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Eighth Seimas of Lithuania

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Eighth Seimas of Lithuania
Seventh Seimas of Lithuania Ninth Seimas of Lithuania
Legislative bodySeimas
Jurisdiction Lithuania

The Eighth Seimas of Lithuania was a parliament (Seimas) elected in Lithuania. Elections took place on 8 October 2000. The Seimas commenced its work on 19 October 2000 and served a four-year term, with the last session on 11 November 2004.


In the elections in 2000, 70 members of the parliament were elected on proportional party lists and 71 in single member constituencies. Elections took place on 8 October 2000. No run-off was held in single seat constituencies and the candidate with the most votes was declared a winner.

Liberal Union became the largest party in the parliament after winning 34 seats, followed by 29 seats won by New Union (Social Liberals). The Social-Democratic Coalition of Algirdas Brazauskas won 51 seats, with the largest party in the coalition, Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania, winning 26.

Party Abbr. Proportional Constituency Total
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
Coalition of
Algirdas Brazauskas
Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania LDDP 457,294 31.08 12 156,354 10.66 14 26
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDP 12 120,672 8.23 7 19
Union of the Russians of Lithuania 3 4,446 0.3 0 3
New Democracy Party ND 1 12,454 0.85 2 3
New Union (Social Liberals)[a] NS 288,895 19.64 18 225,878 15.41 11 29
Liberal Union of Lithuania[a] LLS 253,823 17.25 16 229,438 15.65 18 34
Homeland Union – Lithuanian Conservatives TSLK 126,850 8.62 8 104,631 7.14 1 9
Christian Democratic Union LKDS 61,583 4.19 0 33,221 2.27 1 1
Lithuanian Peasants Party LVP 60,040 4.08 0 96,853 6.61 4 4
Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party LKDP 45,227 3.07 0 69,827 4.76 2 2
Lithuanian Centre Union LCS 42,030 2.86 0 89,837 6.13 2 2
Union of Moderate Conservatives NKS 29,615 2.01 0 42,116 2.87 1 1
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania LLRA 28,641 1.95 0 40,376 2.75 2 2
Lithuanian People's Union "For Just Lithuania" 21,583 1.47 0 5,323 0.36 0 0
Lithuanian Liberty Union LLS 18,622 1.27 0 23,202 1.58 1 1
Union of Young Lithuania, New Nationalists and Political Prisoners JL 16,941 1.15 0 16,729 1.14 1 1
Nationalist Union
Lithuanian Nationalists Union 12,884 0.88 0 5,567 0.38 0 0
Lithuanian Liberty League 4,685 0.32 0 0
Lithuanian Party "Social Democracy – 2000" 7,219 0.49 0 32,336 2.21 0 0
Modern Christian-Democratic Union[a] MKDS 17,929 1.22 1 1
Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and Deportees 8,495 0.58 0 0
Homeland People's Party 7,038 0.48 0 0
National Democratic Party of Lithuania 5,082 0.35 0 0
Lithuanian Democratic Party 3,323 0.23 0 0
Lithuanian Socialist Party 1,701 0.12 0 0
Republican Party 1,380 0.09 0 0
Lithuanian Justice Party 515 0.04 0 0
Independents 106,806 7.28 3 3
Invalid/blank votes 68,496 73,517
Total 1,539,743 100 70 1,539,743 100 71 141
Registered voters/turnout 2,626,321 58.63 2,626,321 58.63
Source: University of Essex

a Two Modern Christian-Democratic Union candidates were elected in the proportional vote, having run on the lists of the New Union (Social Liberals) and the Liberal Union of Lithuania.[1]


Speaker of the Seimas
Artūras Paulauskas
Artūras Paulauskas (New Union (Social Liberals))
19 October 2000 - 14 November 2004

Artūras Paulauskas was elected as the Speaker of the Eighth Seimas. After the impeachment of Rolandas Paksas, Paulauskas acted as the President of Lithuania from 6 April 2004 until 12 July 2004. Česlovas Juršėnas acted as the Speaker of the Seimas during the time.

The Eighth Seimas saw an initial ruling coalition of Liberals and New Union (Social Liberals), which lasted less than a year. By July 2001, New Union (Social Liberals) joined the Social Democratic Coalition, headed by Algirdas Brazauskas. Under the term of the Seimas, Lithuania joined the European Union and NATO.[2]


Parliamentary groups

During the first session of the Seimas the following parliamentary groups were registered: Social Democratic Coalition, Liberals, New Union (Social Liberals), Homeland Union - Conservatives, Peasant and New Democracy Parties and the Mixed Group of Members of the Seimas.

At the beginning of the session, a quota (7 members) for parliamentary group formation has been introduced. This change came after experience with previous Seimas, in which parliamentary group might have been as small as 2 members.

Substantial shifts between parliamentary groups occurred during the term. In 2001, numerous members of the Liberals parliamentary group either joined Independent parliamentary group (in 2002 it renamed itself to the Liberal Democratic parliamentary group) or Homeland Union - Conservatives parliamentary group. In 2003, this parliamentary group was joined by the several members from Mixed Group and formed Liberal and Center parliamentary group.

Similar process happened in New Union (Social Liberals) parliamentary group between 2002 and 2004, when numerous members moved to the Social Democratic Coalition or Liberal Democratic parliamentary group. By the end of the term of the Seimas, the following parliamentary groups were active.[3]

Composition of the Seimas at the end of 2000-2004 term.
Name Abbr. Members
Social Democratic Coalition SDK 53
Liberal and Center LiCF 21
New Union (Social Liberals) NSF 19
Liberal Democrats LDF 15
Homeland Union - Conservatives TSKF 10
Peasants and New Democracy VNDPF 7
Others MSNG 8
Vacant 7


A total of 151 members served on the Eighth Seimas.[4]

Name, Surname Constituency Electoral list Parliamentary group Notes
Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė Nationwide TSLK TSLK From 17 August 2004
Vytenis Andriukaitis 4. Žirmūnų LSDP SDKF Util 24 July 2004
Audronius Ažubalis Nationwide TSLK TSLK From 23 June 2004 until 28 June 2004
Ona Babonienė Nationwide SDK SDKF
Gintautas Babravičius Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Zigmantas Balčytis 33. Šilalės – Šilutės LDDP SDKF
Dailis Alfonsas Barakauskas 23. Aušros LLS LF
NF (from 12 January 2002)
LDF (from 1 July 2002)
Vydas Baravykas 69. Dzūkijos LDDP SDKF
Mindaugas Bastys 64. Šakių LDDP SDKF
Antanas Baura 49. Anykščių – Kupiškio LVP VNDPF
Juozas Bernatonis Nationwide SDK SDKF
Kazys Bobelis 29. Marijampolės LKDS MSNG
VNDPF (from 5 July 2004)
Bronius Bradauskas 59. Kaišiadorių – Elektrėnų LDDP SDKF
Jonas Budrevičius Nationwide SDK SDKF
Sigita Burbienė Nationwide SDK SDKF
Stanislovas Buškevičius 15. Kalniečių JL MSNG
Algirdas Butkevičius 68. Vilkaviškio LSDP SDKF
Jonas Čekuolis Nationwide LLS LF
Jonas Čiulevičius Nationwide NS MSNG
Gediminas Dalinkevičius Nationwide NS NSF
SDKF (from 21 January 2003)
Irena Degutienė Nationwide TSLK TSLK
Gintaras Didžiokas Nationwide SDK VNDPF Until 22 June 2004
Sergejus Dmitrijevas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Vytautas Einoris 46. Pakruojo – Joniškio LDDP SDKF
Vasilij Fiodorov 10. Naujosios Vilnios NS NSF
MSNG (from 5 July 2004)
Kęstutis Glaveckas 16. Dainavos Independent JF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Petras Gražulis 31. Gargždų LKDP MSNG
Valentinas Greičiūnas 19. Danės LDDP SDKF
Algirdas Gricius Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Algimantas Valentinas Indriūnas Nationwide NS NSF
Gediminas Jakavonis Nationwide NS NSF
Povilas Jakučionis Nationwide TSLK TSLK
Jonas Jučas Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Rasa Juknevičienė Nationwide TSLK TSLK
Jūratė Juozaitienė 18. Panemunės LLS LF
SDKF (from 12 March 2002)
Jonas Jurkus 38. Mažeikių LSDP SDKF
Česlovas Juršėnas 53. Ignalinos – Švenčionių LDDP SDKF
Vytautas Juškus Nationwide SDK - 2 June 2004
Edvardas Kaniava Nationwide SDK SDKF
Ramūnas Karbauskis 45. Šiaulių kaimiškoji LVP VNDPF
Vaclovas Karbauskis 34. Tauragės NS NSF
Edvardas Karečka 37.Skuodo – Mažeikių LVP VNDPF
SDKF (from 27 May 2003)
Justinas Karosas 71. Lazdijų – Druskininkų LDDP SDKF
Algis Kašėta 70. Varėnos – Eišiškių MKDS JF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Gediminas Kirkilas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Dobilas Jonas Kirvelis Nationwide SDK SDKF From 3 July 2004
Audrius Klišonis Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Egidijus Klumbys Nationwide NS MSNG
Gintautas Kniukšta Nationwide NS NSF
Jonas Korenka Nationwide SDK SDKF
Jeronimas Kraujelis Nationwide NS NSF
Kęstutis Kriščiūnas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Stasys Kružinauskas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Andrius Kubilius Nationwide TSLK TSLK
Algirdas Kunčinas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Dalia Kutraitė-Giedraitienė 2. Senamiesčio LLS LF
NF (from 12 January 2002)
LDF (from 1 July 2002)
Until 25 February 2003
Kęstutis Kuzmickas Nationwide NS NSF
Vytautas Kvietkauskas 1. Naujamiesčio NS NSF Until 27 July 2004
Vytautas Landsbergis Nationwide TSLK TSLK Until 22 June 2004
Saulius Lapėnas 62. Jurbarko LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Vytautas Lapėnas Nationwide LLS LF
LDF (from 1 July 2002)
Jonas Lionginas 8. Karoliniškių LLS LF
LDF (from 1 July 2002)
Arminas Lydeka Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Alfonsas Macaitis Nationwide SDK SDKF
Zenonas Mačernius 41. Kelmės LDDP SDKF
Eugenijus Maldeikis Nationwide LLS LF
LDF (from 1 July 2002)
Virginijus Martišauskas 32. Šilutės – Pagėgių LCS JF Until 10 October 2004
Eligijus Masiulis 21. Marių LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Kęstutis Masiulis Nationwide TSLK - From 28 July 2004 until 16 August 2004
Algimantas Matulevičius 51. Utenos LLS LF
LDF (from 8 April 2003)
Juozas Matulevičius Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Vitas Matuzas 26. Nevėžio TSLK TSLK Until 12 March 2003
Alvydas Medalinskas 6. Šeškinės LLS LF Until 25 February 2003
Nikolaj Medvedev Nationwide SDK SDKF
Artūras Melianas Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Gintautas Mikolaitis 42. Raseinių LSDP SDKF
Dangutė Mikutienė 58. Trakų – Elektrėnų NS NSF
Gabriel Jan Mincevič 55. Širvintų – Vilniaus LLRA MSNG
LDF (from 18 March 2003)
Algirdas Monkevičius 39. Akmenės – Joniškio NS NSF
Janė Narvilienė 36. Kretingos ND VNDPF
SDKF (from 27 May 2003)
Saulius Nefas Nationwide TSLK TSLK From 29 June 2004
Visvaldas Nekrašas 35. Plungės – Rietavo LSDP SDKF
Juozas Olekas 63. Suvalkijos LSDP SDKF
Vladimiras Orechovas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Rolandas Paksas 3. Antakalnio LLS LF
LDF (from 1 July 2002)
Until 15 February 2003
Raimundas Palaitis 22. Pajūrio LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Juozas Palionis 67. Prienų NS NSF
SDKF (from 22 March 2004)
Petras Papovas 52. Zarasų – Visagino LDDP SDKF
Artūras Paulauskas 24. Saulės NS NSF
Rolandas Pavilionis Nationwide NS NSF Until 1 July 2004
Artur Plokšto Nationwide SDK SDKF
Aleksander Poplavski 57. Vilniaus – Trakų NS NSF
LF (from 26 September 2001)
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Vasilijus Popovas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Mykolas Pronckus Nationwide SDK SDKF
Kazimira Prunskienė 54. Molėtų – Švenčionių ND VNDPF
Alfonsas Pulokas 47. Pasvalio – Panevėžio LDDP SDKF
Giedrė Purvaneckienė Nationwide SDK SDKF
Juozas Raistenskis 7. Justiniškių LLS LF
SDKF (from 12 January 2002)
Alvydas Ramanauskas Nationwide NS NSF
Jurgis Razma Nationwide TSLK TSLK
Algis Rimas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Klemensas Rimšelis 13. Centro LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Viktoras Rinkevičius 48. Biržų – Kupiškio LVP VNDPF
Rimantas Ruzas Nationwide SDK SDKF Until 14 October 2002
Julius Sabatauskas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Alvydas Sadeckas Nationwide NS NSF
Aloyzas Sakalas Nationwide SDK SDKF Until 1 July 2004
Algimantas Salamakinas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Algirdas Saudargas 12. Aleksoto – Vilijampolės LKDP MSNG
Vytautas Saulis 50. Rokiškio LDDP SDKF
Eimundas Savickas 17. Pramonės LLS LF
LDF (from 26 March 2003)
Romanas Algimantas Sedlickas Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Valerijus Simulik 25. Dainų NS NSF
Rimantas Sinkevičius 60. Jonavos LDDP SDKF
Algirdas Sysas Nationwide SDK SDKF
Kęstutis Skamarakas Nationwide NS NSF
LDF (from 16 March 2004)
Egidijus Skarbalius 20. Baltijos LLS LF
LDF (from 1 July 2002)
Artūras Skardžius 30. Alytaus NS NSF
Vaclov Stankevič Nationwide NS NSF
Antanas Napoleonas Stasiškis Nationwide TSLK TSLK
Nijolė Steiblienė Nationwide NS NSF
Gintaras Steponavičius 9. Lazdynų LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Ilona Stulpinienė Nationwide NS NSF From 2 July 2004
Eduardas Šablinskas Nationwide NS JF
Irena Šiaulienė Nationwide SDK SDKF
Gintaras Šileikis 27. Vakarinė LCS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Gintautas Šivickas 65. Kauno – Kėdainių NS NSF
Gražina Šmigelskienė Nationwide SDK SDKF From 23 June 2004
Raimondas Šukys 5. Fabijoniškių LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Vytautas Šustauskas 11. Šilainių LS MSNG
Dalia Teišerskytė Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Valdemar Tomaševski 56. Vilniaus – Šalčininkų LLRA MSNG
LDF (from 29 April 2003)
Valerij Tretjakov Nationwide NS NSF
Viktor Uspaskich 43. Kėdainių Independent MSNG
Jurgis Utovka Nationwide SDK SDKF
Gediminas Vagnorius 40. Telšių NKS MSNG
Rimas Valčiukas Nationwide NS NSF
Antanas Valys Nationwide SDK SDKF From 15 October 2002
Egidijus Vareikis Nationwide NS NSF
Rimvydas Vaštakas Nationwide LLS LF
LiCF (from 5 June 2003)
Until 31 October 2003
Artūras Vazbys Nationwide LLS JF
TSLK (from 13 March 2003)
Domininkas Velička Nationwide LLS LF
NSF (from 11 November 2003)
Virmantas Velikonis 28. Aukštaitijos LDDP SDKF
Birutė Vėsaitė Nationwide SDK SDKF
Julius Veselka 61. Ukmergės Independent MSNG
VNDPF (from 29 April 2003)
Arvydas Vidžiūnas Nationwide TSLK TSLK Until 27 July 2004
Pranas Vilkas Nationwide LLS LF
LDF (from 12 March 2003)
Vytautas Zabiela Nationwide LLS VNDPF From 1 November 2003
Roma Žakaitienė 44. Radviliškio LSDP SDKF
Vladas Žalnerauskas 66. Kauno kaimiškoji LLS LF
LDF (from 1 July 2002)
Henrikas Žukauskas 14. Žaliakalnio LLS LF
LDF (from 1 July 2002)


  1. ^ 2000 Parliamentary Elections University of Essex
  2. ^ "Šeši Seimo amžiai: nuo karalių rinkimų iki narių komunistų" [Six centuries of the Seimas: from royal elections to communist members] (in Lithuanian). Delfi.lt. 25 October 2008. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
  3. ^ "Seimo Frakcijos" [Parliamentary Groups of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
  4. ^ "Seimo narių sąrašas" [List of members of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 21 December 2015.