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Anti-Asian racism in France is a series of negative or positive social representations and essential condition, both of which complement each other, and which can sometimes lead to aggression.


Anti-Asian racism is made up of beliefs about people of Asian origin, often presented as positive, which contain, by turning, a negative side (examples: "They are discreet because they integrate without fuss "Versus" They are discreet because they conspire "," They do well (positive) "versus" They are (negative) ", etc.). For Vincent Geisser, "The" Asians ", model integration for some, symbol of a sly Unitarianism for others: admirers and whistle blowers of the Asian success story in France participate in the same mythological configuration, Where the "yellow" race is displayed simultaneously displayed as endowed with creative energy and evil power"

According to Daniel Tran, of the Chinese Association of France, interviewed by France TV Info, in January 2018: "There are many clichés circulating on Asian people, clichés specific to men and specific to women. The woman rather "nice, docile", who must say "yes" to everything. The man, also this cliché of "nice", but also that is not manly, who is computer scientist, who makes kung fu, which makes spring rolls, whereas spring rolls it is not even Chinese for those who do not know it. ". He also recalls that he: "[...] there are clichés that will say, for example, that the Chinese are walking around with a lot of money on them. There was an assault in August 2016 of a Chinese designer in Aubervilliers called Zhang Chaolin. Three attackers tried to steal the money he had on him. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his injuries. [...] It is a racism that is seen as less serious because it is trivialized because it has not been denounced enough. "

Gregory B. Lee of the Transtextual and Transcultural Studies Institute, speaking at a conference in Valencia at the Armenian Heritage Center in 2013, notes a deep ignorance of Asia and a social imaginary built from a few biased and stereotypical images (confusion between different Asian countries, "dog and cat eaters" and "invaders" about Chinese, etc.).

Mai Lam Nguyen-Conan, declares in January 2017 that anti-Asian racism "is finally quite close to anti-Semitism. The idea that they are "everywhere", while their logic is ultimately that of economic autonomy ".

Regarding aggression, "Very few complaints are filed, because there is a lack of knowledge of French law, the language barrier and a form of fatalism," says Mathilde Pinson. The victims accept these attacks, saying that the authorities have better things to do.


This section is empty, insufficiently detailed or incomplete. Your help is welcome to History of anti-Asian racism especially through the various wars of opium - e.g. the "yellow peril" - or from French colonization in Indochina and Cochin China. Everything must be connected to contemporary times. !

First mobilizations

A Representative Council of Asian Associations of France is created in 2011.

After the death of Zhang Chaolin, a 49-year-old Chinese designer, assaulted in August by three men, nearly 2,000 people of Chinese origin gather in August 2016 in Aubervilliers6 and voices are also heard on social networks

Census of anti-Asian acts

  • In June 2013, six Chinese students were assaulted in Hostens, Gironde. Anti-Chinese racist insults are uttered.
  • April 21, 2015 the spokesperson of the representative Council of Asian associations of France, alert the media on "the outbreak of violence to which Asians are the target". According to him, Asians are particularly targeted "because they say they have money on them".
  • In 2016 The Chinese community of Aubervilliers is the victim of a large number of attacks. After further attacks, a protest was organized in August13. From November 2015 to August 2016, more than one hundred violent attacks are recorded in Aubervilliers.
  • On August 13, 2016, Chaolin Zhang died as a result of an assault14. On August 21, 2000 Chinese parade in protest.
  • On August 13, 2016, Chaolin Zhang died as a result of an assault14. On August 21, 2000 Chinese protest in protest.
  • On 29 September 2016, three young people are sentenced for assault. The racist character is retained.16 "This is the first time that the racist character of a robbery with violence to the detriment of the Asian community is recognized. "17. This is the first murder recognized by the racist justice in France for 10 years, excluding attack.
  • At the end of May 2019, the Territorial Security Brigade of Vitry-sur-Seine calls for a witness to find the victims of a group of young perpetrators of theft with violence, targeting mainly people of Asian origin


External link

mutualization infrastructure

The mutualization infrastructure is the name given in France to a computer database, managed by the DGSE, containing the following metadata: identities of communicating people, their location, the durations and frequencies of the communications, the volume of each communication, and the subject of the message for emails. This database would cover "all1" Internet communications and telephony in France, which would be collected outside any legality (according to the daily Le Monde in July 20131). One reason given would be the fight against terrorism1. According to the services of the French Prime Minister, the device would be legal under the 1991 law, and there would be no massive and permanent espionage of French citizens because each interception of communication would be subject to authorization of CNCIS2.


In the basement of the DGSE premises on Boulevard Mortier in Paris, supercomputers store the metadata intercepted (among other things) by listening stations spread over the French metropolitan and overseas territories1. This automatic storage performed, precise interceptions can be made as needed3. Thus, as recognized by Bernard Barbier, technical director of the DGSE in 2010, the DGSE collects millions of passwords: "The general public networks are the main target. [...] We store years of metadata: IP addresses, phone numbers, who calls who, at what hours ... And then we correlate. "4

After several years of technical and human investments, the DGSE would have joined the first five nations in terms of computing capacity, behind the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel and China. According to its technical director, the heat generated by the supercomputers is enough to heat the building of DGSE1.

The data collected is shared between the following intelligence services: the Internal Security Directorate (ISB), the National Directorate of Intelligence and Customs Investigations (DNRED), the Directorate of Defense Protection and Security ( DPSD), the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DRM), the Tracfin cell in Bercy, and the Intelligence Directorate of the Paris Police Prefecture1. The judicial police can also appeal1.


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