 Jun 2003 (UTC)
The point is that it's being used pejoratively. Take a look at Yankee, that has a real definition, but that's not how it's being used. --Dante Alighieri 00:07 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)

If it's being used perjoratively, it's perjorative. But it still doesn't imply that anyone's worshipping Mohammed. -- Someone else 00:14 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
Several other terms on the list were once, and sometimes still are, regarded as neutral descriptive terms (Yankee, Papist, Gypsy). These, and "Mohammedan", might not count as "slurs", but their presence on the list seems correct. Perhaps the title of the list needs to be broadened a bit. Sara

Also, if we add in the usage of "common" names (Juan to refer to a Mexican person, Boris to refer to a Russian person, etc.) the list will be overrun. What about a few sentences describing the phenomenon and an example or two?

Furthermore, what about phrases like sheep-fucker. This is used by the British and Americans to talk about the Scottish, the Australians to talk about the New Zealanders, the New Zealanders to talk about the Australians, and so on... Should this article try to sort out that sort of thing or stick with more concrete terms? --Dante Alighieri 12:36 8 Jun 2003 (UTC)

That term probably sees far more use than almost everything else listed in this article, so yes it should be added. A significant percentage of Australians use it as their standard term in reference of New Zealanders. Australian television advertisements feature that theme in them too.
But how to deal with the variation in meaning in different cultures? I'll leave it up to someone more familiar with Commonwealth countries to handle that. --Dante Alighieri 21:08 8 Jun 2003 (UTC)

I really can't see Charlie and Gerry as ethnic slurs. I've never seen or heard them used in a derogatory fashion. Every military on the planet has thousands of slang words, but suspiciously the words reserved for the enemy are mostly clean while the words used to describe women, for example, are something to write home about. --Markonen 12:54 8 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Fair enough, votes on whether to keep or remove Charlie and Gerry? --Dante Alighieri 21:08 8 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Charlie isnt a term of disparagement. Pizza Puzzle

Both Charlie and Jerry seem specifically to mean enemy soldiers. They're slang, and they aren't exactly compliments, but they don't appear to be pejorative per se. You wouldn't call someone that as an insult; they don't work like "gook" or "kraut". Their grammar is different: "Charlie" seems to function as a mass noun rather than a count noun; you bomb "Charlie," but I don't think you capture "Charlies." In movies and such, you don't see "Jerry" so much as you see "the Jerries," AFAICR. -- IHCOYC 19:22, 11 Aug 2003 (UTC)

What of terms that label "evildoers" with ethnic names? The Vandals, for example, -> vandalism, and the British use of "hooligan"? -- not, perhaps, ethnic labels, but neverthess ethnic slurs. -- Someone else 21:38 8 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Good point. I think that vandal has a decent shot at being on the list, but I'm unfamiliar with the British usage of hooligan (here in the States it just means troublemaker). --Dante Alighieri 00:08 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)
It does just mean troublemaker, usually at a football match, but it does hearken back to the Irish origin of the word, so it's a bit troublesome in, say, Maggie Thatcher's mouth. -- Someone else 00:13 9 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Jap is not a slur, its an abbreviation. And Yank/Yankee are hardly terms of disparagement. Pizza Puzzle

I don't know anyone who doesn't consider Jap a slur. I've heard people use it sometimes, thinking it was just an abbreviation, but all Japanese I know take insult at it and almost all non-Japanese I know know that. -- Tlotoxl 09:19, 21 Aug 2003 (UTC)
Jap is *absolutely* a slur, comparable to "Chink."

Agree about Yank, I was quite surprised to see it called pejorative; here it's just the normal term for a US citizen (regardless of side of Mason-Dixon line). I wouldn't even call it slang so much as informal. Similarly pom isn't pejorative, it just means British. (The pejorative form is "pommy bastard", which is actually much milder than it sounds - more of a friendly jibe than an insult.) --Roger 17 Aug 2003

At least some people do consider Yank(ee) to be perjorative. Especially Southerners. Though, I suppose that may be more along the lines of, for example, using "English" to refer to Scots and Welsh - that is, offensively incorrect rather than offensive per se Nik42 04:55, 27 Jan 2005 (UTC)
In the American South, it *is* an insulting term. Trust me on this . . . I've had it used in my direction in a hostile manner. Overseas, it may be different, but it still belongs on the list.

As a Canadian I don't find Canuck to be in the least bit offensive. If someone says, 'You fucking Canuck!' I will take offensive, I guess, but only because of how they said it (i.e., 'You fucking Canadian!' would be just as offensive).

As a foreigner living in Japan, I also don't find gaijin to be very offensive. It's definitely worse than Canuck, but it all depends on context and I don't take offense 95% of the time when someone calls me a gaijin.

Maybe the list should have some sort of rating system to indicate whether a slur is always offensive, offensive when used by an outsider or rarely offensive. It's really ridiculous having 'Canuck' alongside of 'nigger' and 'chink' as if they're somehow even close to being the same thing.

-- Tlotoxl 09:19, 21 Aug 2003 (UTC)

I don't object, fundamentally, to some sort of rating system, except that I would imagine that doing it in a fully NPOV manner would be difficult. Different people will find different words more or less offensive. That being said, there's already a qualifier at the top of the page that not all terms are equally offensive.
Clearly, however, some distinctions need to be made. While it is perfectly acceptable to have a hockey team named the Canucks, it would be highly offensive to have a team called the Chinks (even assuming that the Chinese were big hockey fans).
What about the Redskins?
There's a bit of controversy about those sort of team names: Redskins, Chiefs, Indians, Braves, etc. Some people take offense to them, some people don't. The obvious argument against them is that they relegate Native Americans (or American Indians, or Amerindians, or First Peoples, or what have you) to the same position as animals (Broncos, Dolphins, Ravens, Rams). Now, there's also a counter-argument against that, since we have the UNLV Running Rebels and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, so its clearly not limited to native peoples. Still, I think that since "Chink" is unambiguously offensive and since the "Canucks" are mostly making fun of themselves, the Redskins et al. don't fall clearly into either category. --Dante Alighieri 05:57, 29 Sep 2003 (UTC)
While we're at it, I suppose it might be time to start thinking about renaming the article. Clearly not all the phrases in the article are ethnic slurs, so perhaps List of fighting words might be more appropriate. In any event, I'll await further discussion here on the Talk page before doing anything drastic.
--Dante Alighieri 10:10, 21 Aug 2003 (UTC)
The easiest way might be to rate them with an easily typed symbol system, say, as !, !!, or !!! on degree of offensiveness, with a small explanation at the bottom of the page, so that you would see nigger (!!!) and canuck (!). -- IHCOYC

Gin didn't originate as an ethnic slur. Gin actually comes from an Aboriginal dialect where it does mean "woman". So it's inclusion falls into the doubtful category.

I'm in the US and I haven't heard anyone use "sars" to refer to a person of ANY ethnicity. Can anyone actually confirm its usage? --Dante Alighieri 19:50, 23 Aug 2003 (UTC)

I'm in Montreal, and I have heard the term used to refer to one person -- and he adopted the term himself, as a joke. I'd debate this. --Mirv 17:45, 5 Dec 2003 (UTC)

more annotation per slur

While we have decided to keep this article, why not write more about each slur -- each slur's region where it was commonly used, when it was used, and how common the usage was. I think noting this is significant because some terms on this list may have been just invented or have been dead for a long time.

A Whole Lot of B.S........

I just stumbled across this page of the wikipedia and find it to be very insulting for ANY RACE of people. I find that you people don't find any name calling offensive, which is very scary. This is very troubling and disturbing. I don't think anyone need a damn dictionary full of NAME CALLING to enhance their vocabulary, (if you want to call it that). Perhaps you fools should be concentrating on how to live together, rather than what new word you can come up with to piss someone off. I guess the world is so corrupt until anything goes, and that is the frightening part.....I guess all of you are prejudice...

Reply: There is a fine line between being prejudice and racist, prejudice is a natural aspect, where racism is acts of violence (mentaly or physicaly) when a person knowningly uses "ethnic slurs" normally it is to create hurt (spreading seeds of hatred) , I believe this page offers people who are unaware an opertunity to change the wrong mentality they have been indoctrinated with from corrupt social teachings ****
It's also useful to know what people might be calling you Conch Shell 15:57, 11 Apr 2005 (UTC)
When people called me names in elementary school (I'm orginally from outside the US), I had absolutely no idea that they were being racist until they kept on saying it in an increasingly derogatory manner. It would have been nice to have a list like this so I could have figured out just what the heck was going on. I certainly tried (and do try) hard to "live together"... I just had no idea my attempts were being repulsed by certain people entirely because I'm not Anglo-Saxon. Political correctness is important and all, but it's the day and night argument - until you know what is wrong, you can't fix it. My two cents. :) Janet13 04:54, 25 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Terms that have become a norm

Years back I was involved with group discussions. These group discussions were moderated by select individuals who were to be unbiased in evaluation of attitudes and beliefs expressed between group members. One day in the midst of discussion I made the statement "I felt as I had been Jew'd." Immediately one of the group members pointed a finger at me and stated "ethnic slur, ethnic slur." My physical and verbal response to was "what the heck or you talking about." I hadn't a clue, as to what was said, that was considered an ethnic slur. At that point one of the moderators spoke up and said "Joe, I am Jewish." As we kept strong eye contact, she could tell I was still bewildered and made another comment along the lines of "You know it is really amazing how select terms are used so much, that after time those terms become a norm and people are completely unaware as to what they are saying." I was still bewildered as the moderator continued with "you said, I was Jew'd." With that statement my words instantly rang out in my memory. I made an apology followed with an excuse that I did not realize. The moderator acknowledged my apology and unawareness based on her understanding of how people so easily fall into the trap of using ethnic slurs as a norm.

To this day people may cry and whine about being called a "Hun" and at the same time those same people will project back similar ethnic slurs without realizing the actual meaning.

For those that do realize actual meaning and continue to utilize terms that are "ethnic slurs", that is something they will have to carry with them. The result is compounded hurt they will continue to try and project onto others. At times they will be successful in dong so giving hatred a means to root itself and grow.

If one elects to continue spreading garbage after they are made aware as to what they are doing, it is their decission to be a "ethnic slur garbage collator."

Consider what has occurred with our families over time the next time you trip up and use any "ethnic slur." I know I do .... and I understand it is our Cajun families/relations who I have insulted besides myself.

Choupiuqe born and raised in the swamps .... bound to family through the waters of the bayou teche.

Hi, I think my listing of "hajji" might be a bit POV, I'm not the most patriotic American and maybe that shows.. is there a better term than "occupation forces?" --Pakaran 17:13, 5 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Is someone in Iraq to witness that there is this usage?
It was mentioned in the news, want me to dig up a reference? --Pakaran 17:44, 5 Dec 2003 (UTC)

I'd dispute that the n*gger word is used in New Zealand in reference to the Maori. I've never once heard that word used in reference to them. Also, including pakeha on this list would be controversial. Crusadeonilliteracy 17:38, 5 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Removed the following:

*Brit - Ireland, U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, U.K. citizen (nearly always disparaging in Ireland, less clearly so elsewhere)

"Brit" can hardly qualify as a slur, seeing that Brits happily use it to describe themselves. If I say rude things about the Aussies, does that make "Aussie" a slur? 23:51, 9 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Coonass, swamp n__ger, levee rat > degrading terms projected towards Cajun People.

Please add to list page ....

Choupiuqe born and raised in the swamps .... bound to family through the waters of the bayou teche.

Back to the notion of a ratings system, here's an idea for rating the terms from zero to four symbols-yet-to-be-decided (I'll use @ in the example):
(no @s) Slang terms which are not necessarily offensive (Canuck, limey, goy).
@ Historical terms once used descriptively, but now considered incorrect (Mohammedan, Negro, oriental, darkie, Gypsy); terms which are offensive only when used inaccurately (Chinese referring to Asians who are not Chinese).
@@ Moderately offensive slang terms (oreo, frog, most given names used as slurs).
@@@ Highly offensive phrases (porch monkey, towelhead)
@@@@ Highly offensive, highly prevalent "classic" slurs (nigger, wop, chink, spic, honky, dago, and so forth --- literally ad nauseum).

Yes, there are POV issues here, but as long as there's a degree of consensus, and intelligent discussion about what is not agreed on, we should come up on something close to objectivity.

Sara 02:55, 9 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Any explainaitions when we have to use capital letter for the first word and when not ? All the words in this page are all mixed between words starting with capital letters and some not. --Chmouel Boudjnah 23:11, 12 Feb 2004 (UTC)

I have a question: is Anglo - US, a white person really an ethnic slur? I've never heard it used as such. -- BCorr ¤ Брайен 01:39, 28 Feb 2004 (UTC)

I'd agree--I'd think of it as a shorthand form, no more. Meelar 01:44, 28 Feb 2004 (UTC)

It's actually used alot by Latinos, especially when in front of non-Latinos. It makes sense; Since Hispanics are separated from other Americans by language, it would only be natural for the other group (Anglos) to be named linguistically as well.

It's certainly a *label*, but that does not make it a slur. "Hispanic" is a label along very similar lines.
I agree. I have heard it used hundreds of times, and can't recall it being used as a slur ever. -Willmcw 21:07, Mar 17, 2005 (UTC)


very good site of slurs yet youre missin some

such as :

Keffer: Afrikaan: a black person Wagon- Burner: An Native American

Wagon Burner? Never ever heard that. RickK | Talk 06:34, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)

I think I might have heard it at one point or other... but don't take this to be definitive validation. --Dante Alighieri | Talk 06:50, Mar 19, 2004 (UTC)
Just googled it. It's not terribly popular (although one might imagine it's just not terribly popular on the net) but it does seem to be in use. Here's a link: [1]. --Dante Alighieri | Talk 06:52, Mar 19, 2004 (UTC)

This page is ridiculous! It seems like half the terms on here were just arbitrarily added by people who have no idea what the words mean. An example is "chino". This is NOT an anti-Chinese racial slur that Hispanic Americans use. The truth of the matter is that "chino" means "Chinese" in Spanish! When a Mexican-American calls a Chinese person a "chino", it's no different than when he calls a Hispanic a "latino" or a Mexican-American a "mexicano". "Chino" DOES NOT mean "chink", and it's sort of anti-Spanish racism/ignorance that led someone to post "chino" as a racial slur.

Also, "Eskimo" shouldn't be considered a racial slur because of false etymology. I've never referred to Eskimos as Inuits and, in fact, was sometimes led to believe they were two different things. "Inuits" were the Native American tribes who lived in the northern Canada/Alaska area, and Eskimos are but one group/tribe of Inuit people who lived in a typical way (igloos and whatnot).

Also, I'm Italian-American, and I have to say that some of the things on the page are ridiculous. For example, it's offensive to call an Italian-American "Fabio"? I don't think so. If we use that kind of logic than ANYTHING could become a racial slur. For example, is it also an anti-Italian slur if someone were to call me Joe Pesci or Danny Devito? I mean, come on!

Please keep in mind that people in different countries "feel" the words in a different way. Also, it all depends on the intonation. FOr example, "Ivan" is a typical Russian name. But when spoken "These 'Ivans' did this and that" it turns into a slur. And you must agree that "These 'Sergeys' did this and that" doesn't sound the same. The same if for Fabio. Probably in some circles 'Fabio' is pronounced with a derogatory feel. And an Italian must know that when somebody called him "Hey, you, Fabio!", it doesn't necessarily mean that the caller mistook him for some Fabio he thought he knows. After the WWII in Russia almost all common German names Hans, Fritz, etc., became ethnic slurs, guess why. Mikkalai 22:05, 23 May 2004 (UTC

<<<<After the WWII in Russia almost all common German names Hans, Fritz, etc., became ethnic slurs, guess why. Mikkalai 22:05, 23 May 2004 (UTC)>>>>[reply]

Right, but that's my point. Almost anything could be considered an ethnic slur, depending on the context. As an Italian, I've never heard the "Fabio" thing. And, IMO, it'd be far more insulting to call me, say, a "Soprano" or something like that. I'm not sure if anyone uses "Soprano" as a racial mafia slur in that way, but I don't see why it wouldn't be. This could also be done with any real-life mafioso names, e.g. "Gotti" or any other fictional mafia characters. IMO, that doesn't make these words racial slurs. Like you said above, would it make sense to list all German names as slurs because Russians MAY use them in a negative way?

Would it make sense to list every Asian name or every African-American-sounding name (i.e., Jamal, Yolanda, Kwaneesha) as slurs because racists might sometimes apply any arbitrary name to a person of a certain ethnic group in order to offend? I don't think it would.

We need to be very careful about folk etymology. I noticed that some for 'pom' has crept onto the list. Secretlondon 01:22, 24 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

I find much of this list rather dubious - certainly "kaffir" is used as a slur in Arabic, and is used by some to refer to all non-Muslims; it was picked up by white colonialists in Africa from Arab and Zanzibari slave traders they met there. "Bushie" must surely be a diminutive of Bushman rather than "Coloured". While "paki" is used as a slur, "pak" is used by Pakistani newspapers to save space in their English language headlines and articles, so it seems to be the user rather than the meaning which matters. I don't see the slur in "Soviet" at all, though it is now out of date. And I would have thought "spic" was a shortening of "Hispanic". Many of the others look unlikely to me. Does this page come anywhere near the quality required? --Henrygb 01:22, 31 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Is "yuppie" really an ethnic slur? In the UK, it doesn't refer to any particular ethnic origin, though it might in the US. American wikipedians advise? Bonalaw 10:16, 13 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Differentiation, elaboration

While I wouldn't argue against the inclusion of a list and discussion (!) of racial slurs and the like, I'd wish its quality to improve dramatically, especially given the sensitive nature of the topic. Note that some people may be offended even by reading this page(s).

Being German, my comments will include a 'german' perspective. Some notes: 1) The only word reportedly used by Germans in the list is 'Tommy'. It can still be used today (although it rarely is) referring to British soldiers. Per se, the term is hardly derogatory. Unlike a page you link to claims ("Germans called the Brits this in WWII. They thought Tommy was a common British name.") it refers to the British soldiers' pay books which used the name "Thomas Atkins" as an exemplary signature. Hence the hypocoristic form 'Tommy' was used as a generic term for 'British soldier'. 2) Unlike apparently in the US, the word 'Yankee' is derogatory in German, unless used in historical context: e.g. Yankees vs Southerners. 3) That brings me to the question of context. For this page to be more help- and insightful, I would appreciate more context and historical background. It would, e.g. be interesting to know whether 'Adolf' can still, and in any context be used as generic term for 'Germans' or rather when describing Germans as 'Nazis' (which may, of course coincide, depending on the speakers intentions). How is it used ? "He's an Adolf" = German ? 4) Lastly, I would like to single out the entry 'Nazi' which you gloss as 'a German person'. While I'm aware that some people still like to indiscriminately qualify Germans as Nazis, I think at least in Europe, Nazi does not necessarily mean German. Historically, of course, it is short for 'follower of the doctrine of 'Nationalsozialismus. While this movement came to power in Germany, and its most prominent exponants and, perhaps more importantly, the far-reaching realization of its tenets (e.g. the Holocaust) are inseparably connected with German history, Nazism was never, nor is, either uniquely or exclusively German. Especially Neo-Nazism is widespread today, with major centers, e.g. in North America and various European countries. Hence the current usage of the word, as I know it, is that it refers to a follower of Nazism, whatever nationality he or she has. I'm pretty sure that, at least in Europe 'he's a Nazi' isn't homonymous with 'he's German'. But that may be different in the US or elsewhere. Can anybody clarify ?

P.S. Certainly the usage of the word 'Nazi' depends on each person's historical awareness. After WW II countries like France or the Netherlands undertook great efforts to expunge the memory or their respective Nazi movements and collaboration. The picture given in school books etc. was that all French/ Dutch were in the resistance, while only the Germans were Nazi. Such a clear-cut national divide of course never existed. Suffice it to say that there were thousands of Dutch (and also French) in the Waffen SS. Also, there were quite a few Germans e.g. fighting in the French 'Résistance'. Such 'details' tend to be conveniently forgotten, so, perhaps the equation Nazi = (exlusively) German may live in many heads. I'd be interested to read your comments on that.

Kiwi and General comment

I see that Kiwi is in the list. Maybe a New Zealander can correct me (perhaps I am an insentitive Australian) but I really doubt that this is a slur as no Kiwi has yet to hit me for using it. On that basis I ought to add Aussie.

This leads to another observation. There are various debates above that discuss whether or not a word should appear and whether or not a slur. How about we solve the problme by chaging the list to a list of names that are slang terms use for an ethnic gourp, nationality, culter or whatever. We could add data to indicate

  • An indication of level of offensiveness, preferably validated by a member of the group being offended, otherwise subjective by necessity!
  • An indication of whether the term used by others to refer to the group (eg boong): or also used internally (eg Kiwi, wog).
  • An indication of the form of english that uses the word: plus any differences between forms of english.

This would allow the list to expand to include other 'alternative' and slang names for groups.

Not sure about sorting or splitting into sub topics: could be by target group or the using group: ideally both.

This is a 'shit load' of work, but may solve the issue. --GPoss 00:59, Aug 22, 2004 (UTC)

BJAODN time?

Either this has a couple of mistakes in it, or it's a candidate for BJAODN:

Shigga, Sexinese, ; Of Sexinese descent. Highly sexy and irresistable. a must-fuck

The User Formerly Known As 02:00, 27 Aug 2004 (UTC)

This list is chock full of bogosity mainly in the form of a) little-used neologisms and b) terms which are not ethnic slurs and/or only questionably disparaging.

Post-VfD cleanup

Since it's survived, evidently people must be willing to clean up the list in ways other than merely fixing the capitalisation on the entries (some of which should indeed not be capitalised).

phallic-sounding slurs...

Any etymologists know whether or not "chink" and "spic" were originally intended to sound vaguely like phallic references? That's always had my curiosity ever since I first heard them and originally thought those were slang words for the penis.

Removed part of Anglo

I removed part of the "Anglo" listing that referred to the use of that word in Quebec to describe English speakers. That usage is commonly accepted and not perjorative.

"Anglo" shouldn't be listed at all. It's true that it is often used by Hispanic Americans, but it is not an insult - it is a fairly generic term for non-Hispanic white people. "Gringo" is more of an insult.

Non-English words

Some words in this list seem to be words used in other languages. Words like "gringo", which have passed into English usage, I can understand, but do we need, say, "ame-koh", which if I'm interpreting correctly is only used in Japanese? -Branddobbe 03:59, Nov 10, 2004 (UTC)

I think it does make sense (in a way) to keep the words that are used by English speakers, and also those that are used to refer to English speakers, but omit other entries... By this criterion, ame-koh would stay, but e.g. I would not add лабус (labus), a slur used by Belorussians in reference to Lithuanians. A useful web reference BTW (if not mentioned elsewhere in this humongous talkpage) is The Alternative Dictionaries. --Theodore Kloba 20:14, Nov 30, 2004 (UTC)

Slurs of unknown character added by anon

  • Aggarwal, Rishi – a fat man
  • Christofah a canadian fop
  • Fay-zai – fat guy in chinese

Do these qualify as ethnic slurs? - Amgine 21:59, 26 Nov 2004 (UTC)

The first and last are certainly not ethnic or anything close to it, the second I would say is a nationality slur, not exactly the same thing. And I've yet to find any evidence "Christofah" is even in use with this meaning. I'm going to just remove them. [[User:Livajo|Ливай | ]] 06:42, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Fay-zai, I believe, simply means "fat guy" in Chinese. Certainly not a racial or ethnic slur, it's just a random derogatory term, same way calling someone "fat guy" can be in English. It can also be used in a complimentary (though someone condescending) manner, re: aw, look at the cute little kid. It had already been removed, but just in case anyone's wondering.

More recently, an anon added Aggarwal, Rishi, this time the definition was "retard." I'm guessing this is the name of a person, and this is a childish prank. -Willmcw 18:32, Feb 25, 2005 (UTC)


Hoser doesn't mean a Canadian. And 'Gypsy' IS a derrogatory slur referring to the Roma people.

Why is Jewbacca reverting the ethnic slurs against Jews?

This page is an equal opportunity slur festival, in case he missed the point. All races and ethnicities are subject to slurs equally here. Jews don't get a free ride by whining about anti-semitism, at least not on this page. --Wiesenthaler 04:33, 21 Dec 2004 (UTC)

They do while SlimVirgin has a breath in her body. I think your edits were partly questionable and definitely pose questions about your own priorities, but it does look like you're being censored.Dr Zen 05:18, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Some (Chosen) People are more equal than others. --Wiesenthaler 05:40, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Listen, I'll fight for NPOV, but I won't support anti-Semitism. Take it elsewhere. Dr Zen 05:45, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

You said yourself they were censoring my edits. The Jewish Wikipedia gangsters think they must revert slurs against Jews but, of course, slurs against everyone else are fair game. They think they are special. It's not anti-Semitism to point out the obvious. Watch your step when you step off your high horse. --Wiesenthaler 05:50, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Wiesenthaler's edits

I just reverted Wiesenthaler's latest edit. Some of his entries were described in neutral terms, but others were not, and I don't have time to go through them all so I reverted. I feel this user should be blocked because he is causing a lot of trouble for a second day running; wasting people's time, and being highly abusive. Examples of his recent edit are:

  • Nickel nose - U.S., a jew. Refers to facial characteristics and money-centered nature.
    • German candle - U.S., Jew. Refers to incinerated Jews in World War II.
  • German oven mitt - U.S., Refers to incinerated Jews in World War II.
  • Gargamel – U.S. ,Jews. refers to greedy money-grubbing nature of Smurf by same name.
  • Gatemaster – U.S., Jew. As in doomed to Hell.

Although this is a page for ethnic slurs, the descriptions of the slurs should be neutral, and the above are not. I also wrote on the edit summary that the edit contained an insult against an editor, but I was confusing that with the previous edit by someone else. Slim 07:15, Dec 22, 2004 (UTC)

I feel you should be blocked for engaging in revert wars and unjustified biased edits of referenced material. Who do you think you are? --Wiesenthaler 07:27, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I think I've fixed Wiesenthaler's additions now (and they needed it badly). All parties to this needless edit war ought to familiarize themselves with the concepts of cooperation and WikiLove: I've found they make one's editing here more productive, not to mention much more pleasant for all concerned. —Charles P. (Mirv) 08:01, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

VirginiaSlim, why are you deleting fully referenced material?

You should not be deleting material just to suit your personal opinions about what is offensive to jews. This page is for ethnic slurs. Of course they are offensive. Your selective bias is more offensive than the slurs. [2] --Wiesenthaler 07:19, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

You must describe them in neutral terms; otherwise I will revert. Slim 07:22, Dec 22, 2004 (UTC)

You can edit the article without reverting. Demanding that other editors suit your terms is unreasonable. The terms and tones are as neutral as all the other slurs. You are just biased, Jewish, and self-centered. --Wiesenthaler 07:25, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Damn Shysters

Mucked up Arabia, the US and now Wikipedia. --Wiesenthaler 07:23, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Did anyone else see this? He added the term "shyster" to List of ethnic slurs and now throws it around here to refer to Jews and Jewish editors. Jewbacca 07:28, Dec 22, 2004 (UTC)
I've twice reverted his List of ethnic slurs edits. My problem is that I don't know which, if any, are legitimate edits, although some are clearly not, and are not described in neutral terms, so I'm just reverting. I don't have time to do the research required to find out which are widely used and which are his own invention. He's not editing in good faith, that's all I know. Slim 07:34, Dec 22, 2004 (UTC)
I'm not editing in good faith???????? I did the research and provided the reference. You "don't have time" so you just revert. Looks like you are the bad faith editor here, not me. If you don't like the content, just admit it instead of making excuses. --Wiesenthaler 07:40, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Shyster was already on the list by the way. Why are you taking it personally? I wasn't necessarily referring to you. I was referring to dishonest cheating stealing murdering scumbags lawyers/ --Wiesenthaler 07:31, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

It was NOT already on the list. Here is your edit of List of ethnic slurs where you added Shyster
Learn to read: "Scheister [Shyster] – U.K. Commonwealth & U.S., a Jew - derived from the character Shylock from Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice". However, "shyster" today is also a derogatory reference to lawyers, especially those of questionable ethics, regardless of their ethnic origin. " --Wiesenthaler 07:40, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)
See, it doesn't even necessarily mean "Jews". let alone Jewbacca, just like the words "ignorant schmuck." --Wiesenthaler 07:42, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)


I've made a few edits to remove some derogatory language in the descriptions. Changed Scheister description to see Shyster. Also delinked a couple of slurs that weren't actually linked to articles of the same name. -Willmcw 11:09, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Some of your sanitizing edits deleted important information about the etymological roots of these slurs, such as shyster's origin in Shakespeare's Shylock in Merchant of Venice, so I returned some of the edits to their original state. --Wiesenthaler 17:53, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Can you provide a source for these etymologies? -Willmcw 20:59, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Which ones? Most are here [3], many, like shyster, are also well documented elsewhere. --Wiesenthaler 21:01, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Well, let's take Shyster to start with. The site you reference does not include that etymology. Since you have insisted on adding back a number of questionable etymologies, I would ask you to support each re-addition. If they are well-documented then it shouldn't be hard to provide that documentation. -Willmcw 21:09, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)
It's so easy you could do it yourself if you weren't just interested in harassment.[4]: "Some etymologists believe "shyster" is a derivative of Shakespeare’s character Shylock in The Merchant of Venice, used to describe a devious, scheming person of Jewish background who will try any scam in the book to make a buck. In 1895, Funk’s Standard Dictionary defined a shyster as "a lawyer who practices in an unprofessional or tricky manner; especially one who haunts the prisons and lower courts to prey on petty criminals." In Shakespeare’s play, other characters call Shylock a "currish Jew" whose "desires are wolvish, bloody, starved, and ravenous"; he is accused of being "the devil … in the likeness of a Jew." " --Wiesenthaler 21:23, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Since you are the one who insists on having those etymologies included, it is up to you to support them with references. Actually, the source you give offers a different etymology as well. I don't believe that the character Shylock was a lawyer., so the connection is not obvious. How about Gargamel? Does Funk and Wagnal have an entry for that term? -Willmcw 21:52, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I already gave you the source for all my edits [5] The Slur database, so I will not continue to play your little game. If you weren't so lazy and intent on harassment, you could use Google to search for "Gargamel" and "Jew". You get more than 400 hits including white supremacist sites and an academic paper dating to 1996. It's obviously a real slur with some usage. Nice try at being obdurate though. I'm sure there's a slur that describes that characteristic. Shyster doesn't quite cover it. --Wiesenthaler 22:08, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Thanks for providing that reference. Again, it's up to the editor who adds the material to provide the source. If you are familiar with white supremacist sites, then that puts you in a good position to have those references. Since I don't use ethnic slurs, I admit that I am not conversant with them. Even if a slur exists in the Slur database, that does not mean that the definition here needs to include denigrating language. -Willmcw 22:39, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Derogatory words used in definitions

Do we want to be using derogatory words in the definitions themsleves? Some of the problems with Wiesenthaler's edits were that they involved using slurs in the descriptions of slurs. In that same vein, should we be defining:

  • Bigger Thomas – U.S. Blacks, slang for a bad nigger
  • Niknok – Netherlands, Dutch word equivalent to nigger
  • Mayate - U.S. hispanics, a derogatory Spanish word for African Americans

The first definition seems inappropriate and the second seems appropriate, in my opinion, but the line is too fine. I made a few changes using the third definition, but thought I'd ask here before making any more. Any opinions? -Willmcw 07:55, 23 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I don't think it's as complex as you make it sound. If you are using racial slurs in the "mention" sense then they should be in quotes; e.g.
Niknok; Netherlands, Dutch word equivalent to "nigger"
They shouldn't be used in any other sense, as they are in the first example. Agentsoo 15:06, 6 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]


Gosh, just as soon as one username is banned another username appears to take its place. -Willmcw 04:30, 28 Dec 2004 (UTC)

What is a Gargamel?

How does censoring information inform a reader? How does a reader know that a Gargamel is greedy and that's why bigots use it to describe Jews? What is non-neutral about explaining that illiterates used a cross or an X to sign their names while illiterate Jews used a circle, keikle? What is wrong with explaining the origin of shyster is from shylock or from sheisser? What's wrong with explaining that nickel nose has a double meaning and is a play on words? What is wrong with explaining that Wal-People refers to a class of whites and not a supposed frequent shoppers or that Lawn Jockey refers to black people who stay at home and lounge in their front yards and doesn't refer to all blacks? What is your problem? --SLUR 06:32, 28 Dec 2004 (UTC)

You know very well what you're doing so don't pretend. Can you supply references for your claims? I've never heard that shyster comes from Shylock, for example. It comes from the German word, scheissen, so far as I know. As for the other edits, it's the way you describe them. Why not leave them as they are? Not racist enough for you? Slim 06:55, Dec 28, 2004 (UTC)
I've only skimmed through the article versions, but at face value SLUR seemed to contribute some very valuable information. The topic is inherently bound to offend, but people use Wikipedia as a tool of education, not as a tool of political correctness. So long as the information is factual (regardless of whether someone may find it offensive), I vote that it should stay. Brownman40 22:14, Dec 28, 2004 (UTC)

There's no reason the material can't stay if it's correct, but the slurs should be described in neutral terms, not as an opportunity to introduce more abuse. Willmcw had done a good job of neutralizing the descriptions, but SLUR is a sockpuppet for a user who has tried to cause trouble on this page before. Also, I am disputing the factual accuracy of his "shyster" entry. Slim 22:18, Dec 28, 2004 (UTC)

Thanks for your contributions to Wikipedia, Brownman. Perhaps before you 'vote' you should do more than skim. The issue here is twofold - one: should a listing of slurs incorporate other slurs in the definitions? two: should editors who have added strongly POV material again and again and again be taken at face value, even after they use deceptive editing summaries? Is it factual that Jews are greedy? Is it factual that the derivation of shyster is shylock? I guess it depends on what universe you live in. But for this list, it'd be better to stick to objective, NPOV facts. Let's keep the slurs in the left column, not as part of the 'factual' definitions. Cheers, -Willmcw 22:26, 28 Dec 2004 (UTC)
I see that this revert war is rather “deep” (involving several definitions.) (I’m thinking as I write, so bear with me.) I see your point that on certain definitions there is POV, specifically on Gargamel. On German candle, I get the same information in your definition as I do in SLUR’s, but does this come from my common knowledge of the Holocaust? IOW, would I know that Jews were tortured and burned alive in crematoria by the Nazis if it weren’t spelled out? On lawn jockey, SLUR explains, either truthfully or not, how the word lawn jockey is used. To me, that explanation sounds believable and while this theory may not be scientific, maybe SLUR does know the root of this word because he ‘’is’’ racist. On the word kike, I feel that this dispute would hinge on a factual basis rather than a POV basis, even though there may be some POV in SLUR’s version. If SLUR is factually correct in his definition, I feel we should keep that definition but maybe reword it. The nickel nose definition of SLUR does give more information, but again I see the debate coming as to whether it is factual or not. The walpeople definition I see as a POV dispute, as both versions convey the same information. In essence, SLUR may bring information to the table that maybe as a racist he may actually know more about. However, we should strive to write this list as unemotionally and less offensively as possible while keeping the maximum amount of concrete relevant information in the article. Though as far as your note of slurs being on the left hand side and the definitions on the right hand side, wouldn’t it figure that the definitions would carry some of the offensiveness of the word as it is a definition? -Brownman40 00:06, 29 Dec 2004 (UTC)
One of the problems with this list is that there is no definitive source for information. The "Racial Slur Database" does not have a page describing their criteria for inclusion, and slurs are generally slang, hence they have informal usage. Some supposed slurs appear made-up. I'm not sure that it is necessary to know that crematoria were known as ovens to understand the german candle slur. Yes, these are all derogatory terms, and some of them have interesting etymologies. But since there is so little that can be established as factual, in many cases simply indicating who the slur refers to may be the only NPOV definition possible. - Willmcw 00:15, 29 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Here is a link regarding the etymology links of shyster and shylock. It's from a discussion type board, but it supports its discussion with links to dictionary orgins. A discussion of the etymology Brownman40 03:19, 29 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Brownman, could you quote the section that specifically says shyster comes from Shylock so we don't have to wade through the whole discussion? Also, I don't feel Usenet or a discussion group is an authoritative reference. If they give dictionary links, could you supply them here please? Many thanks, Slim 03:28, Dec 29, 2004 (UTC)

I looked at it, it looks like some bizarre and highly speculative attempt to prove that the word "Shylock" has Hebrew roots, and a bald assertion that it's related to Shyster. No evidence provided. There are people who spend a great deal of time trying to prove all English words have Hebrew roots. Jayjg | (Talk) 03:47, 29 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Sorry SlimVirgin. I wasn't making an assertion one way or the other. I was just trying to get us some material to make the dispute more substantive. In fact, my impression was that the shyster shylock connection was very weak, if existant at all. Brownman40 05:01, 29 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Brownman, would you like to say here which of SLUR's edits you'd like to keep specifically, then we can discuss them? Slim 05:45, Dec 29, 2004 (UTC)

I want to do more research. I definitely lean to keeping your version of Shyster though. Brownman40 07:05, 29 Dec 2004 (UTC

Does this help? - "shyster (also earlier shuyster) understod as shy (in earlier sense of "disreputable"), and -ster a person, especially a lawyer, who uses unethical or tricky methods; a pettifogger [Slang]" Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1960. Avalon 13:47, 11 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Moving on

What issues are outstanding on this page? In my opinion, these are the specific issues:

  • a few contended definitions (gargamel, shyster, kike, german candle, lawn jockey, walmarter, etc)
  • a lack of citations for new entries and edits
  • the presence on the list of some outlandish and unbelievable slurs (Chimp-Pansie, etc)

We should get this page unprotected asap. The only issue that keeps this page protected is a lack of collaboration on the part of one or more editors. If this is no longer a problem then the protection should be lifted. Cheers, -Willmcw 00:29, 31 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Willmcw, I have no objection to the page being unprotected. I think now that SLUR/Wiesenthal have been blocked, everyone currently editing this page is acting in good faith. Slim 03:40, Dec 31, 2004 (UTC)

US vs U.S.

The manual of style calls for using "U.S." rather than "US" when abbreviating the United States. Wikipedia:Manual of Style

When abbreviating United States, please use "U.S."; that is the more common style in that country, is easier to search for automatically, and we want one uniform style on this. When referring to the United States in a long abbreviation (USA, USN, USAF), periods should not be used.

I will make a mass change to the existing text. In the future, editors should follow the usual Wiki style. Cheers, -Willmcw 23:37, Mar 2, 2005 (UTC)


A bunch of self righteous creeps just shut down the "List of Ethnic Stereotypes" page. We should expect them to target this page next. Gird your loins for battle.

They moved them to List of stereotypical characters in the world of drama. Sweetfreek 21:15, 7 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Sweet, that's not the same list. The creeps made it disappear forever.

I don't have the patience at this exact moment to go and retrieve them from the history, but it's nothing that can't be corrected. Sweetfreek 20:58, 12 Mar 2005 (UTC)

To be honest, I didn't think that list was very good. It could have been better, but it was pretty useless in the state that it was in last time I looked. When I tried to think of anything I could add or edit that would improve it, and I found that my stereotypes of people where pretty subjective (australians?), and it would be extremely difficult to keep it unbiased and balenced. But I agree, That we should keep an eye out and be wary of that becoming a precedent for the Pee-Cee creeps to go on a censure spree. -Chas.


On what basis can we say that "Cowboy (Europe) an American (Europeans frequently puzzled that many Americans aren't offended)"? What's our source for what Europeans think that many Americans think? -Willmcw 23:44, Mar 7, 2005 (UTC)

Simple, the Europeans use it so much that we all can't help but notice. Similarly, most Americans regard them a mostly a lot of blue-blooded neat-freaks. It's really more about the derogatory attitude than the words themselves. Sweetfreek 20:58, 12 Mar 2005 (UTC)
That's cool, but those entries go in a different article, List of derogatory attitudes. ;) Anyway, the editor who added it found a source which supported at least the claim that Europeans use the epithet for Americans, and the text was modified to suit. Cheers, -Willmcw 02:10, Mar 13, 2005 (UTC)


What about Sauerkrauts = Germans?

It's just Kraut, if you use it with Sauer you refer to the dish, at least that's what I think Brother Dysk 14:27, Mar 20, 2005 (UTC)
Yep. The joke is "Now there's a sour Kraut" Chris 19:15, 24 Mar 2005 (UTC)

What/who is GIL in the explanation of Kike

Revision as of 02:01, 28 Mar 2005 says: Kike : (U.S.) a Jewish person mainly named GIL. Some call him Poor Ol Gil. Uncertain derivation, possibly derived from the fact that illiterate Jewish immigrants (i.e., those unfamiliar with the Latin or are named GIL/English alphabet: most such immigrants were quite literate in Hebrew/Yiddish and often in Cyrillic/Russian script) / Gil loves to gobble on chodes.

I have no idea what this is talking about. Who or what is GIL, and how is it related to the word "kike"? What are "chodes" and why is it relevant that Gil loves to gobble on them?

I'd like to remove those changes, but I'm pretty new here and figured I'd ask first. --Keeves 19:12, 30 Mar 2005 (UTC)

It was just vandalism by Feel free to remove obvious vandalism. Jayjg (talk) 19:59, 30 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Chode is a word for penis. --SPUI (talk) 21:16, 30 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Thanks, all! --Keeves 22:54, 30 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Why are you deleting "Pina Colada" and other slurs?

I don't know who decided with their monarchical wisdom that the slurs like "Won-Ton Pussy" and "Pina Colada" aren't real--I hear people use them at my school in new york all the time. You guys probably haven't heard them because you don't live in as diverse a community as I do. But I don't know what sources you want... people say them, but there's no official database of obscure sources. If "Egg-Roll dick" is acceptable as a slur I don't see why "Won-ton pussy" isn't.

Adding slurs that you have heard is called original research and is not allowed on Wikipedia. Please find a verifiable reference so that other editors who do not attend your school can double check the validity. If such sources do not exist then, to the great loss of culture, we shall have to leave them off of the the list. Thanks. -Willmcw 20:39, Mar 31, 2005 (UTC)
While the loss of this information would indeed be a horrific tragedy, at lest we can gain some minor comfort in the knowledge that it will be maintained in the edit history. Jayjg (talk) 23:10, 31 Mar 2005 (UTC)

"Self-loathing Jew" is not an ethnic slur

I'm a jew. I'm a supporter of palestinian rights. I don't believe it was the right of the British to give Israel to the jews in the first place. I do tend to get annoyed when people insinuate that I am a "Self-Loathing Jew." Have I established that I'm not just someone who uses the phrase yet? Anyway, its simply not an ethnic slur. It is used to describe, primarily, people who either support palestine or don't openly practice judaism. In either case, it is the person's actions that are the primary object of the insult, and not their ethnicity. Jew is not an ethnic slur, and self-loathing is simply an adjective. This phrase should not be in this article. --Benna 23:05, 8 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Since that usage appears to be based on a political belief, would it be more approrpiate to include in list of political epithets? Did you see the usage in the link [6]? Or, would it be better to list it as "Self-loathing ____" : a term used for people of various ethnic origins who are accused of being ashamed of their ethnicity", because it could be applied to many ethnicities? -Willmcw 23:31, Apr 8, 2005 (UTC)
List of political epithets isn't perfect, but yes, I think that would be a much better place for it. I wouldn't oppose its addition to that list. --Benna 01:18, 9 Apr 2005 (UTC)
OK, let's give it a day to see if anyone else has an opinion. FWIW, I would think that "self-hating" is a more common usage than "self-loathing." Cheers, -Willmcw 03:55, Apr 9, 2005 (UTC)
Yeah, I was thinking that too. I figured it was just me, but perhaps the political epithets entry should be "self-hating." --Benna 03:58, 9 Apr 2005 (UTC)
I'd say the List of political epithets is the best option there is. It most certainly is not an ethnic slur, it's simply a Jew who does not nesecarily stand with Israel for everything, or one who does not practice Judaism much. They are not being called this for this ethnicity, rather, their beliefs, or their political view, which would put it in the List of political epithets. Aviationwiz 04:38, 9 Apr 2005 (UTC)
OK, it's moved. Thanks everybody. -Willmcw 22:51, Apr 9, 2005 (UTC)

"Hebe" as an alternate spelling for "heeb"

Just a small note, but I think "hebe" should be included as a slur or as an alternative spelling for "heeb." I was pretty surprised when a ctrl F for "hebe" didn't get any results on the page.

I agree and have made the change. In general, you may "be bold" and make edits on your own. If someone doesn't like it then we can deal with that later. Cheers, -Willmcw 00:38, Apr 11, 2005 (UTC)

"Ami" is not an ethnic slur in German

"Ami" in German is simply a colloquial, sloppy abbreviation for "American". It's not derogatory unless put in a derogatory context.

Ami has been removed. --Dante Alighieri | Talk 19:25, May 24, 2005 (UTC)


I removed the following:

Intsik (Philippines) Derogatory term for people of Chinese descent.

It's not a derogatory term, it's just the Filipino word for a Chinese person. My Filipino-English dictionary agrees with me. TheCoffee 16:35, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Please consider putting it back.
It is true that "Intsik" is the Tagalog term for a person of Chinese descent, but it is now considered antiquated and slightly derogatory. The modern, polite term is "Chinese", "Chino", or the cumbersome "Fil-Chi" (short for Filipino-Chinese). I think your dictionary is outdated - which is not surprising, because our dictionaries are in dire need of revision and updating. -- 02:11, 26 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]



   (U.S. Vietnam era) North Vietnamese soldiers or guerillas. Possibly based on the Korean word for "foreigner"(a remnant from the Korean War).

No, the Korean word for "foreigner" is "wegookin." I'll delete that part.

terms for Indians

Why is there such a prevalence of the term "East Indians" on this page? I'm an Indian, as in, from India, and I don't like that term when Indian would be enough. Presumably this is to avoid confusion with Native Americans, and if that is true, a distinction has already been made by using the term "Native American". I've never met an Indian who would consider him or herself "East Indian" unless they were actually from the east parts of India, despite the phrase "East Indies".



(U.K.) abbreviation for "Brown Lad Acts Darker"a young man of South Asian descent who acts black.

I searhced quite a bit without finding any use of this term. Do we have any source? It seems plausible, but without a source it looks more like a made-up term. Thanks, -Willmcw July 2, 2005 02:21 (UTC)


Pepsi - (Anglophone Canadian) a Quebecer (or "French-Canadian") (from popularity of Pepsi-Cola in Quebec, where this soft drink outsells Coca-Cola — possibly the only place in the world where this is true). As used in Quebec, it means that the intended recipient is, like a pepsi bottle, "empty from the neck up." It also refers to black people in America. Many years ago, Pepsi was cheaper than Coca-Cola. So, the lower income black people drank Pepsi because it was more affordable. Hence, the term 'Pepsi' used for black people.

Is this a fact? I suppose this is why there is pretty much 1 pepsi machine for every coca cola machine in The States. Have any proof to back up that claim?

As for East-Indian, I know white americans that will use this term to distinguish 'East' Indians and American Indians. I've known 'Native Americans' that preferred to either go by 'Indian' or their particular Indian nation. We'll never reach a concensus unless there is a real poll on this subject.

There are plenty of Americans that dislike using the Your Race Here-American. I don't believe we ever voted on it.

I also move to add 'OREO'. It can be used to describe a black that acts white. 'OREO' can also mean a person who is of black/white heritage. 'Cracker' can also mean a black that acts white.-Wijiwang 15:07, 17 July 2005 (UTC);[reply]

removed 'cefran'

'Céfran' is not a racist slur, and is not even a common 'verlan' word. Because this entry had no value, I removed it. Adidas 00:48, 26 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

AS a U.K resident for 33 years I have never heard the term "10% off" as a reference the Jewish community - where do you get your information?

Fish and Chips?

What the hell's wrong with fish and chips, It's not just white people who eat it actually, Plus in Britain it is highly-prized, It is also brain food so why the low intelligence reference, plus saying fish and chips is low taste comes across as snobbish to me.


"Schwarzer" isn't considered a racist slur in the German speaking countries since schwarz is the German word for the color black. "Schwarze" are blacks and "Schwarzer" is a black person. It's therefore equally offensive as the word "blacks" is in America. I added a comment and the German ethnic slur of "Neger".


Why does the definition of Caca keep getting taken down? I lived in Saudi Arabia for ~10 years and I always heard Caca used to describe NIGGERS who were born in the middle east. Do I have to use NIGGERS instead of COLORED or BLACK people to make it sound legitimate? I have seen some honestly very stupid slurs on here that I can hardly believe 'COME ON, YAHOODI AND THE BLOWFISH???' Thats so just some random fucking clowns made up term that he thought sounded funny. this is for real

"Bög" and "bøsser"

Both words translate simply to "fag" and can't be introduced into a context and be perceived as ethnic without the very specific mention of or allusion to nationality. No one could simply blurt out "bög" and make a stranger (whether a homophobe, nationalist or both) go "yeah, how about those Swedes". Whether a majority of Finns, Danes or Norwegians actually think of Swedish men as pansies or not is completely irrelevant. The exact same could just as well be used in reverse or to just about any other nationality. Any homophobic nationalist of any country would probably claim that the nationals of any random number of other countries are a bunch of homosexuals. In a lot of cases probably all other countries. It would be just as pointless as listing "dyke" or "fag" here.

Peter Isotalo 19:17, 13 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]


Why, in this day and age do we need such a list? Just delete it please.

Because this is an encyclopedia. You may not agree with every entry, and some may be controversial, but that doesn't mean they dont belong. --Threatis 22:23, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]


The word "bozgor", which is Romanian slang for a Hungarian, does not come from the verb "boscorodi" (to babble incoherently). It actually comes from the Hungarian word for "person without a country", as it was originally used by ethnic Hungarians (who lived in Hungary) to refer to Transylvania-based Hungarians after Transylvania (who was originally a Romanian territory that was annexed into the Austro-Hungarian Empire) was reclaimed by Romania after World War 1. Subsequently, it has been often used by Romanians as an ethnic slur against Hungarians, especially those who live in Transylvania and display separatist/irredentist political opinions. Voievod 19:25, August 16, 2005 (UTC)


A few days ago I added the fact that some people refer to Bostonians as well as Mexicans as "bean eaters". This was removed. I see no reason why because I know a great many people who use this expression. I'll leave this in hopes that will explain himself, but this seems unlikely. As such, I'm going to put it back in a few days unless objections are raised. unixslug 03:25, 23 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]


I would like to know where the person who wrote this fact entry received his information. For one thing, the phrase asking where something is in Spanish is Donde está ---, which doesn't sound any thing like guiri. Second, guiri has three meanings in Spanish, one of which is "turist." That, I assume, is the meaning of the word in this context. So, I'm going to revise this entry a bit right now. 02:42, 2 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]