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Steven Rose

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Steven Rose

Steven P. Rose (born July 4 1938 in London) is a professor of biology and neurobiology at the Open University and University of London. Rose studied biochemistry at King's College, University of Cambridge and neurobiology at Cambridge and the Institute of Psychiatry[1]. His research focuses on the biological processes involved in memory formation and treatments for Alzheimer's Disease. He has written several popular science books and regularly writes for The Guardian newspaper. From 1999 to 2002, he gave public lectures as professor of Physiology at Gresham College, London. His work has won him numerous medals and prizes.

Rose is famously outspoken on political issues, being politicised by growing up in a Jewish family in London, England during World War II[2]. He is especially notable for holding views many have considered anti-Zionist, for example calling for academic boycotts of Israeli universities while making no such calls against Arab universities because he believes Israel is illegally ocupying Palestinian land[3]. Rose is a "radical scientist", critic of evolutionary psychology and adaptationism, and has written books with fellow neo-Marxist scientist, Richard Lewontin[4].

Rose is a regular panelist on BBC Radio 4's ethics debating series The Moral Maze[1]. He is married to the sociologist Hilary Rose with whom he shared the Gresham professorship, and with whom he has written and edited a number of books including Alas Poor Darwin: arguments against evolutionary pscyhology.

Professor Rose is a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association.


  • Not in Our Genes (With Richard Lewontin and Leon Kamin) 1984, ISBN 0-394-72888-2
  • The Making Of Memory 1992, ISBN 0-593-01990-3
  • Lifelines 2005, ISBN 0-09-946863-8
  • The 21st Century Brain 2005, ISBN 0-224-06254-9
  • The Future of the Brain

See also


  1. ^ a b Biography at The Moral Maze.
  2. ^ Andrew Brown, 2001. "The Political Scientist." The Guardian, 2001-12-15.
  3. ^ Steven Rose & Robyn Williams, 2002. Interview with Steven Rose on The Science Show, ABC Radio National.
  4. ^ Kamin, Lewontin & Rose, 1984. Not in Our Genes: Biology, Ideology and Human Nature.