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Netsci Conference

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The International School and Conference on Network Science, also called NetSci is an annual conference focusing on networks. It is organized yearly since 2006 by the Network Science Society. Physicists are especially prominently represented among the participants, though people from other backgrounds attend as well. The study of networks expanded at the end of the twentieth century, with increasing citation of some seminal papers.[1]

Following this increase in interest from the scientific community, network science was examined by the National Research Council (NRC), the arm of the US National Academies in charge of offering policy recommendations to the US government. NRC assembled two panels, resulting in recommendations summarized in two NRC Reports,[2][3] offering a definition of the field of network science. These reports not only documented the emergence of a new research field, but highlighted the field’s role for science, national competitiveness and security. The NetSci conference series was set up in 2006 to address the need of the new and emerging highly interdisciplinary network science community to meet and exchange ideas. The NetSci conference has been a yearly event since then. In 2015, a shorter regional conference, called NetSci-X, was added.


The formal NetSci conference series was preceded by several meetings:

In 2006 these events became part of an organized structure with one network conference per year.

In 2015, the Network Science Society added an additional, shorter regional conference, called NetSci-X, held in January:

Plenary Speakers


School speakers

  • Sidney Redner
  • Peter S. Dodds
  • Vittoria Colizza
  • Emma Towlson
  • Daniel Larremore
  • Puck Rombach

Keynote speakers

  • Duncan Watts
  • Tina Eliassi-Rad
  • Michelle Girvan
  • Mark Newman
  • Paul Hines

Invited speakers

  • Eleanor Power
  • C. Brandon Ogbunu
  • Nicola Perra
  • Hyejin Youn
  • Emily Bernard (dinner speaker)

Erdős–Rényi Prize 2019 Young Network Scientist Award

  • Tiago Peixoto


School speakers

  • Javier M. Buldú
  • Ciro Cattuto
  • Emilio Ferrara
  • Chiara Poletto

Keynote speakers

Invited speakers

  • Claudia Wagner
  • Sam Scarpino
  • Sonia Kéfi
  • Brooke Foucault Welles
  • Amy Wesolowski
  • Stefano Battiston
  • Sophie Achard
  • Paolo Ciuccarelli (dinner speaker)

Erdős–Rényi Prize 2018 Young Network Scientist Award


Erdős–Rényi Prize 2017 Young Network Scientist Award

  • Vittoria Colizza


Erdős–Rényi Prize 2016 Young Network Scientist Award


Erdős–Rényi Prize 2015 Young Network Scientist Award

  • Chaoming Song


Erdős–Rényi Prize 2014 Young Network Scientist Award


Erdős–Rényi Prize 2013 Young Network Scientist Award


Erdős–Rényi Prize 2012 Young Network Scientist Award

  • Roger Guimerà






Event structure

The NetSci conference generally starts with two days of satellite meetings organized by different people, and classes offering an introduction into different aspects of network science. The formal NetSci conference starts on Wednesday, and has a series of keynote speakers, invited speakers, and contributed talks in parallel sections.

Erdős–Rényi Prize

The Erdös-Rényi Prize in Network Science is awarded annually at the NetSci meeting,[10]


  1. ^ M. Buchanan, G. Caldarelli, A networked world Physics World 23 22-24 (2010) DOI 10.1088/2058-7058/23/02/35
  2. ^ National Research Council. Network Science. Washington, DC, The National Academies Press, 2005.
  3. ^ National Research Council. Strategy for an Army Center for Network Science, Technology, and Experimentation. Washington, DC, The National Academies Press, 2007.
  4. ^ Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks, Lectures Notes in Physics, Vol. 625 (2003)
  5. ^ European Physical Journal B Vol. 38, Number 2, March II, 2004
  6. ^ Ben-Naim, Eli; Frauenfelder, Hans; Toroczkai, Zoltán, eds. (2004). Complex Networks. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol 650. Springer. ISBN 978-3540223542.
  7. ^ http://www.zaragoza.es/ciudad/turismo/es/profesionales/zaragoza-congresos/detalle_Agenda?id=6677&lugar=0
  8. ^ http://techm.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=article&wr_id=2139
  9. ^ Fryling, Kevin (June 22, 2017). "Indiana University hosting world's largest conference on network science in Indianapolis". Indiana University. Retrieved 17 July 2017.
  10. ^ http://www.netscisociety.net/erdosrenyiprize.