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Welcome to the Talk Page for the Nation of Islam article. Please use the box above, or manually enter new messages at the end of the page, and do not delete messages of others.

unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:04, 10 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I entered into the article a point about the murder of Malcolm X, which I feel makes this organization most notable. Justice23 03:07, 16 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Um, seriously speaking... I don't think it is proven fact that they did this. I don't believe we can ever confirm who did it, or if they did it on the say so of the NOI or any other organization. Malcolm X himself suspected more than just the NOI, judging by the last passages related by him in his Autobiography. You can't say the NOI assasinated him unless you know it for fact. It is possible, but it is irresponsible to suggest that it is fact until and unless some day it is proven as such. Ismail

It could be mentioned that a member of the organization carried out the attack. Dzzycicero 07:33, 22 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Avoiding edit wars

I am a Wikipedia administrator and I feel that I personally can take a NPOV on this article. My involvement was simply that I write about the Beltway Sniper Attacks and follow-ups as the trials, etc. have progressed. My main focus is other things related to Virginia. I do not have strong feelings about NOI one way or the other.

This article has been going through edit and revision "wars", which is not unusual for controversial Wikipedia subjects. However, that is not the best way for us all to end up with articles which meet Wikipedia standards. I respectfully suggest that, if you want to add factual content to the article, fine. If you want to dispute what someone else had written, this is a good place to bring your case and cite your sources. If what you are writing is controversial, it won't hurt to say so. We want the article as whole to present a neutral point fo view, so POV positions while be so labeled and there will be every attempt at balance of facts to reach a NPOV in the presentation. Anyone who wants to can leave me messages on my Talk page (User Talk:Vaoverland as well as here. Mark in Richmond Vaoverland 19:56, Apr 3, 2005 (UTC)


As much as the NOI screams about racial oppression and black preservation, I find it funny that they basically spit on the gods of their "native" Africa in favor of a Middle Eastern god. They want to hate one non-black race so they pretend to be another non-black race.

[Dumbass! There are many practitioners of Islam in Africa, especially Northern Afirca, and there has been for centuries. Middle Eastern god? You are incredibly stupid. Learn something before you decide to comment based on some notion that you have about Islam being strongly rooted only in Southwest Asia. Tell me the truth: are you a hick? A lot of in-breeding in your family? Are you a Republican?]

Oh, maybe there is some truth to the NOI's claims that New Orleans was rigged. Maybe they rigged it themselves, because all the Voodoo practitioners who follow African gods are a threat to them.

This sentence makes no sense: --Chuck Smith

It was based on the doctrine that out of all the nations of the earth, Black people, the only nation without any knowledge of their past history, no control of their present lives, and had no guidance for their future.

Yeah, but in general muslims don't really believe that whites (or any other race) were created by a mad scientist. islam is a religions of peace, where those who follow Islam, don't give races any importance. In Islam, during the pilgrimage to Mecca muslims from all around the world, no matter what race they are, meet together to worship God every year.

You do not know Islamic history Mr. Chuck Smith! Racism has always been in Islam, and before the Hon. Elijah Muhammad start teaching Islam in America the Arabs did not allow Black people in their Mosques in the U.S... The Arabs had signs on their Mosques in the U.S. that said "No Niggers allowed!" When the Hon. Elijah Muhammad start teaching that the White Man was the Devil and Arabs have white skin then they (The Muslim Arabs) start saying their is no Racism in Islam. I'm half Arab (Egyptian) & Black American and I'm not dumb like most Black Americans that will believe your dumb statement. The so-called White Muslims during the pilgrimage to Mecca that Malcolm X seen was White Muslim Nazis. There leader name was Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (Haj Amin al-Husseini Grand Mufti of Jerusalem). These Arab & White Muslim Nazis believed that Black people were monkeys, and not their Black Muslim brothers. Now we see are poor Black brothers running around like monkeys today, and the Arabs are trying to make them in to an Arab. If Allah (God) wants them to be Arabs, Allah would have made them in to Arabs. Arabs don’t try to punk out now, because 9-11 has happen and now you want to lie and say "there is no Racism in Islam and Islam is a religion of peace". That's some Bullshit! Black Man in America you better wake-up! These people do not care for you or your people; join to your own and stop bagging Arabs & White Muslim for false friendship. My Arab side of the family doesn’t like me, because I’m half Black. Here is some website below on the history of the Arab & White Nazi. I guess Nazism is True Islam, since the Arabs claims that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad doesn’t teach true Islam. ‘‘‘Peace! Bro. Islam Muhammad


Adolf Hitler & the Nazi Party were mostly Christians, and Pope Benedict XVI was a member of the Nazi Party when he was a young man. See Pope's Nazi past at MSNBC News "http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7576505/”"

History Channel Video: History Of The Bosnian Muslim Nazi 13th SS Handzar Division "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNzTL4zu5Xg&feature=related"

Video on The Nazi Connection To Islamic Balkan Terrorism "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbP2EyF8d34&feature=related"

Nazi-Muslim SS Division Video "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfLvP2jTVq8&feature=related"

WHITE BOSNIAN MUSLIMS NAZI "http://www.srpska-mreza.com/library/facts/hanjar.html"

Photos and Documents of Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad "http://www.tellchildrenthetruth.com/gallery/index.html"

The Muslim/Nazi Connection "http://www.themiddleeastnow.com/musnazi.html"

The Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection By the Middle East Digest "http://christianactionforisrael.org/medigest/may00/arabnazi.html"

Salvation is from the Jews - Pictures of Muslim Nazi Troops "http://www.salvationisfromthejews.com/picmufti.html"

News Max: The Nazi Origins of Modern Arab Terror "http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/3/3/154714.shtml"

The Muslims, The Nazis and the Mufti of Jerusalem "http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shoaheducation.com/muslimwaffen.png&imgrefurl=http://www.shoaheducation.com/muslimnazi.html&h=488&w=633&sz=545&hl=en&start=29&sig2=EU7vqBUmJVLOKmMVHMn_5A&um=1&tbnid=FFBaejXOSQUz4M:&tbnh=106&tbnw=137&ei=UMJxSOj_JJCgedGX-NsC&prev=/images%3Fq%3DWhite%2BMuslim%2BNazi%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4GZAZ_enUS279US279%26sa%3DN"

Atlas Shrugs: White Muslim Nazi "http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/images/muslim_nazi_soldiers.gif&imgrefurl=http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2006/07/deja_vu.html&h=345&w=460&sz=59&hl=en&start=1&sig2=ssDhUqV_86IO0w8n7Ariyw&um=1&tbnid=oj7XgUcDKcUaeM:&tbnh=96&tbnw=128&ei=fL9xSKKZF6jmigGftNCKAQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMuslim%2BNazi%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4GZAZ_enUS279US279%26sa%3DN"

Video on the History Of The Albanian Muslim Nazi SS Skanderbeg Division "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAxrg7nMcs4"

Video on Albanian Nazis and history of Albanian people "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv447llYhqc&feature=related"

To Anonymous:

100 years after immigration, an Irishman born on American soul was an American, a black man was still inferior. In time you can change your nationality, you can change your religion, but never your race, that was the root and still is the root of racism. A person's actions determine whether they can be described as devilish or not, if 350 plus years of such treatment garner an association with being evil, then who are you to criticize the decendents. If you are innocent in this matter, then fine, don't defend the perpetrators of an entire race's injustices. Between 1555 and the late 1960's, somebody was a devil and you can't argue that melanin played a huge role, heck, look up the definition. You are dealing with a government that never officially, or publicly apologized for it's support and allowance of racial attrocities (just a letter saying "we won't do that anymore, not legally anyway"), trillions of dollars in labor and hundreds of millions of lives simply get charged off and you are upset that an organization such as the Nation of Islam exists. I mean what can you honestly expect, I'd just let them be if I were you, they are not hendering anyone's peaceful existence or freedom. America has a debt only God can settle, until then there will always be a negative energy in the bloodline of the decendents of the diaspora. No one was run out of their homeland to give us our "Israel", we've yet to have our Nuremburgh trials, who was ever hanged for the crime against humanity called slavery of black men, women and children? There is an ammendment making blacks even human; Irish, or whites of any nationality never have to worry about that, they were and are respected by the original constitution. - ASEVYN PHERO

The phrase "race's injustices" assumes that race can be attributed with sin, evil, and blame. This assumption is by definition racism. I am not sure how you can find the inferior treatment of individuals based on race deplorable and through demonstration endorse racism. The NOI is guilty of that contradiction as well. This is likely the reason the relligion has not found mainstream acceptence. 20:12, 6 November 2006 (UTC) jhffmn[reply]

NPOV complaint

This articlte seems seriously non NPOV. Especially with regard to the demons decleration. Even if the NOI does refer to white people as demons, from what I have read about them they would appear to be using a word in a different sense then most would immediately think, and therefor the word should at least be better defined in article.

Is the NOI really a black supremacy group? Do they really (or still?) teach that white people are literally and no foolin' non-human demons rather than real live humans who are inhumanly wicked and demonic? --Uncle Ed 19:19 Feb 28, 2003 (UTC)

I disagree. In English the word "demon" has always been used in a variety of ways. As for the useage in this article, there is no problem because this article defines precisely what it is the that NOtI adherents teach about whites as demons: They teach that all white people are genetically engineered monsters that are designed to murder and lie. We may find their teachings bizarre, false and reprehensible, but we have an obligation to present them accurately, with their own terminology. RK 17:13, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

Now while this may seem insane, if you look at the bludy and horrendous history that the Slavery of Africans in America was, its understandable to see why they may think this. Why the Mormons (in the past) taught that white people are descendants from Christ and Black people descendants from the Devil. This is the exact same thing, possibly worse, the Black people, the African Americans had never done a thing to these people except been abducted from their home land, taken across an ocean as prisoners in the hull of a ship, then arriving to the land of their captivators, many of them dead and all of them week from the voyage, and then sold as animals in a market to work themselves to death picking cotton. Now can you see some logic in seeing white people as demons? We cannot deny our history, as it has been one of the most cruel. - Anonymous

When it comes to the slavery question, how many slaves were actually abducted compared to the number that were bought from black slave traders. Isn't it a very little talked about fact that black slavery has it's roots in Africa and it's own people regardless of treatment? -Justin

This "cult" website says so [1], but I don't automatically trust groups who claim to describe what "cults" believe. On occasion, I have found major distortions of the actual teachings in these sites. --Uncle Ed

I much prefer the tone of this webpage, from a univeristy website which has a very accurate and comprehensive article on my church (the Unification Church) as well. --Uncle Ed

That page is incomplete, and doesn't examine all of these issues in the same depth that our article exmaines them. RK 17:13, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

It would appear from the page you have linked directly above that the premise of the white man being the devil is still one that can be associated with the movement. I am highly wary of the namb.net site you list above, and I wouldn't base any wikipedia text on a site so blatently non-neutral Tompagenet 17:22 Apr 19, 2003 (UTC)

FWIW, the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the major US watchdogs that focuses mostly on Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, considers the NOI a hate group, and lists it on the same list as the Ku Klux Klan, New Black Panther Party, World Church of the Creator, and other such racist groups. --Delirium 13:16, Feb 14, 2004 (UTC)

In consideration of the first lines of the entries on the National Alliance and other such organizations mentioning being racist, or considered racist by the ADL, etc... i would think the term "racist" or "considered racist by X Group" (eq souther poverty law center) should be included in this article, or have the corrolating introductory phrases to opposing groups definitions removed to keep at least the appearance of having a NPOV up. The groups are in many senses inverses of each other, and i think having equally non inflammatory phrasing on both is appropriate to the supposed aim of wikipeda, to be an enclyclopedia, not to give value judgments on specific groups versus others.

Edit justification

I removed the sentence below because the referenced article did not actually discuss the beliefs or policies of the organization, Nation of Islam. The article consisted solely of quotes by Louis Farrakhan. While there may be some connection based on Farrakhan's lengthy leadership of the organization and the failure of the organization to publicly repudiate those views, I believe they are better discussed in the Farrakhan article. Rossami 06:39, 25 Sep 2004 (UTC)

A separate article, Nation of Islam anti-semitism, describes this group's history of anti-Semitic preaching.

That makes no sense. Louis Farrakahn is the leader of the movement. It is his job to define the movement's teachings. Would you say that the teachings of Popes have no role in an article on Catholicism? We should not remove POVs to whitewash this article. I am not reverting your edit, but am disagreeing with your premise that Farrakhan doesn't belong in this article. RK 17:13, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

Elijah Muhammad - a prophet?

The Nation of Islam has never made any claim that Elijah Muhammad was a prophet. Where did this come from?

In the autobigraphy of Malcolm X the text concerning the Nation Of Islam says so... Don't know more about it
The Nation has always referred to Elijah Muhammad as a prophet! deeceevoice 09:50, 27 Feb 2005 (UTC)
Elijah Muhammad referred to himself as a Messenger of (or from) God. 13:40, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
and that God is...W. Fard Muhammad

http://www.noi.org/muslim_program.htm It says so cearly on the NOI website, their heresy is fairly open and understood.

No, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was not a profit. He is the messenger of Allah. Meaning Allah has came to him in the person of Master Fard Muhammad to give him a message that he then recites to the world. He can't alter it in any way. He's like a very obedient soldier under the commands of a general and the general is Allah. Wallace Fard Muhammad was the vessel in which God has made himself known in. It's like this, you know that electricity exists right. You never see it but you know the energy is there. You can't tell where it is with the naked eye until it is being made manifest to us in a light bulb. When that break you don't say i need some more electricity, you say i need another bulb. Allah is the electricity and Master (Wallace) Fard Muhammad is the bulb. That's how Allah made manifest to us his existence.

Current relationship with Sunni Islam

Haven't they recently officially become Sunnis?iFaqeer (Talk to me!) 20:22, Feb 26, 2005 (UTC)

Louis Farrakhan has attempted to bring about a reapproachment with mainstream Orthodox Islam, specifically Sunni Islam. However, he has not repudiated any of the traditional beliefs of the Nation of Islam's theology (see the new section within this article.) Therefore most Sunni Muslims see these outreach efforst as a publicity stunt. Those Sunnis who know the details of NOI theology totally reject any cooperation with NOI adherents, unless they reject NOI theology. However, I am sure that there are many Sunni Muslims around the world who know nothing of the NOI's controversial teaching's and beliefs, and thus may be willing to accept them as Muslims based solely on their name (i.e. The Nation of Islam.) Some individuals within the Nation of Islam have denounced NOI theology and have embraced orthodox Islam. I have no idea if any numbers are available on this issue. RK 16:20, Mar 27, 2005 (UTC)
Many of Farrakahn's peers have clarified the issue: Farrakhan still believes that W.D. Fard is god incarnate, and that Elijah Muhammed still should be thought of as an actual messenger from god, i.e. a prophet. RK 17:13, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)
In my personal observation, NOI is to Islam as LDS is to Christianity - that is, a sect nominally originating from an older, worldwide religion, but with a cosmology and other major articles of faith completely unrelated and at odds with the latter. IMHO, FWIW, YMMV. (BTW, my father converted to LDS.) --Davecampbell 18:24, 1 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Revisions for sections controversial items

My point is, for the good of the article and WP readers, let's separate the undisputed facts and history, present them in an organized and NPOV way, and list the controversial matters as just that, and try to provide room for the various points of view, with the understanding that they are, by their very nature, controversial.

Too much has been in the news media about Michael Jackson and John Allen Muhammad to not mention them, and provide some balance in discussions. I will watch the article and help try to follow what I have just said. I hope other contributors, whatever their views, can accept that as a good attempt at fairness. I also run spell checkers fairly often, and I think that I cleaned up some spelling errors without damaging content. I recommend the free ieSpell program as an easy one if you are a contributor. Thanks to all. Mark in Richmond. Vaoverland 22:09, Mar 22, 2005 (UTC)

So-called "controversies"

I agree wholeheartedly with Vaoverland.

Michael Jackson: This should be removed. It does not rise above the level of trivia and has no bearing on the NOI. It belongs, if anywhere, in an article on Michael Jackson.

Beltway Sniper: This also should be removed. It has absolutely no bearing on the NOI. The killings were not carried out in the name of the NOI. JAM merely had a past affiliation with the NOI as a member. JAM's killings are no more connected to the NOI than, say, Hitler's atrocities are to the Catholic Church. As a matter of fact, they're even less connected. If an entry of this type were inserted into Christianity every time a white Christian committed a heinous crime -- say, the James Byrd lynching, or the the murders committed by Jeffrey Dahmer -- the article would go on forever. Further, I live in Washington, D.C., the area where the killings occurred. Here, where people are more sophisticated/sensible about such things, there was no "controversy" over JAM's previous affiliation with the Nation. It was noted, and that was that.

This kind of tackily, incidental stuff reads like gossip and seems more appropriate (if it is ever appropriate anywhere) in The National Enquirer or some Midwestern, right-wing rag -- not on Wikipedia.

They've been deleted. deeceevoice 10:05, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I am adding back the small section about beltway sniper John Allen Muhammad. The facts are 1. this man was a member of NOI 2. he used some of its teachings through some form of his twisted mind to influence his younger partner, and 3. together they pulled off this murderous rampage and attempted to extort $10 million.
I feel that it is better to mention all that and LK's handing than to try to ignore it completely. I do agree that the Michael Jackson item doesn't rise to that level to be worthy of mention. (IE so-and-so said that so-and-so said, etc.). However, court testimony, multiple published and attributed sources and LK's statement are all part of the Beltway Sniper tragedy.
The fact is that any religion can be twisted by individual(s) for personal gain. I am only glad for one (sad) thing: the victims crossed racial age and sex lines so no one can confuse the acts with racial motivation.

Vaoverland 10:33, Apr 3, 2005 (UTC)

White supremacists do the same thing -- twist Christian theology to justify their hatred of blacks and other people of color. In a few years' time, the fact that JAM once belonged to the NOI won't be of much interest to people. They'll see it for what it is -- an ancillary fact. The only reason it appears here is because the events in which he was involved are fairly recent. And there was no "controversy" about JAM's previous association with the Nation -- not even locally, where sensitivity over the killings was highest. Again, consider parallel events committed by other individuals/groups -- and then I invite you to investigate the article on the applicable religion. Do you see it referenced under "Controversies"? No. This should not be here. And, no. After reading your attempted justification for reinserting that information in the article, I certainly wouldn't provide information for you to write up! I prefer to write it myself. Thanks, but no thanks. Peace. deeceevoice 10:54, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)

We may not hide beliefs of any group or religion

A major task of any encyclopedia is to explain the beliefs and teachings of religions. We are obligated to do this even if their beliefs make us uncomfortable. This is true for the NOI: One of the basic tenets of NOI teachings is that only blacks are fully human. White people are considered to be genetically and spiritually inferior to black people. They have been preaching this publicly for many years, and it simply is not honest or acceptable to deny this reality. Please do not censor this article by removing information on this point, especially since this point is already sources in three ways within the article, and more sources can readily be added.

An article can explain why its adherents accept these beliefs as true; it can explain how the adherents of this faith justify their beliefs, we can offer varying sources from the groups leaders, but we may not deny that these central teachings exist. RK

We have never said that whites arn't fully human. We say that they are not original. When you get a cd it is not the original cd but it is a copy. It stil plays just as wel but it just isn't held in as high a standard because you can go and create more cd off of the original. Black people are the original people so we are naturally made better equipped to handle the rough terrain of the earth better then white people. They're still human and even though scientifically the copy isn't as strong as the original we still treat the copy just like we treat the original, with justice.

That is the dumbest bullshit I have ever heard...

You NOI people are so delusional. Makes good sense why your cult is so damned small like Scientology or such.

We can all look up what Farakhan has said. What your ministers have said. The racist, and crazy statements about White People being created by a mad scientist and blah blah blah. Come on.. Why do NOI people get a say in how this is written. Just as I think it is advantageous for Libertarians to not write articles about Libertarianism or Mormons to write about Mormonism. Or Jews to write about anti-semetism.

We didn't say Yacub was a mad scientist, he was quite sane. Lets look at it this way, if you can't get black people from white or blacks from yellow or black from brown or black from red and black was first and the rest came and black have been here for millions of years before 6,094 years ago then white people came then there had to have been a conscious decision in bringing white people to this earth right?

YOur gonna get a crappy article with lots of bias, and over time the article becomes a propoganda page with edit wars and such. Let us find fact. We should use only fact to write about something. Save the bias for criticism sections or criticism pages. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Satv365 (talkcontribs) 01:00, 4 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Organizational beliefs and tenets vs. alleged and asserted statements

RK, your assertions of NOI beliefs obviously are not based on actual NOI organizational beliefs and tenets but rather external sources--many of which are obviously NOI-hostile--that certainly do not hold to NPOV encyclopedia standards.

Perhaps there should be another section called, "Non-Officially Stated Beliefs" where one can add such text but that seems quite illogical, IMHO.

Your claims are incorrect. Have you ever been to a Nation of Islam speech in person? I have. Have you ever read the articles in their newspapers? I have. Have you ever read "The Autobiography of Malcom X"? I have. Have you ever read "The End of White World Supremacy" (a book of four long speeches) by Malcom X? Have you ever read any of the speeches of Elijah Muhammed? I have. All these teachings are in there. This is what they have always preached to a black audience, and what they still preach today. None of this is a secret, and it is all very well documented. RK 22:16, Mar 26, 2005 (UTC)

Has anyone tried to contact the NOI and see their opinion on whether white people are demons?

Whites are by nature made to be devils. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:43, 5 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]


I think perhaps the information about Hezbollah would be more appropriate for the Farrakhan entry rather than this page. Is this NOI's official stance towards Hezbollah? What of other groups, both controversial and non-controversial? Unless we are going to begin including information about all these different groups and NOI's opinions on them, rather than singling out one group, I think it would best be removed, yes? Metaspheres 06:57, 26 Mar 2005 (UTC)

does NOI teach Elijah Muhammad was a prophet?

Metaspheres, you have repeatedly asserted that NOI doctrine teaches that Elijah Muhammad was a prophet. This is not true of NOI doctrine. My source for this is directly from NOI. What is your source? For references see NOI hosted International Islamic Conference:

1)Conference text: http://www.noi.org/conference2000

2)Conference opening session webcast: http://www.noi.org/conference2000

Sorry, but you sources are totally incomplete. Please see the new sources I have just added to the article. The Nation of Islam has always and public referred to Elijah Muahmmed as a prophet, and to W. D. Fard as God incarnate. The fact that you haven't read these many, many sources doesn't prove that they do not exist. It only shows that you need to stop self-limiting your research to that one webpage. RK 22:32, Mar 26, 2005 (UTC)

I've changed the first sentence on Hezbollah. The reason is that it think the original statement is a Run-on sentence, and it contained misleading information. Only the U.S. and Canada list Hezbollah as Terrorist Groups according to the Australian Government. ( http://www.aph.gov.au/Library/pubs/rn/2002-03/03rn42.htm ) DrWorm Aug 13, 2005

yes they do, http://www.noi.org/muslim_program.htm

"12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims.

We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no god and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together."

Recent teachings about the mother plane?

For some reason, no one ever wrote anything about the belief of the NOI in the "Mother Plane", although this has always been a part of their theology/mythology. I have tried to rectify this omission today. From what I understand, Farrakhan still believes in the Mother Plane, and briefly spoke about it a few years ago at the Million Man March. Does anyone have any recent references (say, the last 5 to 10 years) about what Farrakhan and other NOI leaders have to say about this specific issue? RK 22:40, Mar 29, 2005 (UTC)

i dunno, but it sounds kinda phony to me. but im not saying it doesnt exist. if one day a huge space ship comes down to blow up america, then i stand corrected. but until i am shown the truth, i dont think its real.

You tell me this, you'd rather believe that God is spirit after he made us in his likeness and that God is everywhere but no where at the same time instead of believing what a man who has God's essence in him and teaching us that there is a Mother Plane. Also there's a lot of spiritual significance in it. Show me your spirit and i'll show you the Mother Plane. The problem is, we can't see spirits, but the Mother Plane will be easily seen. Ezeikiel saw the wheel in a vision. This is the time that the wheel shall be made known to the public.

What about the NOI's work? Some suggested topics for inclusion

I notice there is absolutely no mention in this piece of the NOI's philosophy of "do for self," which resulted in the NOI owning and operating hundreds of businesses nationwide, employing thousands. They cleaned up drug addicts, reformed prostitutes, kept youth out of gangs, people out of prison, helped newly released ex-cons make a new start and stay out of jail, helped those in need, taught strict morality, taught people to carry themselves with dignity and purpose. This gave the NOI enormous street cred in the black community from the earliest days. This is the libration theology aspect of the NOI which is an absolutely key dimension of the organization. It was/is a black nationalist/separatist, self-help organization. It is these positive aspects of the Nation that many (most?) African-Americans associate with the NOI -- not some of the quirkier aspects of its religious dogma.

Further, there's no mention of Wallace Muhammad's major move to divest the NOI of these business holdings.

There's no mention of the Fruit of Islam, the paramilitary, self-defense, security arm of the NOI. There's no mention that housing projects in some U.S. cities during the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980's employed FOI as security.

Statistics on the enormous strength of the Nation at its height? Number of Mosques? Wealth? Similar statistics now? What about the movement and its membership overseas? deeceevoice 10:19, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I totally agree with you. Based on your words and ideas here, I created just such a section. RK 17:31, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

To deeceevoice

How about giving some sources for your comments in the previous section, and write them up to add to the article. You seem well spoken, but if you are uncomfortable in compiling the actual text for the article, I'll give it some attention. I am committed to trying to help keep this article on balance. Vaoverland 10:39, Apr 3, 2005 (UTC)

"Well spoken"? lol A tip: it helps not to use that phrase when communicating w/black folks about black folks. Just trust me. (I realize you meant no offense, so no offense taken.) No, I'm not uncomfortable -- just short on time. Thanks, but I'd rather write it myself. I'll return to the subject when I'm less pressed. Peace 2 u. :) deeceevoice 10:44, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)
How the hell was that guy supposed to know that you're black (assuming you are) and how do you know what he is? Holy fuck. Maybe there needs to be a rulebook "how to talk to black folks" (or would that be racist???) I know of NO other group of people where if you say "you seem well spoken, maybe you can write that up?" they would take it as ANYTHING other than a compliment. If you're going to now tell me that this is because of the horrible history, then Ill say that you're allowing that horrible history to define your present if this is your outlook. And for the record, I am neither white, nor black, nor American, but this really jumped out as especially odd.

The article is a disaster, btw. It is POV and has devolved to basically be a laundry list of quotes.

Stop deleting Christian points of view

User: Firebug is making claims I consider offensive against me. He is claiming that I am inserting my own "point of view" by adding Christian points of view. He seems intent on removing all points of view other than those from Jewish groups, to "prove" that only Jewish people have these views. That, however, is false. Firebug is damaging this article by deleting links to related topics. A part of this article became very long, and so in accord with Wikipedia policy was spun off into its own article. Firebug keeps reverting the link to this spin-off article. This article needs close monitoring. RK 17:48, Apr 3, 2005 (UTC)

The reason that I stated you were injecting your POV into the article is that this is what you were doing. You do have a history of axe-grinding on subjects related to Judaism and anti-Semitism. This is why you were [ordered by Arbcom not to edit articles related to Judaism for one year effective starting October 14, 2004. Arbcom convicted you of POV insertion on a 4-0 vote. "Intransigent reverting and edit-warring" was their exact words. While you have appealed this and the injunction has been temporarily lifted, it is clear that I am far from the only user who has found your objectivity on these matters wanting. I reject your accusation that I am deleting "Christian points of view". I had deleted statements by the Catholic League - and I do not believe that uncorroborated statements by political pressure groups are generally worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia article on the subject of those attacks, unless the attacks themselves were particularly newsworthy. Do you think that every TV show condemned by Christian fundamentalist pressure groups should include these accusations in their encyclopedia articles? These should only be included if they were significant enough to be newsworthy in and of themselves. Like hearsay in court, they should only be introduced to prove the statement was said, not to prove the truth of the positions involved. Firebug 01:30, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Note: RK attempted to delete the above comments from this discussion page. I have restored the above paragraph without reverting, since doing so would have wiped out other user comments. Deleting other users' comments from Discussion pages is not acceptable. Firebug 05:29, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Attacks and threats

What can I do about User:Firebug's personal attacks and threats towards me? Wikipedia has an official policy of Wikipedia:No personal attacks and no threats. Further, our policy is that discussion pages are only for the contents of an article. They are not for someone's personal take on me and my work here. Firebug's anger does the article no good service, and his recent threat puts him in a bad light. The sad thing is that I have attempted to work with him in good faith, and have even agreed with some of his proposals. (See my recent comments on the article's discussion page.) Yet in return he treats me with nothing but hostility. That is just sad and unacceptable. Any thoughts? RK 17:37, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

In this case I agree with Firebug and also think that common sense and Wikipedia guidelines would too. Christian POV on the Nation of Islam have no place in this entry, nor do the POVs of any other religion, save Islam. I also see great malice in deleting other users comments on a talk page. My personal suggestion in the matter is that you simply no longer edit this entry and refrain from commenting on its talk page. Leave Firebug alone and just walk away. I also recommend staying away from making any questionable edits to entries without first posting ample reason on the talk page. I wish you the best and hope that you will see the logic in this sugestion and follow it. Travis 03:37, 28 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Comments from Vaoverland

I have reviewed the edits and sources. The whole subject is obviously not an easy item for NPOV presentation since it covers an area where there is great disagreement. I would respectfully remind all parties that all Wikipedia editors are strongly urged to cite your sources when stating information as factual.

I believe that User: Firebug is deleting meaningful content which is undoubtedly controversial, but nevertheless, seems to be factual and relevant to the article. If Firebus wants to present different or additional facts, there is ample space to do so also. He may also add facts that present opposing views, so long as we cite sources. However, the deletion of the other editor's work is not justified in my opinion.

Firefox also again deleted the section about the Beltway Sniper attacks, which were unfairly linked excessively to NOI and Louis Farrakhan by the news media. The item presents a NPOV but does not ignore the incident. This was also covered in a talk item earlier today.

It would be best to not have edit wars. A reasonable action is that, if you are going to change someone else's work, at least read the Talk page and leave a comment to justify your action.

It is better to present both sides of the issues and properly label them as opposing., controversial, etc. If we cannot reach a consensus, there are higher powers in Wikipedia to help us. As a Wikipedia administrator, I will lead us there if needed.

If Firefox is offended by the above, please, no offense is intended by me. Tell us your feelings or thoughts here. I would rather us resolve it here, and please, let us not threaten or disrespect each other, folks. Vaoverland 18:58, Apr 3, 2005 (UTC)

Vaoverland, I'm not offended by your comments, and I am willing to discuss this issue here. Like you, I do not have any particular axe to grind with regard to this article. I don't have particularly strong feelings on the NOI one way or another. The reason that I deleted the Beltway Sniper section is that I feel that its very inclusion violated NPOV. The article on the Catholic Church does not point out the fact that Adolf Hitler was a baptized Catholic and was never excommunicated. The article on Fundamentalist Christianity does not smear fundamentalism by association with Jeffrey Dahmer or other notorious criminals who have been fundamentalists or converted to fundamentalism in prison. Nor should either of these articles do these things. Articles on religion shouldn't need to point out that notorious criminals claimed to be members of those religions. It's only worth mentioning in the article on the religion itself if (a) a specific church doctrine was used as a justification for the crime (Inquisition for Catholic Church, September 11, 2001 attacks for Wahhabism), or if the church hierarchy was complicit in soliciting or covering up the crime (Roman Catholic Church sex abuse scandal). I don't think that the Beltway Sniper incident deserves mention here either. It's fine to point out in the article on John Allen Muhammad that he had converted to the NOI, but to put this on the NOI page itself is unwarranted in my opinion. Firebug 01:13, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)
While I disagree with some of Firebug's other edits', I think on this point he makes a valid argument. His comparison with the acts of the specific Christians, versus actual Church teachings, is an important point. I agree with the decision to remove that topic from this article. RK 17:29, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

Beltway Sniper item

The inclusion (or not) of this item is an area where there is some disagreement. At least one other writer seems offended by the wording used by others and me. Do others here feel that it it inappropriate for inclusion or should be worded differently? I would think it is more NPOV to present it than to pretend nothing happened. When the identity of JAM was first reported and his apparently minimal involvement with NOI years earlier was made public, the "right wing" media went severely overboard. Obviously, Mr. Farrakhan felt it was important enough to hold a press conference. Thus, I do not see how you can say it has no bearing on the NOI. Just do a websearch on NOI and watch the stories pop up.

However, rather than engage in an edit war, I would like to see what others think, and whether it is proper to include. If not, then out it goes. Even if it is proper to include the item, if the wording is wrong or offensive, please advise how it should be better worded. Vaoverland 19:53, Apr 3, 2005 (UTC)

I'm for deleting the item because it's ridiculously pointless. The attack was a single incident. Literally, one man out of 40,000 of Farrakhan's followers shoots some people and its newsworthy that the guy was from the NOI? I doubt Catholics would be very happy if history textbooks excessively noted the fact that Hitler was a baptized Catholic, and insinuated that the Church had tought him to kill Jews, as this piece of the article is clearly attempting to do in not so many words. Mentioning it is pointless.

TheBurningHelm Apr 3, 2005

Okay. That makes User:deeceevoice (me), User:Firebug and TheBurningHelm all opposed to inclusion of this information. I just read Firebug's amplification of my earlier remarks, and I think his argument is highly persuasive. We live in a society where the media write what they do to sell papers and capture high viewer ratings. Prosecutorial rhetoric in the courtroom is often targeted at inflaming the passions of the jury and the press. What passes for "information" and "evidence" is often merely pulp for the tabloid paper mills and does not rise to the level of judgment/discernment/analysis required for an encyclopedic entry. As I said before, a few years hence, the fact that JAM was once affiliated with the NOI will be treated as it was here locally, where the sniper killings occurred: as a mere footnote to the matter. (Washington, D.C., is far more sophisticated in matters such as this than the rest of the nation.) Such information belongs in an entry on the killings themselves, on JAM, or his accomplice -- nowhere else. If the NOI were a mainstream, Christian denomination, such information would never have made headlines; and it certainly would not have been included here. Wikipedia should show a little more sophistication, a little more common sense, than other forms of media in American society, which pander to a mentality that is more comfortable preoccupied with soap operas, "Jerry Springer," tabloid journalism, and watching people scarf down pigs' rectums for entertainment than engaged with anything remotely associated with true learning and honest intellectual inquiry. I mean the idiots voted Dubya in for another term, for God's sake! This is a nation of reactionary, brain-dead morons! Let's try to set the bar a little higher -- shall we? deeceevoice 10:33, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)
OK, I have deleted the beltway sniper item. I also found firebug's argument to make sense. Vaoverland 16:28, Apr 4, 2005 (UTC)

Anti-Catholic, not Anti-Christian

To state that the NOI is anti-Christian, is, naturally, moronic. The Final Call, at www.finalcall.com, shows many times in which Farrakhans quotes from the Bible. In fact, he quotes more from the New Testament than he does from the Quran. Anti-Catholic, is possible, though improbable. A while back a white Bishop invited Farrakhan to speak at a Catholic Cathedral of mainly African-American Catholics in New York or Philidelphia I believe, I'll look for a link to the news article and post it when I find it. The "Anti-Catholic" stigma arose from the fact that he claimed on Oprah Winfrey that there was "hatred coming at us from the Church" regarding two indicents in a single year when white Catholics in two different cities beat up a black person after coming out of church. It's hard to take a charge like that seriously. Also, the "The Pope is the antichrist" quote seems to be entirely fabricated, because I've never seen a trusted source list it. Not even the ADL claims that. - TheBurningHelm

Here I also agree with [[TheBurningHelm]. The only statements by the NOI over the years that remotely could be construed as "anti-Christian" criticize the use of Christianity to brainwash enslaved Africans, to teach black folks to "turn the other cheek" to white injustice and violence, to obey one's master; a criticism of pervasive images of a blond, blue-eyed Christ, etc., etc., etc. Hell, lots of black Christian ministers also have said as much. That's not anti-Christianity; that's anti-Christianity used as a tool of white oppression and subjugation of black people. Islam, in fact, is the third Abrahamic religion, along with Christianity and Judaism. As noted in the article, Mosque Maryam is named after Mary, mother of Jesus -- "Isa" in Islam -- who is celebrated as a prophet and holy man. "Anti-Christianity" indeed! That's just garbage. deeceevoice 10:46, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Deeceevoice, your argument is not logical. Just because someone quotes from the Bible does not make them friendly to Christians, especially Catholics. For instance, many Protestant fundamentalist Christians quote from the Bible, but have a virulent hatred of Catholics. Many Christian Identity adherents quote from the Bible, but also hate Catholics, liberal Protestants, and many Christians. And finally, the fact that the Nation of Islam preaches hatred against Catholics is an established fact, not an opinion. Calling the Pope a "cracker" is just one example. We have an obligation to present theit point of view. We may not hide it or misrepresent it in order to make them conform to our own ideas of religious tolerance. RK 14:10, Apr 4, 2005 (UTC)

Where is an honest source that shows Louis Farrakhan calling the pope "A cracker". Indeed, he was called a "cracker", but not by Farrakhan. Khalid Abdul Muhammad, who LEFT the NOI called him a cracker, and obviously you can't take that guy as a serious representative of the NOI, since, unlike the rest of them, he was a certifiable lunatic. If members of the NOI on occassion say something bad about "Catholics", what they obviously mean is "White Catholics", since Italian/Irish-Americans have at times feuded with African-Americans, especially in places like Boston/Phili/NYC, and since African-American Catholics are only a minority, the image of Catholics may be the truly "white thing". Your point about protestant fundamentalists hating Catholics doesn't really have to do with this subject, since they don't quote from Catholic doctrine. The Bible is a broad tool and obviously can be utilized by groups that oppose one another. However, it seems pretty unlikely that Farrakhan could have such a strong relationship with Sharpton or Jackson while being "anti-christian". Perhaps he's "anti-WHITE Christian", however anti-christian seems absurd at this point, especially given the NOI's attempts to "solidify" relationships with other minorities in the U.S., Latinos most prominently, who are overwhelmingly Roman-Catholic. theBurningHelm

Who said anything about "quoting from the Bible"? I think you have me confused with someone else. You may find this hard to stomach, but a lot of black folks call white folks "crackers" all the time -- I know I do --when speaking of a particular mind-set. Further, a lot of whites use the term self-referentially. The same with "peckerwood." What was the context of the remark? Serious question. deeceevoice 16:04, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Black people calling whites "Crackers" or "Peckerwood" is just as offensive as whites calling blacks "Niggers" or "Porch Monkeys". White people self-referencing with such terms is directly comparable to black people using the word "Nigger". -Justin

I agree with [[TheBurningHelm]. The accusation of Anti-Catholicism is absurd. Nation of Islam members have been welcomed on occassion to some Catholic churches. For example, Louis Farrakhan has been invited by The Rev. Dr. Michael Louis Pfleger to speak at Saint Sabina Church in Chicago (see www.saintsabina.org) as well as Father George Stallings' hosted Farrakhan at his Catholic Church in Philadelphia (Philadelphia Tribune, 03-29-94). JohnBlaz, 20:13, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Does the NOI actually teach about Yacub?

Listen, we all know about Yacub and that certain members of the NOI embrace the philosophy, however, what remains to be seen at this point is if they actually engage in the practice of teaching their adherents the story of Yacub or not. The NOI, above anything else, seems to be confused to the point of being bat-shit-insane. Elijah Muhammad seemed to have "Theorized" the idea of Yacub more than actually indoctrined it into NOI teachings. I may be wrong, but that's why I'm asking. Is there actual proof anywhere that NOI ministers preach about the evil white devils every single week? I know that Farrakhan believes it (Well, he says he does, I don't believe that guy actually believes anything that he says and does it all for the money, which some of his former ministers have said after leaving the NOI) but is it an actual teaching in NOI? Or is it like the perceptions of Jews among some mainstream Protestant faiths such as Presbyterian or Anglican, that being that the minister doesn't actually get up in front of the podium every Sunday and say "Those Jews are rejecting Jesus, and he'll drop them into a lake of fire for it!", but it's kind of assumed or at least so among some of its members, whereas it's not an actual teaching. Just curious, does anyone really know, or are we all know making the assumption? --TheBurningHelm 00:44, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC) That's odd, did someone erase my sig?

"Bat-shit insame"? Man, you got me rollin' up in here! lol
It's like I said in the discussion about black supremacy, none of the adherents I've known personally ever gave a crap about all that stuff and paid it no mind. It's like that silly stuff about pigs being "one third cat, one third rat and one third dog." They take it with a grain of salt. What this article doesn't address at all is the fact that the NOI's works in the black community is what gave, and continue to give, it street cred. Christian denominations know that back in the day, when they turned their backs on prostitutes and drug dealers and addicts, the NOI got 'em off the street and turned them around into respectful, respectable, contributing citizens. When ex-cons couldn't get work anywhere else, the NOI took them in and gave them second, third and fourth chances. The NOI -- with the sisters in their white head scarves and the brothers in their black suits, bowties and starched white shirts; the paramilitary FOI disciplined and trained in the martial arts; with its multi million-dollar network of black bakeries, barbershops, salons, cleaners and other businesses, its schools -- was an impressive and formidable force to be reckoned with. They'd fight the cops if they had to -- and get away with it. They scared the beejeezus outta white folks at a time when black folks were steady bein' lynched elsewhere and often afraid to walk the streets at night for fear of police harassment/brutality. And the funny thing was they didn't have to do anything in order be perceived as threatening by whites. Impeccably attired in dark suits, disciplined in comportment, from behind a pair of dark shades, an FOI brother was the embodiment of cool. And he was dangerous, because he had an organization of like-minded brothers and sisters who could give as good as they got -- in a street fight or in court. That was the implicit threat. Back in the day, the Nation was fierce.
Neither the black community at large nor many of the "faithful" focused on the silly spaceship business, or notions of black supremacy or any of that. All they cared about was that the NOI engendered pride and purpose and helped make their communities safe and livable. They went to temple, eschewed pork, fellowshipped with black folks who talked about doing for "self" -- for black people -- and who acted on that talk. They were respected, and saw the NOI as making a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of their loved ones.
You are being grossly dishonest. No one made any such claim. No one ever claimed that the black community at large believed in any of the crazy teachings of the Nation of Islam, or of any other faith. In fact, most blacks are not even NOI members! Rather, this article is describing the teaching of Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam, and they do have such teachings, and they have preahced them consistently for the last forty years. RK 21:37, May 18, 2005 (UTC)
Further, the business about the white man being a "devil" was something they already knew from their history, something generations of their own families passed down stories about through the years -- slavery, swindling blacks off their land or outright stealing it, the exploitation of sharecropping, the brutality, the discrimination, the segregation, the blatant bigotry and racism, the frequent lynchings, jailing of innocents. And it was something they experienced in their daily lives. They knew firsthand of the evils whites perpetrated against black people, that a whole lot of white folks meant black folks no good.
Did/do they literally believe a white man (or woman) is a devil? Hell, naw! You gotta be some kinda simpleton to really buy that.
And they'd rather hear the white man was the devil straight from the pulpit, to have someone acknowledge and validate their anger and resentment and mistrust, than have someone tell them they should "turn the other cheek" to some unrepentant, racist "crakkka" (yes, I mean "crakkka"; we're talking mind-set here) giving you grief on the job, restricting your access to decent housing, decent schools, loans -- you name it -- and manipulating you and your children's futures with impunity.
That was the appeal of the NOI. And black folks who were not members of the FOI got a kick out of hearing black NOI ministers "tell it like it is," unapologetically and without concern about reprisals -- because they owned their own businesses and answered to no one. Yes, it's Christian to forgive; but it also feels damned good to vent sometimes -- and to do so without someone self-righteously chastizing you about it, talkin' about, "Now, what would Jesus do?"
And that's what a lot of nonblacks don't get. All of that rhetoric is tied up with the black oral tradition. Most African-Americans steeped in the culture understand almost instinctively what is literal, what is metaphor, what is allegory, what is bluster, what is exaggerated, what is joking, what is woofin', what is said purely for effect and what is dead serious, what is rhetoric, what is preachin', what is teachin', what is testifyin', what is signifyin, what is just rappin' or riffin' and what is real. And the NOI throughout its history has been summa alla dat.
And, yes. There's some rhetoric that's been totally off the wall. No doubt about it. And a case in point: Kallid Muhammad is was definitely a head case. (He died of a brain aneurism in 1991! I googled him because I hadn't heard anything from him in a while. I was wondering what happened to the guy. I didn't realize Shabazz was actually his successor and not just another NBPP mouthpiece.) deeceevoice 21:27, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)
What evidence do you have that most black people understand all of these teachings as metaphors? I have never seen any evidence that any significant number of NOI adherents understand these teachings in the way that you describe. You seem to be describing the beliefs of people who are not NOI members, and who are looking for a way to reinterpret their teachings. Remember, this article is about the NOI and its adherents, and not about how other people might view their teachings. RK 17:22, Apr 6, 2005 (UTC)

People took my "bat-shit-insane" message to personally. I didn't mean the beliefs were necessarily bat-shit-insane, even though I believe that and believe most belief systems are bat-shit-insane, I simply meant to illustrate that at this point the NOI doesn't seem to know what it's even talking about. Does anyone have a real clue how the NOI sees the world? I sincerely doubt the NOI has a strong doctrinal teaching of black supremacy and white inferiority, about Yacub or the destiny of the black race, the significance of Elijah Muhammad or even Farrakhan. My point in saying "bat-shit-insane" is the fact that what you've basically got is a religion in case that doesn't understand what it's about. To give you an example, I personally considered the Catholic Church pre-John Paul II bat-shit-insane, not because of what they believed, but because the changes made by the Vatican II had thrown the church's traditions into chaos and different bishops were teaching different things (mainly in regards to abortion/contraception/condoms/female role in church/relationship with Jews/muslims, etc...). However, when John Paul II came along he finally put his foot down and drew a line in the sand, illustrating what the church stood for, regardless of whether or not people liked it. At this point Farrakhan hasn't drawn a line in the sand because most people still don't understand what the NOI teaches. They obviously do a lot of preaching about "God", however their teachings about Jesus seem to be very tenuous, given that they quote regularly from the New Testament and yet state on the FinalCall.com that the legacy of Jesus was "deviously altered" which is the basic line of most Muslims, however most Muslims don't go so far as quoting from the New Testament since they don't necessarily trust it. My point is that the NOI, despite the fact that we can obviously pick out SOME of their teachings, is in theological chaos because we don't know if Yacub, or black divinity, or Ward Muhammad's divinity, or Elijah Muhammad's flying saucer, are taught regularly and universially within the NOI, or if the NOI has simply deteriorated into a simple spiritual and cultural outlet at this point and is simply fostering a broad, almost secularized, belief in the one God and encouraging good behaviors. --TheBurningHelm 00:44, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)

You make some good points that should be examined: Are there any studies or surveys on what your average NOI minister preaches, or what NOI adherents believe? Also, are there any articles that critically examine the consistency of NOI theological teachings? Reading the various quotes by Elijah Muhammed, Louis Farrakhan, Malcom X (when he was a member) and Khalid Abdul Muahmmed, it appears to me as if they are often contradicting themselves. It reminds me very much of L. Ron Hubbard's science-fiction-based religion, Scientology. RK 17:19, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)
Yes, they still do teach about Yacub! I have personally been to one of their larger lectures at a New York state university, just a few years back, and they were selling pamplets teaching the classical NOI theology described in this article. They also still preach this on many NOI-affiliated websites. Does every single NOI adherent believe all this? Probably not. I would be interested in reading any surveys on this issue. RK 17:24, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

No original research

No, RK. Again, there are no "studies or surveys." How do I know? Because I know/have known a number of "black Muslims" over the years and have spoken w/them specifically about their faith. And, no, I doubt that they would speak to a journalist about how their personal beliefs differ from the party line. It's not in the nature of adherents to do so. This matter hasn't been of particular interest to black journalists, and they certainly aren't likely to speak to whites about it. It's kind of like the discussion I had with another Wikipedian about whether or not the majority of African-Americans speak some form of AAVE. I contended that the vast majority of us do. The white guy said he didn't buy it. But, hey, black folks "code switch." Many of us speak one way in front of white folks and another way amongst ourselves. So, it's not likely a white person would have any idea how many of us do or don't speak AAVE. The fact of the matter is that certain aspects of African-American culture are simply far from transparent to the white, majority culture; and writing about them authoritatively is, for us, sometimes extremely difficult, if not impossible, beyond citing simply anecdotal evidence. Same thing about the business of quilts being used to send signals to travelers on the Underground Railroad. While the lore exists in several A-A families that I'm aware of, it's challenged by white historians because there's no written record of the practice until the early 1990s. It's almost like our history and culture don't officially exist until white folks say they do. Absurd business dat. You can chastize me all you want, but we know our history and culture, but Wiki policy requires us to sit by and remain silent while often ignorant or biased white folks write what they will because there's "documentation" for the opinions they cite. Sometimes the opinions or information are even correct, but the absence of the information that doesn't rise to the bar understandably set by Wikipedia prevents inclusion of other information that would bring balance or another dimension to subject matter. Sometimes the information presented does the subject matter an injustice, as in this case. It's annoying as hell -- and the requirement of documentation in some circumstances is -- yes -- sometimes just downright silly crap as in the information about comparative religion that was expunged from the other article. deeceevoice 22:07, 6 Apr 2005 (UTC)

"No original research" should be moderated by common sense; personal experience does guide the writing of articles, frequently without explicit sourcing, and this is usually good insofar as it prevents the insertion of false but nonetheless publicized claims. But in this particular case, the converse question should also be asked: bearing in mind that understanding sacred teachings as metaphorical is an extremely widespread phenomenon throughout America today, what evidence do you have that most black people do not understand all of these teachings as metaphors? If there is no evidence either way, they certainly should not be stated in a way that assumes that they must be taken literally. - Mustafaa 23:17, 6 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Mustafa, you have been misled. No one here is talking about what most blacks believe. Nor were we talking about what most Black Muslims believe. Rather, we were discussing a much more limited case: What does the Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam teach and preach? You have allowed yourself to be misled by DeeCeeVoice's attempt to confuse the discussion by changing the subject! Indeed, the vast majority of black people who are Muslims will have nothing to do with this Nation of Islam. RK 21:37, May 18, 2005 (UTC)

Take a chill pill and save your fingers. You don't need to lecture me on "no original research" or "personal experience." Note that I wrote, "...but the absence of the information that doesn't rise to the bar understandably set by Wikipedia prevents inclusion of other information that would bring balance or another dimension to subject matter." Given Wiki policy which understandably seeks to safeguard the validity/veracity of the information it provides, it still poses substantial challenges to writing authoritatively on certain subjects not traditionally documented in the literature. The importance of such a Wiki policy does not stop it, still, from being obstructive of the inclusion of certain important truths in the information it presents. Nor does it prevent such, again, understandable policy from being frustrating/annoying as hell. I presented the information on the talk page to inform readers whose knowledge of the NOI seems to have been acquired from a great distance and who have a seemingly unbalanced view of the organization as a result -- to present here what thus far has not been, or could not be, presented in the article itself. In the case of "undocumented" information, my purpose is not to argue for its inclusion in the article; I already know how pointless such efforts can be. However, the information about the works of the NOI in the black community are widely known and well documented and, I'm certain, will be added -- if not by me, by another contributor. deeceevoice 13:06, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Hang on - you thought I was lecturing you? I was agreeing with your point. - Mustafaa 07:29, 8 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Yep. I read your response too quickly -- sorry. I particularly think the assessment of the commonsense comment about comparative religion as needing documentation was pretty silly. deeceevoice 20:36, 8 Apr 2005 (UTC)

A note for the prolific Anon Contrib and Deeceevoice

Speaking of "Bat-shit insane". How about nearly TWO BILLION MAINSTREAM "perfectly sane people" (many identified as Christians, Muslims and Jews) who believe and/or teach in a friggin pregnant VIRGIN woman giving birth, a Saviour being shanked in the hands and heart, hung on a stick, buried and coming back alive, an Easter jack-rabbit that lays colourful chicken eggs for children to find, some mysterious 4th-Dimension on cloud-nine called heaven with milk and honey but miraculously.. no cows and bees, the 5th-Dimension somewhere near the Earth's core called hell that is presided over by a deceptive humanoid monster with beady eyes who is rumored to wear a red suit and hoody and carry a pitchfork. Don't even mention the odd connection between Jesus Chrsit and the illogical celebration of a fat-ass red-face beer gut man bearing gifts to strangers.

If you sense a bit of sarcasm, you are not imagining things. Balance should be maintained when discussing what is deemed to be out of the mainstream otherwise you may as well trash all these "silly" religious notions. --JohnBlaz 22:31, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Blaz, finding humor in a remark doesn't mean agreement. I wrote this for Black supremacy with regard to the Doctrine of Yakub:

Scientific evidence strongly indicates that the first early [must've been someone else's later insertion] human beings evolved in Africa. In the context of comparative religious study, the "Doctrine of Yakub" has been viewed as simply an allegory for the evolution of whites from blacks as a result of climatic differences as humanity migrated out of Africa and populated other areas of the globe. Such colorful storytelling, some argue, is little different from the Bible's account of God creating Eve from Adam's rib, or the creation of heaven and earth in six days.

Guess what? It was deleted for "lack of documentation." This is the stupid kind of crap that goes on on Wikipedia all the time. deeceevoice 07:24, 6 Apr 2005 (UTC)
I find your attitude lamentable. You made a claim that has no proof or support. We merely asked that you provide evidence that some significant fraction of people actually have such beliefs. It is a reasonable request to follow Wikipedia official policy. The fact that you refuse to provide references, and attack our policy as "stupid crap", tends to reduce your credibility. RK 17:18, Apr 6, 2005 (UTC)
Wikipedia:Cite sources

"Lamentable"? LOL Read my comments in the subsection above. Yes, "silly crap." deeceevoice 22:14, 6 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Two further points that need to be addressed

My first note - personally, as a white guy, I find the NOI's teachings completely harmless because I've never heard, as Farrakhan once put it, "Of a single member of the Nation of Islam committing a hate crime". However, one thing that really disturbed me that I think needs mentioning, was the fact that Farrakhan, back in the mid 90's, engaged in a dispicable propaganda campaign to cover up the black African slave trade in the Sudan, and the massive number of black Africans being killed by the Arab run northern Sudanese government. It was only recently when they finally figured out how bad it was when the Sudanese government went after Darfur too, because before they were only picking on the Christians in the south. Farrakhan flat out denied that there was a slave trade in Sudan and called it a "western fabricated to smear a Muslim government". Coincidentally, the Libyan government, a close ally of Sudan and an arguable partner in the disappearing slave trade, offered Farrakhan 1,000,000,000 to build schools and such after he made these statements, so it's pretty obvious what he was in it for. Since the NOI's leadership fell into line and helped him try to divert media attention away from Sudan, in one instance by calling the Boston Globe a "Zionist run organization", the NOI injected itself directly into the situation and therefore warrants being mentioned as such in the article. -- TheBurningHelm 00:56, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)

No hate crimes? How about the Zebra Killings? Check wiki. Or is the targeted murder of specifically white people not a hate crime? Or let me guess... They werent really members of NOI right? Convenient. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:43, 5 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

A second note - the upcoming Million Man March 2005. For those of you who don't know, Farrakhan is reconvening the Million Man March for the 10th anniversary of the march. I doubt that word is spreading much and I don't think as many people will show up (Well, depending on what Bush does to piss off the black community as many as 10 million might show up). However, I think perhaps this deserves a little footnote in the article unless anyone seriously disagrees. --TheBurningHelm 00:56, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)

This is a good point. The Nation of Islam's denial that many blacks engaged in the slave trade, and that many black Africans still enslave and systematically murder othert black Africans, must really be reported. This is what they teach. Of course, we must also add the fact that all mainstream scholars of African culture and history totally disagree, and that many of them have accused the NOI of justifying and allowing the continuation of black slavery and murder. RK 17:19, Apr 5, 2005 (UTC)

We must also remember that Wikipedia is not a soapbox. Points of controversy should be mentioned briefly, not sought out one by one and dwelt on until they overshadow the main focus of the article. The best way to keep an article NPOV, in my experience, is not to summarize all views on as many controversies as possible, but to remember that facts are much more encyclopedic than POVs, sourced or unsourced. The appropriate place for a lengthy discussion of the existence and denial of slavery in Sudan is the article of that name. - Mustafaa 23:24, 6 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Why are you reverting spelling fixes?

Why did someone change "Sharpton" back to "Sampson"? Is there some controversy regarding the Reverend's name that I am unaware of? 01:03, 6 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Apparently the writer was refering to the right Reverend Albert "Al" Sampson of of Fernwood United Methodist Church in the windy city. [2] -- 04:22, 6 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Sugar Coating NOI Hate

This article is so soft in its treatment of the racist nature of the NOI, it comes across as less an objective article as a pro NOI propoganda piece, intended to whitewash the racist nature of this organization. The Nation of Islam is and has always been an internationally recognized hategroup. Racism and antisemitism are not something peripheral to the organization or limited to a few extreme members - it is the organization's raison d'etre. I am forwarding a copy of the article in its entirety to the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and several other reputable, main stream watch dog groups who are comitted to challenging this sort of propoganda.

Imagine a comparable treatment of a white hate group, such as the Klu Klux Clan (or even the John Birch Society for that matter) that failed to mention the racist beliefs of the organizations until the end of the article, and then only in brief and couched in equivocating weasel terms like 'some consider the group racist', as though it were some peripheral opinion? The mainstream, widely acepted view is that the NOI is a racist hate group - those challenging this are on the fringe. This is precisely the opposite of what the article suggests.

In short, by suggesting that the charge that the NOI is a racist organization with wacky ideas about the origins of the white race is in any way controversial or the object of serious dispute is not only a failure to maintain NPOV, it reflects either an intolerable degree of ignorance about the NOI or worse - a deliberate attempt to deceive the reader about the true nature of this organization.

WikiEditor 09:37, 14 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I think those organizations are well aware. I have tried to maintain a NPOV, and make sure such accusations (as properly attributed) get equal hearing with those would would delete factual statements. I personally find it offensive that NOI's messengers walk through traffic apparently avoiding cars with white and Hispanic people in them, at least here in Richmond, but such seems to be the price of freedom: tolerance. I don't doubt that other groups would treat them the same way. I am sad to say I remember separate (and far from equal) restrooms and accommodations and families of color afraid to travel through Virginia at night (I pumped gas in the 1960s). I have been on referee break, but I'll take a fresh look. I am too busy to get into edit wars on conflicts that seem impossible to resolve, but we have achieved a better balance than what was happening here. BTW, if you are able, how about leaving a user name with messages, and make more of a difference than just an anonymous complaint, and your credibility will increase as we seek a good WP article. Vaoverland 04:16, May 14, 2005 (UTC)
The above is a copy of what I left on my user page. I do not intent to imply that I am some kind of official or unoffficial moderator, cause I am not. Fortunately, we have some other calm heads here. Mark In Richmond. Vaoverland 04:33, May 14, 2005 (UTC)
I do not agree that this article "sugar coats" the allegations of racial hatred. See section on controversies. It's reasonably balanced on a difficult subject. That's my 2 cents worth. Vaoverland 05:49, May 14, 2005 (UTC)
P.S. I do think the neutrality flag is appropriate, so that readers can also see what we are debating herein. Vaoverland 10:11, May 14, 2005 (UTC)
The notion that this article is "sugar coated" is a bit ridiculous (IMHO). Rather than becoming another Anti-Defamation League conceived dossier (as some desire), this current article shows a bit more neutrality by attempting to stick to facts rather than subjective feelings. Also I must say, regarding the alleged Ku Klux Klan parallels, this is pure nonsense! By virtue of historical record, the NOI simply cannot be compared to a terrorist group like the KKK whose non-refuted recreation was bombing, burning, raping, hanging and state sanctioned persecution of Black men, women and children for over a hundred years. --JohnBlaz 14:12, 15 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]


I hate to break it to you, but the NOI has been raping and murdering in their name for decades now. In most instances of black on white crime they are eventually fingered in some way. Not admitting they are a hate group is a bit ridiculous, they absolutely parallel the KKK. It wasn't all that long ago that the NOI spoke out encouraging the rape of white women to assert the superiority of the black man as god or some equally moronic spew. Try watching the news.
Nonsense. You have not even allowed the people who accuse NOI of anti-Semitism of stating what they view as anti-Semitic; rather, you only allow the NOI apologetic to stand in place of the actual accusation. Jayjg (talk) 17:47, 16 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
What is the real nonsense here? The fact that the NOI does not have the murderous history of the KKK therefore the two can not be logically compared or my stated opinion that this article should not become another ADL dossier? The fact of the matter is that you already have an exclusive ADL POV-based article called NOI and anti-Semitism which is clearly the antithesis of NPOV. --JohnBlaz 02:51, 17 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]


On the contrary, the sources of that article are hardly exclusively ADL, and the fact that you don't like a topic doesn't make it POV. No, the real nonsense is that you can't even stand to have the statements of those who criticize the NOI to stand on their own; instead you insist on inserting the arguments you would have preferred them to make instead. Jayjg (talk) 02:54, 17 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
If you want to make this a personal argument on feelings, you can have at it.. without me. This article does a reasonably good job at presenting balance on a controversial group and it does in fact present anti-NOI excerpts and arguments from the ADL's and like-minded individual's POV. This particular subject seems more like a protest against neutrality than anything else. --JohnBlaz 03:38, 17 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]


You've misrepresented both my argument and WP:NPOV policy; it's not about presenting one point of view, but rather allowing each group to present its own point of view. On the subject about which I am speaking, only the NOI POV has been allowed to be expressed, and other views have been suppressed. And it's your doing, no need to pretend otherwise, since you were the one making the edits. Jayjg (talk) 19:25, 17 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hi JohnBlaz - I would agree that the NOI does not have the body count of the KKK, but this has more to do with the fact that it is a minority organization with little power and influience for most of its existence than anything else. Elijah Mohammed, Farrakhan and their NOI followers have openly fantasized about killing white people on many occasions. There are several cases in which NOI rhetoric has been cited as the motivating factor in killings of whites by blacks. In one interesting such case recently in NY, a black man turned himself in for the murder of a white he had committed decades ago, which was inspired directly by NOI rhetoric. In another famous case that took place in the early 70s, an NOI mosque in NYC called NYC police and once they got their, shot them dead. The bottom line is, we don't know how many murders the NOI has inspired -but it is known that NOI rhetoric has been cited as an incitement to murder of both whites and black members of the group who have fallen into disfavor(the most famous example of the latter being Malcolm X, whose murder was publicly incited by Farrakhan - another fact not mentioned on the article). In any event, a hate group need not have a body count to be a hate group - all it need do is spread hateful rhetoric. I am aware of no one murderd by David Duke's NAAWP for example - this doesn't mean they pose no threat to society. 07:52, 17 May 2005 (UTC)

I emphatically disagree. The KKK (and like minded organizations and inviduals) was a known terrorist group with a policy of murder, lynching and terrorist intimidation of Blacks that was in many cases government sanctioned.[3] According to statistics that were not even recorded for many years, thousands of Black men, women, children and whole families were murdered via lynching, bombings, burning and other heinous methods.[4] The NOI which has existed and has become ingrained in America (specifically Black America) for over 70 years has never had such a policy toward Whites and this was not due the very weak notion of lack of influence. That shoe simply does not fit. If anything, the influence of the NOI has restrained a lot of frustrated Black people from actually going out and killing Whites by channeling that frustration and bitterness at racism into helping themselves. --JohnBlaz 15:44, 17 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Ok JohnBlaz... you can now start rationalizing, equivocating and denying the above. The NOI has a body count bud. I despise the KKK and any other white supremecist group because they murder innocent people and destroy lives. Unlike you though, I dont start making excuses if the victims are white. NOI has killed at least 17 innocent people (think thats really all there has been?). Now Im sure the answer will be "well that wasnt REALLY the NOI"... Uh huh... SO hard to just ADMIT that there are evil acts committed by ALL people and that EVIL is EVIL. Why is that so tough I wonder?
Hi JohnBlaz - I accept your objection to a one to one correspondence between the Klan and the NOI on the basis of the former's extraordinary record of domestic terrorism. Fair enough. This is ultimately irrelevant however to the larger issue addressed here, which is that the NOI is fundamentally a hate group with bizarre ideas, not some socially responsible mainstream religious movement dogged by a few controversies or a handful of eccentric members. The 'Promise Keepers' they ain't. I'm disturbed by your description of a group like the NOI, which foments hate (regardless of how reguarly their rhetoric leads directly to violence) as 'positively channeling frustration'. Would you be comfortable with an organization whose rhetoric channeled the 'frustrations' of whites in such a manner? I don't think so. And as I've already pointed out, while the NOI ultimateky should not be compared to the KKK (the worst domestic terrorist group in American history to date), the organization does nevertheless does have blood on its hands, and we don't decriminalize assualt and robbery because rape and murder are more serious crimes. Special circumstances of race, history, and culture have conspired in the case of the NOI to bring about a uniquely creepy organization which combines aspects of a hate group, a religious cult and organized crime into one. WikiEditor 02:50, 19 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
How many people actually profess this ideas? The difference between cult and religion are the number of people professing such ideas. This comes into mind because in all the article I never saw anything specific on this matter, someone said something about it being a cult more than a religion (which I believe it is) and also, a group who believes its their right to obtain land and other equal rigths" to other group of people usually becomes a terrorist group (which means it practices acts of terror, not necessarily bombing and mass murder), so, I would say that this NOI may actually become a terrorist group, if it is not already that. I am neither black nor white, so I put myself as a neutral observer when I say that a group like NOI is dangerous and can easily produce people commiting hatred crimes and is deffinatetly not going to get peace, unity and freedom amongst white, black, yellow, brown, or any color. If any, it will most probably end up destroying any possibilities of reconciliation rather than actually reconciliating anything. Also, this is a very personal opinion, I can easily find correspondance amongst the NOI's ideas and the behaviour of som black people in not really trying to actually have a good job and living from the government. I know that sounds awful, but it's real, america's statistics on unemployment and welfare dependance prove it (also latins tend to be high up in those rankings, I must painfully admit).
One last little thingy. I'm an HR manager and have been for 9 years now and I can honestly tell you that I have never discriminated because of race or religion, altough I look for people committed to work, knowledgable and that will remain with the company and have a stable emotional situation, unfortunately, most young african americans tend to act rather impulsively even at interviews, and tend to be aggressive and resentful. I do know very excellent black people and am friend with most of them, even they believe that the general behaviour in the black population its a shame. No one person from any origin owes anything to any other race, imagine mexicans coming over and saying, "Hey, this was our land first and you americans should hand it back to us, as you stole our gold and riches from california and texas, you must compensate us for that", that is plain stupid, not even Bush had anything to do with it today, so why should he pay for his ancestors. Also applies for other groups, imagine chinese people saying that america belongs to them in account of they being here first thatn europeans, or indian tribes ademanding for all of america, it was their's to begin with, heck, even french people asking to be returned Louisiana and Quebec in Canada, or Spanis demanding Florida. Please open your minds and start thinking outside your own needs. Its no one's right to push someone out of a place because they believe its their right to do so... humanity is still VERY far from maturity and these kind of issues are one of our most shameful exemples. By the way, I believe wikipedia does a great work and NEUTRALITY IS A MUST. Your friendly neighbourhood (SPIDERMAN).

WikiEditor stands completely correct on the subject. NPOV can be maintained by simply stating the truth. As long as we provide evidence from mainstream watchdog and governmental organizations there is really no problem. (As it would be hard for any supporters of NOI to support its racist beliefs...) --jonasaurus 00:19, 13 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

NPOV tag removal suggestion

I see some admirable discussions on this page. Are there any other editors who think removal of the NPOV tag might be justified? Thane Eichenauer 07:23, 14 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, this tag should be removed. RK 21:16, 13 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Reference to Palestine in the part "A new NOI: 1978"

The part called "A new NOI: 1978" says that in 1997 Farrakhan visited several countries, one of them is Palestine. Palestine was not internationally recognized as an established country in 1997. It was - and as of this writing, still is - a "national authority", an autonomy, but not a country.

It would be proper to exclude Palestine from the list of countries Farrakhan visited and write "Palestinian territories" instead.

Disclaimer: I'm Israeli, so i may have a biased opinion about Palestine, but what i write here is a neutral fact.--Amir E. Aharoni 05:47, 15 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Amir, this is not the right place to bring up the palestine issue!!
Huh? He isn't bringing up the issue! Someone else did, and Amir commented on this, and rightly so. There is no such country as Palestine. There probably will be one in the near future, but there certainly wasn't one back when Farrakhan visited the territory administred by the Palestinian Authority, and there still is no such country no. One must not substitute pro-Arab politically correct hopes for actual facts. RK 02:31, 14 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Legend of the 1975 death/ disappearance if Elijah Muhammad

Could someone sort this section out. The W.D. Fard mentioned is clearly referring to Wallace Fard Muhammad, the founder of NOI (see his page for comments by Elijah Muhammad referring to him by this name). Current text in this section:

Members of the Nation of Islam have long held that Elijah Muhammad did not die, but instead escaped a death plot, was restored to health, and is aboard "that huge wheel-like plane that is even now flying over our heads." Among Muhammad's passengers on the so-called "Mother Wheel" is the mysterious figure named W.D. Fard, a light-skinned man who Muhammad said came from the Middle East and told him he was Allah. Farrakhan's followers believe that Muhammad is "the Last Messenger of Allah" and will soon return and lead them to redemption.[5]

- 21:32, 12 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Never do we say that Master Fard Muhammad was Allah the Originator and He never stated that HE was THE Allah, the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth. He is just the vessel that Allah's sprit travels in. Allah is in the person of Master Fard Muhammad.

Zebra Murders Whitewash

The Zebra Murders were a natural result of NOI's racist pseudo-theology which dehumanizes whites. Naturally they aren't mentioned here. (And naturally no one atlks about them in San Francisco anymore.) This page is propaganda.

Could you please clarify? If you have some specific criticisms and suggestions, we are very willing to listen. Thank you for your time. RK
If you read the most thorough and credible works on the subject (see below), you will see that not only did the so-called Zebra murders flow directly from NOI theology, but that they were an NOI operation, directed from Chicago (aka New Mecca), and run out of the San Francisco mosque. The San Francisco death squad had pep rallies run by dignitaries from New Mecca after hours at the NOI-owned moving and storage where most of the killers worked, and all of them worked for NOI-owned businesses.
The apprentice Death Angels had to reach a certain quota from killing either four white children, five white women, or nine white men, in order to become full-fledge Death Angels, and receive free passage to Mecca. The practice of paying free passage to Mecca for killing “white devils” had been instituted during the early 1930s by NOI founder Wallace Fard.
The NOI even paid for the defense of the three killers who refused to confess (Larry Green, J.C.X. Simon, and Manuel Moore), but refused to pay legal fees for the one killer, Jesse Lee Cooks, who confessed to murder (the Frances Rose killing), and went so far as to disown Cooks. The NOI considers it a mortal sin to confess to any crime in the white man's courts.
To get an indication of how tightly the NOI operation was run, the case was only broken when one of the killers, Anthony Cornelius Harris, came forward, in order to collect the $35,000 reward, get police protection, and new identities for himself and his family. One day, when Harris & Family were in a motel under police guard, and Harris was in the shower, his foolish wife telephoned the wife of her minister, at the San Francisco mosque, and told her where they were holed up. In no time flat, a squad of NOI assassins (Fruit of Islam types, not the raggedy characters in the “Zebra” death squads) showed up at the motel, and Detectives Gus Coreris and John Fotinos just managed to escape with the Harris family seconds ahead of the assassins.
Had the squad managed to kill Harris, the SFPD would never have broken the San Francisco cases (or at least, the 15 official San Francisco cases; there were more killings than that in the city by the bay). As it is, the convictions of Larry Green, J.C.X. Simon, Manuel Moore and Jesse Lee Cooks “cleared” only 15 killings, and the SFPD was convinced that at least three other men were part of the SF squad alone. However, the San Francisco DA, convinced that it had too little evidence to go to trial against the other three, dropped the charges against them.
The NOI is so tightly knit in its devotion to killing whites, whom it variously teaches are “white devils,” “blue-eyed devils,” and “grafted snakes,” that no one else came forward with information.
Not only did the NOI organize the death squads (there were many more than the one that went down), but the killings went on up and down the State of California, with different squads working different areas, and according to the FBI, even (though apparently, or rather, hopefully, to a lesser degree) on the East Coast. Dick Walley, the head of the Intelligence Analysis Unit at the California Department of Justice, had a dossier of 71 black-on-white murders committed across the state that he was convinced were NOI killings (Howard). (Walley died of cancer before the trial.) Clark Howard, the author of Zebra, was convinced that the NOI had murdered “just under 270” whites across California, but never named the other 255 victims, or explained his rationale. Since the murders were through and through an NOI operation, and only a small minority of them (even using Walley’s figure, which did not count non-California NOI racial killings) were committed in San Francisco, I suggest that we dispense with calling them the “Zebra Murders,” and simply call them the NOI Murders.
Contrary to those who have claimed that the NOI was seeking with the killings to cause a race war, the NOI was prosecuting a race war. The real story of how that war was stopped is one that I’m afraid we’ll never learn.
Howard, Clark. Zebra: The true account of the 179 days of terror in San Francisco (New York: Richard Marek Publishers, 1979). 02:10, 30 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
And YEARS later no change in the article... Yep... really the way to move forward towards a better future. Encourage black hate groups to murder whites and then just pretend it doesnt happen because, hey, there is a bad history. Never mind that the people doing the killing are psychopaths and the victimes are just working schmucks picked at random. Nah... That doesnt matter. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:54, 5 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Recently removed text

I have removed the following text. Who is this "Donald Muhammed"? Where is he a professor, and what are his credentials? Does he represent a mainstream group, or is he simply one of the tens of thousands of adherent of NOI ideolgy? We don't incorporate points of view from anyone. Wikipedia standards demand that views are not included unless they represent some substantial group or scholarly consensus. RK 02:39, 14 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

In a 1991 review of the book, Donald Muhammad writes:.....
The facts, as established by highly respected scholars of the Jewish community, are here exposed and linked by as sparse a narrative as is journalistically permitted.. Every fact was painstakingly footnoted. The research was matchless and worthy of commendation. Attempts to assuage this work as allegedly "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Jewish" falls on its face given the fact that the work contains the contributions of "respected scholars of the Jewish community". ..The power of this presentation is so strong that the facts cannot be refuted. Yet this work does not pretend to be the end-all on this subject of slavery. It provides a window to even more extensive research regarding slavery by its other co-conspirators, the white Christians of Europe, the Arabs of the Middle East, and the Black African leaders who sold their own people to the slave traders. ..In light of the recent allegations of "Black anti-Semitism," this book calls attention to the evil and immoral practice by the Jews in the Black holocaust of which many scholars estimate that 250 million or more perished at the hands of white people during the trade in Black slaves. (Donald Muhammed, Book Review: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 1, Final Call, November, 1991)


An editor added the category:cults and removed the {template:AfricanAmerican} without comment. Since changes like deserve discussion, I reverted it pending a rationale. -Willmcw 06:17, 27 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Wallace Fard

I've updated inofrmation and timeline about W.D. Fard/Farad/Ford etc etc etc From info in FBI Freedom of Information Act Files http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/fard.htm

still more to do

That was not a helpful edit. I suggest that you add your material to the Wallace Fard Muhammad article, not to this one. Please work within the exising article, don't toss out huge amounts of text and replace it with even alrger, unformatted text. -Willmcw 01:02, 30 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Fard is the founder of this oragnization, the first leader and now the object of it's worship as such as such inofrmation about his life as well as that of Elijah Muhammad are intergal to form a understanding.
Yes, some mention is necessary, but we don't need so much in the intro. He already has a whole article about him. Also, please don't go making controversial edits like changing the category to "cult" without some discussion. And stop reverting or you'll be blocked. -Willmcw 01:13, 30 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]
the article was missing critical information on Fard's early involvemnet with Drew Ali's group if you leave that out you missing the essential message of the group. Also the present version is making it seem as if Farrakhan is in charge of the same NOI of Elijah Muhammed and Fard when in fact he is heading a sect split in opposition to Warith Deen, Elijahs son. Ignoring this bit of history is akin to taking sides in conflict. In the interests of NPOV I have added references and change the wording throughout.

on Cults the definition is:

a religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

This seems to be a fair description of the NOI, it is considered a heresy by all of the traditional Islamic hiearchy led by a succesion of charasmatic leaders. So NOI should be added to Cults.

Re: cults. That's not a decision we should make on our own. Have reputable cult wathcers called it a cult? I regard to your contention about the split, your changes were very drastic. Surely you can convey that history without so dramatic a re-write. Also, remember that NPOV requires we include all viewpoints. -Willmcw 07:28, 30 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Re cult: Is it unconnventional to fight against those that draw first blood with the same weapon that they use against you as long as it's not a real weapon like guns and stuff. It's either words or bare hands. Is it unconventional to eat the healthiests foods and have a clean cut outlook. Also to hold yourself in an outstanding manner. Or is preaching truth unconventional, tell me. As for a charismatic leader, are the followers of Dr. King, can they be considered a cult. I think it's unconventional to not fight back when Jesus himself fought. Also everything in nature fights back but then God gets to you and say "Go ahead, let the tiger, or wolf kill you. It's wrong to fight." Then he turns around and aboloishes Soddom and Gomorrah for being gay. And he destroys the Pharoh himself. Please God fights when it is necessary, that's what we do and we eat the healthiest foods. We falow God in the best way we can and if that is unconnventional to follow the one that created you and has done so much for you then let us be a cult.

Notable Members

I think it would make sense to include a list of notable members of the Nation of Islam, including John Allen Mohammad the serial sniper. Haizum 12:01, 3 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also, how about some of the leadership of the org, like Tony Mohammed. drummerdan82 14:17, 24 May 2007

What About The Other Races?

How do the Nation Of Islam organization view the yellow (East Asians and South East Asian), red (Native Americans), and brown (South Asians and the Middle Easterners) races? Are they also "lower races" to the Nation of Islam? Zachorious 18:38, 26 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

How about Hispanics?? Mixure of White and Yellow?

Nah, hispanics are a mixture between white and red (Europeans and Native Americans). In reality though there is no hispanic ethnicity because many hispanics are either white, black, or native american (or mixes of all three or two). Zachorious 09:00, 13 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Message to bucketofg

If there is no criticism, you should leave it. If there is criticism you should include it. Just for the sake of consistency. 23:24, 10 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

apologies to all

I've made a bit of a mess with my editing on this page: reverting what I had assumed was vandalism to the article page with a clumsy revert. Just now I've reverted my own comment. Please bear with me while I try to figure out who has said what to whom where and when. Bucketsofg 23:35, 10 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This article is lying through omission

more criticisms of this hateful religion are needed. its self proclaimed bigotry

Yep... And now it sits happily with no POV tag. Great job wiki! I guess if black people choose to rewrite history, thats ok. Murder too. Only when those crimes were/are perpetrated by white people are they a problem. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:55, 5 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]


John, we should find a way to resolve the intro question. Should we talk about it here, or maybe start an RfC? I'm open to suggestions. IronDuke 15:13, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Elijah Muhammad's name

I notice this article says that Elijah Poole was given the name "Elijah Muhammad" by Fard, but if I recall correctly, isn't it true that Fard gave Poole the name "Elijah Karriem"? And then Karriem subsequently renamed himself Muhammad? I didn't want to make the change, because when I thought about whether or not it was true, I was only half-sure. -- Deville (Talk) 14:10, 30 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Weasel Words and POV

Someone has consistently re-added pov phrasing in the article. It is obviously irrelavent pov to attempt to lessen the charge of anti-semitism the way you are doing it. Also I found it hard to believe that the phrase: "uplifting the downtrodden masses of African Americans up out of poverty and self-destruction and for directly challenging racism, classism, sexism, Zionism and religious intolerance" has been continually reinserted. Please see WP:Not. For your information including words like "some" are considered weasel words. Please do not add these passages back. You are also in danger of being blocked for 3RR.- Moshe Constantine Hassan Al-Silverburg | Talk 14:53, 30 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

With respect to the lead intro issue, let's review the contentions and hopefully we can make a compromise to resolve back and forth edits. By the way, point taken on the Weasel Words as they have been puged.
On May 12, 2006, IronDuke "added criticism" to the Lead Intro of the article.
After being purged and reversed, it was noted that, "If the lead will start with subjective critiques, I expect citations and this will open up for counter arguments and citations which will expand the "lead" into an article in and of itself."
This led to two apparent compromises, 1) IronDuke decided to repost his intro and cited a reference for the critism, noting "your fear is understandable, but we can both be vigilant, keep the intro to 3-4 grafs, and conform to WP:LEAD:. 2) JohnBlaz created a section called "Criticism" and moved the comments to that section.
After further reversals, compromise was made to accept IronDuke's critical passages in the intro with addition of alternative views with cited references.
This brings us to Silverburg and (recently Jayjg) who has taken it upon himself to censor alternative views and references in the Lead Intro.
I initially expressed concerned that IronDuke acknowledged is that "If the lead will start with subjective critiques, I expect citations and this will open up for counter arguments and citations which will expand the "lead" into an article in and of itself." It was for this reason that I proposed that critical analysis and response (even if they are properly cited and referenced) be moved to a "Criticsm" section.
--JohnBlaz 17:08, 30 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Hey John. Just so you know where I'm coming from: when I suggested that we keep the intro lean, I kind of meant not having a back and forth between critics and defenders occurring in the intro. For me, the ideal intro would focus on what the NOI considers itself to be, followed by a short criticism section. I wasn't thrilled with tacking anything on to the crit graf in the intro., it seemed to me that your warning was coming to pass and I wanted to keep everything as uncluttered as we could while respecting WP:LEAD. I was reluctantly willing to have there be a rejoinder to the criticism in the form of how people have praised the NOI, but then it seemed like it was getting out of hand, violating NPOV, along with bloated quotes in the NOI and the Jews section attacking the critics. I don't think this article ought to exist as a platform to attack NOI. Neither do I think it should be a platform to sing their praises. Please, let's keep it sober and NPOV (especially the intro), using reliable sources. IronDuke 22:58, 30 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I believe the edits as indicated in the passage below are appropriate. If someone feels they are not, I would like an explanation. I will give mines below.
While the Nation of Islam has been criticized in general and its leaders for being anti-white, antisemitic, homophobic, sexist, and characterizing the movement as being a deviant form of Islam, the Nation of Islam has also been praised for uplifting Black people in America and for challenging racism, classism, sexism, Zionism and religious intolerance.
As indicative of events like the Million Man March and many prominent persons who express favorable comments about them, there are obviously very many people who hold opposite views on this controversial group and that fact should no doubt be reflected.--JohnBlaz 12:38, 31 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Well, it's a thorny issue you're raising. I have no objections to tacking on some kind of disclaimer to the crit graf that basically says "But a lot of people like the NOI and think they do good things." The things that give me pause in your version above are "uplifting black people," "challenging...classism" and "challenging...Zionism and religious intolerance." The first phrase is too vague, I think, and feels POV. It's kind of like people who want to insert things like "President [Blank] is considered by some to be the greatest president of all time." Even if it's true, it's just not quite encyclopedic. And who is it coming from? Russell Simmons? That's setting the bar very, very low in terms authoritative commentary. And the Final Call page isn't really optimal either. The page itself is one-sided, it pulls out of context quotes from other sources, it does not support all of the contentions in the intro and some of those quotes are ancient. "Negro leaders?" We can talk about ancient history in its own section, but the intro should really be focusing on today's movement. Challenging Zionism, well, okay, but it's odd to have that there since many people who are anti-zionism are also antisemites. It ends being a little redundant. Challenging classism and religious intolerance? Really? When? So I'm going to try and see if I can't come up with a compromise version here. IronDuke 16:47, 31 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Red bow ties

Can info be added on members's style of dress?

lots of issues | leave me a message 05:45, 23 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Official platform of beliefs

Just doing some checking. I can't seem to find "The official platform of beliefs" in Message to the Blackman in America, at least not at the http://www.seventhfam.com site, and neither can Google. It seems to be taken from a "program" called "What the Muslims Believe" on that site. Further, I can't seem to find any particular reason some are bolded and others are not. Li'l help? chjones 19:26, 28 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Comments from User_talk:Nation of Islam

The below comments (#Untitled, #NOI, #Why, and #Some?!?) are not my comments, but were posted in User_talk:Nation of Islam. I believe this was an accident secondary to the link at the top for a "new message" pointing there rather than to this page. I am moving them here for the sake of completeness. Editorially, I corrected that link and added the title "Untitled" to #Untitled. Please post responses here, not to me. chjones 19:43, 28 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]


A question is asked as to why the nation of Islam reject the African polytheistic gods and embrace the god of Islam. If we are to eaxmine the historical aspects of this decision, we will find that the religion CHOSEN willingly by those across Africa is Islam. This was never forced upon the people of the continent.

Sadly however, many Africans, African-Americans and Those of African descent living in Europe chose to fervently follow a religion forced upon them by their colonialists and their slave masters, that of Christianity.

There are a few religions out there that have no history of forced conversions or violence against disbelievers, but Islam surely is not one of them. Just look at Shia/Sunni relations and the amount of violence that has been exhibited in the past week let alone the past 1300 years. To argue that Africans uniformly chose this religion seems both baseless and improbable. I do not doubt that people honestly choose Islam as a faith, however, I think that is also the case with every other major religion. In any case, the initial question as to why African Americans choose Middle-Eastern(Asian) faiths versus more native African ones, is historically interesting but no more so than why Europeans did so. It is hardly hypocrisy to believe in what you believe for its own sake. Dlgoldstein 21:57, 30 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Islam is the naturally religion of the people in the jungles of what is now called "Africa." Those whe are currently in the jungle came from the civilizations of Mecca and Egypt and spoke Arabic so to say Islam and Allah is nothing new and people attribute faith of religion to the persons language so if you do the same here then ut was Islam, if you don't it's still Islam because it was peace through submission to God's will and that's what they had from their actions. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Cool Rell (talkcontribs) 23:32, 27 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Dear Wikipedia Adminstrator,

                           U are absolutly right about NOI and truly they are simply NAZIS but coloured ones as the germans were beleiving they were Aryans race they upper cast.

Dear Misinformed persons

Never put us in the same boat of a group of people that has caused such indecencies on their own people. Mass killings and what not. We are not colored Nazis, what Nazi you know stand in the cold trying to get their people to buy a paper that will uplift the community? What Nazi you know takes bull shit from their own people but has no choice but to respond back to them saying "Alright brotha/sistah, have a great day and may God bless you?" What Nazis give charity and yes we have a military group called the FOI. What are we going to kill you with, long talking, our bow ties, and the pen in our pocket? We carry no weapons. We act out on the feelings that we do have quite rarely because God wouldn't approve of always making an emotional decision. Go to the meetings your damn self and stop piicking up on sound bites. Who said in order to be with me you must Hate your mother and yoour father, you must hate this world to be a follower of God." Who said that? It's a sound bite of Jesus. See anyone can seem like a hate teacher but the truth is you must hate all wicked doings in ordeer to be upright.



Why do they respond to the bigotry of the past with a racism just as evil and disgusting as that they fight against?Finite 03:30, 13 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]


"The NOI is viewed by some Muslims as deviant."

Actually, it's more like all. I've never heard a single practicioner of orthodox Islam give anything short of total condemnation of NOI. It's like saying "some Christians object to Fred Phelps".

Vulgarity that I seem to be unable to fix...

It seems that someone has hacked your articles (it wasn't me)...but when I go in to edit the offending line out, I can't see it on the html...maybe someone can have better luck than I did. It's in the history section - Sulis

Quote below: Muhammad was literally God in person; see the history of the NOI article anhe pold the Wallace Fard Muhammed pages for further information. and then i fuck the police The organization camcee to national prominence in America in the late 1950s and early 1960s, due to many factors including: nationally televised reports such as T

Number of members?

Does anyone have any idea of the size of the Nation of Islam? How many members are there? - Macduff 07:11, 4 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I would like to point out the following; the passage found at Genesis 15: 13-14 refers to Abram's descendents which would be slaves in EGYPT for 400 years. In these verses, should you care to look it up, the Bible says that Abram's ancestors would be oppressed by a nation of which God would render jugdement against, out of which they would come out with "great possesions" (Holy Bible, revised standard version; Nelson and Sons, 1952).

Loosely, you could make a connection between the despicable treatment of African slaves in early America, or you could just read on to Genesis 15:18 where the Bible says that God defines the "great possessions" that the slaves will obtain as the land "from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphra'tes". Clearly, this passage, as modernly translated, refers to the Jews under Egyptian slavers. The Nation of Islam may beleive otherwise, as is their right, but they have no more insight into the meaning of ancient texts then anyone else.

Therefore, I would recommend the removal of Biblical quotes found in the Wikipedia Nation of Islam page (specifically, the quotations regarding Genesis 15:13-15), which suppose that Bible texts support a divison in America because of out of context quotations. 09:36, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


This page seems to have alot of problems. For one, it signs me out of my username when I go to the page. It also has some type of vandalism on the top. Also very biased agains the NOI. Any reason for all this? Kaiser matias 01:06 February 20, 2007 (UTC)


This article didn't state that NOI is a racist organization despite the fact that their leader said "White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet." and many other racist statements.
Why don't we include it? Northern 15:18, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

-On wikipedia, the term "racist" is reserved for whites only. Whites are devils. By preaching the murder of white women and children the NOI is merely acting in self defense. Thank you.


I found this flag from the French wikipedia, that appears to be a flag of NOI. I could not see it in the article. If someone who knows more about this flag can confirm it is a flag of NOI then perhaps it should be added to the article?

Description from the commons page: Flag of the Nation of Islam. The flag is under the influence of the turkish flag. Letters on the flag means Justice, Freedom, Equality, Islam.

[:)]-|--< // PER9000 13:59, 20 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Pretty much the same flag is displayed on http://www.noi.org (but in a different version). Perhaps a small section could be dedicated to the flag? "Official" interpretation on symbols used, why the letters JFEI (and why the motto Justice, Freedom, Equality, Islam), why the color, etc, etc. // PER9000 14:12, 20 April 2007 (UTC)\[reply]

Why is Faradian Islam entry gone?

If the NoI is a sect of Faradian Islam, why was the page concerning that term eliminated? Peace. (MuzikJunky 03:51, 10 June 2007 (UTC))[reply]

Help me understand?

Wallace Fard Muhammad who started the NOI was Eurpoean, so why would he preach against whites?

Is NOI a relgion or a 'cultural movement"?

If it is a religion, where do thier core belifes stem from? In other words, what religion is it most comonly linked to?

Does the NOI take any offical stand on Yakub? If so, what is it?

I understand for the need for the NOI in the 50's and 60's but now a days people are more focused on teaching and preaching about tolerence, so why does all the NOI information still seem anti-white? (I am not so naive to belive everyone is tolerent, what i mean is that it's gotten better since the 50's)

Please outline as much information as you, in a clear matter, because i am finding everything on the NOI very contradicting & i am looking to learn more.


Wallace Fard Muhammad was an Arab from the Holy City Mecca, born of a black father and a white mother. He preached against the evils and indecencies and the act that is inforgiveable when coming to degrading a people and stripping everything from them leaving them naked. He shines light on the nature of white people.

It's a way of life so both a so-called religion and cultural movement, both must be put into practice and work in harmony in order for the upliftment of a people.

There's a need for the NOI because this preaching tolerance is a hypocritcal act because nothing has gotten better for blacks while whites continue to come out on top and own everything. Blacks are in the same condition as the 50's and 60's it's just that whites put us in that position with a smile as to fool us into thinking that we're getting something good when in truth we are still left on the outside looking into the "slave-masters" house.

Yakub is true, it's real, he's true and real, the story can be proven through the bible and the grafting can be proven by science. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Cool Rell (talkcontribs) 23:42, 27 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Double Standards

The article is shockingly biased in favour of the NoI in that it describes the orginization as merely existing to help the "condition of black men and women". At the same time, there are multiple examples of high ranking NoI members stating that whites are unevolved, subhuman, demonic, inferior, and that white women and children need to be murdered. NoI members have been guilty of race based serial killing (DC sniper was for example, a NoI member as were many other men convicted of violent hate crimes), and yet NoI is not classified as a racist or hate group of any sort? The KKK has stated that it is not a racist or hate group, only looking out for white interests despite its violent past, yet nobody believes them. This is mirroring the NoI, yet the NoI seems to be fully pardoned, the articles introduction could even be considered praise and describing NoI as a civil rights group. Why is this? Can we please create a new introduction fitting for such a violent, hateful group closer to that of the KKK, regardless of what each one publically 'states' its 'goals' are despite all of their activities and history. And can we please learn the difference between hate groups like NoI and black activist groups that instead publically oppose racism such as the original black panther party, rather than advocate murder based on skin color the way NoI does?

Ive added that they are a racial segeregationist orginization in the intro, this is the very least that should be said in such a misleading article that paints a group who openly support genocide as a human rights resistance of some sort. If you need any justification for my claim that they are segregationist then here is one of their demands: "9. We want equal education -- but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the conditions that the girls be sent to womens' colleges and universities. We want all black children educated, taught and trained by their own teacher."

HOW IS THIS EVEN AN ISSUE??? I am a white American Muslim. I have read the Qu'ran in English and am on my way through it again. I am also taking Arabic classes, in part to learn to read this sacred text in its original Arabic form. My husband is a Sunni Muslim from the Middle East. We have regular discussions about the Qu'ran. I know for a fact that the Qu'ran NEVER states anything about black people being original and white people coming from black people. It is the LITERAL WORD OF ALLAH and it states that Allah, in his magnificent creativity, created people of all colors. Allah is the Creator, not humans. Allah made all that is on the earth and all that is in the universe. White people did not come from black people. All people were created by God. That is what the Qu'ran really says. If you don't believe this then you don't really understand a whole lot, do you? If you claim to follow Islam, maybe you should read the Qu'ran to get the facts about the creation of humans. We were not created to fight each other over who is or is not original or copied. We are all from Allah and all equally and beautifully created. Islam teaches thoroughly that Muhammad is the FINAL messenger of Allah. THERE WILL BE NO ONE ELSE. We are equal. Real muslims are peaceful and do not care about the color of skin, only the condition of heart. Instead of trying to fight about who is better or who is and is not racist, try seeking Allah. The Qu'ran is packed with scientific proof to back up all its claims. Where is the scientific proof that black people are original and white people are copied? The closer you get to the equater, the darker the inhabitants skin is. This is due to the fact that the suns rays are less blocked than in, say North America or England. The skin MUST be darker to protect the body from sun damage to the skin leading to CANCER, in this region of the world. In England, the sun is almost never out, which leads to paler skin because protection from the sun is not as vital. There you go. All this is scientifically proven, so go research it. -R Al-Tbour

You must have forgotten about genetics and how the dark genes are dominant and light genes are recessive. You can't get a dark color from a light color but you can get light colors from dark colors. The Earth was also once all connected and mostly every continent was near the equator so all would've been dark. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Cool Rell (talkcontribs) 23:48, 27 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Beltway Sniper

John Allen Muhammad - "Beltway Sniper", former Gulf war veteran, former NOI member

How can someone be a "former" gulf war veteran? Is he no longer a veteran? Unless someone can justify this, I'll edit it tomorrow. Llamabr 23:40, 19 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Done Llamabr 15:55, 20 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Merge proposal

The article on the United Nation of Islam seems of borderline notability. Could this make a reasonable sub-section in this article? Tim Vickers 04:34, 28 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Support merge I actually support speedy deletion/redirecting due to the lack of sources of that article. Yahel Guhan 04:23, 29 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I think they are quite different. UNOI is a bizarre cult offshoot. Also if someone will stop reverting to the "advertising" article, the regular article has lots of cites. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:48, 30 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Merging that article is not neccessary. At best a mention could be considered as a footnote reference somewhere regarding offshoots which are many. The merge request does seem to be an advertisement. JohnBlaz 19:52, 8 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Offshoot Groups

Why have links to NOI offshoot groups like the New NOI, Messianic NOI and NOI Candada been removed?

Fixed quotation formatting, platform lists

This article isn't very well formatted and I found it pretty hard to read. The platform section is confusing, and it's difficult to tell what's part of the original platform, and what's part fo the Wiki content itself, so I rewrote the section to use a more neutral third-party tone and summarized main points. Wikipedia articles are intended to be a starting point on many subjects, so people are not familiar with the Nation of Islam need to be able to read their stated platform without difficulty.

I also fixed some quotations by Elijiah Mohammed and others for easier reading. If you make quotations, please use the "quotation" tag. It helps immensely.

Again, the intended changes here were mostly cosmetic, but should help Wiki-readers be able to wade through the information more easily. It's not a perfect effort, so please fix as needed.

Thanks! -- 04:40, 4 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Moving official platform to WikiTexts

Another thought is that the 1965 official platform of the Nation of Islam should be uploaded to the Wiki library of texts and then reference that in the article. That's what it's for: provide a repository of important texts.

Unfortunately, I am not 100% sure how to do it myself, so someone else should figure that out. Good luck! -- 04:40, 4 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

SPLC classification

User:JohnBlaz removed the classification of NOI as a hate group by the SPLC citing it as POV. I restored it. Other hate groups are noted as such in the lead (see KKK or New Black Panther Party and the SPLC is a widely-respected source when it comes to labeling groups as hate groups. I also added the ADL classification of NOI as racist and anti-semitic. I'm bringing this here in order to avoid an edit war and if there's a consensus that it doesn't belong, then so be it. Lordjeff06 (talk) 16:46, 27 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

As stated in edit note, the subjective categorization by the SPLC and ADL was removed from the intro because it indeed already exists in mutiple locations in the article body which is where they appropriately belong. This issue was dealt with in the past. --JohnBlaz (talk) 20:13, 28 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Why the refimprove tag?

Why does this have a {{refimprove}} tag at the top? Is there a doubt about the veracity or notability of NOI? Sure, if certain elements are being contended, hit them with a {{cite}} or {{fact}} tag, but the entire article has enough citations to support it, doesn't it? Padillah (talk) 15:55, 11 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

That tag doesn't refer to the notability or veracity of the organization at all. It's basically the same things as a "fact" tag, except there is one at the top of the article instead of several scattered through the article. You will probably have to ask Yahel Guhan (talk · contribs), who added the tag in the first place, as to his/her specific reasoning, but most likely he/she saw several unsourced statements and thought they should be sourced. Natalie (talk) 16:52, 11 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]


"From 1978 to the present, Louis Farrakhan has been the leader of a reconstituted Nation of Islam, the original organization having been renamed and dissolved by Warith Deen Muhammad. The Nation of Islam's National Center and headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois, and is also home to its flagship Mosque No. 2, Mosque Maryam."

...so, what "Nation of Islam" actually is? A country? A religion? A fast food chain? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Wikinist (talkcontribs) 22:48, 1 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Ya, the intro to this article is terrible. TastyCakes (talk) 21:04, 3 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Agreed. (talk) 22:22, 5 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]