List of butterflies of Sri Lanka (Nymphalidae)
This is a list of the butterflies of family Nymphalidae which are found in Sri Lanka. It is part of List of the butterflies of Sri Lanka.
Genus Parantica, The Glassy Tigers
- Glassy Tiger, Parantica aglea (Stoll, 1782) nominate
- Ceylon Tiger, Parantica taprobana (Felder & Felder, 1865)
- Ceylon Blue Glassy Tiger, Ideopsis similis (Linnaeus, 1758) ssp. exprompta
Genus Tirumala, The Blue Tigers
- Blue Tiger, Tirumala limniace Cramer, 1775
- Dark Blue Tiger, Tirumala septentrionis (Butler, 1874) ssp.musikanos
Genus Danaus, The Tigers
- Common Or Striped Tiger, Danaus genutia Cramer, 1779
- Plain Tiger, Danaus chrysippus Linnaeus, 1758
Genus Euploea, The Crows
- Double-Branded Crow, Euploea sylvester (Fabricius, 1793) ssp. montana
- Great Crow, Euploea phaenareta (Schaller, 1785) ssp. corus
- Blue King Crow, Euploea klugii Moore, 1858 ssp. sinhala
- Common Indian Crow, Euploea core (Cramer, 1780) ssp. asela
Genus Idea- The Tree Nymphs
- Ceylon Tree Nymph (Westwood, 1848)
Genus Melanitis- The Evening Browns
- Common Evening Brown Melanitis leda (Linnaeus, 1758) ssp. ismene
- Dark Evening Evening Brown, Melanitis phedima (Cramer, 1780) ssp. tambra
Genus Elymnias-The Palmflies
- Common Palmfly, Elymnias hypermnestra (Linnaeus, 1763) ssp. fraterna
- Ceylon Palmfly, Elymnias singhala (Moore, 1874) Endemic
Genus Lethe- The Treebrowns
- Ceylon Treebrown, Lethe daretis (Hewitson, 1863)
- Common Treebrown, Lethe rohria (Fabricius, 1787) ssp. yoga
- Tamil Treebrown, Lethe drypetis (Hewitson, 1863) nominate
- Ceylon Forester, Lethe dynsate (Hewitson, 1863)
Genus Mycalesis- The Bushbrowns
- Common Bushbrown, Mycalesis perseus (Fabricius, 1775) ssp. typhlus
- Dark-brand Bushbrown, Mycalesis mineus (Linnaeus, 1758) ssp. polydecta
- Long-brand Bushbrown, Mycalesis visala Moore, 1857 ssp. subdita
- Cingalese Bushbrown, Mycalesis rama, (Moore, 1892)
- Glad-eye Bushbrown, Mycalesis patnia Moore, 1857 ssp. junonia
Genus Orsotriaena -The Nigger
Genus Ypthima - The Rings
- White Four-ring, Ypthima ceylonica Hewitson, 1865
- Jewel Four-ring, Ypthima avanta ssp. singhala
Genus Discophora - The Duffers
- Southern Duffer, Discophora lepida Moore, 1857 ssp. ceylonica
Genus Ariadne - The Castors
- Angled Castor, Ariadne ariadne (Linnaeus, 1763) ssp. minorata
- Common Castor, Ariadne merione (Cramer, 1777) ssp. taprobana
Genus Byblia - The Joker
Genus Acraea- Costers
- Tawny Coster, Acraea terpsicore (Linnaeus, 1758)
Genus Argynnis - Fritillaries
- Indian Fritillary, Argynnis hyperbius (Linnaeus, 1763) ssp. taprobana
Genus Phalanta - The Leopards
- Common Leopard, Phalanta phalantha (Drury, 1773
- Small Leopard, Phalanta alcippe (Stoll, 1782) ssp. ceylonica
Genus Cethosia - The Lacewings
- Tamil Lacewing, Cethosia nietneri, Felder & Felder, 1867 nominate
Genus Cupha - The Rustic
Genus Vindula - The Cruiser
Genus Cirrochroa - The Yeomans
- Tamil Yeoman, Cirrochroa thais (Fabricius, 1787 ssp. lanka)
Genus Kaniska-The Tortoiseshells
- Blue Admiral, Kaniska canace (Linnaeus, 1763) ssp. haronica
Genus Vanessa-The Red Admirals
- Indian Red Admiral, Vanessa indica (Herbst, 1794) ssp. nubicola
- Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758)
Genus Junonia - The Pansies
- Chocolate Soldier, Junonia iphita (Cramer, 1779) ssp. pluviatalis
- Yellow Pansy, Junonia hierta (Fabricius, 1798)
- Blue Pansy, Junonia orithya (Linnaeus, 1758) ssp. swinhoei
- Lemon Pansy, Junonia lemonias (Linnaeus, 1758) ssp. vaisya
- Peacock Pansy, Junonia almana (Linnaeus, 1758) nominate
- Grey Pansy, Junonia atlites (Linnaeus, 1763) nominate
Genus Kallima - The Oakleafs
- Ceylon Blue Oakleaf, Kallima philarchus (Westwood, 1848)
Genus Doleschallia - The Autumn Leaf
- Autumn Leaf, (Cramer, 1777) Doleschallia bisaltide ssp. ceylonica
Hypolimnas - The eggflies
- Great Eggfly, Hypolimnas bolina (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Danaid Eggfly, Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764)
Genus Neptis - The Sailers
- Common Sailer, Neptis hylas Linnaeus, 1758 ssp. varmona
- Chestnut-Streaked Sailer, Neptis jumbah Moore, 1857 ssp. nalanda
Genus Lasippa - The Lascars
- Common Lascar, Pantoporia hordonia (Stoll, 1790) ssp. sinuata
Genus Moduza - The Commander
Genus Parthenos - The Clipper
Genus Dophla - Redspot Duke
- Redspot Duke, Dophla evelina (Stoll, 1790) nominate
Genus Euthalia - The Barons
- Baronet, Euthalia nais (Forster, 1771)
- Gaudy Baron, Euthalia lubentina (Cramer, 1777) ssp. sittacus
- Common Baron, Euthalia aconthea (Cramer, 1777) ssp. vasanta
Genus Rohana - The Princes
- Black Prince, Rohana parisatis ( Westwood, 1850) ssp. camiba
Genus Polyura - The Nawabs
- Common Nawab, Polyura athamas (Drury, 1773)
Genus Charaxes - The Rajahs
- Tawny Rajah, Charaxes psaphon (Westwood, 1847)
- Black Rajah, Charaxes solon (Fabricius, 1793) ssp. cerynthus
- Club Beak, Libythea myrrha ssp. rama (Jean Baptiste Godart|Godart, 1819)
Genus Libythea - Beaks or Snouts
- Club Beak, Libythea myrrha ssp. rama (Jean Baptiste Godart|Godart, 1819)
- European or Common Beak, Libythea celtis (Laicharting, [1782]) ssp. lepitoides
- Bernard d'Abrera (1986) Butterflies of the Oriental Region. Part 3: Lycaenidae and Riodinidae Hill House Publishers ISBN 0-9593639-4-7
- D’Abrera, B.L. (1998) The Butterflies of Ceylon. Hill House: Melbourne; London. 224pp. ISBN 0-947352-35-X