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Greco-Bactrian Kingdom

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Approximate extent of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom circa 220 BCE.

The Greco-Bactrians were a dynasty of Greek kings who controlled Bactria and Sogdiana, an area comprising today's northern Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia, the easternmost area of the Hellenistic world, from 250 to 125 BCE. Their expansion into northern India established the Indo-Greek Kingdom, which was to last until around 1 BCE.

Independence from the Seleucid Empire (250 BCE)

The founder of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom, Diodotus ca. 250 BCE.

The Greco-Bactrian Kingdom was founded by the Seleucid military governor of Bactria Diodotus around 250 BCE when he wrestled independence for his territory from the Seleucid Empire.

At about the same time in the West, the Parthian dynasty of the Arsacides was rising, therefore cutting the Greco-Bactrians from direct contacts with the Greek world. Overland trade continued at a reduced rate, while sea trade between Greek Egypt and Bactria developped.

Diodotus was succeeded by his son Diodotus II.

The Euthydemid dynasty (230 BCE)

Euthydemus overthrew Diodotus II around 230 BCE and started his dynasty. Euthydemus's control extended to Sogdiana, reaching and going beyond the city of Alexandria Eschate founded by Alexander the Great in Ferghana.

Conflict with the Seleucid empire

Euthydemus is famous for having repulsed a reconquest effort by the Seleucid ruler Antiochus III around 205 BCE. He successfully resisted a two-year siege in the fortified city of Bactra, before Antiochus finally decided to recognize the new ruler, and to offer one of his daughters to Euthydemus's son Demetrius. Classical accounts also relate that Euthydemus negociated peace with Antiochus III by suggesting that he deserved credit for overthrowing the original rebel Diodotus, and that he was protecting Central Asia from nomadic invasions thanks to his defensive efforts (Polybius 11.34).

Contacts with China

Probable Greek soldier, woollen wall hanging, 3rd-2nd century BCE, Sampul, Urumqi Xinjiang Museum.

There are indications that from Alexandria Eschate the Greco-Bactrians may have led expeditions as far as Kashgar and Urumqi in Chinese Turkestan, leading to the first known contacts between China and the West around 200 BCE. The Greek historian Strabo too writes that "they extended their empire even as far as the Seres (Chinese) and the Phryni" (Strabo XI.XI.I). Several statuettes and representations of Greek soldiers have been found north of the Tien Shan, on the doorstep to China, and are today on display in the Xinjiang museum at Urumqi (Boardman).

Numismatics suggest that some technology exchanges may have occured on these occasions: the Greco-Bactrians were the first in the world to issue copper-nickel (75/25 ratio) coins 1, an alloy technology only known by the Chinese at the time (some weapons from the Warring States Period were in copper-nickel alloy 2 ). Kings Agathocles and Pantaleon made these coin issues around 170 BCE. Copper-nickel would not be used again in coinage until the 19th century.

These contacts were reciprocated by the Han Dynasty embassies of Zhang Qian to Central Asia, as far as Bactria, from 130 BCE, triggering the development of the Silk Road from the 2nd century BCE. According to Han Chronicles, the Chinese emperor Wu-Ti was informed of the level of sophistication of the urban civilizations of Ferghana, Bactria and Parthia, and became interested in developping commercial relationship them: "The Son of Heaven on hearing all this reasoned thus: Ferghana (Ta-Yuan) and the possessions of Bactria and Parthia are large countries, full of rare things, with a population living in fixed abodes and given to occupations somewhat identical with those of the Chinese people, but with weak armies, and placing great value on the rich produce of China" (Han Shu, Former Han History).

Expansion into India (180 BCE)

Silver coin depicting King Demetrius (reigned c. 200-180 BCE), wearing an elephant scalp, symbol of his conquest of India.

Main article: Indo-Greek Kingdom

Demetrius, the son of Euthydemus, started an invasion of India from 180 BCE, a few years after the Mauryan empire had been overthrown by the Sunga dynasty, under which Buddhism was persecuted.

Demetrius seems to have been as far as the imperial capital Pataliputra in eastern India (today Patna). The invasion was completed by 175 BCE. This established in northern India what is called the Indo-Greek Kingdom, which lasted for almost two centuries until around 1 BCE. The Buddhist faith flourished under the Indo-Greek kings, foremost among them Menander I. It was also a period of great cultural syncretism, exemplified by the development of Greco-Buddhism.

Back in Bactria, Eucratides managed to overthrow the Euthydemid dynasty and establish his own rule around 170 BCE. Demetrius is said to have returned to Bactria with 60,000 men to oust the usurper, but he apparently was defeated and killed in the encounter. Antimachus I, brother of Demetrius, also fought against Eucratides, but ultimately lost around 160 BCE.

Greek culture in the East

Greco-Bactrian stone palette representing an Hellenistic Nereid goddess riding a Ketos sea-monster, 2nd century BCE, Sirkap.

The Greco-Bactrians were known for their high level of Hellenistic sophistication, and kept regular contact with both the Mediterranean and neighbouring India. They were on friendly terms with India and exchanged ambassadors.

Their cities, such as Ai-Khanoum (probably Alexandria on the Oxus), demonstrate a sophisticated Hellenistic urban culture. "It has all the hallmarks of a Hellenistic city, with a Greek theater, gymnasium and some Greek houses with colonnaded courtyards" (Boardman).

Some of the Greco-Bactrian coins, and those of their successors the Indo-Greeks, are considered the finest examples of Greek numismatic art with "a nice blend of realism and idealization", including the largest coins to be minted in the Hellenistic world: the largest gold coin was minted by Eucratides (reigned 171-145 BCE), the largest silver coin by the Indo-Greek king Amyntas (reigned c. 95-90 BCE). The portraits "show a degree of individuality never matched by the often bland depictions of their royal contemporaries further West" (Roger Ling, "Greece and the Hellenistic World").

Nomadic invasions

First Yueh-Chih expansion (c. 162 BCE)

According to the Han Chronicles, following a crushing defeat in 162 BCE by the Xiongnu (Huns), the nomadic Indo-European tribes of the Yueh-Chih fled from the Tarim Basin towards the west, crossed the neighbouring urban civilization of the "Ta-Yuan" (probably the Greek possessions in Ferghana), and re-settled north of the Oxus in modern-day Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, in the middle of Greco-Bactrian territory. The Ta-Yuan remained a healthy and powerful urban civilization which had numerous contacts and exchanges with China from 130 BCE.

It is not clear whether the incursion of the Yueh-Chih consisted in an invasion of the Greco-Bactrian territory, or possibly a resettlement in front of the Xiongnu attacks from the north, reminescent of the Roman practice of the foederati. The Yueh-chi certainly did not destroy the Greek settlements of the Ferghana, and later adopted many elements of the Hellenic civilization. When Zhang Qian visited the Yueh-Chih in 130 BCE, trying to obtain their alliance to fight the Xiong-Nu, he described them as living peacefully and content, unwilling to be involved in such a fight.

Second Yueh-Chih expansion (c. 125 BCE)

The Yueh-Chih further expanded southward into Bactria around 125 BCE, apparently pushed out by invasions from the northern Wu-Sun. It seems they also pushed Scythian tribes before them, who continued to India, where they came to be identified as Indo-Scythians.

Silver coin of Heliocles (r.150-125 BCE)

In 125 BCE the king Heliocles abandoned Bactria and moved his capital to the Kabul valley, from where he ruled his Indian holdings. He is technically the last Greco-Bactrian king, although the Indo-Greek Kingdom founded by Demetrius continued in northern India until around 1 BCE.

The Yuezhi remained in Bactria, where they were to stay more than a century. They became Hellenized to some degree, as suggested by their adoption of the Greek alphabet and by some remaining coins, minted in the style of the Greco-Bactrian kings, with the text in Greek.

Around 12 BCE the Yuezhi were then to move to northern India where they established the Kushan Empire.

Main Greco-Bactrian kings

Diodotos I (reigned c. 250-243 BCE)

Diodotus II (reigned c. 243-221 BCE) Son of Diodotus I

Euthydemus I (reigned c. 221-195 BCE) Overthrew Diodotus I.

Demetrius I (reigned c. 200-170 BCE) Son of Euthymedus I. Conqueror of India.

Dynasty of Euthydemus:

  • Demetrius I 181-170 BCE
  • Euthydemus II 170-160 BCE
  • Demetrius II 160-150 BCE
  • Pantaleon 150-140 BCE
  • Agathocles 140-130 BCE
  • Anthymacus Theus 130-125 BCE
  • Stratos c. 125 BCE
  • Archebyus c. 125-97 BCE
  • Maues 97-77 BCE
  • Apolodotos 77-57 BCE

Dynasty of Euchratydes:

  • Eucratides I 181-c.150 BCE
  • Plato c. 150-147 BCE
  • Eucratides II 147-141 BCE
  • Soter 141-c. 135 BCE
  • Heliocles c. 135- ? BCE
  • Stratos c. 125 BCE
  • Archebyus c. 125-97 BCE
  • Maues 97-77 BCE

Dynasty of Apolodotos and Menander:

  • Apolodotos 181-175 BCE
  • Menander 181-145 BCE
  • Antalcides 145-135 BCE
  • Stratos of Taxila 135-130 BCE
  • Helicles 130-? BCE
  • Statos c. 125 BCE
  • Unknow kings c. 125

Dynasty of Taxila:

  • Amyntas 140-130 BCE
  • Stratos 130-125 BCE
  • Archebius 125-97 BCE
  • Maues 97-77 BCE
  • To Sakas 57 BCE

See also:

Seleucid Empire
Indo-Greek Kingdom
Indo-Parthian Kingdom


  • "The Shape of Ancient Thought. Comparative studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies" by Thomas McEvilly (Allworth Press and the School of Visual Arts, 2002) ISBN 1581152035
  • "The Oxford Illustrated History of Greece and the Hellenistic World" by John Boardman, Jasper Griffin, Oswyn Murray (Oxford University Press) ISBN 0192854380
  • "The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity" by John Boardman (Princeton University Press, 1994) ISBN 0691036802

External links

1 Copper-Nickel coinage in Greco-Bactria.
2 Ancient Chinese weapons & A halberd of copper-nickel alloy, from the Warring States Period.