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Andrei Chikatilo

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Andrei Chikatilo
Andrei Chikatilo
Andriy Romanovych Chykatylo
Cause of deathExecuted (Gunshot to the head)
Other namesButcher of Rostov
The Red Ripper
The Rostov Ripper
Criminal penaltyDeath
Span of crimes
December 22, 1978 – November 6, 1990
CountrySoviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan)
Date apprehended
November 20, 1990

Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo (Ukrainian: Андрій Романович Чикатило, Andriy Romanovych Chykatylo; ‹See Tfd›Russian: Андрей Романович Чикатило; October 16, 1936 — February 14, 1994) was a Soviet serial killer, sex offender and paedophile, nicknamed the Butcher of Rostov, The Red Ripper or The Rostov Ripper. He was convicted of the murders of 52 women and children, mostly in Rostov Oblast, Russian SFSR, between 1978 and 1990 (some victims were murdered in other regions of Russia and in Ukrainian and Uzbek SSRs).

Early life

Andrei Chikatilo was born in the village of Yabluchne in modern Sumy Oblast of the Ukrainian SSR. When the Soviet Union entered World War II, his father was drafted into the Red Army. Chikatilo had to share a bed with his mother. He was a chronic bed wetter throughout his childhood, and was beaten by his mother for each offense.

The war years were traumatic ones for Chikatilo. During the Ukrainian famine, Stalin forced Ukrainian farmers to hand in their entire crop for statewide distribution. Mass starvation ran rampant throughout Ukraine, and reports of cannibalism soared. Chikatilo's mother told him that his older brother Steppan had been kidnapped and cannibalized by starving neighbors; it has never been independently established whether this actually happened. During the war, Chikatilo witnessed some of the effects of Blitzkrieg, which both frightened and excited him. In 1949, Chikatilo's father, who had been captured by Nazi soldiers, returned home. Instead of being rewarded for his war service, he was branded a traitor for surrendering to the Germans.[1] During late adolescence, Chikatilo discovered that he suffered from chronic impotence, worsening his social awkwardness and self-hatred.[1]

Chikatilo was an extraordinary student, and set his sights on Moscow State University, where he hoped to achieve a law degree. Chikatilo failed the entrance exam, however. After finishing his mandatory military service in 1960, he moved to Rodionovo-Nesvetayevsky and worked as a telephone engineer. Chikatilo's only sexual experience in adolescence was when he, aged 18, jumped on a 13-year-old girl (his sister's friend) and wrestled her to the ground, ejaculating as the girl struggled in his grasp.[2]

In 1963, Chikatilo married a woman to whom he was introduced by his younger sister. The couple had a son and daughter. Chikatilo later claimed that his marital sex life was minimal and that he would ejaculate on his wife and push the semen inside her vagina with his fingers. In 1965, their daughter Ludmila was born, followed by son Yuri a year later. In 1971, Chikatilo completed a degree in Russian literature by a correspondence course and tried a career as a teacher in Novoshakhtinsk. His career ended after several complaints of child molestation.[3] He eventually took a job as a clerk for a factory.

Beginning of the murders

In September of 1978, Chikatilo moved to Shakhty, a small coal-mining town near Rostov-on-Don, where he committed his first documented murder. On 22 December, he lured a nine-year-old girl named Yelena Zakotnova to an old house which he had secretly purchased, and attempted to rape her but failed to achieve an erection. When the girl struggled, he choked her to death and stabbed her body. He ejaculated in the process of knifing the child. From that point, Chikatilo was only able to achieve sexual arousal and orgasm through stabbing and slashing women and children to death. Despite evidence linking Chikatilo to the girl's death, a young man, Alexsandr Kravchenko, who had served a sentence for rape and murder before, was arrested, tried and confessed under torture. He was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment (the maximum possible length of imprisonment at that time). He was retried under pressure from the victim's relatives, and eventually executed for the crime.

Chikatilo committed his next murder in September 1981, when he tried to have sex with a 17-year-old boarding school student named Larisa Tkachenko in a forest. When Chikatilo failed to achieve an erection, he became furious and stabbed and strangled her to death. [4]

Chikatilo did not murder again until June 1982, when he killed a twelve-year-old girl whom he abducted on her way home from a shopping trip[5] but by December that year he had killed seven times. He established a pattern of approaching children, runaways and young vagrants at bus or railway stations, enticing them to a nearby forest or other secluded area and killing them, usually by stabbing, slashing and eviscerating the victim with a knife, although some victims, in addition to receiving a multitude of knife wounds, were also strangled or battered to death.[6] Chikatilo's adult female victims were often prostitutes or homeless women who could be lured to secluded areas with promises of alcohol or money. Chikatilo would typically attempt intercourse with these victims, but he would usually be unable to get an erection, which would send him into a murderous fury, particularly if the woman mocked his impotence. He would achieve orgasm only when he stabbed the victim to death. His child victims were of both sexes; Chikatilo would lure these victims to secluded areas by promising them assistance, toys or candy: these victims he would usually overpower once they were alone, tie their hands behind their backs with a length of rope, and then proceed to kill them.[7]


Chikatilo did not kill again until June 1983, but he had killed five more times before September. The accumulation of bodies and the similarities between the pattern of wounds inflicted on the victims forced the Soviet authorities to acknowledge a serial killer was on the loose: on 6 September, 1983, the Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation formally linked six of the murders thus far committed to the same killer.[8] A Moscow police team, headed by Major Mikhail Fetisov, was sent to Rostov-on-Don to direct the investigation. Fetisov centered the investigations around Shakhty and assigned a specialist forensic analyst, Victor Burakov, to head the investigation. Due to the sheer savagery of the murders, much of the police effort concentrated on mentally ill citizens, homosexuals, known paedophiles and sex offenders, slowly working through all that were known and eliminating them from the inquiry. A number of young men confessed to the murders, although they were usually mentally handicapped youths who had admitted to the crimes only under prolonged and often brutal interrogation. One under-age homosexual suspect committed suicide in his detention cell, but as police obtained confessions from suspects, bodies continued to be discovered proving the suspects who had previously confessed could not be the killer the police were seeking; in October of 1983, Chikatilo killed a 19-year-old prostitute, and in December a 14-year-old schoolboy named Sergei Markov.[9]

The killings continue

In 1984, Chikatilo increased his rate of killing, between January and September of 1984, Chikatilo committed a further fifteen murders and with his third killing of that year, Chikatilo gave the investigators their first major pieces of evidence: on 24 March, Chikatilo lured a ten-year-old boy named Dmitry Ptashnikov away from a stamp kiosk in Novoshakhtinsk, whilst walking with the boy Chikatilo was seen by several witnesses who were able to give investigators a detailed description of the killer, and when Ptashnikov's body was found three days later, police also found a footprint of the killer and semen and saliva samples on the victim's clothing.[10] However, in the summer of 1984, Chikatilo committed a further dozen murders, nine of them between June and August.

Arrest and release

On 13 September 1984, exactly one week after his fifteenth killing of the year, Chikatilo was observed by an undercover detective attempting to lure young women away from a Rostov bus station.[11] He was arrested and held. A search of his belongings revealed a knife and rope.[12] He was also discovered to be under investigation for minor theft at one of his former employers, which gave the investigators the legal right to hold him for a prolonged period of time. Chikatilo's dubious background was uncovered and although his physical description also matched the description of the man seen with Dmitry Ptashnikov in March, these factors provided insufficient evidence to convict him of the murders. He was found guilty on other matters and sentenced to one year in prison. He was freed on 12 December 1984, after serving just three months.[13]

Later murders and the manhunt

Following his release from jail, Chikatilo found new work in Novocherkassk and kept a low profile. He did not kill again until August 1985, when he murdered two women in separate incidents. The police investigation was revived in mid-1985 when Issa Kostoyev was appointed to take over the case. The known murders around Rostov were carefully re-investigated and police began another round of questioning of known sex offenders. In December 1985, the militsiya and Voluntary People's Druzhina renewed the patrolling of railway stations around Rostov. The police also took the step of consulting a psychiatrist named Alexander Bukhanovsky, the first such consultation in a serial killer investigation in the Soviet Union,[14] Bukhanovsky produced a sixty-five page psychological profile of the unknown killer for the investigators, describing the killer as a man aged between 45 and 50 years old who was of average intelligence, was likely to be married or had previously been married, but who was also a sadist who could only achieve sexual arousal by seeing his victims suffer.[15] Bukhanovsky also argued that because many of the killings had occurred on weekdays near mass transportation and across the entire Rostov Oblast, that the killer's work required him to travel regularly, and based upon the actual days of the week when the killings had occurred, the killer was most likely tied to a production schedule.[16]

Chikatilo followed the investigation carefully, and for almost two years, he kept his desires under control; throughout 1986 he is not known to have committed any murders, and he is not known to have killed again until May 1987 when, on a business trip to Revda in Ukraine, he killed a young boy. He killed again in Zaporizhya in July and in Leningrad in September.

In 1988, Chikatilo resumed killing, generally keeping his activities far from the Rostov area. He murdered an unidentified woman in Krasny-Sulin in April and two boys in May and July. In 1989 Chikatilo, by this time committing many of his murders in and around Rostov, killed five times between March and August. Again, there was a long lapse before Chikatilo resumed killing, murdering six boys and two women between January and November 1990.

The discovery of more victims led a massive operation by the police. A part of the operation involved a large number of the force patrolling train and bus stations as well as other public places around Rostov area. Major bus and train stations were patrolled by the police force wearing uniforms. Smaller and less busy stations were patrolled by undercover agents. The intention was to discourage the killer from frequenting the larger train and bus stations, where activities would be more likely to be noticed. This would force the killer to hunt at smaller stations, where the presence of police was not apparent. The operation also involved a large number of young female agents dressed like prostitutes or homeless people. They kept wandering aimlessly in and around stations as well as traveling extensively along the routes where dead bodies were found.

On 6 November 1990, Chikatilo killed and mutilated Sveta Korostik. While leaving the crime scene, he was stopped by an undercover policeman who was patrolling the Leskhoz train station and saw Chikatilo approaching from the woods. According to the policeman, he looked suspicious. The only reason for someone to go into the woods at that time of year was to gather wild mushrooms (a popular pastime in Russia). However, Chikatilo was not dressed like a typical forest hiker. He was wearing more formal attire. Moreover, he had a nylon sports bag, which was not suitable for carrying mushrooms. His clothing was dirty and he had what looked like smeared blood stains on his cheek and ear. The policeman stopped Chikatilo and checked his papers. Having no formal reason for arrest, Chikatilo was not held. Had Chikatilo's bag been checked, he would have found the amputated breasts of Sveta Korostik. When the policeman came back to his office, he filed a formal routine report, indicating the name of the person he stopped at the train station. Shortly after the encounter, the police found two dead bodies, 30 feet apart, near the train station in Leskhoz. It was determined that one of the victims was killed around the date of the police report filed about this suspicious man near the Leskhoz station. It was the second time Chikatilo was indirectly associated with a murder of a child (the first one was in 1978, when a witness reported seeing a man whose description matched Chikatilo with a girl who was later found dead).

Final arrest and Chikatilo's confession

Even after the incident, the police still did not have enough evidence for arrest and prosecution. Chikatilo was put on a round-the-clock watch by the police. He was constantly followed and videotaped by undercover agents. On November 20, 1990, Chikatilo left his house with a one gallon flask for beer. Chikatilo wandered around the city, attempting to make contact with children he met on his way. Finally, he entered a small cafe where he bought 300 ml of beer. His behavior toward the children triggered the decision to arrest him when he exited the cafe.

Again, the police had ten days to either charge Chikatilo with the murders or to let him go. Upon arrest, the police uncovered another piece of evidence against Chikatilo. One of his last victims was a physically strong (although mentally challenged) 16-year-old boy. At the crime scene, the police had found numerous signs of physical struggle between the victim and his murderer. One of Chikatilo’s fingers had a flesh wound. Medical examiners concluded the wound was, in fact, from a human bite. Although a finger bone was later found to be broken, Chikatilo never sought medical attention for the wound.

The strategy chosen by the police force to make him confess included one of the chief interrogators telling Chikatilo that they all believed he was a very sick man and needed medical help. The strategy was to give Chikatilo hope that if he confessed, he would not be prosecuted by reason of insanity. Nine days went by without a true confession of his crimes, only vague hints and evasions. Finally Bukhanovsky was invited to assist in questioning Chikatilo. After a long conversation, Chikatilo confessed to the murders. Again, confession was not enough to prosecute him. Interrogators still needed hard evidence. Chikatilo volunteered to provide evidence, showing buried bodies that the police had not yet discovered. That gave investigators sufficient evidence to prosecute. Between November 30 and December 5, Chikatilo confessed to and described 56 murders. Three of the victims had been buried and could not be found or identified. The number of crimes Chikatilo confessed to shocked the police, who had listed only 36 killings in their investigation. A number of victims had not been linked to the others because they were murdered far from Chikatilo's other hunting grounds, while others were not linked because they were buried and not found until Chikatilo led the police to their shallow graves.


Special precautions had to be taken while keeping Chikatilo in prison; violent and especially sexual crimes against children are taboo in the Russian underworld. Prisoners accused of raping and/or killing children in Russian prisons are usually "cast down" (опущены) to "untouchable" (опущенный) status, sexually abused, and sometimes killed by their cell mates. The problem was complicated by the fact that some of the relatives of Chikatilo's victims worked in the prison system.

While in his cell, Chikatilo was put under round-the-clock video surveillance. While the suspect often acted bizarrely in front of his investigators, his behavior inside the cell was normal: He ate and slept well, exercised every morning, and extensively read books and newspapers. Chikatilo also spent a lot of time writing letters and complaints to his family, government officials, and the mass media.

Trial and execution

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Chikatilo's trial was the first major event of post-Soviet Russia. He went to trial on April 14, 1992. Despite his odd and disruptive behavior in court, he was judged fit to stand trial. During the trial he was kept in an iron cage in the center of the courtroom; it was constructed for his protection from courtroom observers. Relatives of victims shouted threats and insults to Chikatilo, demanding the authorities to release him so that they could execute him on their own. There were many incidents of relatives fainting when the names of the victims were mentioned. Chikatilo made many ludicrous statements; on some occasions, he announced he was pregnant or was being radiated or lactated. Twice, he dropped his pants and exposed his genitals, shouting that he was not a homosexual. He denied some murders for which he had already confessed. On the last day of the trial, he broke into song and had to be removed from the courtroom. When offered a final opportunity to speak, he remained silent.

The trial ended in July and sentencing was postponed until October 15 when he was found guilty of 52 of the 53 murders and sentenced to death for each offense. Judge Leonid Akhobzyanov made the following speech:

Taking into consideration the monstrous crimes he committed, this court has no alternative but to impose the only sentence that he deserves. I therefore sentence him to death.

After hearing the sentence, the audience, made up of victim's families, broke into applause. When given a chance to speak, Chikatilo delivered a rambling speech, blaming the regime, certain political leaders, his impotence (even removing his trousers at one point) and defending himself by blaming his childhood experiences during the famine in Ukraine in the 1930s. At one point he claimed that he had done a favor to society by cleansing it of "worthless people". Chikatilo was seen saying something as police removed him from his iron cage and led him away.

On January 4, 1994, Russian President Boris Yeltsin refused a last ditch appeal for clemency. On February 14, Chikatilo was taken to a soundproofed room in Novocherkassk prison and executed by a single gunshot behind the right ear.

List of victims

Number[17][18] Name Sex Age Date of Murder Notes
1 Yelena Zakotnova F 9 December 22, 1978
2 Larisa Tkachenko F 17 September 3, 1981
3 Lyubov Biryuk F 13 June 12, 1982
4 Lyubov Volobuyeva F 14 July 25, 1982 Killed in Krasnodar
5 Oleg Pozhidayev M 9 August 13, 1982 The body was never found
6 Olga Kuprina F 16 August 16, 1982
7 Irina Karabelnikova F 19 September 8, 1982
8 Sergey Kuzmin M 15 September 15, 1982
9 Olga Stalmachenok F 10 December 11, 1982
10 Laura Sarkisyan F 15 After June 18, 1983 The body was never found
11 Irina Dunenkova F 13 July 1983
12 Lyudmila Kushuba F 24 July 1983
13 Igor Gudkov M 7 August 9, 1983 The youngest of victims
14 Valentina Chuchulina F 22 After September 19, 1983
15 Unknown woman F 18–25 Summer or autumn 1983
16 Vera Shevkun F 19 October 27, 1983
17 Sergey Markov M 14 December 27, 1983
18 Natalya Shalapinina F 17 January 9, 1984
19 Marta Ryabenko F 45 February 21, 1984
20 Dmitriy Ptashnikov M 10 March 24, 1984
21 Tatyana Petrosyan F 32 May 25, 1984 Murdered together with her daughter Svetlana
22 Svetlana Petrosyan F 11 May 25, 1984
23 Yelena Bakulina F 22 June 1984
24 Dmitriy Illarionov M 13 July 10, 1984
25 Anna Lemesheva F 19 July 19, 1984
26 Svetlana Tsana F 20 July 1984
27 Natalya Golosovskaya F 16 August 2, 1984
28 Lyudmila Alekseyeva F 17 August 7, 1984
29 Unknown woman F 20-25 August 8–11, 1984 Murdered in Tashkent, Uzbek SSR
30 Akmaral Seydaliyeva F 12 August 13, 1984 A runaway from Alma-Ata, Kazhakstan
31 Alexander Chepel M 11 August 28, 1984
32 Irina Luchinskaya F 24 September 6, 1984
33 Natalya Pokhlistova F 18 July 31, 1985 Murdered near Domodedovo, Moscow Oblast
34 Irina (Inessa) Gulyayeva F 18 August 25, 1985
35 Oleg Makarenkov M 13 May 16, 1987 Chikatilo led police to his remains after his arrest
36 Ivan Bilovetskiy M 12 July 29, 1987 Murdered in Zaporizhya, Ukrainian SSR
37 Yuri Tereshonok M 16 September 15, 1987 Murdered in Leningrad Oblast
38 Unknown woman F 18-25 April 1-4, 1988 Killed near Krasny Sulin
39 Alexey Voronko M 9 May 15, 1988 Killed in Ilovaisk, Ukraine
40 Yevgeniy Muratov M 15 July 14, 1988
41 Tatyana Ryzhova F 16 March 8, 1989
42 Alexander Dyakonov M 8 May 11, 1989 Killed the day after his 8th birthday
43 Alexey Moiseyev M 10 June 20, 1989
44 Helena Varga F 19 August 19, 1989 She was a student from Hungary
45 Alexey Khobotov M 10 August 28, 1989 Chikatilo led police to his remains after his arrest
46 Andrei Kravchenko M 11 January 14, 1990
47 Yaroslav Makarov M 10 March 7, 1990 Killed in Rostov botanical gardens
48 Lyubov Zuyeva F 31 April 4, 1990
49 Viktor Petrov M 13 July 28, 1990
50 Ivan Fomin M 11 August 14, 1990
51 Vadim Gromov M 16 October 16, 1990
52 Viktor Tishchenko M 16 October 30, 1990 Killed in Shakhti
53 Svetlana Korostik F 22 November 6, 1990

Chikatilo in film and books

An HBO film, Citizen X, based on Robert Cullen's book The Killer Department, was made in 1995 about the investigation of the "Rostov Ripper" murders. It starred Jeffrey DeMunn as Chikatilo, with Stephen Rea as Viktor Burakov and Donald Sutherland as Mikhail Fetisov. The 2004 film Evilenko, starring Malcolm McDowell and Marton Csokas, was loosely based on Chikatilo's murders.

Child 44, a novel by Tom Rob Smith, draws heavily on the Chikatilo story, with the events set several decades earlier during the time of Stalin and immediately thereafter. Psychopathy Red, a song by Slayer, is written about him.

See also


  1. ^ a b Andrei Chikatilo: The Rostov Ripper - Famous Criminal - Homepage - Crime And Investigation Network
  2. ^ True Life Crimes - A collection of crime stories of some of the most famous and fascinating true crimes in history and modern times. Serial killers, murders, kindappings, crimes of passion and much more
  3. ^ Verbal Plainfield. "Serial Killers A-Z; Andrei Chikatilo". Archived from the original on 2009-10-25. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  4. ^ The Red Ripper ISBN 0-86369-618, p 55
  5. ^ The Killer Department ISBN 1-85797-210-4 ,p 4
  6. ^ Real Life Crimes issue 7, p 150
  7. ^ The Killer Department ISBN 1-85797-210-4 ,p 202
  8. ^ The Red Ripper ISBN 0-86369-618, p 253
  9. ^ The Red Ripper ISBN 0-86369-618, p 76
  10. ^ http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/notorious/chikatilo/killer_6.html
  11. ^ The Red Ripper ISBN 0-86369-618, p 1
  12. ^ The Red Ripper ISBN 0-86369-618, p 8
  13. ^ The Red Ripper ISBN 0-86369-618, p 118
  14. ^ Cullen, Robert. The Killer Department: The Eight-Year Hunt for the Most Savage Serial Killer of Our Times. Orion Media, 1993. ISBN 1857972104.
  15. ^ The Killer Department ISBN 1-85797-210-4 p126-129
  16. ^ The Killer Department ISBN 1-85797-210-4 129
  17. ^ http://vitaextensa.narod.ru/chikatilo_victims.htm
  18. ^ The Red Ripper, ISBN0-86369-618, p252-257


  • Conradi, Peter. The Red Ripper: Inside the Mind of Russia’s Most Brutal Serial Killer. 1992. ISBN 0440216036.
  • Cullen, Robert. Killer Department. 1993. ISBN 1857972104.
  • Lourie, Richard. Hunting the Devil. The Pursuit, Capture and Confession of the Most Savage Serial Killer in History. 1993. ISBN 0060177179.
  • Smith, Tom Rob. Child 44. 2008. ISBN 1847371264. A crime novel loosely based on Chikatilo.
  • NTV (1997). «Criminal Russia: The trail of Satan». A documentary on Chikatilo's case produced by a leading Russian TV channel.

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