Fujiko Kojima (小島 藤子, Kojima Fujiko, Born on 16 December 1993)[1] is a Japaneseactress, fashion model, and tarento represented by Asia Business Partners.
Kojima's agency scouted her when she was a sixth-grader in elementary school, while she and her father were selecting an animated video in a rental video store.[2] In September 2006, she became the exclusive model for the first issue of the magazine Nico Puchi. But Kojima later moved to Love Berry.
In April 2007, she made regular appearances as an Oha Girl in Oha Suta along with Nozomi Maeda and Serina Nagano. In April 2008, Kojima made her acting debut in the TV drama Kimi Hannin janai yo ne? as the sister of Shihori Kanjiya's character.[3]
In 2009, her first leading role in a film was Oppai Volleyball and Kojima later played the sub-protagonist Maria in the television drama Shōkōjo Seira. In 2010, she obtained leading roles in the films Tomehane! Suzuri Kōkō Shodōbu and Shodo Girls that revolve around calligraphy skills. In 2011, Kojima's first leading role in a television drama was Asu no Hikari o Tsukame 2.[4]
^"小島藤子" [Fujiko Kojimawork]. Asia Business Partners (in Japanese). Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"女優・小島藤子、人見知りでも「お芝居だけは遠慮できない」" [Actress Fujiko Kojima, even though she's shy, "I can't shy away from acting."]. Oricon (in Japanese). 4 Jan 2013. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"ドラマ『小公女セイラ』に出演 小島藤子" [Fujiko Kojima appears in the drama “Little Princess Sayla”]. Oricon (in Japanese). Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"元"おはガール"小島藤子、ドラマ初主演で昼ドラに抜擢" [Former "Oha Girl" Fujiko Kojima has been selected for a daytime drama in her first leading role in a drama.]. Oricon (in Japanese). 29 Apr 2011. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"小島藤子が猟師役で"生きる"ことを見詰め直す!" [Fujiko Kojima takes a new look at "living" as a hunter!]. The Television (in Japanese). 11 Sep 2014. Archived from the original on 2014-09-17. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"宮崎香蓮&小島藤子:「花燃ゆ」ヒロイン幼なじみ役で大河初出演" [Karen Miyazaki & Fujiko Kojima: First appearance in Taiga as the heroine's childhood friend in "Hanamoyu"]. Mainichi Digital (in Japanese). Mainichi Shimbun. 22 Sep 2014. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"ネクストワールド 私たちの未来第4回 人生はどこまで楽しくなるのか" [Next World Our Future Part 4 How much more fun will life be?]. www6.nhk.or.jp (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-24.
^"小島藤子、桐山漣をめぐって女のバトル 「絶対に結婚したい」覚悟で挑む - モデルプレス" [Fujiko Kojima takes on the battle of women over Ren Kiriyama, determined to "definitely want to get married" - Model Press]. Model Press (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"リテイク" [Retake]. tokai-tv.com (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^ ab"山崎賢人&広瀬アリス主演『氷菓』新キャスト発表 古典部員に小島藤子&岡山天音" [New cast announced for "Hyouka" starring Kento Yamazaki and Alice Hirose; Fujiko Kojima and Amane Okayama as classical club members]. Oricon. Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"キスマイ4人の"末路ドラマ"主題歌は北山&藤ヶ谷&玉森が歌う「ZERO」に決定! (1/2)" [The theme song for the Kisumai 4's "End of the World Drama" has been decided to be "ZERO" sung by Kitayama, Fujigaya, and Tamamori! (1/2)]. The Television (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"高橋克典主演の痛快下剋上ミステリー第2弾、2・10放送" [The second exciting mystery mystery starring Katsunori Takahashi, broadcast on 2/10]. Oricon. Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"来世ではちゃんとします" [I'll do it right in the next life]. Paravi (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"ドラマ『来世ではちゃんとします』小島藤子、塩野瑛久ら出演者発表" [Drama "I'll do it right in the next life" Fujiko Kojima, Eihisa Shiono and other cast members announced]. Oricon. Retrieved 2021-01-30.
^"関西ジャニーズJr.『年下彼氏』ポスター公開 筧美和子ら全ヒロイン解禁" [Kansai Johnny's Jr. "Younger Boyfriend" poster released; all heroines including Miwako Kakei released]. Crank In! (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-01-30.
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^"横浜流星の"冷たい目"と浜辺美波への強引なキスにネットは「美しすぎて言葉にならない」『私たちはどうかしている』第1話" [Ryusei Yokohama's "cold eyes" and forceful kiss to Minami Hamabe make the internet say, "It's too beautiful for words" Episode 1 of "What's wrong with us?"]. dogatch.jp (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-01-30.
^"森永悠希、小島藤子、岡部たかし、迫田孝也、岩谷健司、瀧内公美、橋本じゅん、『共演NG』出演へ" [Yuki Morinaga, Fujiko Kojima, Takashi Okabe, Takaya Sakoda, Kenji Iwatani, Kimi Takiuchi, Jun Hashimoto to appear in "Co-starring NG"]. Real Sound (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-01-30.
^"秋元康×大根仁の新作ドラマ「共演NG」に森永悠希、小島藤子、瀧内公美ら7名(コメントあり)" [Yuki Morinaga, Fujiko Kojima, Kimi Takiuchi and 7 other people appear in Yasushi Akimoto x Hitoshi Ohne's new drama "Co-starring NG" (with comments)]. Music Natalie (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-01-30.
^"映画「青空エール」城戸役に堀井新太ほか追加キャスト計5名、特報も公開" [A total of 5 additional cast members, including Arata Horii, will play the role of Kido in the movie "Aozora Yell", special news also released]. Music Natalie (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"NHK朝ドラ『ひよっこ』の"寮長役"でブレイク! 小島藤子初主演映画『馬の骨』2018年夏公開決定" [She got her big break by playing the role of the dormitory director in the NHK morning drama “Hiyokko”! Fujiko Kojima's first starring movie "Uma no Bone" will be released in summer 2018]. www.m-on-music.jp (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"映画「この道」出演AKIRAさんと小島さん 柳川満喫、市民も歓迎 1月25日 白秋生誕祭" [AKIRA and Kojima who starred in the movie “Konomichi” enjoy Yanagawa and are welcomed by the citizens January 25th Hakushu Birthday Festival]. Nishinippon Newspaper News (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-01-30.
^"北原里英主演のホラー『としまえん』小島藤子、浅川梨奈、松田るから出演!" [Fujiko Kojima, Rina Asakawa, and Ru Matsuda appear in the horror movie “Toshimaen” starring Rie Kitahara!]. Cinema Today (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"小島藤子ら出演「君がいる、いた、そんな時。」予告解禁、広島で先行上映も" [Trailer released for “You are there, I was there, such a time.” Starring Fujiko Kojima and others, advance screening will be held in Hiroshima]. Music Natalie (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-01-30.
^"小島藤子、イケテツ版西部劇で初舞台 コメディ初挑戦「難しい!」" [Fujiko Kojima makes her debut on stage with a cool version of a Western drama, her first attempt at comedy "Difficult!"language=ja]. Oricon. 3 Jun 2015. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"吉村界人、人気YouTuberの自伝を基にしたドラマに主演!若い才能が集結" [Kaito Yoshimura will star in a drama based on the autobiography of a popular YouTuber! Young talent gathers]. Cinema Today (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"さまぁ~ずハウス シーズン1を観る" [Watch Summer's House Season 1]. www.amazon.co.jp. Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"馬場ふみか:小島藤子と女の子同士で引かれ合う役 野島伸司脚本第3弾「百合だのかんだの」制作決定" [Fumika Baba: A role played by Fujiko Kojima and girls who are attracted to each other Shinji Nojima's third script "Yuri Da Kandano" will be producedwebsite=MANTANWEB] (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"「Life 線上の僕ら」ディレクターズカット版が作品の舞台・仙台で先行公開! 三浦大輝は妄想ストーリーを披露 (1/3)" [The director's cut version of "Life on the Line" will be released in advance in Sendai, the setting of the work! Daiki Miura presents a delusional story (1/3)]. The Television (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-01-30.
^"新TVCM「ルージュの証明」篇の放映を開始します。" [We will begin airing the new TV commercial “Rouge no Proof”.]. PR Times (in Japanese). 1 May 2012. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"中井貴一さんら豪華6俳優が共演! 三菱UFJニコスが新CM「カードデビュー」篇" [Six gorgeous actors including Kiichi Nakai co-star! Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos' new CM "Card Debut" version] (in Japanese). MyNavi News. 24 Mar 2014. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"チュチュアンナが女優の小島藤子をブランドキャラクターに起用" [Tutuanna uses actress Fujiko Kojima as a brand character] (in Japanese). fashionsnap.com. 22 Aug 2013. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.
^"ふわふわ笑顔で本格ブレイクなるか…小島藤子、2015年期待の若手大河女優" [Will her fluffy smile lead to a real break? Fujiko Kojima, a promising young taiga actress in 2015]. Menscyzo.com (in Japanese). Retrieved 2020-01-21.
^"KNOCK OUT MONKEY、MV3部作のラストを飾る「Climber」公開" [KNOCK OUT MONKEY releases “Climber”, the last song in their MV trilogy]. Musicman-Net (in Japanese). 4 Mar 2013. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 28 Nov 2016.