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Destroy All Humans! 2

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Destroy All Humans! 2
Developer(s)Pandemic Studios
Platform(s)PlayStation 2, Xbox
ReleaseUnited States October 17, 2006
Europe October 20, 2006
Genre(s)Third person shooter
Mode(s)Single player, Co-Op

Destroy All Humans! 2, known as Destroy All Humans! 2: Make War Not Love in Europe is a video game and sequel to Destroy All Humans!. It was released on October 18, 2006 in North America.


Template:Spoilers In the game's beginning, it is learned that the main character from DAH!, Crypto 137, is now dead, and his clone, Crypto 138, made of completely pure Furon DNA, is now taking his place and posing as the United States President. KGB intelligence reveals early on that Cryptosporidium 138 is the first and only Furon to have genitalia since the Martian War, which is referred to only as "the package". Also, Crypto's commander from DAH!, Orthopox 13 (Pox for short) is tagging along, but he is soon killed when the mothership is shot down by a KGB Strategic Missile.

Soon after, Crypto's new adventure begins, having to stop the KGB from destroying America and getting revenge for the destruction of the mothership. After saving Bay City from nuclear annihilaion, Crypto discovers that the KGB have fled to Albion and heads there where he meets Ponsonby, head of M16. While there, Crypto, a Russian traitor, Natalya, and Ponsonby discover that the KGB have created a type of spore that causes humans to mutate into monsters, and must be destroyed at the source. Eventually Ponsonby betrays Crypto, revealing he is really leader of the English equivalent of Majestic-12 from DAH!, Majestic-16. After managing to kill Ponsonby, Crypto learns that the KGB have a base on Takoshima Island and heads there in his quest for revenge and the destruction of the spores.

Crypto discovers that the KGB have teamed up with a ninja sect known as the Black Ninjas, who are fiercely opposed to the White Ninjas (who worship Furons). There, Crypto has to rescue a man named Dr. Go! from the Black Ninjas and the KGB who provides a code into the KGB base hidden in the island's volcano. Once there, Crypto and Natalya are addressed by the villain behind all the game's happenings, Russian Premiere Milenkov. Milenkov reveals his men using spores on an intern who transforms into a giant Godzilla-like monster that Crypto defeats. Afterwards, Crypto heads to Tunguska, home of the KGB.

In the USSR, Crypto discovers that another alien race has crash landed on Earth called the "Blisk," who turn out to be the enemies they thought they had destroyed millennia ago, the Martians. After saving Natalya from a Blisk Poison Bubble, Crypto meets Milenkov face to face, before the man retreats to his moon base, Solaris, in a Blisk shuttle.

On the moon, Crypto discovers the Russian's plot is to destroy all humanity and let the Blisk have control of Earth as an irradiated, water-logged planet. Crypto and Natalya battle for their various species to save the Earth, though Milenkov enters after the last battle and shoots Natalya in the back, killing her. He reveals his true form (he, and apparently all Soviet leaders before him, having been Blisk in human form), that of a massive armored Blisk. After he is defeated, Crypto relaxes in his saucer drinking wine while Pox appears indicating that he is detecting activity in the cloning pods--he then realizes that Crypto cloned Natalya. Lying next to him, she's appeared to give in to his lustful advances while they return to Earth.

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Returning Characters

Cryptosporidium-138: Wise-cracking, Jack Nicholson-esque protagonist of the game. He has an unlimited amount of clones that will take his place if he dies during a mission, all of which have the same personality, but an increasing number appended to their name (Crypto-139, Crypto-140, and so on). He is the first clone born with full Furon DNA and as such has genitals after Crypto-137 died for reasons unknown. Referred to as "Mr. President" by a number of characters.

Orthopox-13: A Furon scientist who sends Crypto on his missions, and supplies Crypto with saucer and weapon upgrades, he is often called "Pox" or "Poxy" by Crypto. Orthopox is revealed to be the second highest ranking Fleet Commander in the Furon military. He was on the Mothership when it blew up but downloaded himself onto a HoloPod to save his intelligence. Richard Horvitz reprises his role from the first Destroy All Humans!.

New Characters

Natalya Ivanova: Born in the USSR, and is trying to save her homeland. She aids Crypto on his missions and learns that a dark secret is lurking around the Soviet Union. She has several contacts that provide information on what to do next. Crypto directs sexual innuendos at her nearly every time they meet.

Dr. Go!: A Takoshima scientist that knows much about the KGB and Black Ninjas. He is allied with the White Ninjas.

Reginald Ponsonby-Smythe: Head of "M16". Voiced by Anthony Stewart Head, he is one of Crypto's allies until he reveals that M16 is Majestic Command, sixteenth division. He is revealed to be bent on killing Furons after Crypto 137 killed his love, Silhouette, in America, who was head of the American branch of Majestic back in 1959.

Milenkov: The current Russian Premiere and the villain of the game. In league with old Furon enemies, the Blisk (an alien race the Furons believed to have destroyed during their war with the Martians), his plan is to irradiate the world with uranium so that the Blisk can live on a radioactive "water-world" without humans or Furons. After the destruction of the Blisk base on Solaris, he is really a Blisk in human form and becomes his true, supreme, armored, Blisk form.

Secondary Characters

Arkvoodle: An ancient Furon god who came to Earth thousands of years ago. Statues dedicated to him are scattered throughout the world and Crypto has found several cults around the world in his honor, as Crypto himself has come to embody a Furon prophecy about the second coming of Arkvoodle due to his newly acquired genitalia (leading to the nickname, "Lord of the Sacred Crotch.")

Shama Llama: A hippie Crypto rescues from the Bay City police who goes onto become the apostle for and manager of Crypto's worldwide Arkvoodle cults.

The Freak: A Bay City hippie who knows practically everything that goes on there.

Coyote Bongwater: A hippie commune leader dedicated to overthrowing "the man." At first working with the KGB to accomplish this, he regrets this decision when he finds out they have betrayed him and actually want to destroy America outright.

Oranchov: The lead KGB agent in America, he betrays Bongwater and leaves him for dead in an attempt to use nuclear missiles to destroy Bay City. He is later killed by Crypto after he is infected with spores and turns into a Blisk mutant.

Sergei: Natalya's love interest who provides information for her, Crypto hates him because of his own feelings for Natalya. Never heard from again after being infected with Blisk spores.

Gastro: The janitor aboard the mothership, he downloaded himself onto a Holopod, like Pox, to survive. Later found as a Data Core and used as a weapon.


Old Weapons

Zap-O-Matic: Same as in the original, this gun is now more powerful but fires in a shorter burst. Ineffective against armored vehicles.

Anal Probe: Returning from DAH!, the Anal Probe no longer needs to be charged but now requires ammo. After a target is locked on and shot, it will usually eliminate them in one blast.

Disintegrator Ray: The Disintegrator ray is almost exactly the same as in DAH!, the amount of shots fired when upgraded being the only real difference.

Ion Detonator: Returning from DAH!, it allows Crypto to fire an ion bomb and detonate it at will (regardless, it detonates in 10 seconds.)

New Weapons

Disclocator: Sends a disk of energy at the target causing them/it to be hurled in random directions. Often the object will fly in the direction of Crypto, forcing him to dodge.

Meteor Strike: Allows Crypto to call down a meteor to destroy the target and is best used against buildings. When upgraded, it is able to call down multiple meteors and even a small planetoid. One of the most powerful weapons in the game.

Gastro Gun: This gun drops Gastro, former Mothership janitor, a hovering alien with a plasma gun who will attack nearby enemies and draw their fire. After upgraded with his "Anti-everything launcher," the explosion will cause damage to everything, including friendly characters.

Burrow Beast: Lobs out a lure causing an underground alien worm to chase and devour the target(s) that are near the lure. The lure can also be moved psychokinetically or transmogrified and is not effective against buildings/vehicles. This is the "super weapon" that Shama Llama tells Crypto about and is the game's Hidden Weapon made available after finding 30 alien artifacts and completing all 'Arkvoodle Cult' missions.

Saucer Weapons

Death Ray: A returning weapon that fires a heat ray that must cool down when used continuously. The saucer starts with this weapon.

Anti-Gravity Field: Creates a miniature black hole where vehicles and humans are sucked in, destroying anything inside. This is the second weapon Crypto acquires for his saucer.

Sonic Boom Cannon: Launches a sonic blast that is powerful and can level buildings. Though returning from the first game, the look and sound of the cannon is different, and it is less powerful.

Quantum Deconstructor: The ultimate weapon. Launches a green blast that can destroy enemies and buildings with ease, and has a huge splash damage area.. This weapon's Datacore is located in the village of Tarkovskoye in Tunguska.

Turret: During cooperative play, one player is able to man a turret armed at the bottom of the saucer. Like the heat ray, the turret will overheat with extended use and must be cooled down.

Abilities and DNA

To get new abilities Crypto must gather Furotech Cells scattered across the world as well as improve his abilities using the Gene Blender. Below is a list of all the abilities:

  • Bodysnatch: Allows Crypto to take the body of another person (replacing Holobobbing from the first game). Once in a body, an energy bar which constantly depletes, appears. When it reaches 0, Crypto is expelled and the host is killed; if Crypto expels himself early, the person will still be alive, and if they are an enemy character, may attack. Bodysnatching becomes required to enter certain areas restricted to certain player types (eg: a player needing to snatch a Secret Agent in order to sneak past other Secret Agents on an assassination mission.)
  • Free Love: Causes everyone within a certain radius to start partying, forcing people to forget they saw Crypto for the duration of the power or for Crypto to bodysnatch without being detected.
  • Extract: Extracts the brains of humans which in return recharges the Mind Flash.
  • Mind Flash: This allows Crypto to stun every mind in the area for a short duration of time, and resets the Alert Meter. Needs brains to recharge.
  • Follow: Causes civilian characters to follow Crypto
  • Protect: Causes enemy characters to protect Crypto.
  • Psychokinesis: Allows Crypto to move people and objects with his mind. Unlike DAH!, the power does little damage to other characters if used to slam them into the ground/buildings, and it does not require Concentration to use.
  • Transmogrify: Destroys vehicles or objects by converting them into ammo. Can also be used in the Saucer to get Quantum Deconstructor, Sonic Boom Cannon, and Anti-Gravity Field ammo.

New Features

In this game, Crypto is able to go to countries other than America (Bay City), including the Soviet Union (Tunguska), Great Britain (Albion), and Japan (Takoshima), and the Russian Moon Base Solaris. In addition, new weapons are unlocked by finding data cores that Pox ejected from the mothership before it was destroyed (these are discovered while doing certain main Missions), and new saucer landing points are unlocked by completing the challenges of Arkvoodle (an ancient Furon god that came to Earth on vacation many eons ago). In addition, the Abduct-O-beam actually abducts humans into the UFO for usage in the Gene Blender. The UFO has the capability to cloak itself this time around as well as being able to be called to the player, assuming that Crypto is at any UFO point, so as to eliminate the need for back tracking. Also, Destroy All Humans! 2 has a co-op multiplayer mode, so the player can play through the story mode and minigames, such as PK tennis and Duel, with a friend.

Pop Culture References

Throughout the game, there are several references and parodies to and of characters from movies, internet fads and television:

  • While discovering the Arkvoodle cult, Orthopox says, "Crypto, you are the one!" Crypto then replies, "Well I did take the red pill this morning." These both are references to The Matrix.
  • When the player runs around bay city a British man will be overheard saying "ground control to Major Tom," a reference to David Bowie's Space Oddity.
  • Before fighting Ponsonby, Crypto remarks, "That guy has more gadgets than Jimmy Bond!" This is a reference to James Bond. Also, when the player is running with Natalya to your saucer to find Sergei, if you read her mind she will say something about finding Maxi-Pads at midnight, which James Bond can't do.
  • The boss Kojira is an obvious parody of Godzilla and his Japanese name, Gojira. Also, while in Takoshima, if a middle aged woman NPC sees Crypto in the flesh, she may scream "Mini Gojira!!" A reference to Mothra is also made in a mission where a beast named Moghra has laid giant eggs, which Crypto must destroy.
  • In Bay City, when male hippies see Crypto they often say, "Open the pod bay doors, Hal!" referring to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Also, the KGB space suits on the Moon base are similar to the suits from the film.
  • In the white ninja clan base, if the player stands next to the launch pad, they can overhear a conversation between two white ninjas that makes a reference to Red vs Blue's first episode (When Simmons and Grif are talking).
  • In Albion, when the player uses "Free Love", the player may hear a man's voice say "Direct me to the Ministry of Silly Walks." This is a reference to "The Ministry of Silly Walks" which is a sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus, episode 14. Also, during and after the fight against Ponsonby the player will hear both Crypto and Ponsonby say, "And Now for Something Completely Different". This is a line in Monty Pythons Flying Circus.
  • In Bay City, if the player scans The Freak's mind he may get the thought "I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.” This is a reference to a line repeated by the character Wash in the film Serenity.
  • During the Kojira boss fight, if the player takes long enough they can hear Crypto saying, "Old Kojira was hopping around, Takoshima City like a big playground", a clear reference to the Flash video The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.
  • Sometimes when a citizen in Albion sees the player, he will remark, "Don't make me use the Force!" a reference to Star Wars.
  • When the player is on the mission to rescue Dr. Go!, Crypto says, "I'm Luk- Crypto and I'm here to rescue you," another reference to Star Wars.
  • If the player scans a schoolgirl's mind in Takoshima, she might say, "The Bride not so tough, I could take her!", a reference to Kill Bill.
  • In one scene Crypto says, "Damn dirty apes!", the famous line from Planet of the Apes.
  • In Albion, when terrorizing the people in Crypto's true form, you will hear people scream out "Get the Doctor!" and something about "The Tardis". This is a reference to the Doctor Who series.
  • There are many references to the James Bond Series, such as:
  • Ponsonby runs an agency called M-16 (Majestic Branch 16), a parody of MI6. In what may be pure coincidence, Ponsonby shares his surname with one of Bond's past personal secretaries, Loelia Ponsonby.
  • "Dr. Go!" is a parody of Dr. No.
  • Sometimes in Albion, when you levitate a Urban Male, he will say "I don't have a license to fly!". This is taken from James Bonds Film License to Kill.
  • Also, when scanning a British Secret Agents mind they may say the following:
  • "Can the world handle a gay superspy?...No. Well, back in the closet Double-Oh-Poofter!" (A reference to the name 007, James Bonds agent number)
  • "Only a moron shakes a martini, it bruises the vermouth. Nice Try Double-Oh-Phony!" (A reference to the name 007, James Bonds agent number)
  • "Daniel Who?" (A subtle reference to the controversy about the star of the new James Bond film, Casino Royale)
  • "Is Brosnan born yet?" (A reference to Pierce Brosnan, the fifth James Bond)
  • During one mission when talking to Crypto, Pox says "frak", a fictional expletive from Battlestar Galactica.
  • On the first Arkvoodle Cult Mission in Albion, you will have an option to take the Stoned Postures on the "Magical Mystic Tour" which is a spoof of the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour
  • Sometimes you may hear a hippie say, "Watch that silver hammer, Maxwell!" referring to the Beatles song Maxwell's Silver Hammer.
  • On the mission in Tunguska called "Back in the U.S.S.R.", it is a spoof of the Beatles song, Back in the U.S.S.R.
  • When Crypto talks to The Freak for the third time, the Freak will tell him about a hippie singer called Prudence. Crypto then replies by saying, "Dear Prudence" , referring to the Beatles' soul song of the same name.
  • One of the upgrades for the Sonic Boom is called "Volume Control 11", a reference to Spinal Tap, specifically Nigel's amplifier whose volume control went beyond the usual 10.
  • In bay city, hippies from the Arkvoodle cult will someitmes say, "Beam me up, Scotty!" when they see you undisguised, in a reference to Star Trek.
  • If you scan a white ninja he might say, "Angelina J., you might not have been born yet but i'm already in love with you"

References to the first game

  • After the player uses the fuel rods to destroy the strange machines in Russia, he'll go look at the Strange Base. Once the player finds out about the Blisk, Crypto will say, "Attention Blisk! This planet is now a territory of the Furon Empire! And your asses are mine." Crypto also says this in the first game to the cow during the first mission (with the exception of the final part). He also says this at the end of the first game after defeating the final boss, Silhouette.
  • Some pedestrians will say, while running, "Hey, you looked taller in the first game."
  • Another reference to the first series occurs after the assassination of Shama Llama, where the bottom newspaper headline mentions the son of Sleepy Ernst is a good candidate for replacing Shama.
  • When Crypto does an Arkvoodle Cult mission for the White Ninjas, they say that they have kidnapped a lady from the supermarket. When Crypto criticizes this, the Leader of the White Ninja replies, "How about Miss Rockwell from first game?". Crypto says that it was different.
  • When discovering that Natalya will be going on a mission with Sergei, Crypto will angrily rant, "So what! I went through a whole game by myself!"
  • When scanning the White Ninja Leader, he may say, "I liked the first game. I hope this will be just as good. I also hope I don't die."
  • In Bay City, if you read a hippie's mind, he might say, "Sequels bite."

Reference to other Games

  • In the Takoshima level, when the player picks up a man with your PK, one of the possible things he will say is "I like star...made by King of All Cosmos." This is a reference to the King of All Cosmos, a character from the Katamari Damacy games.
  • If the player scans a man's mind in Tungunska, he will say, "They want to make the cities named numbers and want to call Tunguska City 17", a reference to Half-Life 2
  • Also in the Takoshima level, if the player scans a schoolgirl's mind, she might say that a sexy name for a guy is Revolver Ocelot, - a character in the Metal Gear Solid series.
  • During Mission 14: "Our Man Crypto" after destroying a KGB building Crypto will say "Now that's what I call a playground of destruction." - a reference to Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction: another game developed by Pandemic Studios.


  • Sometimes, while in 2 player mode, when you use the cloak, player 2 may still be able to use the turret.
  • Sometimes, when in 2 player mode, you may have only player 2 on both screens, but player 1 can still move around.
  • While in the saucer, it might have both players in the cockpit, but only one player can control it.
  • Many people will be clipped in the ground.
  • When fighting Bongwater, if you explode an explosive can near him, he will burn and die as a skeleton, but he will still be an actual body when talking to Ivan Oranchov.

Goofs - intentional and otherwise

  • If the player looks closely at a newspaper near the beginning of the game, they can see that the game takes place in mid-October, 1967. However, on Takoshima, Crypto specifically says that it's 1969 while wondering why Ninjas were still around.
  • Sometimes, people under "Free Love" will sing some well known 70s songs, but the year is only 1969.
  • Characters in DAH2 frequently break the fourth wall during conversation. For example, during an unusually high-brow rant by Ponsonby, Crypto responds, "You know the player's in the kitchen making nachos by this point, right?" and, "What? You mean all that hard work, those hours of gameplay, all for nothing?" during the "Rage of Aquaris" mission, you can whine to Pox, saying, "The game is called Destroy All Humans, not Keep kids off drugs!" Also, during the fight with Kojira, Crypto says, "Game Designers. Sheesh." Plus, during the conversation between Crypto (in a hippie's body) and the Freak, when the player chooses to recap the mission, Crypto will rant about what the Freak said and his inability to remember Bongwater's plan, Crypto will say once the conversation is over, "You see kids, this is why you shoudn't take drugs." White Ninja thoughts are always in haiku. But if you keep scanning his mind he says that you know how to make haiku from a game. Albionite policemen know you are reading his mind. They will say "Move along. Nothing to read here.".
  • Sometimes, people will Clip into the ground after being thrown using the PK technique.
  • In DAH!, the US Headquarters are called the Octagon but in DAH! 2, they are referred to as the Pentagon.
  • In the mission where you have to collect the Crystals at the Blisk Base, the subtitles miss-spell crystals as 'CYSTALS' when Pox is speaking.
  • On the "Viva La Revelucion!" level on Solaris, Crypto says that the Blisk are taking all of the Russian's Vodka, and they don't even notice that Crypto is saying Vodka, not Wodka.
  • On the mission, Dr.Go!, after you win the level, Crypto says "yippie KI Ah, mother Russia" and in the 1960's, it is still the U.S.S.R.


Reviews for the game so far have been generally positive:

  • Gameinformer: 8.5
  • Gamespot: 7.1
  • IGN: 8.0
  • Official Playstation 2 Magazine: 8/10
  • X-Play: 4/5

As with Destroy All Humans!, reviewers strongly praised DAH2's voice acting and sardonic humor, but cited the game's graphics as generally unimpressive.

See also

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