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Lost season 2

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This article contains episode summaries for the second season of the American drama/adventure television series Lost ; the season's episodes began airing September 21, 2005 and finished on May 24, 2006.

In addition to the twenty-three regular episodes in season two, three special episodes were aired which provided recaps and insights into the shows' mysteries.

The original U.S. airdates are listed here for each episode. Episode summaries from the first season can be found here.


Template:Spoiler Template:Episodes of Lost (season 2) table

Destination Lost

The official description for this episode, as found on ABC's website is: A new look at the lives of some of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 -- And a closer inspection of the island they are stranded on -- Will be revealed in the anticipation of the second season premiere of "LOST," on "Destination Lost," September 21 on ABC.

Man of Science, Man of Faith

Season two opens with a man leaping down from a bunk bed, sliding into a chair and pressing the keys on a late-70's era computer modeled after an Apple II. Next, we see a montage of his morning routine: playing "Make Your Own Kind of Music" by Mama Cass on a record player of the same age, dressing, exercising, preparing breakfast, injecting something from a vial labeled "4 8 15 16 23 42" into his arm. After a time, there is an explosion so powerful that the needle skips off the record player. The man slips on a pair of boots and a uniform, grabs rifles from an armoury and starts to use a telescope-and-mirror system to examine the location of the explosion. As his gaze reaches further and further through the complex (which the camera follows), it continues up a shaft towards dancing torchlights that reveal the faces of Jack and Locke peering down into the now-open hatch.

At the hatch entry, Jack expresses reservations about entering the passageway, noting that they should wait for the sun to come up before anything is done. Locke, on the other hand, feels that their entry should not be delayed, even after Kate points out that the back of the Hatch door reads 'QUARANTINE'. At the same time, at the caves, Shannon and Sayid search the jungle for Vincent, who has run off from the group again. The pair find Vincent in a clearing, and attempt to catch him, but he runs off. Sayid and Shannon are separated and, while alone, Shannon hears the whispers of the jungle. Walt appears, dripping wet and speaking incoherently. When Sayid returns, he finds Shannon lying on the ground.

During the walk back from the hatch, Hurley shares with Jack his story about the numbers inscribed on the outside of the hatch, but he is disappointed by Jack's disbelieving response. Upon reaching the caves, Jack explains the situation to the survivors, promising them they will all be alright, as long as they stay together. No sooner does Jack finish this speech than Locke appears, carrying a piece of cable, saying that he is going to descend into the hatch. Soon after, Kate follows him. While Locke is easing her down the shaft, Kate realises that there is something in the hatch, and in a sudden burst of light from within the hatch, Kate mysteriously disappears.

Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, holding Locke at gun point.

Back at the caves, after informing the survivors why they went into the jungle and that Arzt is dead, Jack arms himself, deciding that he is going after Kate and Locke, and upon reaching the hatch he finds no one there. He rappels down the shaft to look for Kate and Locke, and finds a maze of passageways. He comes across a colourful mural painted on the wall, featuring the numbers, including their sum, 108, prominently in the center of a Sun symbol. On this mural is a depiction of an eye and the words "I'm sick". Jack also discovers a spot where the gun case key around his neck is pulled away from his body, as if attracted by a strong magnetic force.

Finally, after being surprised by a bright light and loud music—the Mama Cass song played earlier—he enters what appears to be an underground geodesic dome, which contains an array of old computer equipment. As Jack is about to use the computer, Locke appears and tells Jack not to touch it. Jack raises his gun and asks, "Where's Kate?". Locke does not answer, as the resident of the hatch has a gun pointed at the side of his head.

Meanwhile, in flashback sequences, Jack encounters his future wife, Sarah, who has arrived in his ER after a horrific car crash that she had apparently caused. The other victim dies when Jack has to choose which patient to work on. In the events that follow, Jack is first chastised by his father about his pessimistic bedside manner and, after injuring himself in a tour de stade, is then advised by a stranger named Desmond about his need to feel and provide more hope. Desmond tells Jack he is training for a race around the world. After his conversation with Desmond, in which he asserts his belief that he has failed to help Sarah, he returns to her room, where he discovers that she has experienced a miraculous recovery.

Back in the underground dome, Locke tells Jack to put the gun down. The gunman then threatens that he will shoot Locke if Jack doesn't surrender. Jack refuses, instead taunting Locke about his destiny. Finally, the gunman steps out, and Jack recognises him as Desmond. "You!" he quotes.


Sawyer surfaces in the ocean after the attack on the raft. The raft is burning, one whole side of it blown away. Pieces of wreckage float everywhere. Michael is heard screaming for Walt repeatedly, and Sawyer screaming for Jin. Sawyer decides to rescue Michael first, and swims over to him, dragging him onto a piece of flotsam. On their makeshift raft, Michael blames Sawyer for making him fire the flare, drawing their attackers to them, and Jin is nowhere to be found.

Shortly after they climb aboard the wreckage, something pounds on the raft from below. When Sawyer and Michael investigate, they see the distinctive fin of a shark. Michael blames Sawyer's bleeding wound for attracting the shark, and this devolves into an argument which ends when Michael orders Sawyer off his piece of raft. Sawyer complies, but soon the two are arguing again (while Sawyer digs the bullet out of his shoulder by hand), and Sawyer's piece of raft disintegrates, forcing him to rejoin Michael.

Shark tail with mysterious DHARMA Initiative logo.

As they continue to float along with the current, one of the raft's pontoons appears, and they decide to board it. At this time we get a glimpse of the shark underwater and we see a strange marking on its tail. Sawyer swims to the pontoon, giving Michael his gun in case the shark appears. When it does, Michael fires several times, apparently injuring the shark, which breaks off. Momentarily shocked by the experience, Michael numbly swims for the pontoon, where Sawyer waits for him.

During Michael's flashbacks, he remembers his early custody struggles with Susan, who has asked Michael to sign away his paternal rights to Walt. Though Michael initially resists, suing to keep his rights, he eventually relents as Susan persuades him to doubt his own motivations and whether he is pursuing his own desires or Walt's best interests. As part of the flashback there is a parting scene between Michael and Walt. Michael gives Walt a toy polar bear.

When day breaks on the raft, Michael is crying. He realises that he should not have brought Walt with him on the raft, even if all he really wanted was to be with his son. As with his custody battle, Walt's safety and security should have been paramount, and Michael tells Sawyer that Walt's kidnapping was his own fault. At this point, Sawyer looks around and notices that they are back at the island. When they wash ashore, on a beach they do not recognise, they are greeted by Jin running toward them, hands tied behind his back, shouting the word "Others", and fleeing a group holding him captive.

Back at camp, Claire discovers Charlie carrying the Virgin Mary statue stolen from the Beechcraft, but does not find the heroin contained inside. Also shown are the events at the hatch before Jack's arrival. After Kate disappears into the hatch, Locke descends as well, finding an unconscious Kate in the computer room. An armed Desmond walks up behind them, quizzing Locke if he is "him". Locke at first claims to be the person Desmond is seeking, but fails to answer the riddle correctly that Desmond poses to him. This failure prompts Desmond to round up the two. Desmond orders Kate to tie Locke up, but Locke, explaining that Kate is the bigger threat, convinces Desmond she should be tied up. When Desmond concurs, Locke slides her one of his knives, and locks her in a dark room. Kate frees herself, and turns on a light, amazed to find herself in a large pantry filled with foodstuffs, all in boxes bearing a strange marking. After enjoying an "Apollo" brand chocolate bar, she climbs into a ventilation shaft, while Locke and Desmond take turns asking each other questions.

Suddenly, a loud alarm beep begins to sound. Desmond walks Locke at gunpoint to the computer terminal, and forces him to enter "the numbers" into the computer, which resets a timer for the alarm. Soon after, Desmond detects Jack, and after channeling him to the computer room, forces Locke to greet Jack, leading to the showdown seen in the previous episode (though this time, we see Kate's perspective too, overhead in the ventilation shaft).


  • In one of the flashbacks, Michael gives a young Walt a polar bear toy.


On the beach, Michael and Sawyer discover Jin, arms bound, being chased by a group of five people he calls "Others". The three are attacked and quickly knocked unconscious by one of the group, played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. The people, including some dressed in contemporary clothing, drag the unconscious men in nets to a pit, covered with bars made of bamboo.

At the underground compound, the standoff between Jack, Desmond, and Locke provides enough of a distraction for Kate to drop from the air ventilation system into the compound's armory, where she finds and loads a shotgun. She makes her way behind Desmond, and ends the standoff by striking him with the butt of the shotgun. Desmond fires a round from his gun as he falls, hitting and badly damaging the computer. Upset, Desmond claims that everyone will die unless the computer is fixed, and Kate suggests that Sayid could repair the machine and is sent to retrieve him.

At Jack's insistence, Desmond explains that three years prior he had been in a solo race around the world, when his boat crashed on the reef surrounding the island. On the island, he met a man named "Kelvin", who enlisted his help in his sole duty on the island: entering "the numbers" into the compound's computer and pressing the "execute" button every 108 minutes. Desmond explains that "the end of the world" would come if the button were not pressed, but without time to explain in detail, Desmond directs Jack and Locke to watch a film reel he's placed behind a copy of The Turn of the Screw. This film welcomes its viewers to the underground compound, calling it Station 3, the Swan, before going on to describe a project called "The DHARMA Initiative", founded by experimental psychology researchers and funded by The Hanso Foundation. The film ends by explaining that, due to an incident on the island, the viewers must enter the code into the computer every 108 minutes for the next 540 days, after which replacements will arrive. Jack and Locke have opposite responses to this film: Jack believes that what they're experiencing is nothing more than a social experiment, while Locke believes the film should be taken at its word.

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Dr. Marvin Candle in the "Orientation" film, standing before a miniature scale mock-up of the domed portion of Station Three. View the film

Soon after, Desmond attempts to power up the computer, but it shorts out, popping the breakers in the compound. Desmond panics and hurriedly leaves the facility. Jack follows behind him, abandoning Locke to attempt to fix the computer alone. Locke briefly suffers an emotional breakdown, but Kate, Sayid and Hurley arrive to help. Uninterested in the details of the situation, Sayid directs Kate and Hurley to restore power while he repairs the computer. While looking for the breaker-box, Hurley discovers the supply room used by Desmond, and is over-awed by the amount of food. Outside, Jack catches up to Desmond, holding him at gunpoint. Desmond tells Jack the code, but Jack's not interested. Instead, he asks where Desmond was running to, which reminds Desmond of his earlier conversation with Jack. When Desmond asks about Jack's patient, Jack stonewalls before eventually replying that he married her. Desmond guesses from his reaction that they are no longer married. Jack lowers his gun as he begins to cry and Desmond runs off.

Elsewhere, Sawyer, Michael and Jin evaluate their prison, with Sawyer attempting to get above the bars by having the other two boost him. The man who bested them earlier intervenes, and another prisoner is dropped into the pit. When she awakens, she introduces herself as Ana-Lucia, and they determine they were all on Flight 815. Ana-Lucia was in the rear section, which landed in a different area from the other survivors. She claims to have survived on her own since the crash, and that she was then taken prisoner like the three men. She manages to spot Sawyer's gun, hidden underneath his shirt. Sawyer tells her that he plans to bait the guard and escape. Ana-Lucia scoffs at the plan; as they debate, she manages to grab the gun, call for the guard, and is lifted out of the cell. The guard asks her what information she was able to gain, and the men realise that she has deceived them.

In flashbacks, Locke is participating in a support group, in which a woman is explaining that her mother stole money from her purse, but Locke simply laughs at this. When the moderator asks why, he explains that 30 dollars is nothing to get upset over, finally recounting the deception perpetrated by his father (as seen in Deus Ex Machina). After the meeting, he is approached by another member of the support group, Helen (Katey Sagal), who tells him that Locke said what she had always wanted to, and flirts with him. Later, Helen wakes up to find Locke putting on his clothes, claiming he is uncomfortable sleeping in an unfamiliar bed. That morning, he sits in his car outside the gates of his father's estate. His father opens the car door and gets in, saying he knows that Locke has been stalking him, and wants it to stop, finally telling him, "Don't come back; you're not wanted". Locke does not stop, however, and at dinner during their six-month anniversary, Helen gives Locke a present: a key to her house, under the condition that he stop going to his father's house. Locke agrees, but is unable to keep his word. Helen eventually follows and confronts him, explaining that he is afraid. He is afraid of the future, of moving past what his father has done, and of moving forward in his relationship with her. When he replies that he doesn't know what else to do, she responds that it is meant to be difficult, because what she is asking him for is a leap of faith. He seems to understand, and they embrace.

At the facility, Sayid successfully repairs the computer, leaving Locke to type in the numbers. When Hurley hears them talking, Hurley again urges Locke not to use the numbers, but he stops protesting after seeing Locke enter a wrong number. Just as Locke is about to hit the "EXECUTE" button, Jack arrives and tells Locke the correct numbers. Locke tells Jack he should be the one to hit the button, but Jack refuses. As the alarms sound, the two have another confrontation, with Locke asking Jack why it was so hard to believe, and Jack responding by asking why Locke found it so easy. An upset Locke tells him it was never easy, but Jack needs to make a leap of faith of his own. With a scant second left, Jack presses the button and the timer resets to 108. Locke says that he will take the first shift at the computer. The episode ends with the timer going from 108 to 107.

Everybody Hates Hugo

While eating profuse amounts of food in the bunker's pantry, Hurley is confronted by Jin, who seems to be speaking perfect English, and a man in a chicken suit. When questioned about his newfound mastery of the language, Jin informs him that Hurley is speaking Korean, to which Hurley responds, "I am?" in Korean, with English subtitles. Hurley asks Jin about the man in the chicken suit and Jin warns Hurley that everything will change, a response Hurley seems not to understand. The man in the chicken suit starts blinking in time to the beeps of the station's alarm. Jin wishes Hurley a "cluckety cluck-cluck day" and then the man in the chicken suit shouts "Hurley!" with Kate's voice, signifying the transition as Hurley awakens from a dream. When Kate asks if he was sleeping, Hurley replies that he was not. Kate then informs Hurley that it is time to enter the code and that the numbers are written on a piece of paper taped to the computer in case he forgot them.

The flashbacks reveal the events immediately following Hurley's discovery of his winning lottery numbers. Opting to keep his ticket to instant wealth a secret, he is lectured by the manager of Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack for eating food without paying for it. Hurley quits, and his friend Johnny does likewise. The pair visit a record store, where they sing part of the lyrics to the Drive Shaft's song, "You All, Everybody", as they flip past the CD in the "One Hit Wonders" section. Hurley asks Starla, an attractive salesgirl, for a date to The Hold Steady show at the Troubadour nightclub, which, to both his and Johnny's surprise, she accepts. Later, the two friends steal a vanload of garden gnomes and use them to spell out "Cluck You" on the lawn of their former employer. Hurley asks his friend to promise that they will never change, and Johnny does so; immediately after, his friend notices a news crew at a local gas station and pulls in to see what's happened. The reporters have arrived because they know the winning lottery ticket was bought at that location; the clerk recognises Hurley and points him out. Johnny is stunned, and his expression clearly reveals that, despite his promise, everything has changed.

Hurley struggles with the task of food rationing. Charlie asks Hurley if the bunker contains food, specifically peanut butter for Claire, but Hurley stonewalls him. Charlie storms off. Hurley decides to enlist Rose to help him inventory.

Meanwhile, Jack and Sayid attempt to excavate the sealed-off portion of the facility. The concrete walls seem to be impenetrable, and Sayid remarks that a similar technique was used to protect against the effects of the Chernobyl accident. Behind the walls is apparently something with a very strong magnetic field.

Sawyer, Michael and Jin learn that their captors are survivors from the tail section of the plane and are taken to a hidden concrete bunker site-- which appears to be an abandoned station— which they use for sanctuary. Although the station appears derelict or incomplete, The DHARMA Initiative logo appears clearly on several walls. A woman named Libby says that there were 23 survivors from the tail section of the plane, but it is clear that no where near 23 people are still with them.

Claire discovers the bottle of messages from the raft floating near the beach. She asks Shannon what to do, and the pair conclude that Sun should be the one to make the decision. Sun opts to conceal this new fact and buries the bottle.

Hurley becomes less certain of his ability to ration the food in a manner that keeps everyone happy. Hurley attempts to quit, but Locke refuses to permit this. Hurley then recovers the unused sticks of dynamite and prepares to blow up the food. When Rose asks him what he's doing, he explains that the food, newfound wealth to the survivors, will change everything and everyone will come to hate him, just like things changed when, in a flashback, everyone knew he won the lottery - the guy who in Hurley's dream wears the chicken suit is the one who shows to the reporters that Hurley won the jackpot. Rose talks him down from this rash act. Later, Hurley informs Jack of his decision not to ration the food. Jack accepts this. The food is instead distributed freely and the survivors enjoy an enormous feast. Everyone appreciates Hurley's generosity, including Charlie, who gives his benefactor a Hurley-like hug of reconciliation.


  • On the milk carton Hurley is drinking during his dream sequence, there is a photo of Walt as a missing person. [1]
  • Hurley's abusive manager at Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack is "Randy" who was also John Locke's boss at the box company as shown in "Walkabout". In "Numbers" Hurley's accountant tells Hurley that he has become the majority share holder of a box factory in Tustin.

...And Found

On the familiar side of the island, Sun has discovered that she has lost her wedding ring. Jack tries to help by telling a story about how he lost his wedding ring, and tore apart the garbage and the plumbing looking for it. When Sun asks where he found it, he replies that he didn't, that he bought a replacement instead. Sun doesn't seem too sure how she feels about this answer. She then pointedly notices that Jack has no wedding ring on his left hand. Jack sees her looking and laughs it off uncomfortably, saying that now the ring is "rattling around in his sock drawer back home." Although Sun looks as if she wants more of an explanation, he doesn't offer one. Jack then offers to help Sun look for the ring, which Sun declines. Then Hurley gives advice, suggesting that Vincent ate the ring while Sun was feeding him.

Later, when Sun is angrily tearing apart her garden, Locke arrives. Since Locke is calm as usual, Sun states that she doesn't remember ever seeing him angry. Locke laughs and replies that he often used to be angry. Sun asks him why he no longer becomes angry, and he replies that he is not lost anymore. Sun asks him how he found himself. Locke answers, "The same way everyone finds something that is lost: I stopped looking." Finally, when Kate tries to console Sun, telling her everything is all right, Sun tells her that that certainly isn't the case, and reveals that the message bottle had been recovered. Kate asks where it is, and Sun tells her that she has buried it. Upon digging up the bottle, Kate becomes upset and frantically attempts to read all of the messages. Sun stops her and says that the messages are private. Kate tells Sun that she never said goodbye to Sawyer. Kate then glances at the sand and tells Sun to look down. Sun's wedding ring is lying in the sand.

Meanwhile, Jin, Michael, Sawyer and the survivors of the tail section decide to trek back to the safer side of the island. Before they leave, they gather food, with Jin distinguishing himself with his fishing abilities yet again. Michael abruptly leaves to look for Walt alone. Jin and Eko set off after Michael while the remaining survivors head for the camp. The group of new survivors reveal they have a radio. Sawyer is having trouble keeping up with the trek and exchanges some flirtatious/sarcastic banter with Ana-Lucia when she threatens they will leave him behind. Meanwhile, on the trail of Michael, Jin hears something ahead and Eko cautions, but Jin runs towards the noise. It turns out to be a wild boar, which charges Jin and he rolls down an escarpment. Jin comes to rest and notices the bloodied body of another survivor, with a large weapon still protruding from his chest. When Eko catches up he informs Jin the man's name was "Goodwin", and Jin asks "Others?". Eko simply nods. Further inland Eko picks up fresh tracks and tells Jin "it must be Michael, they don't leave tracks". Moments later Eko senses someone coming, and he and Jin hide. Hidden in the bushes, they see a procession of people go by in almost unearthly silence. The "Others" are seen only from the thighs down, all barefoot, all muddy, and the last is carrying a brown teddy bear on a cord. There is a handkerchief wrapped around the left leg of the teddy bear. Later, the pair find Michael. Eko tries to convince him to go back, but Michael won't do it. Jin tells Michael he should find Walt. It appears the three of them have decided to go find him together.

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The Others with a teddy bear

In flashbacks, Sun is set up on a date by a matchmaker, and finds her prospective suitor, Jae Lee, to be wealthy, educated and surprisingly charming. Meanwhile, as Jin is preparing for an important job interview at a hotel, his roommate, Tai Soo, consults a book of astrology and suggests that Jin is destined to find love soon, and adds cryptically that its color will be orange. Jin's interviewer, Mr. Kim, insults his prospective employee, suggesting that Jin is a bumpkin villager who stinks of fish, then hires him as a doorman anyway, with a stern warning that Jin is not to open the door to anyone like himself. Sun and Jae continue to hit it off, and the pair schedule a meeting at the hotel where Jin is working, though he fails to see her because he is bowing as he opens the door for her. Inside, the suitor suddenly reveals that he plans to marry a woman he met in America, and has only been seeing Sun to placate his parents. Although she is obviously disappointed, Sun wishes him well and immediately leaves. At the same time, a poorly dressed father with a young boy approach the hotel, and asks Jin for permission to enter, as the boy urgently has to go to the bathroom. Jin reluctantly lets the pair inside, but Mr. Kim observes this, and gives him a stern dressing-down, again insulting his background in the process. Jin quits on the spot and departs. Later, wandering along the river side (not along a bridge that is behind him), he passes a woman in an orange dress walking past. Looking back wistfully, he shakes his head in amusement, and turns around, colliding directly into Sun, his first meeting with his soon-to-be wife.


On the far side of the island, Eko, Jin and Michael re-unite with Ana-Lucia, Sawyer, Bernard, Libby and Cindy. The eight leave for the camp made by the survivors of the midsection of the plane. Along the way, Ana-Lucia demands that Michael be silent; when he demands an explanation, she tells them that the "Others" took three of the tail section survivors on their first night on the island and returned two weeks later to take nine more.

Sayid builds a tent for Shannon in which the two make love. When Sayid goes to get some water, Walt seemingly appears in the tent, dripping wet and speaks in whispers. When Shannon screams, Sayid, Charlie and Claire (carrying Aaron) respond but they find no sign of the intruder. Shannon is angry that Sayid thinks she was dreaming; Charlie scolds Claire for waking Aaron and taking him towards something that might have been dangerous.

Locke helps Claire with Aaron, teaching her to swaddle him to comfort him when he cries. Claire tells Locke that everyone seems to know more about parenting than she. She expresses concerns about Charlie, saying she doesn't really know him, and mentions that he has been carrying around a statue of the Virgin Mary which he claimed to have found in the jungle. As revealed in Deus Ex Machina and in the recaps, Locke had discovered the statues filled with heroin. Later, Locke and Charlie play backgammon with Locke demonstrating amazing luck. Locke apologises if he overstepped any lines when assisting Claire. Charlie complains that Claire has been acting irresponsibly. Locke retorts, "That's an interesting thing to say, for a heroin addict." Charlie corrects him, saying he's a "recovering addict."

As the survivors from the tail section of the plane trek across the island, Jin and Michael squabble over who's going to help Sawyer. Sawyer pushes them away, takes a few steps and then collapses; when Michael goes to assist him, Sawyer says if their positions were reversed, he'd leave Michael behind, which Michael brushes off. The survivors make a stretcher and carry Sawyer. After an arduous battle to carry him up a hill, they look around and notice that Cindy has vanished. Immediately after, the seven hear whispering coming from all around them.

In flashbacks, Shannon is shown teaching ballet. She receives a call that her father has been in an accident and goes to the hospital. There, she finds that he has died in a car crash. Jack is seen walking past briefly. Shannon's father is the "Adam Rutherford" whose SUV struck Jack's future wife in "Man of Science, Man of Faith." At the funeral, Boone arrives to console her. Later, when she wins a dance internship in New York, she finds she cannot go because her father left her no money. She pleads with her stepmother, Sabrina, who rebuffs her, suggesting her dream of becoming a dancer is just a passing whim, and that Shannon needs to make her own way. Boone attempts to help, but is unsuccessful in convincing his mother. When Shannon asks if she can stay in New York with him, he tells her that he is leaving the city to take a job working for his mother. He offers her money, but she angrily rejects it, telling him that if he doesn't believe she can make it on her own, she doesn't want his help.

Shannon brings Vincent some of Walt's clothes, then follows as the dog searches for his master. Vincent leads Shannon to Boone's makeshift grave, where she stops to reflect. Sayid finds her and asks what she's doing. She tells him she's going to find Walt and gets up to continue following Vincent. Sayid comes along, protesting. Shannon yells at Sayid, telling him that he doesn't believe in her and is going to abandon her. Sayid tells her that he loves her and will never leave her. The pair embrace, then suddenly hear whispering; the pair look up and see Walt. Shannon dashes after Walt and Sayid follows her until he trips. A gunshot is heard, and as Shannon is seen staggering back towards Sayid, who catches her as she collapses, she is shown bleeding from the torso. The camera pans back to reveal Ana-Lucia with a smoking gun. The episode ends with Sayid having a horrid look on his face about to get up, still holding Shannon's body.


  • In the flashback where Shannon and her stepmother are in the hospital, we briefly see Jack brush past them. This is taken from the episode 'Man Of Science, Man Of Faith', where Jack manages to heal Sarah miraculously, albeit from a different angle. In that episode we hear that Sarah was driving an SUV when she was involved in the accident. In the episode 'Abandoned' we hear that Shannon's father collided with a woman driving an SUV. Jack could only choose one of the patients to operate on, and he chose Sarah.

The Other 48 Days

The tail section of Oceanic 815 in the ocean

After the tail section of the plane crashes into the water off the beach, the survivors swim ashore. A young boy with a teddy bear points out his sister floating in the water. A black man in a suit (Mr. Eko) pulls her out, and a Latina woman (Ana-Lucia Cortez) performs CPR on her, saving her life. A blonde woman (Libby) helps a man, later to be identified as Donald, by setting his broken leg. A man runs out of the jungle asking for help, saying there's someone alive in the jungle. The man, who later calls himself "Goodwin," brings Ana to Bernard, who is still belted into his airplane seat, stuck up in a tree. Ana coaxes him to grab the tree branch, just before the seat crashes to the ground. Back on the beach, Goodwin, who claims to be in the Peace Corps, builds a signal fire. Bernard asks Eko if any of the dead were African-American, referring to his wife Rose whom he can't find; Eko tells him no, but that he will pray for her and for their rescue. That night, three of the adults are taken and Eko kills two of the "Others" with a rock when they try to take him. From that night on, he refuses to speak.

A survivor who identifies himself as Nathan suggests staying on the beach, and the group does so. On the fifth day, Donald dies from the leg injury and is buried. On the twelfth day, the Others take nine more, including the two children. Ana manages to kill another one, who is discovered to be carrying an antique U.S. Army knife and a list of the nine to be taken, along with their descriptions. While trying to sort out what happened, the notion of an infiltrator is discussed, as well as a proposal to leave the beach.

Ana-Lucia with the list of survivors that were taken by "The Others".

The survivors opt to head into the jungle. They make a camp near a source of fresh water and fruit trees. Ana digs a pit, which she turns into a cage. As soon as it is done, she knocks Nathan unconscious and throws him into the pit. She interrogates him, believing he is one of those who took the children, due to his unexplained absences and how nobody remembered seeing him on the plane. When asked where he came from, he replies, "Canada." She begins starving him, demanding to know the location of the children, but Mr. Eko feeds him when she is not looking. Ana tells Goodwin she intends to start torturing Nathan the next day. That night, Goodwin frees Nathan, warning him of Ana's plan; when Nathan turns to leave, Goodwin breaks his neck, killing him.

The survivors move again and find the bunker marked by a DHARMA Initiative logo, with an arrow in the center. Inside a box they find a glass eye, a Bible and a radio. Goodwin and Ana go to higher ground to try to pick up a signal. While there, Ana reveals that she knows Goodwin is one of the Others, because on the first day, he ran out of the jungle with his clothes completely dry, ten minutes after the plane crashed into the water. Goodwin admits he killed Nathan, and confirms that the children are still alive, saying that they are "better off." He also says that those taken were "good people" and that Nathan was not on the list because he was "not a good person." The two fight for the army knife; when they roll down a hill, Ana impales him on a sharpened stick.

Ana returns to the survivors and tells them, "We're safe here now", but does not reveal on-screen that she killed Goodwin. On the forty-first day, Bernard picks up Boone on the radio, and responds to Boone's "We're the survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815" (Deus Ex Machina) with "We're the survivors of flight 815." Before any further conversation can take place, Ana turns off the radio, dismissing the transmission as another trick by the Others. "They know we were on Flight 815 because Goodwin knew we were on Flight 815," she argues. "This is our life now," she tells them. She goes off by herself to cry, and Eko, speaking for the first time since the night he was nearly abducted, tells her everything will be all right. She asks him why it took him forty days to speak; he asks her why it took her forty days to cry.

Soon after, Cindy and Libby find Jin washed up on the shore. After pulling him from the water, they tie him up and blindfold him while they try to find out who he is. As Eko and Ana-Lucia argue, Jin breaks free and runs to the beach, at which point the events shown in previous episodes are replayed.

The remainder of the 48 days are shown as a montage of the events already seen, this includes a scene where Ana-Lucia orders Eko to hit her and throw her into the pit other parts of the montage include the tail section's acceptance of Jin, Sawyer and Michael, the trek to the midsection's camp, Sawyer falling ill, Cindy listening to the forest's whispers just before she is "taken", and the shooting of Shannon by Ana-Lucia.


  • The teddy-bear that we see the small boy carrying at the start of the episode, was seen previously being carried by one of The Others by Jin and Mr Eko in the episode '...And Found'


Realising it was Ana-Lucia who shot Shannon, Sayid quickly pulls his gun on her. Eko stops him and, after a quick and muddy fight, Sayid is knocked unconscious. Ana-Lucia orders Eko to tie Sayid up using vines from Sawyer's stretcher. Libby and Michael object, saying "Sawyer needs a doctor or he'll die", and Eko refuses. Ana-Lucia then forces Libby at gun point to do so, claiming that she knows what she's doing.

Once Sayid is tied up, Eko carries Sawyer away to find the other survivors. Michael decides to give Sayid water, daring Ana-Lucia to shoot him. Sayid asks Michael about Ana-Lucia and Walt. Michael replies that Ana-Lucia is a survivor from the tail section of the plane and that the "others" took Walt. Sayid reacts strongly and angrily to the news about Walt, remembering that he would not believe Shannon when she said she saw Walt, believing him to be in the middle of the ocean. The rest of the group confronts Ana-Lucia, asking her about "her plan." Making a deal with Michael for the release of Sayid, Ana-Lucia demands supplies from the hatch (at least half of the camp's ammo, a big pack with blankets and clothes - "jeans and socks") so that she can live "alone" in the jungle, guilt-ridden and convinced that Sayid and the other survivors will not stop until they have avenged Shannon's death.

It is revealed, through flashbacks, that Ana-Lucia was a police officer in the LAPD who was shot by a burglar suspect with four hollow point bullets. After recovering, she is assigned an office job, but demands to get back into a patrol car. Her captain (played by Rachel Ticotin), who turns out to also be her mother, reluctantly allows it. On patrol, Ana-Lucia responds to a domestic disturbance call, which proves to be too stressful, as the domestic shouting match causes Ana-Lucia to lose her calm and draw her gun. Her partner orders her to holster her weapon, calling her by first name when she does not respond to "Officer Cortez." Returning back to headquarters, Ana-Lucia and her partner begin a discussion about her gun incident; however, it is cut short when Ana-Lucia finds out the suspect who shot her has been caught. The suspect's name is Jason McCormick and, along with evidence from the crime scene and his confession, the only thing left is for Ana-Lucia to identify him. She takes a look at the suspect and says, "It's not him." Despite objections by her mother, Ana-Lucia stands by her claim and Jason is released.

While playing golf, Jack and Kate encounter Eko carrying Sawyer. They enter into the Hatch to treat Sawyer, interrupting Locke in the middle of a crossword puzzle. Locke stops to ask what happened, but Jack reminds him that the timer is going off. Jack tries to give Sawyer a pill for the infection, but he won't swallow it. When Jack instructs Kate to hold Sawyer's head up, she holds him and gently and affectionately whispers into his ear until he takes the pill. Jack reacts by saying that he "never learned the whole whisper-in-the-ear thing in med-school." Eko, walking around the interior of the Hatch, notices the DHARMA logo, likely recognizing the similarities between the 'Swan' logo and the one that the tail end survivors found on their side of the island. He also finds the closet full of guns and displays a disapproving facial expression. Eko runs into Locke and the two stare at each other very strangely for several seconds. Eko tells Locke "a girl was shot and killed", describing her as "tall with blonde hair" whom Locke quickly identifies as Shannon, showing a sense of grief in his face. When asked if he could take Locke to the scene, Eko takes a quick look at the gun-rack and replies: "No."

After being informed that Shannon has been killed and Sayid is held prisoner at gunpoint, Jack is furious. He demands Eko take him there, but Eko just sits in silence, telling Jack, "anything I say will only make you angrier". Michael suddenly bursts into the Hatch and tells Jack what happened. Jack grabs a rifle and a shotgun, gives the shotgun to Michael, and starts to make his way out of the hatch. Suddenly Eko screams "Stop!" and asks Jack what he's looking for. "Peace? Revenge? Justice?" Jack replies that he wants all his people back safely. Then Eko says, "Ana-Lucia made a mistake." It's obvious from Jack's surprise reaction that he knows her. Jack was shown meeting Ana-Lucia at the airport lounge just prior to Flight 815 in Exodus: Part 1. Eko agrees to take Jack out to where Sayid and Ana-Lucia are in the jungle, but only Jack, and without any guns.

Ana-Lucia now begins to interrogate Sayid, asking him the apparently odd question as to whether he has children. He answers no and poses the same question to Ana-Lucia, and she awkwardly replies no. He asks her if she is going to kill him, and she retorts "should I?". Sayid now relates how almost 40 days ago on the island he tied a man (Sawyer) to a tree and tortured him, as he had done to many others in his lifetime, others whose voices: "I still hear at night." Clearly facing a lot of mental anguish, he says perhaps she should kill him, "perhaps you were meant to." Ana in response, relates her story, saying that during her shooting, all she heard was a pop and that by the time she hit the ground she thought she was dead. She continues saying she feels dead.

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Jack and Ana Lucia staring at each other

Sayid now asks what happened to her shooter and in the final flashback of the episode, Ana-Lucia is seen apparently having followed Jason to a bar and waiting for him until the end of the night, at which point she follows him to the parking lot where they are alone. She draws his attention by shouting his name, and upon being asked "I know you?" she draws her gun and makes the simple statement, "I was pregnant" then shoots him, three times at far range, dropping him, and fires three more times into him at point-blank. After a long pause, she tells Sayid that nothing happened to him and that they never found the guy.

Ana picks up Eko's machete-like blade, frees Sayid, drops both the machete and gun she was holding, and dares him to take his revenge saying, "go ahead, pick it up, I deserve it." Sayid refuses, saying, "What good would it be to kill you, if we're both already dead?" and walks away.

Eventually, the rest of the tail-section survivors and Jin make it back to the camp, where Bernard and Rose as well as Jin and Sun are finally reunited. The episode ends with Sayid carrying Shannon's body back to camp, and Ana-Lucia and Jack looking at each other for the first time after the crash.


  • In the crossword puzzle Locke is doing, the answer to number 42 down (clue: "Enkidu's friend") is Gilgamesh, a demi-god who, along with Enkidu, embarks upon a quest into a forest to do battle with a monster. The word does not fit with the rest of the puzzle, so the intersecting words are gibberish.

What Kate Did

The episode begins with a person on the beach in the morning light, then pans to Jin exiting his tent with no shirt on, followed by a smiling Sun. As she hugs him, Hurley gives Jin a thumbs up from the next shelter. Sun turns to look down the beach, and sees Sayid digging a grave for Shannon.

In the Hatch, Jack watches over a semi-conscious Sawyer, who mutters, "Where is she?" which Jack assumes refers to Kate. Sawyer then whispers, "I love her" twice, stunning Jack into silence.

While collecting fruit in the jungle, Kate is shocked to see a black horse standing in the undergrowth. She returns to the Hatch to attend to Sawyer and the computer, so that Jack can attend Shannon's funeral. On the beach, Eko comforts Ana Lucia, telling her that most of the survivors realise that Shannon's death was accidental, but she decides to avoid the funeral. At the funeral Sayid tries to say a few words, but overcome by emotion, can only declare that he loved her before walking away. Jack, Locke and the others continue the improvised ceremony by each pouring a handful of sand into the grave.

At the Hatch, Kate plays a record of "Walking After Midnight" by Patsy Cline and tells the sleeping Sawyer that she thinks she saw a horse outside. Sawyer begins to mumble, and as she leans in to hear better, he grabs her by the neck and says, "You killed me. Why did you kill me?"

Jack and Locke return to the hatch to find the alarm blaring, Sawyer on the floor, and Kate nowhere to be seen. With only 23 seconds to go, Locke hastily enters the numbers.

Outside, Kate bumps into Charlie in the jungle and asks if he thinks there are horses on the island. He replies that he has seen polar bears and heard monsters but never horses, and they part ways. Back at the beach, Charlie meets Jack, and tells him where to find Kate. Jack tracks her down and accosts her for leaving the Hatch. In the ensuing confrontation, Kate shouts, "I'm sorry I'm not as perfect as you. I'm sorry that I'm not as good." She makes to run away, but Jack grabs her forearm and pulls her back. With their emotions reaching a fever pitch, Jack pulls Kate close and holds her. Without warning, Kate kisses Jack passionately and then, seemingly shocked by her actions, runs off into the jungle. Jack calls after her, but does not follow.

Sayid, going to Shannon’s grave to place his necklace on her cross, discovers Kate sitting there. She apologizes for missing the funeral and confesses that she thinks she's going crazy. When asked if he believes in ghosts, Sayid says that he saw Walt in the jungle just before Shannon was shot and asks if that makes him crazy too. Kate returns to the Hatch and relieves Sun, who has been tending to Sawyer.

A series of flashbacks elucidate Kate's crime. A 24-year-old Kate is sitting on a porch playing with a cigarette lighter when her stepfather, Wayne Jansen, arrives inebriated. As Kate helps him to bed, he complains and makes advances towards her. As Kate rides away from the house on a motorcycle, the house explodes.

She rides to a diner where her mother, Diane Jansen, works. Kate confronts Diane about an injury caused by Wayne and then presents her with a homeowners' insurance policy, telling Diane that she'll be taken care of. Despite worried pleas from her mother to explain what has transpired, Kate leaves, fighting back tears.

Later, we see Kate trying to buy a bus or train ticket to Tallahassee, when she is arrested by US Marshal Edward Mars. He says that Kate's mother had turned her in. It's not clear how much time has passed since the murder or where Kate is buying the ticket.

On a country highway during a rainy night, Mars is driving a handcuffed Kate to her arraignment in Iowa. He questions why, with no previous criminal record or history of violence, she would choose to kill Wayne now. Suddenly, a white horse passes in front of the car. Kate shouts "Look out!", and after swerving to avoid hitting the animal, the car bumps into a tree or pole. With Mars momentarily stunned by the opening of the driver's airbag, Kate grabs the handcuff keys and tries to unlock the handcuffs but the marshall revives. After a short fight, Kate kicks Mars out of the car. She reverses the lightly damaged car and turns on the headlights to drive away. To her surprise the lights show the black horse standing next to the road quietly looking at her for a few seconds before leaving into the darkness.

Kate next visits a U.S. Army recruiting station and meets Sergeant Major Sam Austen, the man she believed to be her biological father. She tells Austen that she recently discovered that he was her stepfather and that Wayne was her biological father. Sam reveals that he had known this all along but hid the truth because he feared Kate would kill Wayne if she ever found out. He informs Kate that he must call the authorities, but agrees to give her a one-hour head start. In the background of the recruiting station a TV set is playing and a shot of Sayid can clearly be seen for two seconds.

Back in the present, Kate asks Sawyer if he can hear her, first saying "Sawyer?" then "Wayne?", at which point Sawyer stirs and mumbles inaudibly. Kate, believing that Wayne's ghost has possessed Sawyer's body, confesses aloud that she killed him after finding out that he was her biological father. It was too much to bear for her to know that the man who she hated would always be a 'part of her'. Furthermore, whenever she had feelings for Sawyer she couldn't help remembering Wayne. Following Kate's confession, Sawyer awakes as his normal self, and his comments reveal he has heard the whole conversation. Kate is embarrassed but relieved. She shows Sawyer around the Hatch, before taking him outside to prove that they have not been rescued. As the two talk, the black horse reappears. Kate approaches and pets it, and after a moment the horse walks back into the jungle.

As Kate and Sawyer share this moment, back at the beach Jack approaches Ana Lucia, who is sitting carving a stake with her hunting knife. Jack offers her one of three miniature bottles of Tequila - recalling their first meeting at the airport. They commiserate, smile, and share a moment of peace.

In the Hatch, Locke uses bolt cutters to finally remove the handcuff that Jin has worn on his right hand since attacking Michael in House of the Rising Sun. After Jin leaves, Michael asks Locke about the blast door in the ceiling, which Locke admits he had not noticed. Locke shows the DHARMA Orientation film to Michael and Eko and then explains that he has set up two-person shifts every six hours to enter the code. He demonstrates to Michael that the keyboard only works when the alarm sounds - Michael asks to inspect the equipment and Locke hesitantly agrees.

Later, Eko calls Locke aside and, after leading in with a story about Josiah and the book found during Josiah's rule, reveals a hollowed-out Bible which contains a small reel of 16mm film. The book was found by the tail-section survivors in the DHARMA building they inhabited during The Other 48 Days. Locke unrolls part of the reel and recognizes Dr. Marvin Candle, the narrator from the original film. As it seems that the new part was cut from the original film, Eko and Locke splice the film from the book back into the main film reel. Locke marvels at the odds of them finding the missing piece, but Eko advises him not to "mistake coincidence for fate." They watch the missing section of the film, in which Dr. Candle expands on his warning that the computer is to be used only to enter the code. He explains that while the isolation of Station 3 may tempt one to use the computer to communicate with the outside world, such action would compromise the integrity of the project and may lead to another "incident".

Meanwhile, as this part of the movie plays, Michael examines the computer equipment; he hears a strange beeping from the terminal and goes to inspect. He notices there are still 51 minutes remaining on the timer and that the text "Hello?" is shown on the screen. Unlike Locke in his earlier attempt, Michael is able to enter text and replies with "Hello?" A moment later "Who is this?" appears and Michael responds "This is Michael. Who is this?"

After a few seconds, the word "Dad?" appears on the screen.


  • In the official Lost podcast, it was stated that the title was simply a response to people asking what Kate did.
  • As Kate enters her father's recruiting office, Sayid is seen on the TV by the door in a CNN-type screen.
  • 16mm film contains no soundtrack - it is unclear how Locke and Eko recover the soundtrack to accompany the missing section of film.

Lost: Revelation

Hosted by LOST's creator this program recovers the complete story of the grueling first 48 days on the island for the fuselage survivors and tail section survivors after the crash of Oceanic flight 815.

The 23rd Psalm

In flashback, we see Nigerian guerrillas in a small village. They grab Eko's younger brother and try to force him to shoot an old man. The younger brother hesitates, so Eko takes the gun from his brother and shoots the man himself, thus relieving his brother. The guerillas are pleased with this and ask him his name to which he replies, "Eko." The leader says that "Mr. Eko" is a "born killer," and takes Eko, leaving his brother and the other children behind. Eko's cross is torn from his neck by the leader, who says, "you won't need this anymore." Eko's younger brother picks up the cross as Eko rides away into the distance. The image fades from young Eko to Eko today on the island.

Claire introduces herself to Eko, and sees that he is whittling scripture into the head of his club. Upon seeing this, she mentions to him that he should talk to Charlie about religion, given the Virgin Mary statue that he has been carrying. Eko becomes panicked, and immediately demands to see the statue. Though Claire tells Eko that it's "just a statue", he breaks open the statue and shows Claire the heroin inside. Believing Charlie to still be an addict, Claire begins to lose faith in him. Eko demands that Charlie take him to the place where he found the statue. Charlie takes him to a tree and claims that he found the statue under the tree. Eko becomes upset at this lie and demands that Charlie take him "to the plane." Charlie also notices the scripture references on the stick Eko carries.

The next flashback shows Eko, many years later, as a powerful warlord in Nigeria. He meets with a drug dealer who is trying to get his heroin out of the country. Eko offers to do him a "favor": buy the drugs at a ridiculously low price and spirit them out of the country. The drug runner reluctantly agrees. Before he leaves, however, he tells Eko, "It's true what they say about you. You have no soul." Eko proceeds to slit the throat of the man and his assistant, but lets a young boy live, saying, "Tell all your friends that I let you live. That Mr. Eko let you live".

On the island, Locke teaches Michael how to use a gun. (A bit before the shooting, you can clearly see a DHARMA logo on the side of the milk store.) Michael then asks Kate if he can have her shift at the computer, to which she agrees. After trying to get the computer to turn on, it comes on by itself. Michael has the following conversation through the computer:

(Michael) Are you O.K.?
Are you alone?
(Michael) Yes.
Can't talk long. They're coming back soon...
(Michael) Where are you?
You need to com-

After which the scene cuts to Michael staring intently at the monitor. Jack appears and talks to Michael, saying that everyone cares about Walt, and that as soon as they can, they will go out to "bring him back." When Jack takes a look at the monitor on his way out, the conversation has disappeared. It is not clear whether it really existed or Michael had just imagined it.

Eko visits the church in the town that he was taken from. His brother has become a priest, and is trying to sell statues of the Virgin Mary to raise money for polio vaccines for the village. Eko asks him for a plane, because only UN relief and missionary aircraft are allowed to fly out of Nigeria. He claims that he will fly the drugs out of Nigeria (and away from their people) and give his brother the money for the polio vaccine. His brother tells Eko that he loves him still, but refuses to help.

In the next flashback, Eko approaches his brother at the church again, asking simply for his brother to sign ordination papers that make Eko and two associates priests so that they can arrange the flight themselves. His brother refuses at first, but Eko tells his brother that if he does not obey, his two friends will burn the church to the ground. His brother reluctantly signs.

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Mr. Eko and the monster staring at each other

Charlie takes Eko further into the jungle, complaining that Eko ruined his relationship with Claire and that Eko shouldn't judge him because it was his brother that got him addicted to heroin. Charlie loses his way to the plane, and Eko tells him to climb a tree to get a better view. Charlie reluctantly obliges. While he is in the tree, there are explosions, and we see the black smoke that previously appeared in Exodus, Part 2. Eko faces the black smoke as John Locke did, despite Charlie telling him to run. The black smoke approaches Eko, who stands his ground. Eko stares fearlessly at the cloud for a few moments, and as the camera passes through the cloud, we hear what sounds like computer chatter. There are dark images flashing inside the cloud, images presumably from Eko's past: the man he shot, his mother, his brother, a church, and a crucifix. Suddenly, the cloud pulls back and disappears. Eko and Charlie find a parachute in a tree, which leads to the corpse of a Nigerian man dressed as a priest that Boone and Locke found in Deus Ex Machina. Eko opens the man's shirt. The dead man wears no cross, but has a gold tooth which Eko touches. When he realizes it's not his brother, he says a prayer, telling Charlie that the man "saved his life."

In the final flashback, we see Eko and his two associates loading drugs on the plane that would crash on the island. Eko and one other are dressed as priests. Eko's brother drives up to the plane and tells him not to leave. He is soon followed by the Nigerian military. Eko's two associates open fire at the military, who fire back and kill one of them. Eko's brother tells them to stop, but he is also shot by the military. Eko carries his brother to the plane and tells the remaining gang member to get in. He does, but then smiles, revealing a gold tooth, and kicks Eko away from the plane door. As Eko watches the plane carrying his wounded brother fly away, the military men approach and, seeing his clothing, mistake him for a priest.

Eko and Charlie find the plane, inside which Eko finds another corpse. Opening the shirt, he finds the cross around the body's neck. Eko tells Charlie that this man is his brother. He gives Charlie a Virgin Mary statue "for the one [he] broke" and burns the plane, reciting Psalm 23 from the Old Testament. Charlie asks Eko if he is, in fact, a priest himself. Eko pauses, then smiles softly and puts the cross around his neck. "Yes," he replies, "I am."

In a pre-closing scene, several survivors are shown progressing with island life. Kate gives Sawyer a haircut, Jin introduces Sun to Ana-Lucia and presents her with a fish, and Hurley helps Libby set up shelter, both glancing flirtatiously at each other. Finally, Charlie apologizes to Claire, but Claire tells him to leave her and Aaron alone. The episode ends with Charlie in the jungle, opening a hiding place to reveal that he has five additional Virgin Mary statues. He places the one that Mr. Eko gave him with the other five.

The Hunting Party

In the opening flashback, Jack and his father discuss the effectiveness of surgery on an Italian man, Angelo, with a spinal tumor. Christian advises against the surgery. However, the man's daughter, Gabriela, tells Christian "we didn't come for you." She and her father had read about the miraculous recovery of Jack's wife, and they hope that Jack can work yet another miracle. Jack agrees to operate, despite his father's disapproval.

On the island, Jack discovers Locke in the hatch's armory unconscious, and bends down to help him. Soon after, Michael enters with gun drawn and pointed at Jack, announcing that he is going into the jungle to retrieve Walt. Jack tries to reason with him, and volunteers to assist Michael in his task. However, Michael refuses to listen, telling Jack that he must go alone. Jack asks Michael if he would really shoot him, to which Michael replies "No, but I'll shoot that computer." Michael adds that the computer is "not what you think it is." Jack backs down, and Michael leaves after locking Jack and Locke in the gun closet.

After being freed by Kate and Sawyer, who show up to get Sawyer's bandages changed, Jack intends to go after Michael. Locke and Sawyer volunteer to accompany him, but Jack refuses Kate's request to come as well, explaining that she must stay and take care of the button.

In flashbacks, Jack continues his work on Angelo. Gabriela comes in while Jack is giving the man a check-up. She thanks Jack for all his time and for going through with the procedure. Afterwards, Jack returns home to his wife, Sarah, who tells him that she has taken a pregnancy test after being late for her period. The test is negative.

Later, when Gabriela is in Jack's office, signing release forms, Jack warns her of the risks of surgery, but she ultimately decides to proceed. Christian abruptly walks in on them as they share a quiet moment. When Gabriela leaves, Christian warns Jack about the dangers of getting too close to his patients.

Gabriela and Jack are interrupted by Christian.

During the search for Michael, Locke reveals that he is aware of Sawyer's real name, James Ford, since Hurley had given him the passenger manifest. Locke asks Sawyer why he chose that name, but Sawyer refuses to answer. At that moment, seven gunshots are heard. Jack, Sawyer, and Locke continue hiking towards the source of the shots. They find three shell casings from Michael's gun.

That night, while Jack and Locke argue about whether to turn back or keep searching, they are met by the bearded boat captain who kidnapped Walt in "Exodus: Part 2." The man calls them by name and apparently knows personal details about them. He tells them Walt is fine and Michael will not find him. The man adds, "This is not your island, this is our island, and the only reason you're living on it is because we let you live on it," and scolds them for "opening doors that they shouldn't be opening." He tells them that if they leave their weapons and go back, "the Others" will leave them in peace. Jack refuses, believing the man is bluffing and that there aren't really that many of "the Others". The man calls out to his unseen companions, and a dozen torches suddenly ignite, surrounding Jack and his fellow castaways. The bearded man then calls for "Alex" to "bring out the girl." A bound-and-gagged Kate is brought forth, and the man puts a gun to her neck. It is revealed that Kate was captured as she secretly trailed Jack, Sawyer, and Locke. Faced with a difficult decision, Jack relents, and lays his weapons down. Locke and Sawyer follow, their guns quickly snatched up by the "the Others." Kate is freed and "the Others" leave, threatening to return if the castaways "cross the line." Sawyer tells the bearded man, whom he calls "Zeke," that the business between them isn't over.

Once again in flashbacks, it is revealed that the surgery was not successful. Angelo has died on the operating table due to heart failure. Jack tells his father that he will break the sad news to Gabriela. Christian replies that he has already told the woman and she has left the hospital. Jack finds Gabriela in the parking lot, crying over her father's death. He tries to console her, and the two end up kissing. Jack pulls away and leaves, telling Gabriela that "[he] can't."

At home, Jack confesses to his wife that he kissed another woman, but promises that he will change. As he holds her, Sarah pulls away and tells Jack that she has met someone else and she is leaving him. Her things are already packed. "You will always need something to fix," she says before she leaves. Jack is left to cry alone in the kitchen.

In the bunker, Hurley and Charlie go through the LP record collection. Hurley comes across an album by the band Geronimo Jackson. Charlie states that "as an expert in all things musical", he has never heard of the band. He places the record on the shelf and goes on to the next. Hurley then asks Charlie what chances he has with Libby, though Charlie is preoccupied thinking about Claire. On the beach, Jin and Sun talk and confess to each other that neither wants to be told what to do.

Upon returning to camp, Jack refuses to hear Kate's apology. Sawyer consoles her, saying he would have done the same thing if Jack had told Sawyer to stay behind. At the end of the episode, Jack speaks to Ana-Lucia on the beach. He questions her about her past as a police officer and asks how long it would take to "train an army."


  • "Alex", who brings Kate to the bearded man, is Danielle's daughter, who was kidnapped by the Others 16 years ago. Though later in the episode "3 Minutes" it was revealed that it was not really Alex who brought Kate out.
  • In flashback, when his wife reveals she is not pregnant, Jack does not have the tattoos he is seen with on the island.
  • It appears that the bearded man is carrying a gold luger.

Fire + Water

In flashback, a print of Verocchio's The Baptism of Christ hangs on the wall, as a pair of slippered feet whisk young Charlie down a flight of stairs on Christmas morning. His brother Liam is already hard at work ripping open his presents. But while Liam opens a Voltron toy, Charlie finds nothing for him. That is until his mother leads him to a brand new piano, calling Charlie "special" and declaring that someday he will "get us out of here." The flashback mutates into a surreal dream, as Charlie sees both Liam and then himself change into their adult selves. His family members admonish him to play, but before he can begin, an image of his father as a butcher appears, announcing, "He ain't savin' no one, he is." After cleaving pieces of meat, his partially unseen father cuts off the head of a doll. Charlie is again told to "save us" by his brother and mother. After striking a few notes, the scene changes to him playing the piano on the island's beach.

Charlie hears the cries of infant Aaron coming from within the piano. He tries to open the top but the piano washes out to sea, with Charlie waking from his nightmare. He runs to Claire's tent and finds it and Aaron's cradle empty, frantically questioning Sun where the two are. He sees them on the beach, playing with Locke.

In flashback, Charlie is in the maternity ward, where Liam's girlfriend Karen has given birth to a daughter, whom she names Megan, after Charlie and Liam's mother. Charlie makes an excuse for his brother not appearing, but later finds him drugged up in his flat.

The band Drive Shaft is struggling, taking on a commercial gig for diapers, which Liam's drug habit causes them to lose. Liam arrives at Charlie's home announcing he'd been kicked out for dropping his daughter. Charlie consoles him with a new song about two brothers. Sometime later, he arrives home to find his piano missing. Liam admits selling it to buy a plane ticket to Australia, where Karen's uncle will get him a job. He intends to enroll in a rehab clinic and tells Charlie he has to go "for his family."

Back on the beach, Sawyer teases Hurley about his attraction to Libby, and comments to Kate on Jack's increasing time spent with Ana-Lucia.

Charlie swimming out to save Aaron in his second dream.

Charlie is playing his guitar by the sea, when he hears the faint cries of an infant. He sees Aaron's cradle being tossed between the waves, and swims out, bringing Aaron back to shore. His mother and Claire appear on the beach, as the angels from the Verocchio painting. They repeatedly tell Charlie he must "save the baby." Charlie is having another vivid dream and was apparently sleepwalking. He holds Aaron in his arms, but has no recollection of taking the baby. A frantic Claire finds them and slaps Charlie's face before storming off.

Hurley and Libby do laundry in the hatch. As she tries on a dress, Hurley asks if he remembers her from somewhere. She tells him that he stepped on her foot at the airport when he was rushing to get on the plane.

Charlie finds Eko marking trees, which he says are the ones he likes. He tells Eko about his dreams, and Eko says that they might mean that Charlie does need to save the baby. Charlie runs to Claire's tent and tells her that he thinks Aaron is in danger. He believes that they must baptise Aaron. As they argue with Kate trying to drag Charlie away, Locke looks on from the beach, as the incidental music plays up menacingly.

Jack helps Ana-Lucia build a tent, as she questions him about the incident with the Others. When he mentions that the hunting party came back after Mr. Friendly held a gun to Kate's head, Ana-Lucia asks, "You hitting that?" to which Jack demurs.

Locke follows Charlie to his stash of Virgin Mary statues. He confiscates the heroin-filled statues, over Charlie's claims he was going to destroy them himself. He later places the statues in the hatch's gun cache after having changed the combination to the door's lock.

That evening, Charlie walks out of the forest moments before a fire erupts. While everyone is distracted by the fire, Charlie steals Aaron from Claire and runs to the ocean. Claire runs after him screaming. After Locke persuades Charlie to give the baby back to Claire, he punches Charlie in the face repeatedly. Charlie is left lying in the surf, as the rest of the castaways turn and walk away.

The next morning, as Jack stitches his face, Charlie admits starting the fire. He adds that, despite wanting to, he never actually used any of the heroin. Claire finds Mr. Eko and asks him to baptise her and Aaron, and Eko does so.


  • In his flashback where Charlie is on the beach, he has the letters F, A, T, E written on white bandages on the fingers of his right hand.
  • In the flashback where Drive Shaft is recording a commercial, there are two polar bear stuffed animal toys in the corners of the cot.

The Long Con

Jack and Locke secure all the weapons, medicine, and Virgin Mary statues in the storeroom. Jack puts the six guns in the U.S. Marshal's suitcase, along with the key, in the gun cache. The two agree that no one else should be privy to the combination, and that each one will not gain access without the other being present.

Meanwhile, Sawyer teases Charlie about being evicted from Claire's sleeping quarters. Sawyer remarks that he and Charlie are now the two most hated people on the island. Sawyer also points out to Kate that Jack is now confiding in Ana-Lucia rather than her.

Ana-Lucia asks Jack if Locke gave him the combination for the guns, and he responds that he did. Ana feels that the survivors "aren't scared enough" and that they all feel they are safe. Ana then asks Jack for the combination, but when Jack hesitates, Ana tells him she was just kidding.

While Kate is reading to Sawyer, he mentions the army that Jack and Ana-Lucia are forming. Kate, however, was never told about the army plan. Meanwhile, in an attempt to assuage Sayid's grief over the death of Shannon, Hurley attempts to connect with Sayid. Hurley tells Sayid that he went to Rose and Bernard's tent, and got their radio from the Arrow Hatch. Hurley also has discovered that Bernard is a dentist, and that Bernard was the one who picked up Boone's transmission from the Nigerian Drug Plane. He asks Sayid if he can boost the power somehow to help them send another signal, but Sayid says that it would not work.

While working in her garden, Sun experiences a heavy rainfall. Suddenly, a burlap bag is put over her head and she is dragged away. Sawyer and Kate hear her screams, and run to her, only to find her unconscious. The two bring her back to camp, and the castaways fear the Others are back.

When Sun is back at camp Jack determines that she will be fine. Jin, however, demands a gun to seek revenge. Despite Jack's wishes to wait for Sun to regain consciousness before an investigation, Sawyer and Kate return to where Sun was attacked for an inspection. They find the burlap bag, and given that it is a different make from the bag used by "Mr. Friendly" on Kate, they deduce that one of the survivors may have attempted the kidnapping. Kate suspects Ana-Lucia, who she thinks wants to instill fear in the survivors so they will form an army against the Others.

Kate expresses her concerns to Jack, and when it seems that Jack is about to give in and give Jin a gun, Kate also asks Sawyer to alert Locke that Jack is coming for the guns. Locke decides to move the guns so Jack and Jin can't get at them. Locke leaves Sawyer to "push the button" while he hides the entire arsenal (presumably in the jungle). When Jack confronts Locke about the missing weaponry, Locke defends his actions by pointing out that Jack was about to break the agreement and that it would be dangerous to arm the group. During this heated discussion, shots ring out and Sawyer enters, wielding a semi-automatic rifle. Sawyer reveals that the incident was an elaborate "long con" to seize the guns and declare himself the "new sheriff in town." Unknown to the rest, the attacker in the garden was Charlie, who agreed to take part in the plot in order to humiliate Locke.

Meanwhile at night, Hurley is reading a manuscript he found by the fire. Sayid brings him Bernard's radio, along with a transmission amplifier to boost the signal. They first pick up the sound of a female French voice speaking, which Sayid assumes is Rousseau's distress transmission, and then they pick up a radio transmission of Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade". Though Hurley initially assumes that they must be close to the transmission source, Sayid explains that, due to collisions with the Ionosphere, shortwave radio signals can potentially travel thousands of miles. Hurley then muses that it may have come from a different time, but after seeing the dismissive look on Sayid's face, he adds: "Just kidding."

In flashbacks, Sawyer attempts to con a divorced woman named Cassidy. While getting dressed, Sawyer "accidentally" opens a briefcase filled with fake cash bundles made from newspaper, which is one of his favorite cons (meant to give off the impression that he is rich, so he can more easily con his victim into giving him money meant for an investment). Cassidy, however, sees through the con immediately. She claims that she did not get a significant settlement in the divorce proceedings, and notices that most of the money is newsprint. Cassidy is also intrigued, and asks Sawyer to teach her how to con someone.

The two scheme a jewelry con by overpricing fake goods, and con two men at a gas station. They perpetrate various cons over the ensuing months. Then, however, Cassidy asks if he can teach her how to pull off a "long con", and reveals that she did indeed receive a settlement of $600,000 in her divorce. Sawyer is later at a diner, having lunch with Gordy, his partner. We discover that Sawyer is actually planning to con Cassidy out of her money, and wants to back out, due to his feelings for her. Gordy tells him that he has to continue the con, and threatens both Sawyer's and Cassidy's life if Sawyer doesn't comply.

In the last flashback, Sawyer returns to the house and tells Cassidy to run because Sawyer's partner Gordy is going to kill them, and points to a car outside. He reveals that the "long con" is Cassidy herself, and that he knew about her money from the beginning. He sends her off with the money, packed in a bag. He goes to the car, which turns out to be empty. He then returns to the house and retrieves the real money, which he has concealed while he tricked Cassidy.


  • One of the books Locke is seen organizing is An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce. The plot of the story concerns a man who survives a hanging and escapes, only to later discover that he did not survive at all, and his escape was actually a hallucination at the time of death. This is similar to the plot in the novel The Third Policeman, which was featured in an earlier episode in the hatch.
  • The manuscript Hurley is seen reading is called Bad Twin by "Gary Troup", and was published as a tie-in novel by ABC in May, 2006. "Gary Troup" is an anagram for "Purgatory," an oft-speculated theory that has been dismissed several times by the show's creators.
  • Kate's mother, Diane, appears in the diner scene where Sawyer is meeting Gordy.

One of Them

In flashback, the 1991 Allied invasion of Iraq is underway. Sayid is seen burning documents with fellow soldiers. Some are resisting, and as Sayid's commander orders them to continue, American troops burst in and attempt to identify the commanding officer. Sayid tries to lie, saying that their commanding officer has abandoned them, but the American soldier doesn't believe him.

Sayid is held captive by the Americans, who have found his CO. Acting as a translator, Sayid attempts to get this officer to reveal the location of a captive American pilot. Sayid's CO tells him to grab the American's gun and kill as many as he can. Later, after a DIA agent shows Sayid a video of a village where his relatives lived being gassed by his commander, Sayid agrees to torture him and learns that the pilot was executed. Though he is thanked by the Americans which are pulling out, Sayid vows never to torture again, despite the agent telling him it would be needed some time in the future.

On the island, Ana-Lucia takes Sayid into the jungle, and he tells her to go back after seeing a woman walking nearby. Sayid follows the woman quietly; it is Rousseau. She tells him she was looking for him and was going to come to his tent that night. She asks Sayid to follow her, but he doesn't trust her, since the last time they met she set up a diversion and stole Claire's baby. She gives him her gun as a symbol of trust.

She takes him to a man she captured, who is in a net hanging from a tree. Rousseau tells Sayid not to let him go, because she thinks he is "one of them". The man identifies himself as Henry Gale from Minnesota, saying he crashed in a hot-air balloon on the island about four months ago. Sayid frees the man, who attempts to flee. Rousseau shoots him in the back with an arrow. When Sayid says she almost killed him, she replies that if she wanted to kill him she would have done so already. She says that he must be tied up and brought to their doctor.

Meanwhile, Sawyer is unable to sleep due to a chirping noise coming from the jungle. He asks Jin to help him but he ignores Sawyer. Sawyer goes into the jungle and finds Hurley eating from a hidden stash of food from the hatch. Hurley says a tree frog is making the noise. Sawyer blackmails Hurley into tracking the tree frog, agreeing not to tell anyone else that Hurley has a secret stash of food. Soon afterwards, Sawyer makes some rude remarks about Hurley's weight, Hurley decides to go back and leave Sawyer alone to search for the frog. He says that although he stole food, people still like him, unlike Sawyer. Sawyer then apologizes and convinces Hurley to carry on.

Sayid brings Henry to the hatch and tells Locke that Henry claimed he and his wife were in a hot air balloon that crashed on the island. Jack interrupts and notices Henry's injury. Sayid says they wanted to learn as much as they can about the man while he is still wounded. Jack intervenes and treats the man by removing the arrow from his shoulder. Sayid asks Locke to change the combination to the armory so he can find out more by torturing Henry. Sayid tells Jack to put him in the armory so no one else will see him. There, Sayid closes the door behind him, locking out Jack (who does not know the new combination) and Locke.

Sayid interrogates Henry, who says he and his wife, Jennifer, were in a hot air balloon crossing the Pacific Ocean when they crashed four or more months ago on the north shore. He said he was rich because he owned a company that mined for non-metallic minerals. Sayid picks up on this and questions his use of the past tense. Henry admits he's taken to thinking of his life in the outside world as something in the past. He continues, saying he met his wife at the University of Minnesota. She got sick three weeks ago, starting with a fever, degrading to delirium and ultimately resulting in her death. He describes his hot air balloon and says he dug his wife's grave near where they crashed. Sayid then moves forward and grabs one of Henry's fingers, holding it with the pliers. He then starts questioning more ferociously, threatening to break Henry's finger.

Meanwhile, Sawyer and Hurley find the frog. Hurley offers to release it two beaches away, but Sawyer suddenly kills the frog by crushing it in his hand.

The symbols displayed on the countdown timer after it reaches zero.

As Sayid continues his interrogation, Henry is unable to recount the specific details of burying his wife. Sayid believes he is lying about his identity, stating he would know every last detail about burying the woman he loved. Henry then realises that Sayid had lost someone close to him on the island. Sayid beats Henry as Jack and Locke listen from outside. Jack takes action by holding Locke, telling him he will only let him go if he opens the door. As the timer goes below a minute, Locke is forced to unlock the armory, then run to the computer and begin typing the code. However, in his haste he mistypes the numbers and loses time correcting them. As the timer passes zero, Egyptian hieroglyphs are displayed accompanied by the sound of a machine "spooling up" like a jet engine turbine. Locke presses two more buttons on the computer, which are presumably the final numbers, and after he hits the 'Execute' button, the clock resets to 108 and the sound dies down. Jack stops an enraged Sayid, who yells "He's lying!" several times, and locks a bloody Henry back in the armory. Jack recalls to Sayid how Rousseau tortured him because she thought Sayid was an "other". Locke agrees with Jack stating, "To Rousseau, we're all 'others.'"

Sayid is then back on the beach talking to Charlie about what happened in the hatch. He thinks Henry is an "Other" because he feels no guilt about torturing him. He states that Jack and Locke will never understand that feeling, because they have forgotten what the Others have done to them. He asks Charlie if he remembers how the Others hanged him from the tree and kidnapped Claire. He says that the Others are merciless. Sayid continues on the others, concluding the episode with the words: "So Charlie, Have you forgotten?"


  • Kate's father, Sam Austen, is seen in Sayid's flashback; he is in charge of the questioning of an Iraqi captive. He is seen holding a picture of Kate when she was younger, but Sayid never sees the picture.
  • The DIA agent who ordered Sayid to perform the interrogation in the flashback is the same man, Kelvin Joe Inman, who lived in the hatch with Desmond as revealed in a flashback in the finale "Live Together, Die Alone".

Maternity Leave

Aaron has become ill with a rash and fever, and Claire sets off in the night to find Jack for help. Locke intercedes and goes instead of her, while she remains behind at camp. While Locke is gone, Rousseau appears and tells Claire that Aaron is "infected." Claire has a sudden flashback where she remembers being injected with a needle while still pregnant. Kate sends Rousseau away, though Claire is now convinced that something is seriously wrong with Aaron.

Jack assures Claire that Aaron is fine and the fever will soon break, but Claire is still unsure. She speaks to Libby, who helps her recall memories from the two weeks when she had been captured by Ethan Rom. Claire remembers what resembles a doctor's office (replete with Muzak and pictures), and Ethan giving her injections. She was confused (apparently drugged) during this entire ordeal, and it is unclear whether she knows she is still on the island (she asks about Charlie) or thinks she is still in Australia (something Ethan either allows or leads her to believe, saying that she should not be travelling this late in her pregnancy).

File:Dharma medicine.jpg
The vaccine used on Claire's baby during her disappearance. Note the code number.

She also remembers Ethan talking to "Mr. Friendly," only without his beard and wild hair. "Mr. Friendly" tells Ethan he is unhappy that Claire was brought to the facility as the list had not been prepared, and that a higher authority (referred to only by the pronoun 'he') will not be pleased. Ethan tells "Mr. Friendly" that the survivors had a passenger manifest and knew that he (Ethan) was not on the plane.

Claire enlists Kate to help her find Rousseau, and to find the vaccine she remembered from her memories, hoping it will help Aaron. Claire asks Sun to take care of Aaron while she is away. Sun tells her that a mother should never leave her child. Claire asks Sun if she is a mother, and Sun pauses before replying "No," agreeing to watch the baby.

Rousseau takes Claire and Kate back into the jungle, to a place where Rousseau said she found Claire the night Claire returned to camp two weeks after her abduction. Claire wants Rousseau to take her to the room with the vaccine, though Rousseau pleads ignorance. Claire notices a stump in the jungle that triggers another memory: of Ethan Rom talking to her about leaving the baby with his group, while she returns to camp. Ethan tells Claire that she does have a choice in the matter. During this conversation, Ethan gives Claire some water from a canteen (from which he is not seen drinking), and she complains of the sour taste. Ethan tells Claire that her baby is one of the good ones.

Investigating further, the three women find a concealed bunker with the DHARMA logo on it. Unlike the swan symbol in the DHARMA logo on the Facility 3 bunker, the symbol on this bunker is a caduceus, indicating it to be a medical facility. Inside, all but one of the lights are out and the bunker appears to be abandoned. Claire finds rooms familiar to her memories, while Kate investigates another part of the bunker. Kate discovers a set of lockers. She opens one and discovers tattered clothes inside, as well as a box containing makeup, theatrical glue and a beard. The clothes in the locker are the same as those worn by "Mr. Friendly" in Exodus: Part 2 and Hunting Party."

Claire locates the refrigerator where she remembered the vaccine being stored: it is now empty. She has a flashback of a young teenaged girl who rescues her from the bunker, telling Claire that the other members of her group plan to take the baby and kill Claire. Rousseau tells Claire that she is "not the only one who didn't find what they were looking for." Claire finds a bootie she knitted last time she was here and puts it in her pack.

Back in the jungle, Claire has one final flashback where she remembers that Rousseau aided her escape, and was not part of the group that kidnapped her. She asks Rousseau about the baby that the Others took from her sixteen years ago. Claire asks if the child was a girl, to which Rousseau replies, "Yes, a girl, Alex, Alexandra." Claire then tells Rousseau that a teenaged girl with blue eyes helped her escape: "She was not like the others. She was good." Rousseau, on the verge of tears, then warns Claire that if Aaron is infected, she knows what she'll have to do, and gives a long look to Kate. Claire and Kate return to camp, where Jack tells her Aaron's fever has subsided. Claire then takes out the bootie that she found in the bunker and gives it to Aaron, who promptly puts it in his mouth.

Meanwhile, Jack and Locke are trying to decide what to do about their new prisoner, Henry Gale. Locke gives Henry a copy of the Fyodor Dostoevsky novel The Brothers Karamazov. Henry remarks, "Dostoevsky. You don't have any Stephen King?" Locke tells Jack that Ernest Hemingway wanted to be the greatest writer in the world, but felt that he could never escape being in the shadow of Dostoevsky.

Mr. Eko visits the bunker during this time and figures out what is going on. He asks Jack to let him visit with the prisoner, alone, and Jack agrees after Eko implies that he will tell the rest of the camp otherwise. Eko tells Henry about the two men he killed when they tried to abduct him from his camp. Henry asks why Eko is telling him, and Eko replies that he had to tell someone. Eko then cuts two knots out of his beard and leaves. It is implied that he is cutting the knots both as a sacrifice to atone for his sins, and as a warning to Henry that he will do what is necessary with faith that he may ask forgiveness later.

Locke brings dinner to Henry, who strikes up a conversation about Hemingway and Dostoyevsky. Henry has heard the earlier talk about the authors through the thin walls. Henry asks Locke who he relates to more, but Locke doesn't have an answer. He then asks Locke why he lets Jack call the shots, but Locke insists that he and Jack make decisions together. Locke locks up Henry and returns to the bunker's kitchen, where he appears to lose his temper by violently sweeping dishes off the counter.


  • The substance that Ethan injects into Claire is taken from a bottle marked with the code "CR 4-81516 23 42". This is the same code that appears on the bottles from which Desmond takes an injection in the episode "Man of Science, Man of Faith." It also contains the infamous numbers that show up throughout the show.
  • The planes on the mobile in the nursery bear the Oceanic logo, the same one which Claire sees in her dream in the first season episode Raised by Another. The song that the mobile plays is "Catch a Falling Star" by Perry Como, the same song that Claire asked the couple who were going to adopt her baby to sing to him as a lullaby.
  • The book that Sawyer is reading is Lancelot by Walker Percy.
  • This marks the first flashback in the episode which takes place on the island.

The Whole Truth

  • Original air date: March 22, 2006
  • Flashback: Sun Kwon
  • Written by: Elizabeth Sarnoff and Christina M. Kim
  • Directed by: Karen Gaviola

In flashback, it is shown that Sun and Jin were experiencing difficulties in their marriage because they were unable to have children. They sought help from a fertility doctor, who told them Sun was incapable of having children. Jin reacted poorly and accused Sun of having known this before their wedding and concealing it from him. It was also shown that Sun was still seeing her old boyfriend, Jae Lee, who was giving her secret English lessons. She tells Jae Lee about her plans to leave Jin, but Jae warns against it: his relationship with a woman that he went to America for did not work out. He wants Sun to stay in Korea for him. Sun and Jae exchange romantic glances, but the scene ends without revealing if anything further happened between the two. Later, the doctor finds Sun and admits to her that it is actually Jin who is sterile, but he had been afraid to say this because he feared what Jin, an enforcer for Sun's father, would do to him and his practice.

On the island, Sun and Jin are experiencing problems because of Jin's over-protectiveness towards Sun after her attempted abduction. Sun suspects she is pregnant and approaches Sawyer for a pregnancy test. She finds out she is pregnant but is afraid of Jin's reaction so delays telling him.

Bernard and Rose are seen walking along the beach arguing about Bernard forgetting Rose's birthday. Later, Bernard attempts to catch oysters on the reef to make a pearl necklace for Rose, until Jin figures out what he is doing and tells him in broken English that there are none. Sawyer then approaches and begins to joke about Jin being a new father (Jin, of course, does not understand what he is saying.) After Jin apologizes for their earlier argument, Sun tells him she is pregnant and also tells him their doctor had said he was sterile. She also swears that he is the only man she has ever slept with. Jin says the baby must be a "miracle." Jin requests Sun help him to learn English so he can talk to other people. As the two embrace, Sun gives off a nervous look.

In other developments, Locke tells Ana Lucia about the captive, Henry, and asks her to interrogate him (without consulting Jack first). Ana Lucia gets Henry to give her a map leading to the supposed location of his balloon but, seeing the rift between Jack and Locke, decides not to tell either of them. She instead convinces Sayid to guide her to the site to see if the balloon exists. Charlie accompanies them, inadvertently revealing to Ana Lucia that he was carrying a gun. Charlie gives the gun to Sayid, rather than Ana Lucia, whom he calls a "murderer". They arrive at the clearing Henry marked, but the balloon is not immediately visible when it begins to rain. Ana Lucia wants to be sure before she and Sayid do anything drastic to Henry, so Sayid splits the area into three parts and they continue searching to satisfy Ana-Lucia.

Back in the hatch, Jack lets Henry out of the armory and gives him cereal from a box covered in DHARMA logos. Henry questions where they got it, and after Locke says that it was from the pantry down here all along, Henry replies with disbelief that they do not question the hatch and its contents more closely. He then states that this must be his reward for good behavior, for finally drawing the map to his balloon. Jack and Locke are speechless, and when Henry realized Ana-Lucia didn't tell them, he comments that it was probably because they have "some serious trust issues". He then muses on what he would do if he were an Other: use his map to lead their friends to a secluded place where they would be ambushed, and could then be traded for Henry. Henry then remarks that it's a good thing he's not an Other, and ends the episode by asking, "You guys got any milk?"


  • The book that Sawyer is reading on the beach — complaining it is predictable — is Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume. In the book, Margaret, a pre-teen, deals with issues such as buying her first bra, having her first period, and liking boys.
  • The pregnancy test that Sun uses is labeled as from "Widmore Labs". In one of Charlie's flashbacks from the episode "Fire + Water", in which he was taping a commercial with Drive Shaft, there is a Widmore Construction sign behind him. These are most likely related to the Widmore family mentioned in the season finale.


Henry Gale tries to convince Locke and Jack that he was just making a bad joke. Jack insists that Henry should draw another map, though Locke argues that it would be pointless - it would be impossible to catch up to Charlie, Sayid, and Ana-Lucia. Jack becomes angry and orders Locke to put Henry back into the armory. After Jack leaves, Henry asks Locke why he lets Jack talk to him like that. Locke roughly grabs Henry by the neck and throws him into the armory. Back in the clearing, Sayid, Charlie and Ana-Lucia have found both the balloon and the grave, apparently confirming Henry's story.

Back on the island, Jack's medical attention is sought by several people. He quickly realizes that if anyone is to receive medical treatment, he needs to get the medicine back from Sawyer. Sawyer, Kate, and Hurley are nearby playing poker. Jack takes the opportunity to win the medicine back playing poker, which he does very easily.

In the hatch, there is suddenly static noise and what sounds like a voice coming from the speakers. Locke goes to look at the computer, notices the prompt is blinking like normal, and that the timer has 47 minutes left. A few seconds later, a voice announces "5...4...3...2...1". At 1, the blast doors quickly begin to shut. Locke reacts quickly, grabs a crowbar, and dives to slide it under the door to stop it from closing completely.

The mysterious diagram on the blast door, revealed by black light.

Locke forms a truce with Henry to get the blast door open. Together, the two are able to lift it open and then slide a toolbox underneath to keep it from closing. Locke hastily tries to slide under the door, but the door crushes the toolbox just enough to pin his legs painfully under the door. Henry, following Locke's instructions, quickly grabs a stack of weights from the exercise area and puts them under the door to stop any further pressure on Locke's legs. Henry tries to pull Locke out from under the door but one of the pins in the door that goes into the floor is stuck in Locke's right leg. Locke tells Henry to get into the computer room through the vents and input the numbers. Henry goes into the pantry to access the vents, but he slips while climbing the shelves, smacking his face on a lower shelf, and lies stunned on the ground.

Henry slowly wakes up as the alarm begins to go off. He climbs into the vent, disappearing from Locke's sight. The alarm begins to beep rapidly, signaling the beginning of the 1-minute countdown. Locke begins to get nervous, but suddenly the alarm stops, there is a whirring noise, and the lights go out. Seconds later, blacklights come on and a drawing is revealed on the blast door under which Locke is trapped. It appears to be a map of the island with a giant "?" in the middle. Suddenly, the normal lights turn back on and the blast doors retract to their normal positions. Locke crawls to the computer room to check the computer and timer, which is back to 108. Henry steps into the computer room telling Locke that he did what Locke asked him to do. After inputting the numbers he climbed back into the vent when the blast doors did not immediately open. Locke thanks Henry for not leaving him.

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The photo ID of Henry Gale.

Jack and Kate come across a flashing light in the jungle. Both race over to see what it is, finding an enormous package of food (with the DHARMA logo) attached to a parachute. Sayid, Charlie, and Ana-Lucia also arrive, and they all go back to the hatch, where they find Henry tending to Locke's leg. Jack grabs Henry away from Locke, but Locke tries to defend Henry, saying that he was helping after the blast doors came down. Sayid holds Henry at gunpoint. He confirms that the balloon and the grave were where Henry said they were. However, Sayid was still skeptical as to the validity of Henry's story, so he dug up the grave, and found a man's body - a body with the real Henry Gale's ID.

In the flashback, Locke and Helen are now living together. Locke is preparing a picnic lunch, and he packs an engagement ring with it. Before they leave, Helen reads the obituaries in the newspaper and sees the name "Anthony Cooper", Locke's father. Helen and Locke postpone their picnic to go to Anthony's funeral. Locke notices two mysterious men nearby, and also notices a silver Mercedes. At the conclusion of the funeral, Locke stands next to the coffin and forgives his father. The silver Mercedes immediately drives off.

Locke and Helen arrive at Locke's father's funeral.

Later, when working at his current job as a home inspector, Locke notices the same silver Mercedes. When he approaches the vehicle, the window rolls down to reveal Anthony, who is still alive. Anthony reveals that he faked his own death to avoid retribution from the two men who were lurking at the graveyard because he conned them out of $700,000. He wants Locke to go to the bank to get the money for him from a safety deposit box, and keep $200,000 as payment. Anthony confesses that it will not pay Locke back for what he went through, and that if he doesn't see Locke again, he would understand. Locke goes to the bank to get the money and races back home. However, the two men - one named Jimmy Bane - are waiting at his house, and start questioning him about Anthony's whereabouts. Jimmy and the other man leave after Locke reveals nothing. Helen asks Locke if Anthony is still alive, but Locke denies it.

Locke later goes to a motel and gives Anthony his money, refusing to take his cut because he only did the job to please him. He tells his father he is going to propose to Helen. However, Helen followed Locke to the motel room and saw everything. After slapping Anthony, she leaves and Locke chases after her. Locke claims he was going to tell her everything eventually, but she is hurt that Locke chose his scheming father's love over hers. Locke gets down on one knee and proposes. After a long silence, Helen shakes her head and drives away, leaving Locke to stare at his father getting into a taxi cab to drive away as well.


  • The woman buying the house that Locke inspects is Sayid's Iraqi girlfriend, Nadia.
  • Two planes fly over Locke when he's at Flight Line Motel. Both planes have the Oceanic logo on their tails.
  • In promotional pictures later released for the episode, "Widmore Labs" can be seen written on the front of Henry Gale's balloon. Also, the logo for "Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack" can be seen under sponsors on the balloon's basket.
  • Henry Gale is also the name of Dorothy's uncle in "The Wizard of Oz", Oz being the fantastic place visited by Dorothy in a dream, first accessed by the "Wizard" himself when his balloon crashed there.


In the flashback, Hurley is in the psychiatrist's office of a mental institution, speaking to his doctor, Dr. Brooks. An "accident" is mentioned, but Hurley does not want to talk about it. Brooks asks about a friend of Hurley's named Dave, whom he feels is having a negative influence on Hurley's progress. After the session, Hurley meets with Dave, who convinces Hurley to ignore Brooks' therapy and dieting instructions because he is not on his side.

Hurley losing to Leonard at a game of Connect Four.

Later on, Hurley and Leonard are playing Connect Four, with Dave watching. The nurse comes by with his medicine. Dave tells Hurley about his plan to escape. He tells Hurley that the clonazepam pills prescribed to him by Dr. Brooks are just meant to keep him under control, so he won't feel like leaving. Dr. Brooks comes by with a camera and asks to take a picture of the two for a bulletin board. They give a pose, and as Dr. Brooks leaves, Hurley pretends to take the medicine, but shows Dave that he hasn't really swallowed it.

In another session with Dr. Brooks, it is revealed that Hurley feels his weight is a major source of his problems, including the "accident." Hurley walked onto an overloaded deck, one built for 8, but that was carrying 23 people, and it collapsed. As a result, two people died and Hurley went into a catatonic state for a while. When he snapped out of it, his mother admitted him. He is racked with guilt, but Dr. Brooks tries to convince Hurley that the accident had nothing to do with his weight - the deck was already overloaded and would have collapsed no matter what. Brooks tells Hurley to stop talking to Dave, reminding him again of his negativity. Hurley retorts that Dave is the only one who really cares about what Hurley feels. Dr. Brooks shows Hurley the picture taken earlier, but Dave is not in it. Dave is a figment of Hurley's imagination, created to distract Hurley from the difficult task of losing the weight he really wants to lose.

At night, Dave sneaks into Hurley's room, asking him to escape. Hurley tells Dave that he is not real, mentioning the photograph Dr. Brooks showed him. Dave says the photo was altered with photoshop or a trip to Kinko's, which is enough to persuade Hurley to escape with Dave. They sneak down the stairs and unlock a window with keys that Hurley stole from Brooks' desk. Dave hops out the window, but Hurley suddenly refuses to follow him. He realizes that he wants to get better mentally and physically, and shuts the window on Dave.

On the island, Hurley and Libby are running down the beach for exercise, but Hurley tires out. He shows Libby his hidden stash of food and she convinces him to get rid of it, which he happily does. As the two share an intimate moment, Jin, Sun, and additional survivors rush by, having found something. Hurley and Libby soon follow to find the crate of food that suddenly appeared in the jungle last episode. The assumption made is that it was dropped overnight. Fighting soon breaks out, so Charlie suggests that Hurley split up the food again. As he panics and refuses, Libby suggests that everyone can be trusted to take only what they need. As everyone begins hoarding the food, Hurley suddenly notices Dave staring at him, who then flees into the jungle. Hurley gives chase but loses Dave, finding nothing but a slipper.

Sayid and Ana-Lucia interrogate "Henry Gale," who is once again tied up and confined to the armory. When asked about the leader of the Others, Henry repeats his denial of being one of the Others at all. His explanation is that he was a part of the rescue team and found Henry Gale dead, hanging from a balloon, and buried him out of common human decency. Sayid proves this false by reading a message that the real Henry Gale wrote to his wife, Jenny, on a twenty-dollar bill that was found in his wallet. He would have never gotten to write this message if he was really found dead. Exposed, "Henry" lets it slip that he knows bearded man, saying that, "He is nothing." "Henry" also lets slip that there is an authority figure leading the group ranking higher than Tom (Mr. Friendly), although Henry only uses the pronoun "he." (Tom (Mr. Friendly) actually referred to a higher power in "Maternity Leave" by the same term, though there is no other evidence to suggest they are the same person). Sayid loses his patience and says he'll count to three, and then shoot "Henry" if he doesn't answer the question. With the gun aimed at Henry's head, Sayid pulls the trigger when he reaches three. However, Ana-Lucia deflects Sayid's arm away at the last second.

Charlie offers to help Mr. Eko build some sort of mystery structure. Hurley is still chasing Dave through the jungle. At a clearing, Hurley finds a box of DHARMA "Fish Crackers" (which bear a resemblance to Goldfish crackers), and begins gorging on them. Dave appears again and throws a coconut at Hurley after he questions if Dave is real. Dave then runs off again. Hurley follows him onto the beach, where Charlie and Eko are working. Neither of the two has seen a man in a bathrobe walk by, so Hurley goes to see Sawyer about getting some of the medicine he was taking in the hospital. Sawyer pokes fun at Hurley's hallucinations, which causes Hurley to snap and attack Sawyer. Jin pulls Hurley off him. Kate and Libby begin to get understandably curious about what provoked Hurley into his violent actions.

Jack and Kate are treating Locke's wound. Jack determines that there is a hairline fracture and that Locke should stay off of it for a few weeks. Locke reluctantly agrees to use some crutches. Elsewhere, Hurley is upset about the trouble he has caused everyone, and announces his intentions to move to the now empty caves. On the way there, Hurley's backpack rips, dropping a container of peanut butter. The container breaks, spilling its contents all over the ground. As Hurley eats some of the peanut butter spilled, Dave again appears in front of him.

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Libby as a brunette patient in Santa Rosa's Mental Facility.

Hurley still believes that Dave is fake, but Dave says "things are going to get worse before they get better." He tells Hurley that everything that has happened since the night of the escape attempt has been a fantasy. After the night Dave escaped, Hurley had gone back into a catatonic state, and he has imagined everything; winning the lottery, the island, the hatch, the people, even being let out of the hospital. Hurley doesn't believe it at first, mentioning that he won the lottery. Dave points out that Hurley has seen Leonard's numbers on the island, specifically on the hatch and as the code for the button. Dave also mentions the fact that Hurley hasn't dropped any weight in two months on a deserted island. He also says that even Libby is made up, because it wouldn't make sense for such an attractive, skinny, blonde girl to be attracted to Hurley. Hurley starts believing Dave. As Dave leads Hurley to a cliff, Dave explains that the Dave who jumped out the window was real, but the Dave with Hurley now is just made up by the part of Hurley's subconscious that wants to wake up. Dave says the way out of this catatonic state is to tell his mind it's not real by jumping off the cliff. He then demonstrates by jumping off himself, falling far down into the ocean.

In the hatch, Locke asks "Henry" for his real name, but he says to keep calling him "Henry" because everyone is used to it. Locke is puzzled as to whether Henry intended to be caught or not, saying that the Others should know the island well enough to avoid one of Danielle's traps. Locke asks if the Others wanted to know the location of the hatch, and that is why he let himself be captured. Henry says that the hatch is a joke. During the lockdown, he never entered the numbers into the computer and never pushed the button. He let the timer run down to 0, and saw red hieroglyphs appear along with a loud "clunking" noise, which he compared to a big magnet. A short time later, the number 108 reappeared and the noise stopped. Nothing happened at all.

Back at the cliff, Hurley is contemplating whether or not to believe Dave and jump. Libby finds Hurley. Hurley tells her that none of this is real, that even she is made up, as the part of his mind that doesn't want to wake up. Libby asks him about the man who broke his leg on the other side of the island, and points out that Hurley doesn't know because it happened to her, not him. She kisses him as further proof that everything around him is real.

In another flashback in the mental hospital, during the moment that Dr. Brooks took the picture of Hurley and Dave, there is another patient staring at Hurley from across the room. The patient is Libby, but with brown hair.


In the flashback, Bernard and Rose meet for the first time when he helps her get her car unstuck from the snow. As he is about to leave, Rose stops him and asks if he would like to have coffee with her. Five months later, while the two are at Niagara Falls, Bernard proposes to Rose. Rose tells him that she is terminally ill and only has "a year to live, maybe a little longer" - but Bernard wants to marry her anyway. Bernard brings Rose to Australia for their honeymoon, but reveals that he was taking her to a faith healer named Isaac of Uluru. Rose reluctantly agrees to meet with Isaac.

Isaac says that there are points of energy in the world, and his home is on top of one. He channels that power and heals people with it. However, Isaac tells Rose that he cannot cure her because the energy spot in Australia is not reacting to her, but she might react to one of the other spots out in the world. Rose decides to tell Bernard that she has been cured so he won't spend the remainder of their time together making other attempts to save her life. At the airport, Rose drops one of her pill bottles, but a wheelchair-bound Locke picks it up for her.

On the island, Bernard is frustrated with the growing complacency of the islanders. He attempts to marshal a group of people, some of whom he does not know the names of, in order to build a sign (a large SOS message made of dark colored rock) so airplanes and photography satellites know there are people on the island. His recruiting prospects also include Charlie and Eko. Both are already at work on a structure Charlie reveals will be a church, and as such will not be able to assist Bernard.

Meanwhile, in the hatch, Locke is attempting to redraw the map he saw during the lockdown from memory. He ignores the blaring timer on the counter, but enters the code and presses the button when Jack asks. Jack then tells "Henry Gale" that he is going to go find the Others and propose a trade for Walt. "Henry" says the Others will "never give you Walt."

Bernard, with his task force assembled, tries to corral them into following his commands for building the sign. Rose undermines his efforts when she claims that building such a sign will only endow the survivors with false hope. Bernard, crushed, attempts to get the project underway regardless. He does so belligerently, and gradually his supporters drift away.

In the hatch, Locke goes over to the gun closet to talk to "Henry Gale", who has stopped speaking, eating and drinking. Locke bangs on the door and asks if Henry really did not push the button during the lockdown. "Henry" does not answer, and is shown inside, sitting quietly and smiling smugly to himself.

On the island, Rose hints to Locke that both of them have benefited from the island's healing power. Rose goes to Bernard and admits she had lied to him about being healed in Australia, but she says she has now been healed on the island. She fears that if she leaves the island, her illness will return and she will die. Bernard tells her that he will stay on the island with her and abandons his project. Meanwhile, after Rose reminds Locke that the island still means something, he returns to the hatch and begins to redraw the blast door map. This time he smiles, and he seems satisfied with his drawing.

Jack plans to contact the Others and exchange "Henry" for Walt. Jack and Kate head out to the location of their previous confrontation. En route, they are briefly captured in one of Rousseau's traps but free themselves. Kate reveals the existence of the medical hatch to Jack and tells him she had withheld the information from him because he hadn't told her about "Henry." When they arrive at the site, Jack calls out for the Others but gets no apparent response. They camp at the site and as they are talking, they see somebody running at them from the woods, apparently scared or panicked, who stumbles and collapses in front of them. It is Michael.


  • When Locke draws his map, he does it on a French poem of Alfred de Musset, written in 1839, called "Sur les débuts de mesdemoiselles Rachel et Pauline Garcia". This text is about, in part, two children. [2]

Lost: Reckoning

The official description for this episode, as found on ABC Medianet website is: The survivors of Oceanic flight 815 have been locked in a test of faith ever since they crashed on the island. Discover how this faith has been tested for both the fuselage survivors and tailies, on "Lost: Reckoning."

Two for the Road

In flashbacks, Ana-Lucia is shown in the morgue, viewing the body of the man she has killed. Her mother, also present, begins asking questions, and her daughter provides an alibi without detail. Her mother then offers her help, which Ana-Lucia declines; when she insists her daughter get help from somewhere, to respect her job, the younger officer quits.

Later, Ana-Lucia is shown working as an airport security officer. In the bar, she meets Christian Shephard, Jack's father. The two commiserate, and the older man offers her work as his bodyguard in Sydney. The two decide to adopt false names for their relationship. Ana-Lucia calls Christian "Tom" while Christian calls her "Sara". In Sydney, they spend four days drinking, until Christian works up the nerve to visit a blonde woman in the suburbs in the middle of the night. A shouting match ensues; Christian tells the woman that he paid the mortgage on her house and has a right to see his daughter. Ana-Lucia drags Christian away and they leave. Later, the two discuss what they are each running away from; Ana-Lucia tries to encourage Christian to return to the States, but he refuses and heads for a bar instead, bumping into Sawyer in the process.

Ana-Lucia goes to the airport, waiting in line near Jin, prior to boarding Oceanic flight 815. Jack is at the ticket counter, earnestly telling a woman about his need to get his father's body home as quickly as possible. Ana-Lucia overhears and calls her mother to confess the reason she went to Australia was to escape her, since she knew what she'd done; her mother asks her to come home.

On the island, Ana-Lucia is shown providing food to Henry Gale. She asks him a question about being a killer; when he whispers something, she leans in close, only to be attacked. Strangling her, he snarls, "You killed two of us. Good people who were leaving you alone. You're the killer, Ana-Lucia." Locke appears suddenly and knocks him unconscious with a crutch.

Jack and Kate bring Michael back to the hatch. Meanwhile, Hurley is asking Sayid about the radio; he hopes to impress Libby by imitating the hero of the movie Say Anything. Sayid advises a picnic instead, and tells him about the beach where he took Shannon. Hurley and Libby set out for the picnic, but Hurley gets lost, and they wind up back where they started. Libby suggests they have a picnic right there, but Hurley forgot to bring blankets or anything to drink. Libby says she will get some blankets while Hurley goes to get some wine from Rose and Bernard; Hurley jokes that if he gets drunk, maybe he will remember where he knew her from, and Libby reacts uneasily. After Libby leaves, Jin gives Hurley the "thumbs up".

Ana-Lucia approaches Sawyer to get a gun. He laughs at her, and she attacks him. After a struggle, he overpowers her, and she responds by seducing him. Afterwards, she informs him that if he tells anyone, she will kill him.

In the hatch, Locke asks a now tied-up Henry why he attacked Ana-Lucia, but not him, when he was trapped under the blast door. Henry claims that his mission was to come for Locke, as he is one of the "good ones," but he was trapped in the net en route. Now that he has failed, either one of the survivors will kill him or his own people will, because their leader, while a great and brilliant man, is not forgiving.

Michael tells the assembled onlookers that he had found the Others. He says he followed the beaches north until he found one of them and secretly followed him back to the Others' camp. There are 22 of them, living squalid lives in canvas tents, many of them older or female and they do not have as many weapons as assumed. They have a hatch of their own (where Michael believes the kidnapped children are being held), with two armed guards. He tells them that he will lead them back there. Jack and Locke discuss this, then decide it is time to get the guns from Sawyer. Kate accompanies them, leaving Michael and Ana-Lucia in the hatch. Sawyer claims to be busy reading a manuscript (Bad Twin), so Jack throws it into a fire, then points a gun at Sawyer, demanding to be taken to the guns. Sawyer reaches for his gun, but realises that Ana-Lucia stole the gun after they had had sex. Locke suddenly realizes why she took Sawyer's gun, and says to Jack he has something to tell him.

Michael, seconds after shooting Ana-Lucia

Back in the hatch, Ana-Lucia gives Henry a knife and instructs him to free himself. He does, and she points a gun at him. Henry says that Goodwin described Ana-Lucia to the Others as simply misunderstood, and even vouched for her. He questions Ana-Lucia on how she knows if Goodwin was intending to kill her.

Outside of the armory, Michael talks with her and she tells him about Henry, about how he tried to kill her, and how she could not bring herself to kill him. Michael offers to do the job for her, and she gives him the gun and the combination to the armory, where Henry is still held captive. Michael looks at the gun somberly, says, "I'm sorry," then shoots Ana-Lucia in the chest. Libby walks in, carrying the blankets she had gotten for the picnic. Michael, startled, shoots Libby through the blankets, and she collapses. Michael then opens the door to Henry's cell and the two exchange glances. After a short pause, Michael points the gun at his own left shoulder and fires.


  • The man Christian hits when he opens the car door at the docks is Sawyer, presumably on his way to the scene in "Outlaws" in season one where Sawyer buys a gun from a man at the docks. When hit with the car door, Sawyer exclaims, "Hey! I'm walkin' here!", perhaps a reference to Dustin Hoffman's famous line in the 1969 film Midnight Cowboy.
  • During one of the commercial breaks of the US airing of this episode, a 30-second ad for The Hanso Foundation was aired featuring a toll-free phone number which officially opened 'The Lost Experience' game. Similar commercials aired in the UK the day before, and would air in Australia the next day, during commercial breaks in Lost.
  • In the first flashback there's a parking lot in the precinct where Ana Lucia works. Each one of the numbers (4,8,15,16,23,42) can be seen on the top of the police cruisers
  • A Patsy Cline song is being played as Ana Lucia and Jack's father pull up to the bar. The same song is played by Kate in the hatch when nursing Sawyer. Patsy Cline died in a plane crash.
  • Hurley references to the iconic scene of John Cusack holding a boombox over his head in the movie Say Anything.


As the episode opens, Mr. Eko is on the beach chopping wood with his axe, continuing to build the church. Ana-Lucia asks him what he is building. Eko explains that the idea of building a church came from a dream, to which Ana-Lucia responds, "A dream like this one?" Eko then notices that Ana-Lucia is bleeding from her stomach and mouth. She tells Eko, "You need to help John." Eko then finds himself in the Swan, with his dead brother Yemi sitting at the computer. Yemi tells him that Locke has lost his way and that Eko needs Locke to take him to "the question mark." The room starts to violently shake. Yemi tells Eko there will be many distractions, but that he must focus on finding the question mark. The timer turns to the red and black tiles; however, instead of hieroglyphics, there are only question marks (the computer keys are also marked with them). Yemi then tells him to bring the axe. Eko wakes up hyperventilating, and Charlie turns over and asks, "What's the matter?"

Locke, Sawyer, Kate and Jack are heading toward the hatch. Michael stumbles out of it, claiming he had been shot by a person unknown to him, and that (Henry Gale) has escaped. Eko appears and offers his help. As Eko and Jack help Michael inside, Sawyer and Kate discover that Ana-Lucia and Libby have been injured due to gunshot wounds. Kate checks Ana-Lucia for a pulse and tells Jack she is dead. As Sawyer is tending to Libby, she coughs up a mouthful of blood, and Jack rushes to treat her. She quickly enters into a state of shock. Michael fears Libby will reveal his role in the shootings. Jack insists on finding Henry. He had escaped only half an hour earlier according to Michael, but Sawyer insists that Jack remain and treat Libby's condition.

In the first flashback, Eko is acting as a priest hearing confessions. He speaks to a man who claims to have committed adultery, but whom has really forged a passport for Eko to enter the United States. Another priest comes to inform Eko that a miracle has happened: a woman is claiming that her daughter drowned in a river and returned to life the following day. She wants to tell the world the news. Eko tells his superior he doesn't want to be concerned with this matter as he does not believe the woman, to which the priest responds, "Why do you think I chose you?"

Eko offers to track down Henry Gale with Locke's assistance. However, Eko leads Locke onto a random path, making no effort to pick up and follow Henry Gale's trail. Locke is disgruntled and prepares to head back when Eko asks Locke to take him to the question mark. When Locke refuses, Eko headbutts Locke, knocking him unconscious. When Locke later regains consciousness, Eko attempts to justify the act, claiming that Locke was being difficult. After further interrogation, Locke shows Eko the diagram he drew of the question mark. Eko then tells Locke that they will go to the question mark, stating that in a dream, Ana-Lucia told him to find it. Locke responds with a look of skepticism, to which Eko replies, "Have you never followed a dream?" Later, as the two attempt to decipher the map Locke drew from memory, Eko steps on a statue of the Virgin Mary. The duo have stumbled upon the Beechcraft that had been transporting the heroin smugglers and Yemi's corpse, which Eko burned in a previous episode.

In the hatch, Michael asks Jack if Libby has said anything yet. Jack replies that she is still unconscious, but suffering. He then gives Sawyer a stern look while telling Michael and Kate he does not have what he needs to ease her pain. Sawyer complains he already gave Jack all of the medications he took, but Jack sighs, "the heroin, Sawyer." A dejected Sawyer agrees to fetch one of the Virgin Mary statues and says he'll return in 20 minutes, but Jack immediately orders Kate to accompany him. Sawyer angrily replies he does not need any help carrying the heroin back, but Jack is adamant Kate go with him. Kate begins to argue that Sawyer can do the job alone. Sawyer interrupts her to explain that Jack intends to force him into a dilemma: reveal the location of his hidden stash (allegedly including the guns), or be responsible for Libby's further suffering. Jack concedes that Sawyer is correct. Sawyer leads Kate back to his shelter on the beach where, to Kate's surprise, he reveals he had buried the weapons and supplies in the sands beneath. As they exit the shelter, Hurley approaches and asks if they have seen Libby. Kate sadly tells him what happened to her.

In another flashback, Eko is seen interviewing a medical examiner about his account of the "miracle." The examiner informs a skeptical Eko that the girl "resurrected" during the autopsy, and provides an audio tape as supporting evidence. When Eko goes to visit the woman who reported this miracle, he finds the daughter on the porch. The mother comes out and informs him that it is not an appropriate time for him to visit. Her husband Richard comes out and orders her to go back inside, and tells Eko that the whole incident was a misunderstanding. He claims that his wife was attempting to spite him because of his fraudulent psychic services, where he gives "miracles" to people who are so desperate to believe in them. Eko then tells him that he will report that the incident was not a miracle. As he leaves, he sees the daughter staring at him from the window.

Locke dreams that he sees a man (Yemi) appear before Eko and direct him to climb the cliff. Upon reaching the top, Yemi, sitting in a wheelchair, says "John, wake up" and in terror, Eko loses his grip and falls. Locke wakes up from this disturbing nightmare and Eko tells him that the priest he saw was his brother Yemi. Locke relates that Yemi wanted Locke to follow him up the face of the cliff. Eko proceeds to climb the cliff and successfully makes it to the top. Locke asks him if he has found anything. After finding a rugged and lush landscape, he replies that he did not find anything. When Eko looks down toward Locke, he discovers a giant question mark in the soil near the tail of the plane. Upon further investigation, he finds that the soil was salted, which prevented growth. He believed the question mark was actually a circle used to target this place from overhead. Eko then picks the ground near the tail with his axe, and discovers a hatch buried underneath the plane. They move the plane to open and enter the hatch below, which has electrical power. They enter a room with two chairs, a cigarette and some debris on a desk, and television screens labeled 1 though 9. Locke turns on the screens but only screen 7 shows a live surveillance feed, from the Swan station. Jack is shown walking past the camera. Locke finds another computer terminal with a command prompt: >: PRINT LOG? Y/N. Locke inputs Y, and an Apple dot-matrix printer is activated. The report appears to be confirmation of some action occurring every 108 minutes.

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The report from Station 5, a.k.a. The Pearl

In another flashback, we see Eko at the airport preparing to board the doomed Oceanic Flight 815. He sees the psychic's daughter, who approaches him and tells him that when she was "between places" she saw his brother, Yemi. Yemi asked her to tell Eko that he has faith in him. Eko is upset by this and raises his voice to the girl, which prompts Libby to approach them and ask if everything is okay.

Eko discovers a video tape of another Orientation film which is number 5 of 6 (the Orientation film found in the Swan hatch was number 3). Dr. Marvin Candle (introducing himself this time as Dr. Mark Wickman, who now appears to have both arms intact, but still has a glass eye) instructs his audience on the role of station five (nicknamed The Pearl). Their task is to monitor, from a psychological perspective, the daily actions of the participants in the other stations and write their observations in notebooks provided. They are then to put full notebooks in pneumatic tube containers and then put the containers in the pneumatic tube and the complete notebooks will transported directly to them (Dr. Marvin Candle). He also stated that the inhabitants of the other stations only understand that their job is of the utmost importance. Like the Swan's Orientation film, there is static at certain points and missing footage, especially during the part where he mentions something about a ferry to take the team members back to a barracks. The film ends with a copyright notice that is dated 1980. Eko asks Locke if he would like to watch the film again, and Locke declines, stating that he has "seen enough". Eko gathers the reports, stating they may be important, and that the work Locke has done is now more important than ever. Yet Locke scoffs and calls it a joke, resenting that he has been subject to a psychological experiment, after all the faith he had in pushing the button. He becomes furious when Eko continues to claim that they were "meant to push the button". However, Eko's faith has been resolved and he states that he will continue to push the button whether Locke chooses to or not.

At the Swan, Hurley requests to speak to Libby, and he tearfully apologizes to her for forgetting the blankets. In her dying breath, she says "Michael!", with a look of terror in her eyes. Jack, mistaking her horror for fear for Michael's safety, assures her that Michael is fine. Sawyer is shown comforting a sobbing Kate. The episode ends with Michael in the vault, looking gravely toward the doorway. The warning alarm sounds as the camera zooms to the computer screen.


  • The father of the "resurrected" girl, Richard, was the clairvoyant who arranged Claire's trip to Los Angeles after predicting that the unborn baby (Aaron) was in danger
  • A Hanso Foundation commercial aired during one of the episode's commercial breaks, displaying the URL[3] and phone number

Three Minutes

The episode begins with a flashback, thirteen days before the present. The beginning is similar to that of Episode 11: "The Hunting Party" where Michael locks Jack and Locke in the armory and left the Swan. Michael asks for a gun to do some "target practice". After dropping some boxes of bullets, he knocks out Locke as he reaches to pick up the bullets. Michael then rushes to the computer and the dialogue between Walt and Michael on the computer is revealed. Walt says he is okay, and he is able to describe where he is. "When they take me out, there's huge rocks with a big HOLE in the middle by the beach," says Walt. "you'll know when you see." Jack enters and Michael locks them both in the armory.

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Michael's conversation with Walt

Meanwhile, back at the present, Michael is in the jungle burning a mysterious pink slip. Jack comes out of the Swan, asking him what he is doing; Michael says he is just getting some air. The survivors discuss what to do with the Others. Jack thinks that they should form an army of a dozen or so people to fight them, but he is opposed by Michael, who says that they should only send a party of five. Michael insists that since this is about rescuing Walt, the combat decisions should only be made by him. Jack stands down.

In another flashback, we see Michael running through the jungle. He soon comes across one of the Others, who is urinating. Michael puts his gun on him and tells him to get his hands up, and the Other recognizes him as "Walt's old man." Michael is then ambushed by Mr. Friendly and more Others, resulting in a struggle. Michael breaks free and begins to run. Mr. Friendly stops an Other from shooting Michael saying that they still need him, and uses a bolo to capture him instead. A bag is stuffed over Michael's head.

While the bodies of Ana-Lucia and Libby are being prepared for burial, Michael and Mr. Eko clean up the blood in the Swan. Michael (who really murdered Libby and Ana-Lucia) asks Eko, since he is a priest, if he believes in Hell. Eko tells him the story of a boy who came to him during confession, asking if he would go to Hell for killing his dog with a shovel because the dog was attacking his sister. Eko had told the boy that God would understand and that He would forgive the boy if he was sorry. However, Eko thinks the boy was more worried about meeting the dog in Hell than God's forgiveness. Michael goes outside and vomits, where he is met by Jack. Jack assures Michael that they will get Walt back.

Meanwhile, on the beach, Charlie gives Claire and Aaron a DHARMA medical kit, which has vials of the supposed vaccine and a pneumatic injector. Charlie tells Claire he injected himself with a dose to make sure it worked, and that there was enough vaccine in the kit to last Claire and Aaron a long time. Claire then sees Jack and Michael emerging from the jungle. So do Sun and Jin. However, the jovial mood abruptly changes when they notice the graves of the fallen.

In the next flashback, we see Michael unbagged at a campfire by Mr. Friendly. Accompanying Mr. Friendly is Alex Rousseau from "Maternity Leave" and the man Michael ran into earlier. The Others then bring a bound Kate with a bag on her head to the campsite, and they tell Michael not to make a sound and then gag him. This scene overlaps with the climax from "The Hunting Party", where we see Jack and Locke arguing about where Michael may have gone, the survivor's talk about boundaries with Mr. Friendly, and where Alex is supposed to bring out Kate. She pleads with the other man guarding Michael and Kate to take Kate instead. After the man leaves with Kate, Alex asks Michael about Claire's baby, and whether it was a boy or a girl. After Mr. Friendly gives Kate back to the castaways, Alex apologizes to Michael and knocks him out with her rifle.

At the beach during the present, Jack and Sawyer gather up weapons and supplies for their offensive. They leave the tent and meet Sayid, who wants to know what happened in the Hatch. Jack and Sawyer inform him about the murders, and Henry Gale's escape. Sayid insists he should join them, but Jack tells him he won't be coming, since Michael specifically wanted a five-member party. Sayid refuses to accept this, and is then given a handgun by Sawyer. "Welcome aboard," Sawyer says.

In the Swan, Mr. Eko has taken the responsibility of entering the code. Charlie discovers him at the computer. Eko informs Charlie that he will be moving into the Swan to input the code, and that he will stop building the church. Charlie is upset by this news and storms off.

On the surface, Sawyer informs Michael that Sayid has been recruited. Michael becomes very angry upon hearing this news. Sawyer responds, "Oh I'm sorry! Just figured if we're going to war, we would want the one guy who's actually been in a war, got a problem?" Michael agrees, but after Sawyer walks off, he gives off the evil look that he is conspiring to do something awful.

In the next flashback, Michael and the Others arrive at the camp. It seems Michael told the truth about what the camp looked like. Indeed, the Others live in makeshift tents and seem to have a lack of supplies. The Others also have two armed guards in front of what seems to be yet another DHARMA station, with a different symbol. The camp is located under an unusual rock formation -- a slab of rock standing vertical with a square hole in the middle.

Michael is tied up and is forced to give a sample of blood in a syringe. He demands to know where Walt is. A woman then approaches who identifies herself as "Ms. Klugh" (pronounced "Clue"). She starts asking questions about Walt's childhood. Michael explains that he was halfway around the world when Walt was growing up, and that he does not know the answers to Ms. Klugh's questions. Ms. Klugh responds by saying, "for someone so desperate to get his son back, you don't know much about him."

In the present, Michael approaches Sayid on the beach, telling Sayid he is not coming. He dodges any argument by stating that since it is Walt being held hostage, Michael alone should decide who stays and who goes, and he has decided Sayid should stay. Sayid seems to give in to Michael's demands and shakes his hand.

Meanwhile, Charlie struggles to build the church all by himself. Out of nowhere, Vincent the labrador retriever appears, and gives Charlie a heroin-filled Virgin Mary statue. Charlie follows Vincent to Sawyer's stash of statues. Not succumbing to temptation, Charlie gathers up all the statues and throws them in the ocean, not knowing Locke is sitting on the beach nearby until Charlie turns around to leave.

In the Swan, Jack finds Mr. Eko and demands to know what they did the previous night when they were supposed to be looking for Henry Gale. Eko tells Jack that they could not find Henry Gale; he does not tell Jack about the discovery of the Pearl and the DHARMA surveillance system. Jack and Sawyer then load up more supplies, engaging in small talk. Sawyer confesses to Jack about his sexual encounter with Ana-Lucia before she was killed. Jack is dumbfounded, and asks, "Why are you telling me this, Sawyer?" Sawyer responds, "Because you are about the closest thing I have to a friend, Doc -- because she's gone."

Back on the beach, Kate and Hurley dig the graves. Michael approaches, asking Hurley to join him in fighting the Others. When Hurley refuses, Michael attempts to goad him by saying the Others killed Libby. Kate and Hurley are aggravated by this. Hurley restrains himself, apologizes for Walt's ordeal, and states he will not be going.

We go to a flashback, taking place just three days prior. It is nightfall, and Michael has been tied up in a tent for what he says is a week. Ms. Klugh returns, bringing Michael food. Michael wants to know if he will be killed, and demands to see Walt. Ms. Klugh informs him that Walt is outside, and soon they are reunited for only three minutes. Walt informs Michael that the Others made him take tests, and that the Others are "not who (he) thinks they are"; that they are "pretending". Ms. Klugh threatens Walt with another visit to "The Room" and Walt backs off, but then throws himself towards his father and pleads for his help. Michael promises Walt that he will free his son, and it is at this point that the Others take Walt away, breaking Michael's spirit. Ms. Klugh gives Michael a list of the names of four survivors that Michael must bring back to the camp:

  • Jack Shephard
  • Kate Austen
  • Hugo Reyes
  • James Ford

Ms. Klugh also tells Michael to free one of their own, captured by the survivors -- Henry Gale. If he does, Ms. Klugh says, he and Walt will be set free. If not, Michael will never see Walt again. Michael agrees, and also demands a boat, presumably to escape the island afterwards.

In present time on the beach, the survivors gather for the double-funeral of Ana-Lucia and Libby. As they walk towards the graves, Sayid unobtrusively informs Jack of his belief that Michael has been "compromised." He proposes to Jack that they lead Michael to believe that he is still in control of the situation, so they can gain an advantage when they attack the Others (which will take place the next morning).

The episode ends with the funeral, with Jack and Hurley giving the halting eulogies. After speaking, Hurley changes his earlier position and tells Michael he will join them in their attack. Sun and then everyone else spot something in the ocean: it's a sailboat.


  • A Hanso Foundation commercial aired during one of the episode's last commercial breaks, this time showing a new url of http://www.letyourcompassguideyou.com. A small message in the bottom corner states that the commercial was sponsored by Jeep.

Live Together, Die Alone

The episode begins with the group of funeral-goers being distracted by the appearance of a sailboat moving towards the shore. Jack, Sawyer and Sayid make a mad dash to swim towards it, and then clamber aboard, with guns drawn. Their closer inspection of a closed hatch is met with gunfire, apparently from within the boat itself. Bullets are punching through the wooden structure ending with the clicking of an empty magazine, and a muttered oath from someone inside. They then open the hatch to reveal a drunk and otherwise surly Desmond, obviously upset about seeing Jack again. And upon seeing Jack, Desmond says "You!", the same thing Jack said upon seeing Desmond in the hatch for the first time in the episode Man of Science, Man of Faith.

Later, on the island, it is revealed that Desmond attempted to flee the island on his boat (steering a constant course due West for two weeks) but ended up right back where he started. He describes it as being trapped in a "bloody snowglobe".

The four-toed statue.

Sayid comes up with a plan to use Desmond's sailboat for a flanking maneuver on the Others. Sayid, joined by Jin and Sun (since Sayid does not know how to sail) intend to use the boat to reach the Others' camp on the north side of the island, before Michael's party gets there. Sayid will then scout the area and set a signal fire when the coast is clear. Along their journey, they see what appears to be the mysterious remains of a gigantic statue, a giant left foot with, disturbingly, only four toes. Desmond describes Michael's trip to the north side of the island as "off to see the hostiles (are you)".

Meanwhile, a series of flashbacks involving Desmond's past ensues: his release from a military prison complete with dishonorable discharge; a meeting with Charles Widmore, who is the father of Desmond's estranged girlfriend Penelope; Mr. Widmore attempting to bribe Desmond to stay away from Penelope; Desmond ending up in the United States, where he meets a normal Libby in a conservative hairstyle. Desmond laments that he needs a boat, and Libby tells him that her husband David had died a month earlier, leaving her his own boat, which he had named after her, Elizabeth. She offers Desmond her deceased husband's boat so that he can enter a race around the world sponsored by Charles Widmore himself. During another flashback, Desmond stops at a stadium and is met by Penelope (Jack can be seen in the background). When Penelope asks Desmond what he is running from, Desmond says that "he needs to get his honor back", and that is what he is "running to".

In the jungle, Michael's group encounters what looks like a large green bird. The bird swoops down on them, and according to Hurley (and the closed-caption subtitles), squawks his name. Michael tries to shoot it, but finds that his gun is unloaded. Jack lies, saying they must have forgotten to load it, but Michael becomes suspicious.

Midway to the meeting with the Others, Kate spots two people following them. She and Sawyer open fire; Sawyer manages to kill one of them as the other frantically runs off. Jack then reveals that the Others already know that they are coming and that Michael is the reason they know this. He confronts Michael with this revelation before the other survivors, and Michael confesses that he did indeed kill Ana Lucia and Libby (accidentally) as part of his deal with the Others. He says that they promised to return Walt to him in exchange for Jack, Sawyer, Hugo and Kate. The group then turns their anger to Jack when he admits he had chosen to keep knowledge of the ambush to himself in order to evade suspicion from the Others, remarking "We wouldn't be out here if I didn't have a plan." An emotional Hurley attempts to turn back after he questions Michael about Libby's death, but is stopped by Jack.

In another flashback, Desmond's early time on the island is revealed. While sailing through a storm, he gets knocked unconscious. Later, a man in a yellow bio-hazard suit finds him and brings him to The Swan. The man asks Desmond if "he is him" and then asks the snowman riddle. Realizing Desmond is not his replacement, the man introduces himself as Kelvin Inman. At this point, the computer begins beeping. Kelvin types in the numbers and the timer resets. Desmond asks "what was that all about" and Kelvin replies "just saving the world".

Desmond spends time in the Hatch watching the film and is told by Kelvin that Radzinsky (his former partner) made some edits at various points. Kelvin also teaches Desmond how to fake a lockdown, during which Kelvin paints the map seen by Locke in "Lockdown". He then tells Desmond that his partner killed himself one night. When Desmond asks if he can go outside, Kelvin replies "no".

Sayid, Sun, and Jin reach the Others' camp before Michael's party. Sayid climbs to the camp, and finds the huts abandoned. Sayid finds the door to the Others' DHARMA station, but finds that it is only a mock door leading to a small cave, about the size of a walk-in closet.

Elsewhere, Locke is fighting with what he thought was the faith that would pull them all through this. After seeing the Pearl station for himself, he cannot believe that the island was ever what he had perceived it as. He meets Desmond and explains his lament to him, along with the conviction that not pushing the button will have no effect on anything. They lock Eko out of the control room. Locke is insistent on not pushing the button.

Desmond then has a flashback about Kelvin Inman under the floor of the control (button) room with a key and keylock marked "CAUTION: SYSTEM TERMINATION". Kelvin was drunk at the time, and he did not have the gumption to turn the key. Kelvin informs Desmond about the purpose of the button, telling him that the unspecified "incident" caused the electromagnetic waves behind the wall to build up every 108 minutes. The button is pushed to temporarily discharge the built-up magnetism. Later, as Kelvin prepares to go outside, Desmond discovers that he is being deceived, and that Kelvin was repairing Desmond's boat under the guise of his environmental suit. Desmond follows him out and becomes enraged and accidentally smashes Kelvin's head against a rock, apparently killing him. He takes the key and sprints back to the hatch where the countdown has reached zero. Alarms are sounding with "SYSTEM FAILURE" and that same phrase is also on the monitor as Desmond desperately struggles to input the number sequence. The entire island begins trembling as though at the center of an earthquake. Some of the metal objects in The Swan's living room fall over and move toward the magnetic wall. He finally enters the full sequence and it stops.

Sawyer looks on as Hurley inspects the pneumatic tube containers.

Trekking still further, the meeting party stops when Kate sees a large mound of plastic containers in front of a tube protruding from the ground. Upon closer inspection, we see that they are actually the pneumatic tube containers with the notebooks from The Pearl. Clearly, there are several years' worth of notebooks that have ended up at the end of the tube in the middle of the island. Sawyer finds Locke's copy of the Blast Door map and hands it to Jack. As they are speculating about the pile, they see Sayid's black smoke signal, but it is miles away. Jack yells at Michael for leading them so far from the shore, accusing him of leading them into a trap. Michael replies that it was the "only way". As they talk, Sawyer is shot in the neck with a dart and hits the ground in a convulsive state. Hurley freezes, Michael looks around, and Kate and Jack run for it. Kate is shot with a dart, and then so is Jack. They are taken prisoner by the Others.

Back at the hatch, Eko escapes through the original hatchway that was blasted off. We see the quarantine door laying next to the opening as Eko emerges. He makes his way to the beach and finds Charlie. He asks Charlie how the hatch was opened. Upon explaining about the use of dynamite, Eko insists that Charlie help him get the dynamite so that he can blast through the blast door to get to the button. Meanwhile, Locke gives Desmond the printout from The Pearl and Desmond frantically scrutinizes the logs. He asks Locke when they got to the island and finds out that there was a system failure on that very day, presumably at the very time the plane crashed. He confesses that he believes he brought Flight 815 down with the system failure, the build-up of electromagnetism pulled the plane down out of the sky. Locke is doubtful and still believes that nothing will happen. Outside the blast door, Eko rigs the dynamite he found from one of the backpacks left behind in Exodus; Part II as Charlie pleads with both Locke and Eko. The fuse is lit and it detonates. Desmond becomes frantic as the timer reaches zero. He tries to input the numbers, but Locke smashes the monitor assuring him nothing will happen. He opens the blast doors and runs to the bookshelf.

The captives and the Others walk down a pier. The pier has a "Pala Ferry" sign on the roof. The four captives are made to kneel and their hoods are removed. Kate tells Mr. Friendly she knows his beard is fake and he removes it. Ms. Klugh mistakenly reveals his name as Tom. He reciprocates by revealing her name as Bea. A boat pulls up and "Henry Gale" gets off. He greets them and asks Tom about his beard. Henry appears to have some authority over the Others gathered on the pier, based on Tom's seemingly nervous reply that they already know it is fake. He explains that Michael can leave. Walt is aboard the boat and that Michael should steer a heading of 325 to be rescued. Before Michael leaves, he asks Henry, "Who are you people?" Henry answers, "We're the good guys." Michael and Walt leave. Hurley is untied and told that he must leave and that his job is to tell the survivors of the crash not to travel to this side of the island. Henry then tells the other prisoners that they will be "going home" with the Others.

Desmond has a flashback to opening a book where an envelope falls out. It is from Penelope and was written before he entered prison. It explains that she will always wait for him. He becomes enraged and starts to tear the room apart when suddenly he hears someone pounding on a wall and screaming. He looks up to the where the hatch is and then shines a light up toward it. Locke is seen peering through the porthole into the newly discovered hatch. The flashback ends and Desmond is now frantically looking for the same book right in the middle of a system failure. The Swan is falling apart, with everything metallic in the station being attracted to the magnetic wall. Light objects (such as cutlery) are followed by increasingly heavier devices, such as the washing machine, and the structure itself starts to shake. The Swan's familiar timer, now displaying all hieroglyphs, is crumpled inward by the magnetic pressure.

Desmond turning the key to initialize the system termination

Charlie, his hearing dimmed by the explosion, staggers around trying to help Eko. However, they are separated. Eko finds Locke, and a disturbed Locke says, "I was wrong." Below, Desmond, remembers what Penelope told him in the letter as he repeats it in his mind. "I love you Penny," He murmurs before inserting the key. The sky above the island turns into an eerie, violet-white glow as a loud droning noise makes the islanders cover their ears. Slowly, the noise and brilliant light disappear. As the lostaways regain their senses, the quarantine hatch door falls out of the sky like a missile, embedding itself in the beach just feet away from Claire and Bernard.

Back on the pier, Jack and Kate trade knowing looks, seemingly contemplating resistance or a premeditated plan, and Sawyer watches with an angry expression. But before they can put any immediate plan into action, the Others pull hoods over the heads of the three captives.

At the beach, night begins to fall. Charlie and Claire have a tender moment as he begins to tell her about what happened in the Hatch. "You want to hear the part where I was almost killed by a flying fireball," Charlie jokes, "or the part about the flying fork?" They kiss. The camera pans up towards the night sky as the scene fades to black, as if the episode has ended. But then...

A jolting cut takes us to arctic snow swirling in howling wind. As the camera pulls back we find ourselves looking out a window from a cramped research or monitoring outpost. Two men, bundled against the cold, chide each other in Portuguese while playing chess. One of the men leaps from his seat when he notices a red light has been blinking on one of the computers. The screen displays the number 7418880 (the result of multiplying all of The Numbers together) and a dialog box that reads "electromagnetic anomaly detected."

"We've missed it again!" yells one of the men as the other desperately rummages through their work area. Frantically, they begin dialing a number into a yellow phone.

Somewhere else in the world, a phone sitting on a nightstand beside a bed begins to ring. Next to the phone is a photo of Desmond and Penelope, identical to the photo Desmond had been carrying around on the Island. Penelope answers the phone, and we hear a voice on the other end say in broken English, "Miss Widmore... we've found it." Before Penelope can react, the scene cuts to black and the second season comes to an end.


  • The book that Desmond carefully protects during the storm in which Elizabeth is beached and contains a love letter from Penelope is Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens.
  • Kelvin Inman, the man who brought Desmond to the hatch was the DIA agent who ordered Sayid to perform an interrogation, in a flashback in the episode 'One Of Them'