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General Information On Juggalos

The term Juggalo is indefinable, for the most part. It often is confused with just merely a fan of Psychopathic Records, but that is not the case, even though Psychopathic Records and ICP are deeply tied in with the Juggalos. This subculture is comprised mostly of social outcasts, who all have been brought into a union, through the music they enjoy and as in other subcultures, the community of Juggalos has their own morals and philosophies of which they fallow. This can be compared to religions, similar subcultures such as Hippies, Punks and Goths.

With the creation of this community of subculture oddities, it has become to be known from all of North America, Europe, and Australia. Its existence in the South America, Asia and Africa are currently unknown, but possibly in the future, the knowledge of such a subculture, could become known to them.


Though the structure of Juggalos and the community (Often referred as “family”, by Juggalos) has probably existed far longer then the term, which originated during sometime during the early nineties. It’s often thought Violent J aka Joseph Bruce of the Insane Clown Posse had coined the term during the Ringmaster era, during 1994. Specifically the song known as “The Juggla.” From this, Violent J (known for his enjoyment in creating terms, such as Floobs when his brother and he called themselves as children. Eventually at some point Violent J started calling the Insane Clown Posse listeners “Juggalos.” Since this the meaning has expanded and evolved and eventually created a completely new and unique subculture.

What Is A Juggalo?

This is a question that has plagued the Juggalo community, even to this day. It has never really been clearly defined by any one person. This could be due to the fact the meaning to be a Juggalo is mostly Juggalo community created, but there is a basic defined code of ethics, morals, honor and philosophies of which all Juggalos are expected to fallow. These fallowing of these expectations is what usually defines who is a Juggalo and who isn’t. Since the fact that Juggalos come in many shapes, sizes, races, nationalities, social orders, social classes, sexes, skin colors, and personalities, a person can not simply look in a superficial manner and effectively spot out Juggalo and non-Juggalo.

Though there are common traits many Juggalos apply too, such as being an outcast, differences from the norm of society, a taste for Psychopathic Records music, these are not necessarily required to be a Juggalo. Anyone can be a Juggalo, as long as they abide by the Juggalo code. In the inexact words of Shaggy 2 Dope “Even some dude who doesn’t even listen to ICP or Psychopathic Records can be a Juggalo, because it’s about more then just the music.” Even the artists of Psychopathic Records are considered to be Juggalos. Thus Juggaloism goes way beyond that of the music.

The Juggalo Code

Within the Juggalo Code, also known as Juggaloism, anyone who takes claim to the name of Juggalo is expected to fallow the ways of the Juggalo, by all other Juggalos. If these codes aren’t fallowed, they often aren’t accepted as Juggalos and at times (Depending on the persons and offence.) are branded as “Juffalos” or “Juggahos”, which is similar to “poser”, used in other subcultures.

Some of these expectations are the basic humans’ codes such as loyalty, honesty, selflessness, but more in depth codes are, individuality. A big part of being a Juggalos is being one’s self and not fallowing trends, doing what is apart of you and no one else. Popularity is never the main goal of being a Juggalo. Striving for acceptance through superficial ways is frowned upon, by those who are Juggalos. Discrimination for shallow reasons (Such as race, nationality, social background, religion) is not considered acceptable. People are expected to judge others by who they are, their personalities and not what’s on their back or in their blood.

Poor Examples of Juggalos

As with all groups, there are certain people who give a bad name to all others who claim the Juggalo name. Just as Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations give Islam or as the Inquisition gives a bad name to the Christian faith.

One example of this would be the reaction of some Juggalos after an obviously provocative article on the Insane Clown Posse located on Something Awful. In retaliation to this article which was meant to aggravate (Which Something Awful is known for) any fans of ICP. Though noble in their effort to defend their fellow Juggalos, many e-mails which were irrationally wrote, caught the attention of the Something Awful website and which created another article on the Juggalos themselves, which only fueled the anger and hatred towards the site.

There are also problems within the Juggalo culture. There are certain people who claim the Juggalo name, just to exploit it and the people within it. Example of this would be a person claiming to be a Juggalo to attempt to build a false sense of trust with a Juggalo or group of Juggalos, to take advantage of them by such as selling stolen merchandise or try and get involved with a female member (Sometimes called a Juggalette.) Despite what these pseudo Juggalos do, they are denounced and unaccepted by the Juggalo community.

Misconceptions of Juggalos

As any other off-beat, against the grain, abnormal subculture, there are people out to suppress and at time, destroy anything related to Juggalos. Such examples are parents, schools, rival social groups and anyone who has a usually poor understanding of Juggalos. Groups as these tend to claim that Juggalos are related to gangs, Satanism and other, usually despised groups, which neither of these are the basis of Juggaloism. Despite the image that fake Juggalos present and unfortunately brand the true Juggalos with, the Juggalos who fallow the Juggalo code are no worse then any other person.

Schools often try to censor and ban Juggalos by making them remove or hide any sort of affiliation to Juggalos or Psychopathic Records. Even though the constitution forbids any such suppression of one’s right to freedom of speech. Often the school attempts to make Juggalo students to remove clothing or turn it inside out to hide anything that is a symbol of the Juggalo.

Some parents as well try and diminish the presence of Juggalos by trying to rally other parents and individuals to bandwagon, and remove anything that relates to Psychopathic Records. It’s also been reported that cities and police try to do anything possible to keep any Psychopathic Records tours and events from being presented to masses of Juggalos and curious spectators.

As with other groups and cultures, there are at times, rival groups against Juggalos. A good example of this would be the infamous (And still apparent) rivalry between some Juggalos and some Eminem fans. Though there are several rumors of how this rivalry between started, (Such as the ICP VS Eminem feud and just plain old not liking each other) it has still raged and taken place anywhere from over the internet in flame wars, all the way to actual in person fights, wither it be verbal or physical, but as Juggalos will always remain an abnormal and underdog subculture, it will always have it’s opposition from many other groups looking to deface and defame the name that is Juggalo. No matter what opposition is faced though, the Juggalos have still remained through hell and high water.

Juggalo Pride

Despite all the heat and problems that exists which gives Juggalos a bad name, there is even more which is often overshadowed to others, outside of the Juggalo Family. It’s these things which gives each and every Juggalo an undying pride to say “I am a Juggalo.” This often to others looks like fanaticism, but is nothing more then like racial, nationality or sex pride, which many people have, but also usually lacks the elitist attitude that plagues most other prides.

It’s the family like environment and complete acceptance of other Juggalos of which make new coming Juggalos, stay Juggalos, instead of heading to any other social grouping. Along with the acceptance, there is a supportive nature for everyone to be individuals and fallow their own lead and no one else’s (As long as it doesn’t conflict with the main ideologies of Juggaloism). This fact is often which causes harassment and issues between Juggalos and non-Juggalos. For what reason these conflicts come up, Juggalos remain independent and individuals.

Often Juggalos are depicted at times as immoral and malicious people, but if Juggalos fallow the ideologies of Juggaloism, are a perfectly moral and good mannered group of people. Although if provoked, some Juggalos can become aggressive or defensive of their way of life, as it is normal for any culture or subculture to do, but without the negativity that others may place upon Juggalos, they are usually decent people.

Final Summery on Juggalos

Although there are many things which tarnish the name of Juggalos, the true Juggalos are a group people should be open minded about and try to understand, while ignoring the pseudo Juggalos which take the name and throw it in the dirt and create the negative images which fill the heads of many people. True Juggalos, who fallow the Juggalo Code are a good natured and accepting people, whom wish for nothing more then acceptance and understanding by non-Juggalos of them and their way of life, even though it may be far from the norm and sometimes difficult to understand. Though it may be a long time and more likely never, that this will happen, in the words of the Insane Clown Posse “The wicked clowns will never die.”

Juggalo Terms

As Violent J often likes to use words to replace other words (Probably derived from his childhood and teenage habit of replacing curse words with more polite and less offensive word.) often makes up or uses some older gangsta rap terms from the 80’s and early 90’s. This is a list to give non-Juggalos and new Juggalos an insight to these words, their origin and their meaning in the Juggalo world.

  • Chicken - A term first used in the song ‘’Chicken Huntin’ ‘’, meaning a racist.
  • Clown Luv - A term used to show the love Juggalos have for one another, first heard on Shaggy 2 Dope’s solo CD Fuck Off.
  • Cotton Candy - Term for pubic hair, first heard on Tunnel of Love EP on the song ‘’Cotton Candy’’
  • ’’’Dark Carnival –‘’’ The said driving force of ICP and Juggalos. After The Wraith: Shangri-La It was found out it was the supreme being. All 6 Joker’s Cards, were based on this divine being and the supposed apocalypse.
  • Faygo - A cheap soda ICP has been drinking since their youth and today also douse it on Juggalos during a concert show.
  • Hound Dog - A term for a fan who obsesses over a group and does such thing as trying to get autographs and irritate the group. As also Juggaho.
  • Juffalo - A fake Juggalo who does not fallow the ways of the Juggalo or has fallen from fallowing the ways of the Juggalo.
  • Juggaho - A person who listens to Psychopathic records only for superficial reasons, such as trying to be popular and never listening to the meaning behind the music or fallow the Juggalo code.
  • MCL - Abbreviation for “Much Clown Love.” There are also other variations of the abbreviation such as, MFCL, MNCL, MMFCL and etc.
  • Missy - A term for a large overweight woman. Comes from Insane Clown Posse’s movie Big Money Hustlas
  • Neden - A term for a vagina.
  • Ninja - Argued as either a replacement for the word nigga or just comes from Violent J’s childhood fascination with Ninjas. It’s used to identify another Juggalo, such as “What up, Ninja?”
  • Nizzos - A term for a man’s testicles.
  • Piggy – A common termed used for an officer of the law.
  • Props - Term for giving someone encouragement or recognition of one’s work.
  • Scrub - Term for a poor individual.
  • Sheep - A word for someone (Even Juggalo) who blindly fallows without question. Also used as “Juggasheep.” Often taken as offensive.
  • Wang – A term for a man’s penis.
  • Wikkit - An alternation of the word “Wicked.”

[More Juggalo Slang]

Known Artists Associated with Juggalos

‘’’Non-Psychopathic Artists’’’