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Draft:South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV)

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South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) is a professional body, founded by Professor K. Jaishankar (2009) which promotes research, training, consultancy, and advocacy on South Asian countries among academics, professionals, and policymakers in the field of criminology and victimology.

South Asian countries, with a combined population of over 1.7 billion, have their policing, criminal justice, and victim support systems. Whilst some countries in the region have a fairly long history of developing criminology and criminal justice education and research, others are just beginning this journey. However, the level of academic and research collaboration among the South Asian countries in the field of criminology and victimology is inadequate to make any substantial contribution to the development of knowledge in these areas. Some of the main reasons for this limited cooperation and collaboration are identified as diverse and inadequate academic and research connections, lack of locally focused research, and finally, the failure to engage with policymakers and practitioners within the region.

South Asian societies have different cultural, socioeconomic, and political traditions, and it is essential to have research agendas that are grounded in local knowledge and are capable of responding to the needs of that particular society. Helpers of SASCV have identified several challenges and barriers to the achievement of this aim. Through active engagement and dialogue with a wide range of local and international stakeholders, it is expected that the Society will develop strategies to address some of these barriers shortly. The key stakeholders of this crucial initiative could be divided into different categories such as academics, students, professionals, donors, and policymakers, among others. SASCV welcomes all persons, institutions, and organizations as members provided they subscribe to the objectives of the Society.

Background and Objectives

As very evident from the title of the assignment, South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) possesses a considerable geographical focus, tending to countries in South Asia. The members of the Society derive from academia, statutory and non-statutory bodies that operate within the criminal justice field, and volunteers working in a wide range of victim support services. SASCV aims to achieve and maintain recognition as the leading organization and network in the field of criminology and victimology in the South Asian region. It aims to build individual and institutional capacity, promoting and facilitating high-quality, collaborative research amongst members, and supporting students from South Asian countries to pursue higher education in relevant fields. The key objectives of the Society are to promote the study of criminology and victimology in the South Asian region, promote the public understanding of crime, victimization and the operation of the criminal justice and related systems in South Asian countries and facilitating and disseminate comparative research and practice in the field of criminology and victimology between South Asian countries and other parts of the world. Membership is open to any person who is interested in furthering the objectives of the Society, and who agrees to uphold its constitution.

Scope of SASCV

The South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) is the most premier and only regional society in the South Asian region. It is an organization that is non-profit in nature and serves as a platform for professionals and individuals interested in the discipline of criminology and victimology in or relevant to the South Asian region. The primary aim of the society is to bring together professionals, academics, researchers, policy makers, students, and other persons interested in the fields of criminology and victimology on a common platform to promote scientific research in the areas of South Asian criminology and victimology and to promote good practices, knowledge, and excellence in South Asian criminology and victimology. The society focuses on the study and examination of issues and matters concerning crime, victimization, causes of crime, crime prevention, restorative justice, rehabilitation, and reintegration of offenders in the realm of criminology and victimology from a South Asian context. With a regional focus, it aims to provide knowledge, practices, and experiences in dealing with or managing crime and victimization in the South Asian context that is distinct and unique from the western understanding. The society also hopes to aspire to provide the platform and necessary resources for facilitating professional mentorship, collaboration, and cross-jurisdictional research networking among professionals in the fields of South Asian criminology and victimology. The society seeks to engage in partnerships with relevant stakeholders in the areas of criminal justice, policy, and practice with a view to raising awareness, making meaningful impact, and contributing to the betterment of the society in the South Asian context through research, consultancy, and training in the areas of criminology and victimology.

Conferences and Events

The binneial conference is the biggest event in the SASCV academic calendar. So far 5 internatinal conferences of SASCV has been held. The event has seen great participation and support from both local and international scholars. The conference programme ordinarily includes the general meeting sessions for the presentation of academic papers, the society's annual general meeting as well as various student activities and networking workshops. Over the years the society has attracted very distinguished keynote speakers to this conference. Such notable speakers have presented at SASCV conference includes Professor Natti Ronel, Bar Illan University, Israel, Professor David Wall, University of Leeds, UK, and Professor Vesna, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Being an active society that promotes learning and research among the students and staff members in the South Asian region, SASCV usually organises various academic and social events for the benefit of their society members. The most notable events are their annual binennail conference and the various workshops and seminars that aim to build the capacity of our members. The executive committee is always mindful of including academic events with social events, such as the annual dinner, as well as events that will specifically target the needs of SASCV student members.

Workshops and Seminars

The South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology organizes workshops and seminars through the function of different colleges with the aid of suitable teachers and students. It additionally communicates with different comparable sets and invites them to participate in the activities. The workshops and seminars are very beneficial in the improvement of students. These workshops no longer only provide a closer look at what is being discussed in the class, but also provide an event for faculty, graduate student and undergraduate college students to talk over and think about the matters raised in the lectures and course in general.

Membership and Networking

The SASCV is committed to providing the best membership benefits to its members in order to enhance their knowledge, skills, and expertise. Members of the Association have the benefit of access to an international network of other professionals in South Asian criminology through the internet. Executive members have the privilege of serving the Association in enhancing professionalism and effective operations while strengthening the capacity of the Association to fulfill its objectives. By becoming a member of the SASCV, one will join an international community of leading academics, teachers, practitioners, policymakers, and students in the field of South Asian criminology and criminal justice. There are also opportunities to link up with leading scholars and experts in your area of interest through the various activities and initiatives of the Association, including contributing to the journal. Outlined below are the various membership categories.

There is a wide range of benefits for those becoming a member of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology. Firstly, being a member would provide a sense of belonging. The society is led by a group of enthusiastic academics and experienced professionals in the field, and the Society acts as a central point in bringing together those who have an active interest in important contemporary issues in victimology and criminal justice, either in South Asia or globally. By being a member, this creates opportunities for dialogue, ideas, and new initiatives, and a genuine opportunity to make progress in those areas, both within South Asia itself and from a global perspective. For those who may feel isolated as researchers, or who are struggling to find networks that will allow them to promote their research findings, membership of the Society can be very empowering, particularly when it comes to the development of new and forward-thinking research, and the implementation and impact of that research upon improving policy and practice initiatives either locally or globally.

Secondly, there are opportunities for members' personal and academic growth. Membership provides the potential for involvement in society-led activities and benefiting from the experience and expertise of other leading members of the Society. For example, there may well be the chance to be involved in society committee work and to play a role in shaping the academic, governance, and strategic priorities of the Society, which can be incredibly beneficial for academic CVs and professional career development prospects.

