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File:Unibersidad ng Pilipinas.pngFile:Ncpag logo.jpg
'National College of Public Administration and Governance at University of the Philippines, Diliman'
DeanAlex Brillantes
Location, ,

The National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) is the pioneering leader of the discipline in the Philippines and in Asia since its establishment as the Institute of Public Administration in 1952.

NCPAG was the 1st postwar institute of its kind in Asia. It is frequently visited by foreign dignitaries and students and emulated by several countries in the region. Similar institutes have been organized in Iran (1954), Vietnam (1955), Pakistan (1955), Thailand, Korea, Nepal and Turkey.

Its services include professional and policy advice and technical assistance to a wide variety of local, national and international institutions.

In performing its three-fold function of instruction, research, and extension service, it has expanded its scope from governmental management to the broader concerns of governance, including the roles of the private sector and civil society.

NCPAG is located at the University of the Philippines campus in Diliman, Quezon City.

Centers and Offices

  • Center for Public Administration and Governance Education (CPAGE)

Implements the NCPAG's mission to be the center for excellence in education for public administration and governance through its academic degree programs.

  • Center for Policy and Executive Development (CPED)

Undertakes research, training and extension programs on national policies and institutions.

  • Center for Local and Regional Governance (CLRG)

Conducts research, training and extension programs at local and regional levels, and collaborates with international institutions in promoting decentralization and local autonomy.

Carries out research, training, and extension programs on leadership, citizenship and civil society; and on Filipino institutions and processes of democracy/redemocratization.

  • NCPAG Library

Has the most extensive collection of titles in public administration, governance, and development studies in the country.

  • Publication Office

Manages the publication of the Philippine Journal of Public Administration (PJPA), one of the longest running academic journals in the country, and puts out books, occasional papers, monographs, and other teaching and training materials.

Degree Programs

Majors: Public Policy and Program Administration, Local and Regional Governance, Spatial Information Management, Organizational Management, Fiscal Administration, Public Enterprise Management

  • Master of Public Administration (Executive Program)
  • Doctor of Public Administration


Established on June 15, 1952 following a recommendation from the Bell Mission, the University of the Philippines entered into a contract with the University of Michigan for technical assistance in establishing the Institute of Public Administration or IPA.

Since its creation, the college has changed its name four times, from Institute of Public Administration to Graduate School of Public Administration to School of Public Administration to College of Public Administration and now to the National College of Public Administration and Governance. All these reflect the modifications the college made to make itself relevant to the changing times.

The first two directors of the IPA were American - Professor Lederle and Professor Heady, both from the University of Michigan. In-service and academic training were the two main educational programs of the IPA.

Three kinds of courses were conducted from 1952 to 1953, which saw the participation of a total of 2,500 government officers and employees. The academic program offered bachelors and master's degrees. Enrollment in both programs rose from 68 students during the 1st semester of 1953-1954 to "well over 200" per semester by 1955.

By 1954, Filipinos began to take over key posts in the IPA. The Filipino staff gradually took over and assumed full responsibility for the IPA when the University of Michigan contract ended in June 1956.

Dean Jose Velmonte of the UP College of Business served as UP IPA Director but was soon replaced by Carlos P. Ramos.

Enrollment in the undergraduate and graduate programs continued to increase. The IPA conducted trainer-training courses and direct training for higher-level officials.

In the 1960s, the IPA was made a graduate school, a school of public administration and elevation to college status. Assistant Dean Jose V. Abueva was appointed to oversee the academic program.

On its 10th year, Director Ramos affirmed that in-service training, consultation services or "extension work" was of equal importance with academic teaching and research. In line with its intended regional role, the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) was organized in 1960 with state, institutional and individual members from all over Asia and the Pacific. The IPA was made its secretariat-headquarters.

EROPA also set up a research center in Saigon, a training center in New Delhi and a local government center in Tokyo. Director Ramos was elected as the first EROPA secretary general and was re-elected to this post until 1982. In a sense, EROPA merely capped the regional and international role that the IPA played.

The events from the mid sixties to the advent of martial law provoked crisis in the role of the college vis-à-vis government. At its founding the college was a helpmate and adviser to government. In the late 60s, there was a segment of the faculty, which was more comfortable as critic of government than as its major resource.

During martial law, the college was critical and collaborative. It displeased the dictatorship with its studies of graft and corruption, its analyses of the personalistic and closed decision-making process, the tokenism and elite orientation on several government programs. However, it continued to be a source of ideas for decentralization and other government projects like the ministry of local government, civil service commission and commission on audit and many other line departments and government units.

The stature and personality of Raul de Guzman, its dean from 1973 to 1982, helped a lot during this period. His recognized expertise opened many doors for the faculty and staff, and his amiable personality gave him and them room to criticize government programs without alienating their officials.

The 1980s led to many curricular and course changes to address the issue of looking into the roots of indigenous administrative thought and practices in the country.

On November 26, 1998 the UP board of regents approved the transformation of the college to National College of Public Administration and Governance. This reflects the widening focus from governmental management to a broader concern of governance for public interest. Innovations and changes in the functions and structure of the college were made.

Noted faculty

  • Emilia Boncodin, former Budget secretary
  • Leonor Briones, former National Treasurer
  • Jose Abueva, former president of the University of the Philippines
  • Prospero de Vera, political analyst
  • Ledivina Cariño, sociologist

Noted alumni

  • Adel Tamano, spokesperson of United Opposition and president of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
  • Ralph Recto, former senator
  • Rafael de Guzman, United Laboratories (UNILAB) senior vice president
  • Oscar Yabes, Senate secretary general
  • Herbert Bautista, vice mayor of Quezon City
  • Mike Defensor, former secretary of Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council