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List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

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Submarines in the Soviet Navy were developed by numbered "projects," which sometimes but not always were given names. During the Cold War, NATO nations referred to these classes by NATO reporting names, based on intelligence data, which did not always correspond perfectly with the projects. See:

The NATO reporting names were based on the British (and later American) habit of naming submarines with a letter of the alphabet indicating the class, followed by a serial number of that class. The names are the radiotelphonic alphabet call sign of a letter of the alphabet. For security purposes, the "pennant numbers" of Soviet submarines were not sequential, any more than those of Soviet surface vessels were.

Most Russian (and Soviet) submarines had no "personal" name, but were only known by a number, prefixed by letters identifying the boat's type at a higher level than her class. Those letters included:

  • К (K) — крейсерская (kreyserskaya, "cruiser")
  • ТК (TK) — тяжелая крейсерская (tyazholaya kreyserskaya, "heavy cruiser")
  • Б (B) — большая (bolshaya, "large")
  • С (S) — средняя (srednyaja, "medium")
  • М (M) — малая (malaya, "small")

Any of those prefixes could have С (S) added to the end, standing for специальная (spetsialnaya) and meaning "designed for special missions."


Attack Submarines

Project NATO reporting name
611, AB611 Zulu
613 Whiskey
615 Quebec
633 Romeo
641 Foxtrot
641Б Cом (Som, catfish) Tango
690 Кефаль (Kefal', mullet) Bravo
877, 877Э, 877ЭКМ, 877В, 877ЛПМБ, 877ЭК Paltus (turbot) Kilo
636, 636М Improved Kilo
677 Лада (Lada, harmony)
1650 Амур (the Amur river)
865 Пиранья (Piran'ya, piranha) Losos

Guided Missile Submarines

Project NATO reporting name
P613 Whiskey Single Cylinder
644 Whiskey Twin Cylinder
665 Whiskey Long Bin
651 Juliett

Ballistic Missile Submarines

Project NATO reporting name
629, 609, 601, 605, 619 Golf

Auxiliary Submarines

Project NATO reporting name
940 Ленок (Lenok, salmon) India
1710 Макрель (Makrel', mackerel) Belouga
1840 Lima


Attack Submarines

First Generation

Project NATO reporting name
627 Кит, 645 Кит-ЖМТ (Kit, whale) November

Second Generation

Project NATO reporting name
671, 671B, 671K, 671R Ёрш (Yorsh, Ruffe) Victor I
671PT Victor II
671PTM Щука (Shchuka, pike) Victor III

Third Generation

Project NATO reporting name
705, 705K Лира (Lyra, the constellation) Alfa
945 Барракуда (Barrakuda, barracuda) Sierra I
945A Кондор (Kondor, condor) Sierra II
945Б Марс (Mars, the god) Sierra III
685 Плавник (Plavnik, fin) Mike

Fourth Generation

Project NATO reporting name
971 Щука-Б (Shchuka-B, pike) Akula (note that the Soviet name for the "Typhoon" is Akula)
885 Ясень (Yasen, Ash) Graney

Guided Missile Submarines

First Generation

Project NATO reporting name
659 Echo I
675 Echo II

Second Generation

Project NATO reporting name
661 Анчар (Anchar, upas) Papa
667AT Груша (Grusha, pear) Yankee Notch
667M Андромеда (Andromeda, the constellation) Yankee Sidecar
670 Скат (Skat, ray) Charlie I
670M Скат-М (Skat-M, ray) Charlie II
06704 Чайка-Б (Chaika-B, seagull) Charlie

Third Generation

Project NATO reporting name
949 Гранит (Granit, granite) Oscar I
949A Антей (Antey, Antaeus) Oscar II

Ballistic Missile Submarines

First Generation

Project NATO reporting name
658, 701 Hotel

Second Generation

Project NATO reporting name
667A Навага, 667AУ Налим (Navaga; Nalim, burbot) Yankee I
667AM Навага-М (Navaga-M) Yankee II
Delta class, comprised of:
667Б Мурена (Murena, eel) Delta I
667БД Мурена-М (Murena-M, eel) Delta II
667БДР Кальмар (Kal'mar, squid) Delta III
667БДРМ Дельфин (Del'fin, dolphin) Delta IV

Third Generation

Project NATO reporting name
941 Акула (Akula, shark) Typhoon (note that NATO uses "Akula" to refer to the Shchuka-B)

Fourth Generation

Project NATO reporting name
955 Борей (Borei) Borei

Auxiliary Submarines

Project NATO reporting name
1910 Кашалот (Kashalot, cachalot) Uniform
885 Ясень (Yasen, ash) Graney
977.4 Аксон (Akson) Yankee Pod
978 Yankee Stretch

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