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Oromo expansion

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The Great Oromo Expansions, also known as the Oromo Migrations, were a series of expansions in the 16th and 17th centuries by the Oromo people from southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya, namely the contemporary Borana and Guji zones, into more northerly regions of Ethiopia.[1]


Because the Oromo did not keep a written record of the expansion, this article must refer to Ethiopian, Portuguese, and Arabic sources for the reasons behind the expansion. In particular, a 16th-century ethnic Gamo monk named Bahrey is the foremost source on the expansion. Written in Ge'ez, his book was called the History of the Galla (Ge'ez: ዜናሁ ፡ ለጋላ zēnahu legalla), "Galla" being an older name that the Portuguese, Arab and Italians used to refer to Oromos by,[citation needed] that is now considered a pejorative. This book was written in 1593 and details the expansions from 1522 to his age. In addition to his book, further information can be gleaned from other contemporaries such as the Ethiopian monk Abba Paulos, Shihab ed-Din's "Futuh al-Habasha", João Bermudes, Francisco de Almeida, Jerónimo Lobo, and various Abyssinian royal chronicles (e.g. those of Gelawdewos, Sarsa Dengel, and Susenyos I, though that of Sarsa Dengel may have been written by Bahrey).


The Institution of Moggaasaa

One of the most prevalent reasons for the success of the Oromo people's expansions into greater Ethiopia was the institution of 'Moggaasaa', which essentially equates to a modern understanding of adoption. 'Moggaasaa' was an important cultural practice that persisted with each new gada over the course of the 16th century. The systems of adoption that made up Moggaasaa were two pronged; the first prong was a broad system of cultural adoption that allowed for non-Oromo peoples to assimilate into Oromo clans with ease and facilitate growth. The system was so effective that even when Oromo clans were conquered by non-Oromos, the two peoples often became integrated in a relatively short time frame through the system of Moggaasaa. The other form of adoption was that of foster parents adopting children, which is still prevalent in Oromo society today. The adopted child was considered to be the natural child of the parent, and lineage and inheritance would pass through the male line of the family. Even if parents were to have a natural born child after adopting a child, the adopted child would still hold priority in inheritance. The adoption of children helped to integrate peoples conquered by Oromo pastoralists within a generation.

Moggaasaa adoption policies also lead to massive diversification within Oromo populations as they expanded during the 16th century. [1]

The legend of Liqimssa

The legend of Liqimssa is an ancient legend stemming from the Borana sect of the Oromo peoples that is credited as having been one of the main motivations for the beginning of the Oromo expansions. Liqimssa roughly translates to "The Swallower", and the Liqimssa was told to be a beast that consumed people one by one until there was nobody left to fight against it. It is meant to embody "hunger," and the story represents how a powerful entity will consume all there is around it until the "land of plenty" (in reference to the Borana homeland) is left barren and empty. The legend is interpreted by Mohammed Hassen to be the embodiment of the Christian Kingdom's growing power and influence in the regions next to the Oromo homelands.[citation needed] As Christians military colonists continued to bump up against the Oromo from the south, Oromo pastoralists, in response, began their expansions northward.[dubiousdiscuss][2]

Early expansions

The early expansions were characterized by sporadic raids by the Oromo on the frontiers of the Ethiopian kingdom. After capturing cattle and other booty, the raiding parties would quickly return to their homelands. Actual settlement of new territories would not begin until the gada of Meslé.[3]

Mélbah (1522–1530) and Mudena (1530–1538)

According to Bahrey, the earliest Oromo expansion occurred under the Oromo luba Melbah, during the time of Emperor Lebna Dengel. He states that they invaded the neighboring Bale in the Southeast just before the invasions of Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi of Adal in the north. These early incursions (Oromo: razzia) were limited, however, as the encroaching groups returned to their homeland near the Shebelle River after each raid. Raids continued under Mudena past the Wabi Shebelle, but these groups also returned home shortly.[4] The reason for the Oromo's returning after their short conquests is because the Christian and Muslim kingdoms that surrounded Oromo pastoralists were deeply embroiled in holy war. Instead of engaging with either kingdom directly, they targeted isolated communities that would go unnoticed, and allowed their enemies to destroy each other without Oromo intervention. [1]

Three Stages of Oromo Movements

By the 1530s, the Oromo pastoralists had developed a three-staged method for territorial expansion; "scouting, night time surprise attack and settlement" (159).[1] The introduction of scouting teams shows that the Oromo pastoralists had quickly become accustomed to border warfare. The night time attacks that would come to follow were unceasing and relentless, stripping the community of their "booty" and killing a large amount of the warrior class, then escaping before dawn as to avoid being followed back to their basecamps. Once the community under siege was broken down enough to be settled without resistance, the remaining peoples would quickly be integrated through Moggaasaa, having their status', material goods and general livelihoods returned to them. The remaining warriors would join the Oromo gada's troops. With each period of adoption into the fighting class, the Oromo's knowledge of the local terrain would increase drastically.

Kilolé (1538–1546)

After the death of Ahmed Gragn, Kilolé resumed his predecessor's raids, piercing further into Ethiopian territory. Aided by the weakening of both the Ethiopian Empire and Adal, he was able to raid as far as the province of Dewaro, north of Bali. Again, however, after each raid, the parties returned to their villages. Bahrey's dating might, however, be off, as Shihab ad-din, who wrote a decade before Ahmed Gragn's death, notes a locality named Werre Qallu, an Oromo name, in the province of Dawaro. Francisco de Almeida, however, agreed with Bahrey's dating, affirming that the Oromo first began migrating around the time of Ahmed Gragn's invasion (1527).[5]

Bifolé (1546–1554)

During the time of luba Bifolé, the Oromo migration achieved its first major success. While all previous movements had been minor raids on neighboring provinces, under Bifolé new raids were undertaken that began to weaken Ethiopian control. All of Dewaro was pillaged and Fatagar to its north was attacked for the first time.[6] Furthermore, according to Bahrey, the inhabitants of the pillaged areas were enslaved, becoming gebrs (Ge'ez: ገብር gabr; Amh. ግብር gebr, Tgn. ግብሪ gebri), a term referring more precisely to "tax-paying serfs", similar to the serfs in Ethiopia during feudal times. Emperor Gelawdewos, however, campaigned in the south as a result of these attacks. According to his chronicle, the Emperor defeated the Oromo incursions and made subject to his rule those he captured, preventing further attacks for some time, with further incursions reduced to skirmishes. The initial attacks were significant, however, on a much larger and more devastating scale to the Ethiopian dynasty. Despite his reprisals, Gelawdewos was troubled and was forced to settle refugees in a town of Wej north of Lake Zway, around 1550-1.[7]


Meslé (1554–1562)

Meslé's time represent a fundamental change in the expansion of the Oromo. Not only were newly taken territories permanently settled by Oromo for the first time, but mules and horses began to be ridden by the first time. The adoption of horseback-riding from the north greatly increased the Oromo fighting power, putting them on par with Ethiopian troops, who were largely unequipped with firearms.[8] In the new phase of migration adopted under Meslé, the Oromo defeated Emperor Gelawdewos's Jan Amora corps, allowing them to pillage a number of towns. Instead of returning to their homelands, however, they stayed in the new territories. Gelawdewos campaigned against the Oromo as a result, defeating them at 'Asa Zeneb (yet unidentified), but he was nevertheless unable to drive them from the frontier provinces and continued to build the new town in Wej for new refugees.[7]

Oromo expansions were not restricted to Ethiopian territories either, as activities against Adal were also pursued. The forces of Nur ibn Mujahid (r. 1551/2–1567/8), the Amir of Harar, for instance, were soundly defeated by the Oromo. According to Bahrey, there had been "no such slaughter since the Oromo first invaded."[7]

Harmufa (1562–1570) and Robalé (1570–1578)

During the luba of Harmufa rule, the Oromo advanced even deeper into Ethiopian territory. With the use of horses, they were able to attack the province Amhara, and Angot. Further advances were made under Robalé, during whose time Shewa was pillaged and Gojjam attacked. For the first time, Oromo advances were devastating core Ethiopian provinces, whereas their earlier incursions were simply against frontier provinces. Despite the deeper attacks, the core provinces remained under Ethiopian control, and Emperor Sarsa Dengel carried out punitive expeditions in return. One such reprisal in 1573 involved the engagement of the Oromo near Lake Zway in a frontier province, whom he defeated, and taking their cattle he distributed the herd among his subjects who are described in his chronicle as "becoming rich" as a result.[9]

Adal period (1562–1579)

At the same time, Barentu Oromo groups attacked Adal Sultanate, which was weakened by its wars with the Abyssinians and Portuguese Empire leading to no potential resistance. Only a few small groups of Muslims were able to flee to Zeila and survive within the fortified city. The greater part of the Ethiopian Muslim population was assimilated by the Oromos.[10]

The city Dire Dawa was originally called Dir Dhabe and used to be part of Adal Sultanate during the medieval times and was exclusively settled by Dir which is a major Somali clan and after the weakening of Adal Sultanate, the Oromos took advantage and were able to penetrate through the city and settle into these areas and also assimilate some of the local Gurgura clan.[11]

The Hawiye and Dir clans used to be the predominant inhabitants of Hararghe Highlands in the medieval times until the weakening of Adal Sultanate the opportunist Oromos took advantage of the crippling state and decided to invade and occupy the Haraghe Highlands and assimilate the local native Somali clan population which were Jarso, Akisho, Gurgura, Nole, Metta, Oborra and Bursuk who were all sub-clans of Dir a major Somali clan and were later confederated into Oromo tribe, the Afran Qallo clan.[12]

Reprisals under Sarsa Dengel

Forced to fight the Ottomans in the north of his Empire, Sarsa Dengel turned to curb the spread of Oromo in the south in the 1570s. The first mention of his actions is in his short Royal chronicle, which states that he fought a force of Borana Oromo at Lake Zway under a luba named Ambissa. Learning that, after the 1572 rains, the Oromo had taken Wej, the Emperor gathered his forces from throughout Ethiopia to form an army at Gind Beret. From there, Sarsa Dengel headed south, where he found that the Oromo had also taken Maya.[9] Despite the size of his army, he was able to defeat the Oromo in the area, pushing them back to Fatagar, and capture a large number of cattle. Sarsa Dengel again learned in 1574 of Oromo incursions in Shewa, and the pillaging of cattle in lowland Zéma. The Emperor sent Azzaj Halibo with 50 cavalry to the area, who forced the Oromo to flee sent the heads of 80 to the Emperor as trophies. Sarsa Dengel was again forced to head north with his army to confront the Ottoman-backed Bahr Negus Yeshaq, but later returned to Wej in 1577-8 to fend off Oromo advances in the area.[13] As a result of the battle in the Mojjo Valley (just east of modern Addis Ababa) against the Borana Oromo, corpses were strewn all over the surrounding countryside. The Emperor then fended off an attack in Dembiya by the Abati Oromo at a place called Weyne Deg'a and as a result of the battle, according to Bahrey, less than ten Oromo survived.[14]

Birmajé (1578–1586)

Despite Sarsa Dengel's military campaigns, the Oromo expansion continued to spread northward during this time. It was under luba Birmajé that the Oromo first began to use body-length ox-hide shields. These shields allowed the Oromo to resist arrows and therefore successfully defeat the Mayas. During this time period, the Oromo often came into conflict with Daharagot, one of Sarsa Dengel's commanders, who was often successful. Nevertheless, during this time, the Oromo pillaged Ar'ine in Wej, killing Ethiopian couriers in the process. Further advances were made around Lake Tana, Dembiya, and (old) Damot, which was surrounded and some of whose inhabitants were enslaved.[14]

Mul'eta (1586–1594)

Under luba Mul'eta a large raid (Oromo: dulaguto) was made on Gojjam south of Lake Tana. With the Ottoman situation in the north largely under control, Sarsa Dengel again took the initiative against the Oromo in the south, where he forced the Dawé (or Jawé) Oromo in Wej to flight.[14] Bahrey praised Sarsa Dengel's campaign, stating that he "did not act according to the custom of the kings his ancestors, who, when making war were in the habit of sending their troops ahead, remaining themselves in the rear with the pick of their cavalry and infantry, praising those who went forward bravely and punishing those who lagged behind."[15] Despite Bahrey's praise, Sarsa Dengel was forced to use coercion to draw troops, and decreed that anyone who failed to heed his call to arms would have his house pillaged and property confiscated.[16]

17th century

Ethiopian Empire

During the first half of the seventeenth century, invasions by different Oromo groups were a permanent menace to the Ethiopian Empire. About 1617 the Oromos attacked Begemder and Gojjam, which were central regions of the empire. Between 1620 and 1660 the Ethiopian emperors had to constantly defend different parts of their territory but were unable to put a stop to the waves of advancing Oromo groups. The Tulama expanded from Shoa into Amhara and the Wallo and Azebo overran Angot, parts of Amhara and Waj, Begemder, and Tigre. In 1642 the eastern Oromo nearly annihilated the Ethiopian army from Tigre. Under the reign of emperors Fasiladas and Yohannes the Oromo seem to have been virtually unrestrained in their expansion. It was Iyasu I (1682-1706) who resumed the offensive against the Oromo while at the same time recruiting battalions of loyal Oromo groups whom he settled in conquered areas. Tulama and Liban Oromo were settled in northern Gojjam and Begemder. They were encouraged to convert to Christianity. Some of their authorities were appointed to high offices in the army and in the administration of the provinces. In 1684-1685 Oromo groups fought against Emperor Iyasu I in Wollo and Gojjam. In 1694 the Gugru-Oromo attacked Gojjam and Begemder.[17]

Although the military expansion of the Oromo continued, many Oromo groups started to settle in Ethiopian territory and developed into a political power, which was utilized by the different secular and ecclesiastical groupings. By the end of the seventeenth century they were taking an active part in the political formation of the Ethiopian state. The process of mutual assimilation between the Oromo newcomers and other inhabitants of the empire was well under way.[18]

Ajuran Empire

In the mid-17th century, the Oromos began expanding from their homeland around Lake Abaya in southern Ethiopia towards the southern Somali coast at the time when the Ajuran Empire was at the height of its power.[19][20] The Garen rulers conducted several military expeditions known as the Gaal Madow wars against the Oromo warriors, converting those that were captured to Islam. The Ajuran military supremacy forced the Oromo conquerors to reverse their migrations towards the Christian Solomonids and the Muslim Adalites, devastating the two warring states in the process.

18th century

Gibe Region

In around 1710 the Macha Oromo overran the powerful Gonga kingdom of Ennarea in the Gibe region. The inhabitants then fled to the neighboring Kingdom of Kaffa

At this time, the state of Sheka, located between Ennarea and the Kingdom of Kaffa, had a king by name of Bedi Gaecci. This man tried to come to terms with the situation by absorbing into his administration the energy of ambitious Oromo individuals. This proved to be the cause of his destruction. By favouring the Oromo at his courts Bedi Gaecci alienated his own people. The ambitious Oromo individuals at his court harnessed the popular fury to their own advantage, overthrowing the king and taking over the kingdom.[21] The following poem expresses the anger of this king.

Are you angry with me?

You are just like a pot covered with mud.

I washed you and made you clean.

I wish I had never washed you.

You were bent just like a crooked tree.

I made you straight.

I wish I had never straightened you.

O, Galla, how cruel you are.


Around the 18th century the Macha Oromo crossed the Gojeb river and led an invasion of the Kingdom of Kaffa. Here they found formidable natural barriers that opposed their advance towards Kaffa. The mountainous jungle terrian made rapid cavalry attack and retreat virtually impossible and their advance was halted by the Kafficho. They were however able to conquer all of the territories north of the Gojeb including the city of Jimma[22]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Mohammed, Hassen (19 May 2017). The Oromo and the Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia, 1300-1700. ISBN 978-1-84701-161-9. OCLC 962017017.
  2. ^ Ghassan, Kanafani (2000). Palestine's children : returning to Haifa & other stories. Lynne Rienner. ISBN 0-89410-865-4. OCLC 833729428.
  3. ^ Pankhurst 1997, p. 301.
  4. ^ Pankhurst 1997, p. 281–282.
  5. ^ Pankhurst 1997, p. 282.
  6. ^ Pankhurst 1997, p. 282-283.
  7. ^ a b c Pankhurst 1997, p. 283.
  8. ^ Pankhurst 1997, p. 283-284.
  9. ^ a b Pankhurst 1997, p. 285.
  10. ^ "Oromo: Migration and Expansion: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries". World history. Retrieved 2022-02-14.
  11. ^ ʻArabfaqīh, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Qādir (2003-01-01). The conquest of Abyssinia: 16th century. Annotation: Dir, According to Huntingford a settlement which may be modern Dire Dawa. Tsehai Publishers & Distributors. p. 24. ISBN 9780972317269.
  12. ^ Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 25. Americana Corporation. 1965. p. 255.
  13. ^ Pankhurst 1997, p. 286.
  14. ^ a b c Pankhurst 1997, p. 287.
  15. ^ Pankhurst 1997, p. 287–288.
  16. ^ Pankhurst 1997, p. 288.
  17. ^ "Oromo: Migration and Expansion: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries".
  18. ^ "Oromo: Migration and Expansion: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries".
  19. ^ Cassanelli (1982), p. 114.
  20. ^ Cerulli, Somalia 1: 65–67
  21. ^ "The Oromo of Ethiopia 1500-1800" (PDF).
  22. ^ "Hisotorical glimpse of Hiriyoo".


Further reading

  • Mohammed Hassan, The Oromo of Ethiopia: A History 1570–1860
  • G. W. B. Huntingford, "The Galla of Ethiopia; The Kingdoms of Kafa and Janjero North Eastern Africa Part II"