Chak 98 NB
Chak 98NB Sargodha is a village in Tehsil Sargodha, Pakistan. Its coordinates: Latitude 31.97962591 & Longitude 72.6436925. Direction to Qibla 259 degree from North; Distance to Qibla 3448 km. Its distance from Sargodha city is 13.3 km. Lahore located to 194 km ; Sialkot to Chak 98NB Sargodha 213 km ; Islamabad 262 km ; Peshawar 388 km ; Quetta 802 km and Karachi located 1215 km: it is situated on Sargodha to Shaheenabad road.
[edit]In Chak 98NB Sargodha there is a primary school and a middle school for boys. There is no high school for boys. There is a primary school, high school and a degree college for girls in Chak 98NB Sargodha.
[edit]Muslims are the majority in this Chak. There are also Christians and Ahmadiyya communities in minorities.
[edit]There is no working hospital or first aid center.
[edit]Agriculture and livestock are a major part of the economy.
[edit]There is bus service between Sargodha and Sillanwali and a train station at Charnali near from Chak 98NB Sargodha. There is also a train station at Pindi Rasool, which is not operating.
31°58′47″N 72°38′37″E / 31.97962591°N 72.6436925°E