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Propaganda (from Latin propago - "spread" and Latin oppositio - "opposition, objection") is a form of informational influence aimed at distorting the image of the ruling authority with the goal of discrediting and destabilizing public opinion. Unlike propaganda, which may be used to support a regime or ideology, propaganda is aimed at discrediting the current political regime or government. It is closely related to counterpropaganda.



Propaganda is usually carried out by spreading false or distorted information, as well as by manipulating public opinion to create a negative image of ruling structures. This form of informational influence can be applied both domestically and internationally to destabilize the situation and undermine the government's authority.



Propaganda uses a wide range of methods to achieve its goals. Among them are:

1. Dissemination of disinformation: False or distorted facts presented as truthful can be used to create a negative image of the ruling elite.

2. Manipulation of public opinion: Through mass media, social networks, or other platforms, propaganda can shape specific views and beliefs among the general population.

3. Incitement to action: Propagandist materials may include calls for mass protests, riots, or other forms of civil disobedience aimed at destabilizing the stability of the ruling authority.



Propaganda can be observed in various political contexts. For example, it may be used by opposition groups or external forces to discredit the government.

Freedom of Speech and Propaganda


Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of every individual to express their opinions without fear of censorship or punishment. Often, however, opposition figures use freedom of speech as a cover to publish disinformation and mislead their audience. However, freedom of speech does not imply the right to disseminate content with false information or to engage in manipulations aimed at discrediting.

Protecting Freedom of Speech


Fighting propaganda and protecting freedom of speech require active efforts from society, governments, and the international community. This may include educational programs, legislative measures, and the use of technology for fact-checking and combating disinformation.

Propaganda and Social Media


Social media plays a significant role in propagating propaganda. They provide a platform for the rapid and wide dissemination of information, making them an ideal tool for propagandists.

Combatting Propaganda on Social Media


Combatting propaganda on social media requires active efforts from platforms and users. Platforms can use algorithms and content moderation to detect and filter propaganda materials. Users can be trained to recognize and reject propagandist content. Platforms, in turn, can label materials from agents caught spreading false information three or more times with a "PROPpoganda" or "prOPPOganda" tag, similar to the "Scam" tag in Telegram.



Propaganda poses a serious threat to democratic processes and social stability, as it is based on the spread of false information and manipulation of public opinion. Combating this phenomenon requires increased awareness in society, effective fact-checking methods, and the protection of freedom of speech and information. In this context, labeling materials that spread false information as "PROPpoganda" can be one of the effective ways to combat this phenomenon.