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Survivor: Fans vs. Survivors

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Template:Infobox Television Survivor

Survivor 10: Fans vs. Favorites (also known as Survivor 10: All-Stars or Survivor All-Stars: Fans vs. Survivors) is the fourth season of the Israeli version of the Reality TV show Survivor, which was filmed in the Philippines. The theme of this season is normal people competing against past contestants of the show.

The contestants were split into two tribes, fans and favorites, named Mayon and Kalinga respectively.

This season features the return of "The Island of the Dead" since Survivor 10: The Caribbean.


Contestant Original Tribe Merged Tribe Finish Island Dead Total Votes
Ariela Kayam
51, Netanya
Kalinga 1st Voted Out
Day 3
1st "Island Dead"
Day 8
Osher Hadari
25, Herzliya
Kalinga 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
2nd "Island Dead"
Day 11
Itay Shtraos
Returned Day 14
Kalinga 3rd Voted Out
Day 9
"Island of the
Dead" winner
Dan Mano
Returned Day 14
Mayon 4th Voted Out
Day 9
"Island of the
Dead" runner-up
Dar Fishelzon
21, Savyon
Kalinga 5th Voted Out
Day 12
3rd "Island Dead"
Day 14
Tal Anglender
31, Tel Aviv
Philippines: 12th Place
Mayon Sama Sama 6th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 15
Marina Kavisher
26, Tel Aviv
Caribbean: 4th Place
Mayon 7th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 15
Guy Gold
27, Jerusalem
Kalinga 8th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 18
Itay Shtraos
29, Tel Aviv
Kalinga 9th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 21
"Island of the
Dead" winner
Abigail Pearl
26, Tel Aviv
Philippines: 8th Place
Mayon 1
Natan "Bashevkin" Bashevkin
30, Nili
Pearl Islands: 16th Place
Dan Mano
32, Haifa
Caribbean: 2nd Runner-Up
"Island of the
Dead" runner-up
Idan Kapon
32, Haifa
Caribbean: 8th Place
Mayon 1
Ma'ayan Porter
28, Eilat
Pearl Islands: 15th Place
Mirit Vaknin
28, Lod
Pearl Islands: Runner-Up
Mayon 3
Lidar Shanny
28, Eilat
Sharon Rafaeli
27, Ra'anana
Max "Shpex" Levkovski
41, Ramat Aviv
Kalinga 11
The Total Votes is the number of votes a castaway has received during Tribal Councils where the castaway is eligible to be voted out of the game. It does not include the votes received during the final Tribal Council.

The game

Original Tribes

Air Date Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish The Island of the Dead
Reward Tribal
Inhabitant Face-off
June 6,
June 8,
Mayon Mayon Itay Ariela 6-2 1st Voted Out
Day 3
June 13,
June 15,
Mayon Mayon Lidar Osher 2-1-03 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Ariela2 None2
June 20,
June 22,
Kalinga None Dar Itay 4-2 3rd Voted Out
Day 9
Ariela Osher Ariela
June 27,
Bashevkin Dan 5-3 4th Voted Out
Day 9
June 27,
June 29,
Mayon Mayon Guy Dar 3-34 5th Voted Out
Day 12
Osher Itay Osher
July 12,
The final "The Island of the Dead" challenge Dan Dar Dar

Merged Tribe

Air Date Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Individual
Veto Armlet7
July 4,
July 13,
(Dan, Itay)5
Guy Bashevkin
Tal 9-3 6th Voted Out
Day 15
1st Jury Member
July 12,
Idan» Marina 6-4-2 7th Voted Out
Day 15
2nd Jury Member
July 18,
July 20,
Dan Ma'ayan Ma'ayan» Mirit
Guy 7-1-1 8th Voted Out
Day 18
3rd Jury Member
July 25,
July 27,
Dan, Lidar,
Bashevkin Bashevkin» Dan
Itay 4-4-1 9th Voted Out
Day 21
4th Jury Member

^1 Island Dead was not yet introduced.
^2 Island Dead introduced; Ariela becomes first inhabitant.
^3 Because Guy played the hidden immunity idol, four votes against him did not count.
^4 Dar was eliminated via the fire-making tiebreaker challenge.
^5 Dan and Itay were immune at the tribal council because they were the winners of the Island of the Dead.
^6 » – The winner of Exile Island battle.
^7 In the "Veto Armlet" column, the top name is the winner of the Veto Challenge. The bottom name in italics with a diamond () is the contestant whose vote was canceled by the "Veto Challenge" winner.


Week 1

  • Reward Challenge: The tribes had to rush into a river filled with supplies for their camps, once teams collected any amount of supplies that they felt fit, they would all have to cross the finish line with all of their chosen supplies.
    • Reward: The Winning Tribe would get a boat ride carrying them and all of their stuff to their new beach home.
  • Immunity Challenge: Tribes would have to climb over four slanted walls, then tie ropes to a large crate, which other members would have to pull up a slide. Once the box was on top of the slide another member would open the crate and light the torch in side it.
  • Individual Immunity Challenge: Tribes would have to light a fire, which would burn through a rope. The first survivor to have their rope burnt would win immunity.

Summary: The eight new contestants arrived on the beach as the host told them that they would be competing against familiar faces, then the eight all stars were introduced. The tribes moved immediately to their first challenge. The tribes played violently and both tribes tried to stop the other tribes' weakest member from moving. Kalinga thought that they had won and they started to celebrate only to notice that one member from each tribe was missing. Then after both of the last members ran towards the finish line, Mayon were declared the winners. The Kalinga tribe then had to vote out one person. The Tribe voted unanimously for Ariela, then in a Tocantins inspired twist, Ariela got a private helicopter ride to the beach, along with a clue to look for the hidden immunity idol. Max got dehydrated and was evacuated during the first night and therefore did not participate in the immunity challenge. Ariela could not get to the immunity idol so she asked Guy to join in an alliance with her and get it for her. At the immunity challenge the Mayon tribe sat out Idan, thinking that he was their weakest male. The Mayon tribe won the challenge and won flint in addition to being safe from the vote. Itay won the immunity challnge after a close finish. The Kalinga tribe went to Tirbal Council and voted out Ariela by a 6-2 vote, Dar got two votes.

Week 2

  • Reward Challenge: Few members from each tribe at a time would try and get a ball and shoot it into a basket, while in the ocean, once a basket was made the tribes would switch members. The first tribe to get 3 baskets won reward.
    • Reward: Tribes would get a fishing kit along with a day with a local who would teach them tricks which would help them with life in the forest.
  • Immunity Challenge: A Challenge recently used in Heroes vs. Villains, one tribe member would be inside a large wooden ball, three members would be blind-folded. The person in the crate would have to direct the three blindfolded tribe mates through a path, collecting a metal ball along the way. Then the metal ball would be placed on a tilting maze, the person in the ball would then have to direct four more blindfolded people to get the ball into the whole in the tilting maze.
  • Individual Immunity Challenge: The survivors stood on a wooden pole in the ocean while two members of the other tribe tried to hit them down with sand bags, the last berson on the woodedn pole would win immunity.

The Kalinga tribe questioned Guy about his immunity idol after Ariela revealed it at the last tribal council, he lied and said that he didn't have it, the tribe believed him except for Sharon, who understood that he had it, and she tried to make every one else see that too. Osher was evacuated due to back pains and she was not there for the reward challenge, but she returned after the challenge. The All Star tribe won the reward challenge 3-0. Dan accused Maayan of not working at all in the tribe, she claimed that she worked just as hard. They learned a lot from their native and they gave him a present in return. The All Star tribe also won the Immunity challenge, and all celebrated. The Mayon tribe got tree mail that they had to choose two people to go to a challenge, the survivors were scared that who ever left wouldn't come back, after many arguments Mirit and Bashevkin went, Maayan was especially scared that Mirit wouldn't come back. The two Mayon tribe members after the challenge which Lidar won returned to their beach by boat, and decided to trick everyone. Mirit hid in the boat and Bashevkin stood, after a short while Mirit showed herself to the tribe. The Kalinga tribe wen to their tribal council, Guy used his immunity idol and Osher was voted out.

Week 3

  • Reward Challenge:
    • Reward: A professional massage made by the opposite tribe.
  • Individual Immunity Challenge: This challenge was recently used in Survivor: Samoa,Mayon
  • Individual Immunity Challenge: This challenge was recently used in Survivor: MicronesiaKalinga

Voting history

Original Tribes Merged Tribe
Week #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Eliminated: Ariela
6/8 votes
2/3 votes3
4/6 votes
5/8 votes
3/6 votes
9/12 votes
6/12 votes
7/10 votes
4/9 votes
Voter Vote
Abigail Dan Shpex Tal Marina Itay Dan
Bashevkin Dan Tal Marina Guy Itay
Dan Mirit Shpex Shpex Itay
Idan Dan Tal Marina Guy Itay
Lidar Ariela Guy Itay Dar Tal Marina Guy Dan
Ma'ayan Dan Tal Marina Guy
Mirit Dan Tal Guy Guy Dan
Sharon Ariela Guy Itay Dar Tal Guy Guy Itay
Shpex Ariela Osher Itay Dar Tal Marina Guy Dan
Itay Ariela Guy Guy Shpex Shpex Abigail Idan
Guy Dar Osher Itay Shpex Tal Shpex Dan
Marina Mirit Shpex Shpex
Tal Mirit
Dar Ariela Guy Guy Shpex
Osher Ariela Shpex
Ariela Dar

  This castaway could not vote at Tribal Council, because s/he had the "Veto Armlet".