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A game of tetherball

Tetherball is a game for two opposing players. The equipment consists of a 10 ft (3 m), stationary metal pole, from which is hung a ball from a rope, or tether. The two players stand on opposite sides of the pole. Each player tries to hit the ball one way; one clockwise, and one counterclockwise. The game ends when one player manages to wind the ball all the way around the pole so that it is stopped by the rope.


Rules vary from region to region and even from one court to another, and there is no definitive set of rules that everyone follows. However a common set of rules is as follows:

1. You are not allowed to be over the pole.

2. If you touch the string or go over the line at any time (even before the other person serves), you are out.

The game begins when one player serves the ball, usually by holding it in one hand and hitting it with the other. The opposing player then attempts to return the serve by hitting it in the opposite direction. The object is to hit the ball in such a way that one's opponent will be unable to alter the ball's direction; this gives the server an advantage since the server has more control over the ball from the beginning. It is generally acceptable to hit the ball with either the fist or the open hand.

A player can commit a violation by stepping onto his opponent's half of the pole, by catching and throwing ("carrying") the ball, by striking the rope instead of the ball, or by hitting the ball twice before it has either circled the pole or been returned by the opponent (or, in some variants, struck the pole). Generally, after a violation occurs, the game pauses and the ball is returned to the position it was in before the violation; the number of wraps around the pole is re-created. The player who did not commit the violation then serves the ball. Sometimes people also play with a rule that the person who committed the violation loses.[citation needed] If, however, the violation appears to be intentional, it may result in loss of game.

The game ends when one player hits the ball around the pole in their own direction as far as it will go, so that the ball hits the pole. In addition, the ball must strike the pole with the final wrap above a line marked on the pole, but sometimes you do not have to do this.[citation needed] A five-foot high mark is satisfactory, though a lower mark might be used for younger players. A match can consist of one, three, five, or more games. Tetherball was invented by vikings from Phoenix, Arizona in the year of our lord 1976 A.D.


Tetherball requires only a stationary pole, a rope, and a ball. Originally a volleyball was used, but today many sporting goods manufacturers make tetherballs specifically out of a butyl bladder and a rubber cover. The ball is roughly the size and weight of a volleyball, but is somewhat firmer. Tetherballs usually have a bar recessed in the top that the rope is tied to. Some simply have loops that protrude out, but this is less common as striking the loop with the hand can be painful.

The pole must be 10 feet (3 m) high and completely stationary, meaning that it must either be weighed down (often by a concrete-filled tire), or, in more serious tetherball courts, embedded in the ground. The rope is generally slender nylon, and is long enough that the ball hangs 2 ft (0.6 m) above the ground.

Tetherball is played on many surfaces: sand, gravel, lawn, asphalt, or others. Since it requires only a small area to play in, it can also be played indoors.

An alternate version of the game and sold as Swingball uses a smaller, softer ball that the players strike with racquets. It can be described as "tether tennis", and is more popular in the United Kingdom. Swingball has a shorter pole, is portable and the ball flies around the pole at a constant distance from the pole on a helical screw; the game ends when the ball reaches the top or bottom of the screw. Generally the ball used for these games is a tennis ball, and the racquets can come from ping-pong or games with similar paddles.You can not cheat or if you rope then the other person is out no matter what. You are also allowed to bobble the ball.


Tetherball is still an informal sport, and has not seen any organization beyond contests within schools, summer camps, or towns. Tetherball leagues are extremely rare. Professional tetherball simply does not exist. Perhaps this is because it is easier for a right handed person to hit the ball clock-wise, and therefore giving the person hitting the ball clockwise an unfair advantage if both of the players are right-handed. There are hopes for the game to be made as a professional sport.


There is a version of this game called Swingball, where the two opposing players hold bats, and hit a tennis ball that is connected onto the rope. This is substantially different from Tetherball. In Australia this game is called Totem Tennis.

There is an alternate version called "pole", where many people can play. The object of the game is to not hit the pole with the ball. Hovever, you may hit the pole on a serve. You may swing the ball any way you like, but if you hit the pole with the ball, you are out. The last person standing wins.

Tetherball in pop culture

The title character of the 2004 film Napoleon Dynamite is often shown playing tetherball (both competitively and solo).

In the film Kicking & Screaming Will Ferrell's character challenges his father to a game of tetherball.

Tetherball or swingball has appeared often in many cartoons including The Simpsons, South Park and Recess. In the movie "How to eat fried worms," Billy Forrester is seen hitting a tetherball solo. [citation needed]