List of aviation, avionics, aerospace and aeronautical abbreviations
A glossary of abbreviations used in relation to aviation, in alphabetical order.
Abbreviation | Term |
BC | back course |
BITE | Built-In Test Equipment |
BL | Butt Line |
B/P | Blue Print |
BPR | bypass ratio |
BOM | Bill of Material |
BWC | bird watch condition |
Abbreviation | Term |
C2 | command and control |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAME | Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition |
CAMO | Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation |
CANSO | Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation |
CAR | civil aviation requirements |
CAS | calibrated airspeed |
CDI | course deviation indicator |
CDU | control/display unit |
CFIT | controlled flight into terrain |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CG | center of gravity |
CMM | component maintenance manual |
CMV | converted meteorological visibility |
CPDLC | controller–pilot data link communications |
CSU | constant speed unit |
CTAF | common traffic advisory frequency |
CTR | controlled traffic region/control zone |
CVR | cockpit voice recorder |
Abbreviation | Term |
DA | density altitude |
DA/H | decision altitude/height (rel. to THR) See instrument landing system |
DER | departure end of runway / Designated engineering representative |
DG | directional gyro |
DGR | Dangerous Goods Regulation |
DIA | diameter |
DLR | German Aerospace Center / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. |
DME | distance measuring equipment |
DOW | dry operational weight |
DR | dead reckoning |
DUATS | Direct User Access Terminal Service |
DWC | dog watch condition |
Abbreviation | Term |
EADI | Electronic Attitude Direction indicator |
EAS | equivalent airspeed |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency |
EBOM | engineering Bill of Material |
ECR | Engineering Change Request |
EGPWS | enhanced ground proximity warning system |
EDTO | extended diversion time operations |
EOBT | estimated off-blocktime |
ECAM | electronic centralised aircraft monitor |
ECET | end of civil evening twilight |
EFIS | electronic flight instrument system |
EGT | exhaust gas temperature |
EICAS | engine-indicating and crew-alerting system |
E-LSA | experimental light-sport aircraft |
ELT | emergency locator transmitter |
EMAS | engineered materials arresting system |
EPR | engine pressure ratio |
ESA | emergency safe altitude |
ETA | estimated time of arrival |
ETD | estimated time of departure |
ETP | equal time point |
ETOPS | Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards, see ETOPS |
EUROCAE | European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment |
EW | Empty Weight |
Abbreviation | Term |
FAA | U.S. Department of Transportations' Federal Aviation Administration |
FADEC | full authority digital engine control |
FAF | final approach fix |
FAF | [first available flight] |
FANS | future air navigation system |
FAP | final approach point |
FAP | forward attendant panel |
FAROS | final approach runway occupancy signal |
FATO | final approach and take off |
FBO | fixed base operator |
FBW | fly-by-wire |
FCOM | flight crew operating manual |
FD | flight director |
FDM | flight data monitoring |
FDR | flight data recorder (also known as black box) |
FEP | final end point |
FFDZ | free fall drop zone (parachutists) |
FIR | flight information region |
FL | flight level |
FMA | flight mode annunciator |
FMC | flight management computer (same as FMS) |
FMS | flight management system |
FOO | flight operation officer |
FOQA | flight operational quality assurance |
FPA | flight path angle |
FPL | filed flight plan |
FSF | Flight Safety Foundation |
FSS | flight service station |
Abbreviation | Term |
GA | general aviation |
G/A or GA | go-around |
GCA | Ground-controlled approach |
GEA | Ground effect area |
GLOC | g-induced loss of consciousness, where g is acceleration relevant to the acceleration caused by gravity |
GND | ground |
GP | glide path. See Instrument landing system |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPU | Ground Power Unit |
GPWS | ground proximity warning system |
G/S | glideslope |
GS | groundspeed |
GSE | ground service equipment |
Abbreviation | Term |
H | Heavy |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Material |
HDG | Heading |
HFE | Human Factors Engineering[2] |
HFES | ??? |
HIRO | High Intensity Runway Operation |
HIRTA | High Intensity Radio Transmission Area |
HIWAS | Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service |
HL | Height loss |
HLD | hold (hold altitude or speed or something else) (same as maintain, but not maintenance!) |
HPA | human-powered aircraft |
HSI | horizontal situation indicator |
HUD | head-up display |
HYD | hydraulic |
HYDIM | hydraulic interface module |
Abbreviation | Term |
IB | Inboard |
IAC | instrument approach chart |
IAF | initial approach fix |
IAP | instrument approach procedure |
IAS | indicated airspeed |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
ICA | Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICD | Interface Control Document |
ICO | idle cut-off |
IDT | identify (XPDR) |
IF | intermediate approach fix |
IFA | International Federation of Airworthiness |
IFATCA | International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations |
IFE | In Flight Entertainment |
IFR | instrument flight rules |
IFSD | in-flight shutdown |
ILS | instrument landing system |
IMC | instrument meteorological conditions |
IML | Inside Mold Line |
INS | inertial navigation system |
IR | Initial Release |
IRS | inertial reference system |
IRT | instrument rating test |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere |
ISFD | integrated standby flight display |
ISIS | integrated standby instrument system |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
ITT | interstage turbine temperature |
IAW | In accordance with |
Abbreviation | Term |
KCAS | knots calibrated airspeed |
KIAS | knots indicated airspeed |
KTAS | knots true airspeed |
Abbreviation | Term |
LAME | licensed aircraft maintenance engineer |
LCN | load classification number |
LCG | load classification group |
LHO | live human organs |
LIR | Loading Instruction Report |
LLC | Life Limited Component |
LLZ | localizer (ILS) |
LM | land and marine |
LOC | loss of control; Localizer |
LOFT | line-oriented flight training |
LOTC | loss of thrust control |
LNAV | lateral navigation |
LPV | localizer performance with vertical guidance |
LRU | line-replaceable unit |
LSAS | longitudinal stability augmentation system |
LTP | Landing Threshold Point |
LW | Landing Weight |
LOM | Limitation Of Movement |
Abbreviation | Term |
MAC | mean aerodynamic chord |
MAP | missed approach point |
MATS | Manual of Air Traffic Services |
MCP | mode control panel |
ME | Manufacturing Engineer |
MEA | Minimum En-route Altitude |
MCDU | Multi control display unit |
MDA | minimum descent altitude |
MDH | minimum descent height |
MEDEVAC | medical evacuation |
MEF | maximum elevation figure |
MMEL | master minimum equipment list |
MEL | minimum equipment list |
METAR | meteorological aerodrome report (METAR) |
MFD | multi function display |
MLDW | maximum landing weight |
MLS | microwave landing system |
MM | middle marker |
MOC | minimum obstacle clearance |
MOCA | Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude |
MP | manifold pressure |
MRB | Material Review Board |
MRO | maintenance repair overhaul |
MRP | Material Resources Planning |
MRW | maximum ramp weight |
MSA | minimum safe altitude / minimum sector altitude |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
MSL | mean sea level |
MSLW | Max. Structural Landing Weight |
MSTOW | Max. Structural Take-off Weight |
MTOW | maximum take-off weight |
MSZFW | Max. Structural Zero Fuel Weight |
MVA | Minimum Vectoring Altitude |
MZFW | maximum zero-fuel weight |
Abbreviation | Term |
NDB | Non-directional beacon |
NDT | Non-destructive testing |
NOTAM | notice to airmen |
NTZ | No-transgression zone |
Abbreviation | Term |
OBE | overcome by events |
OBS | omni-bearing selector |
OCA | obstacle clearance altitude |
OCH | obstacle clearance height |
OEI | one engine inoperative |
OEM | original equipment manufacturer |
OIS | obstacle identification surface |
OM | outer marker |
OTS | out of service |
OW | operational weight |
Abbreviation | Term |
P | (as a prefix:) prohibited airspace |
PA | pressure altitude |
PANS-OPS | procedures for air navigation services – aircraft operations |
PAPI | precision approach path indicator |
PAOG | Pre Aircraft on Ground |
PAR | precision approach radar |
PAX | passenger |
PBD | place bearing distance (RNAV waypoint) |
PCN | pavement classification number |
PDG | procedure design gradient |
PDAS | public domain aeronautical software |
PET | point of equal time |
PF | pilot flying |
PFD | primary flight display |
PFAF | precision final approach fix |
PIC | Pilot In Command |
PICUS | Pilot In Command, under supervision[3] |
PIO | Pilot Induced Oscillations |
PIP | performance improvement package |
PIREP | Pilot Report |
PJE | Parachute jumping exercise |
PM | pilot monitoring |
PNF | pilot not flying |
PNR | Point of No Return |
POA | Production Organisation Approval |
POH | Pilot's Operating Handbook |
POF | Principles Of Flight |
PPL | private pilot licence |
PPR | prior permission required |
PSR | point of safe return |
PSR | power supply reset |
PSU | personal service unit |
PS | Pax Step |
PTT | push to talk |
Abbreviation | Term |
QFE | the Q-code for: Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold) |
QNH | the Q-code for: Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground, i.e. altitude above MSL |
QRH | quick reference handbook |
Abbreviation | Term |
R | (as a prefix:) restricted airspace |
RA | radio altitude or radar altimeter |
RA | resolution advisory (in the context of TCAS) |
RAS | rectified air speed |
RA(T) | restricted area (temporary) |
RAT | ram air turbine |
RCO | remote communications outlet |
RDH | reference datum height for ILS |
RESA | runway end safety area |
RFI | recreational flight instructor |
RNAV | area navigation |
RNP | required navigation performance |
RSA | runway safety area |
RSR | en-route surveillance radar |
RT | radiotelephony |
RTO | rejected take-off |
RTOW | regulatory take-off weight |
RVR | runway visual range |
RVSM | reduced vertical separation minima |
RWY | runway |
RW | ramp weight |
RPL | Repetitive Flight Planning |
Abbreviation | Term |
SAS | stability augmentation system |
SCAP | Standard Computerized Airplane Performance |
SESAR | Single European Sky ATM Research |
SIGMET | Significant Meteorological Information |
SMOH | Since major overhaul |
SMR | surface movement radar |
SOC | start of climb at missed approach |
SOP | standard operating procedure |
SOW | Statement of Work |
SID | standard instrument departure |
SR | sunrise |
SS | sunset |
STAR | standard terminal arrival route |
SODPRO | simultaneous opposite direction parallel runway operations |
Abbreviation | Term |
TA | traffic advisory (see TCAS) |
TAA | terminal arrival area |
TACAN | tactical air navigation |
TAF | terminal aerodrome forecast |
TAM | total airport management |
TAR | terminal approach radar |
TAS | true airspeed |
TAT | total air temperature |
TAWS | terrain awareness and warning system |
TCA | terminal control area |
TCAS | traffic collision avoidance system |
TCH | threshold crossing height |
TDZ | touchdown zone |
TERPS | terminal procedures |
TFC | traffic |
TFR | temporary flight restriction |
TGB | transfer gearbox |
TGL | temporary guidance leaflet |
THLD | threshold |
THR | runway threshold |
THS | trimmable horizontal stabilizer, see tailplane |
TLD | time-limited dispatch |
TMA | terminal manoeuvring area (Europe)/terminal control area (USA and Canada) |
TMZ | transponder mandatory zone |
TOD | top of descent |
TODA | take-off distance available |
TO/GA | take-off/go around |
TOR | take-off runway |
TORA | take-off runway available |
TOW | take-off weight |
TOWS | take-off warning system |
TP | turning point at missed approach |
TRA | temporary reserved area (airspace) |
TRACON | terminal radar approach control |
TRP | thrust rating panel |
TTAF | total time air frame |
TTSN | total time since new |
TTSO | total time since overhaul |
TWR | tower |
TWY | taxiway |
Abbreviation | Term |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft System[4] |
UAV | unmanned air vehicle |
UHF | ultra-high frequency |
UIR | upper information region |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated |
Abbreviation | Term |
V&V | Video & Vision[5] |
VASI | visual approach slope indicator |
VDP | Visual descent point |
VFR | visual flight rules |
VHF | very high frequency |
VMC | visual meteorological conditions |
VNAV | vertical navigation |
VOR | VHF omnidirectional range |
VSI | Vertical speed indicator |
VVI | Vertical velocity indicator (the same as VSI) |
Abbreviation | Term |
V1 | speed at or above which takeoff cannot be safely interrupted |
Va | maneuvering speed |
Vfe | maximum flaps extended speed |
Vle | maximum landing gear extension sp |
Vlo | maximum landing gear operating speed |
Vmc | minimum control speed |
Vmca | velocity of minimum control in the air |
Vmcg | velocity of minimum control on ground |
Vmo | maximum operating speed |
Vne | never-exceed speed |
Vno | normal operating speed limit |
Vs | stall speed |
Vso | stall speed in landing configuration |
Vx | best angle of climb speed |
Vy | best rate of climb speed |
Abbreviation | Term |
WAT | weight, altitude, temperature: variables that affect takeoff performance |
W&B | Weight & Balance |
WEF | with effect from |
WOFW | weight-off-wheels, indicates aircraft is off ground since lift off |
WONW | weight-on-wheels, indicates aircraft is on ground since touch down |
Abbreviation | Term |
XMIT | transmit |
XPDR | transponder |
XPNDR | transponder |
Abbreviation | Term |
Y | yaw or yaw angle |
Y/D | yaw damper |
Abbreviation | Term |
Z | Zulu Time (UTC) |
ZFT | zero-fuel time |
ZFW | zero-fuel weight |
See also
- ^ Association for Scientific Development of Air Traffic Management in Europe
- ^
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{{cite web}}
: External link in
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- Aerospace acronyms Terms and Glossary
- Aviada Terminaro, verkita de Gilbert R. LEDON, 286 pagxoj.