M=SF is a series of science fiction and fantasy novels published by the Dutch publisher Meulenhoff. The series started in 1967. It continued at the very least until 2013, when the number of books published per year was already reduced. Most titles in the series are translations from English language works, others are original Dutch language novels.
Books in the series
(original Dutch language novels are in light orange)
No. | Writer | Title | Original title | Year |
1967 | ||||
1 | Robert Heinlein | Verdwaald tussen de Sterren | Orphans of the Sky | 1941 |
2 | Isaac Asimov | De Stalen Holen | The Caves of Steel | 1954 |
3 | Poul Anderson | Vlaag van Verstand | Brain Wave | 1954 |
4 | Frederik Pohl and Cyril Kornbluth | Wolfsklauw | Wolfbane | 1957 |
5 | Harry Harrison | Doodstrijd op Pyrrus | Deathworld | 1960 |
6 | J. G. Ballard | De Brandende Aarde | The Burning World | 1964 |
7 | John Brunner | Het Rijk van de Tijd | Times Without Number | 1962 |
8 | Philip José Farmer | Binnenste Buiten | Inside Outside | 1964 |
9 | Thomas M. Disch | De Uitroeiers | The Genocides | 1965 |
10 | Avram Davidson | Wachters van het Web | Masters of the Maze | 1965 |
1968 | ||||
11 | Brian Aldiss | Sterrenhoop | Starswarm | 1964 |
12 | Isaac Asimov | De Blote Zon | The Naked Sun | 1957 |
14 | Paul van Herck | (translated in English as: Where were you last Pluterday?) |
Sam, of de Pluterdag | 1968 |
15 | J. G. Ballard | De Verdronken Aarde | The Drowned World | 1962 |
16 | Jack Vance | Een stad vol Chasch | City of the Chasch | 1966 |
17 | A.E. van Vogt | De Wereld van Nul-A | The World of Null-A | 1948 |
1969 | ||||
20 | Jack Vance | De Sterrekoning | The Star King | 1964 |
21 | A.E. van Vogt | De Schakers van Nul-A | The Pawns of Null-A | 1948 |
22 | Harry Harrison | Doodstrijd op Appsala | Deathworld 2 | 1964 |
24 | J. G. Ballard | De Kristallen Aarde | The Crystal World | 1966 |
25 | Jack Vance | Onder de Wankh | Servants of the Wankh | 1969 |
1970 | ||||
28 | Theodore Sturgeon | Venus Plus X | Venus Plus X | 1960 |
32 | Jack Vance | De Moordmachine | The Killing Machine | 1964 |
35 | Robert Heinlein | Het Pad van Roem | Glory Road | 1963 |
39 | Larry Niven | Neutronster | Neutron Star | 1966 |
41 | Jack Vance | De Dirdir | The Dirdir | 1969 |
1971 | ||||
43 | Ursula Le Guin | De linkerhand van het duister | The Left Hand of Darkness | 1969 |
44 | Jack Vance | Het Eeuwige Leven | To Live Forever | 1956 |
47 | Robert Heinlein | De Maan in Opstand | The Moon is a Harsh Mistress | 1966 |
48 | Jack Vance | De Pnume | The Pnume | 1970 |
49 | Philip K. Dick | Uur der Waarheid | The Penultimate Truth | 1964 |
1972 | ||||
51 | A.E. van Vogt | Tijd van Leven | Quest for the Future | 1970 |
55 | Harry Harrison | Doodstrijd op Voorspoed | Deathworld 3 | 1968 |
1973 | ||||
56 | A.E. van Vogt | De Arsenalen van Isher | The Weapon Shops of Isher | 1951 |
57 | A.E. van Vogt | De Wapensmeden | The Weapon Makers | 1952 |
58 | Jack Vance | Telek | Telek | 1970 |
59 | Robert Heinlein | Zwerftocht tussen de Sterren | Citizen of the Galaxy | 1957 |
60 | Jack Vance | Het Paleis van de Liefde | The Palace of Love | 1966 |
62 | Philip José Farmer | Het Verboden Rijk | The Alley God | 1973 |
64 | Jack Vance | Emphyrio | Emphyrio | 1964 |
65 | Theodore Sturgeon | Xanadu | The Skills of Xanadu | 1971 |
67 | Jack Vance | Tschai, de waanzinnige planeet | Tschai | 1970 |
1974 | ||||
70 | Frank Herbert | Duin | Dune | 1965 |
71 | Philip K. Dick | De Spelers van Titan | The Game-Players of Titan | 1963 |
79 | Philip K. Dick | Martiaanse Tijdverschuiving | Martian Time-Slip | 1964 |
80 | Jack Vance | De ogen van de overwereld | The Eyes of the Overworld | 1966 |
1975 | ||||
84 | Jack Vance | De Drakenruiters - Grote planeet - Talen van Pao | The Dragon Masters - Big Planet - The Languages of Pao | 1968 |
86 | Frank Herbert | Duin Messias | Dune Messiah | 1969 |
94 | Philip K. Dick | Ubik | Ubik | 1969 |
1976 | ||||
100 | Jack Vance | Durdane | Durdane | 1973 |
106 | Philip K. Dick | Wacht nu op Vorig Jaar | Now Wait for Last Year | 1970 |
1977 | ||||
115 | A.E. van Vogt | Slan | Slan | 1940 |
116 | Frank Herbert | Kinderen van Duin | Children of Dune | 1976 |
117 | Theodore Sturgeon | Meer dan Menselijk | More Than Human | 1953 |
118 | Philip K. Dick | Onze Vrienden van Frolix-8 | Our Friends from Frolix 8 | 1970 |
127 | Jack Vance | Maske: Thaery | Maske: Thaery | 1976 |
147 | Ansen Dibell | De laatste koning | Pursuit of the Screamer | 1978 |
1979 | ||||
146 | Jack Vance | Wyst: Alastor 1716 | Wyst: Alastor 1716 | 1978 |
149 | Jack Vance | Lens Larque | The Face | 1979 |
150 | Philip K. Dick | Dromen Androïden van Electrische Schapen? | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | 1968 |
1980 | ||||
157 | Wim Gijsen | De Eersten van Rissan | 1980 | |
158 | Phyllis Eisenstein | Alaric | Born to Exile | 1979 |
161 | Tanith Lee | Heerser van de Nacht | Night's Master | 1978 |
1981 | ||||
162 | Ansen Dibell | Ashai Rey | Circle, Crescent, Star | 1981 |
164 | Wim Gijsen | De Koningen van Weleer | 1981 | |
167 | Jack Vance | Het Boek der Dromen | The Book of Dreams | 1981 |
168 | Tanith Lee | Meester van de Dood | Death's Master | 1979 |
172 | Jack Vance | Trullion: Alastor 2262 | Trullion: Alastor 2262 | 1973 |
176 | Ansen Dibell | Zomermarkt | Summerfair | 1982 |
1982 | ||||
177 | Terry Pratchett | Delven/De Donkere Kant van de Zon | Strata/The Dark Side of the Sun | 1976 |
178 | Tanith Lee | Meester van de Waan | Delusion's Master | 1981 |
179 | Frank Herbert | God-Keizer van Duin | God Emperor of Dune | 1981 |
180 | Wim Gijsen | Iskander de Dromendief | 1982 | |
182 | Jack Vance | Marune: Alastor 933 | Marune: Alastor 933 | 1975 |
1983 | ||||
183 | Ad Visser | Sobriëtas | 1983 | |
185 | A.E. van Vogt | Strijd om de Eeuwigheid | The Battle of Forever | 1974 |
186 | Wim Gijsen | Het Huis van de Wolf | 1983 | |
189 | Isaac Asimov | Het Einde van Eeuwigheid | The End of Eternity | 1955 |
191 | Clark Ashton Smith | Zothique | Zothique | 1958 |
192 | Ansen Dibell | Stormvloedgrens | Tidestorm Limit | 1982 |
194 | Jack Vance | Spelevaren op Grote Planeet | Showboat World | 1975 |
1984 | ||||
196 | A.E. van Vogt | Nul-A 3 | Null-A Three | 1984 |
198 | Jack Vance | Magnus Ridolph | The Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph | 1966 |
199 | Jack Vance | De tuin van Suldrun | Suldrun's Garden | 1984 |
201 | Jack Vance | Cugel gewroken | Cugel's Saga | 1983 |
202 | Jack Vance | De Talen van Pao | The Languages of Pao | 1957 |
203 | Isaac Asimov | De Robots van de Dageraad | The Robots of Dawn | 1983 |
204 | Frank Herbert | Ketters van Duin | Heretics of Dune | 1984 |
1985 | ||||
208 | Tanith Lee | Het Geboortegraf | The Birthgrave | 1977 |
209 | Ansen Dibell | Gift van de Shai | The Sun of Return | 1985 |
210 | Jack Vance | Grote Planeet | Big Planet | 1952 |
211 | Tanith Lee | Vrouwe der ijlingen | Delirium's Mistress | 1985 |
212 | Jack Vance | De groene parel | The Green Pearl | 1985 |
213 | Isaac Asimov | Robots en Imperium | Robots and Empire | 1985 |
216 | Jack Vance | Rhialto de Schitterende | Rhialto the Marvellous | 1985 |
1986 | ||||
221 | Frank Herbert | Duin Kapittel | Chapterhouse: Dune | 1985 |
223 | Tanith Lee | Stormgebieder | The Storm Lord | 1977 |
224 | Tanith Lee | Anackire | Anackire | 1983 |
225 | Tanith Lee | Schaduwvuur | Vazkor, Son of Vazkor | 1978 |
226 | Tanith Lee | De Witte Heks | Quest for the White Witch | 1978 |
228 | Jack Vance | De Duivelsprinsen | The Demon Princes | 1981 |
1987 | ||||
232 | Wim Gijsen | Rissan | 1987 | |
237 | Tanith Lee | Prinses van de Nacht | Night's Sorceries | 1987 |
240 | Isaac Asimov | Zelfs de Goden | The Gods Themselves | 1972 |
241 | Jack Vance | Het Laatste Kasteel | The Last Castle | 1966 |
243 | Peter Schaap | De Schrijvenaar van Thyll | 1987 | |
1988 | ||||
250 | Tanith Lee | Het Witte Serpent | The White Serpent | 1988 |
251 | Orson Scott Card | Spreker voor de Doden | Speaker for the Dead | 1986 |
254 | Ursula Le Guin | De Ontheemde | The Dispossessed | 1974 |
255 | Jack Vance | Madouc | Madouc | 1990 |
261 | Orson Scott Card | Ender Wint | Ender's Game | 1985 |
243 | Peter Schaap | Ondeeds de Loutere | 1988 | |
1989 | ||||
270 | Tanith Lee | Cyrion en andere magistrale verhalen | Cyrion | 1985 |
271 | William Gibson | Zenumagiër | Neuromancer | 1984 |
275 | Peter Schaap | De Wolver | 1989 | |
1990 | ||||
276 | William Gibson | Biochips | Count Zero | 1986 |
283 | Isaac Asimov | Nemesis | Nemesis | 1989 |
287 | Jack Vance | Alastor | Alastor | 1978 |
1991 | ||||
292 | William Gibson | Mona Lisa Overdrive | Mona Lisa Overdrive | 1988 |
295 | Tanith Lee | Het Bloed van Rozen | The Blood of Roses | 1990 |
296 | William Gibson | Technopunk SF | Burning Chrome | 1986 |
298 | Orson Scott Card | Xenocide | Xenocide | 1990 |
1992 | ||||
301 | Robert Heinlein | Vreemdeling in een vreemd land | Stranger in a Strange Land | 1961 |
1993 | ||||
315 | Tanith Lee | Ara | A Heroine of the World | 1990 |
1995 | ||||
331 | Tanith Lee | Vrouwe van het Duister | Vivia | 1995 |
1996 | ||||
335 | Jack Vance | Nachtlamp | Night Lamp | 1996 |
341 | Robert Heinlein | Starship Troopers: Troepen voor de Sterren | Starship Troopers | 1959 |
343 | William Gibson | Idoru | Idoru | 1996 |
External links
- (in Dutch) The complete list till 2010