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Melt-Banana is a Japanese noise rock band that was founded in 1992 by friends attending Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. These friends were Onuki Yasuko (also known as Yasuko O. or just Yako), Agata Ichirou, Rika mm' and later on Toshiaki Sudoh (more widely known as simply Sudoh).


Melt-Banana have released eight full-length albums and 23 EPs (primarily split releases with other bands, most of which were compiled onto one disc in 2005). In 1997, they created their own recording company, A-Zap (formerly Iguana Coax), and re-issued most of all their early albums. During this time, drummer Toshiaki Sudoh quit. Since then, the band has had different drummers helping for tours and recordings. They do massive U.S. and U.K. tours yearly and do smaller Japanese tours (the reason for this, according to them, is that travelling in Japan is quite expensive). Most recently, Melt-Banana recorded the song "Hair-Cat (Cause the Wolf Is a Cat!)" for Perfect Hair Forever on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup. The latest album, Bambi's Dilemma, was released on April 24, 2007.


Former members


Melt-Banana live in Frankfurt, Germany (2005)

Melt-Banana's music falls under what many call "noise rock" . The term refers to music that blends rock, noise music, and other genres. Agata plays highly unorthodox guitar with extended techniques. For instance, he overlaps two different guitar riffs, simulates lasers and sirens, and has an impressive arsenal of effects, almost all made through his guitar and large amount of effects pedals (this link is current as of 1999; Here is a more recent picture from their 2005 "13 Hedgehogs" tour). Yasuko O. belts out high-pitched screams and raps very quickly.[citation needed] Rika mm's bass lines aren't subdued like in most bands, but are given as much overt influence as Agata's guitar work. The sounds from the bass provide a distinct dimension to the music not found in many other bands. The drums are usually quite straightforward (however, in their recent albums, they have become more complex), especially on the faster songs, where they beat almost straight through with set cymbal crashes, providing an insane amount of energy to the songs. The band describes their recent music (especially Teeny Shiny and Cell-Scape) as pop, but it is far from it, except more accessible when compared to their earlier albums, perhaps. Essentially, it could be argued that Melt Banana's output, (with special attention brought to their more recent songs) are more reminiscent of quirkier indie pop bands, with definite melodies hiding beneath the distortion, effects and sheer speed. Yasuko even sings, as opposed to barks parts of one of the tracks called 'If it is the Deep Sea, I can See You There' on their studio album 'Cell Scape'. Also of note, most of their albums (except the two just mentioned) are intentionally lo-fi, as that is Agata's feeling for the music; however, group members disliked how these recordings sounded on the radio, so they aimed to make their last two albums more hi-fi.

Mystery Members

Regarding the full length recording "Cell Scape", it has often been stated that Melt-Banana used a drum machine for the recording of this album. However, it has been debated greatly by fans of the album that they in fact used a live drummer in the studio. The argument against a live drummer lies in an interview with the band. In an interview just after the release of "Cell Scape" the band was asked who played drums on the album. They alluded to the presence of a Japanese drum machine. This answer has been by and large unchallenged. Nevertheless, many agree that a close listening to the album reveals that the percussion is provided by a live musician. The stylistic choices of the rhythm section suggest that the drummer may be Dave Witte, though live he has played some of the beats differently than they are played on the album.

Live Performances

Live performances are where Melt Banana win many of their devotees. While many critics perceive Melt Banana's recordings to be inaccessible, their sound translates much better live. Yasuko starts every show by yelling "We are Melt Banana from Tokyo, Japan!" Her rapid-fire delivery and Agata's frenetic guitar riffs infuse crowds with energy. Attendees often mosh or otherwise move in a frenzy during performances. Many die hard fans leave shows dripping of sweat. Yasuko O. often wears colorful and/or metallic costumes, while Rika mm' often wears just black. Both wear very high platform boots, on which Rika mm' often bounces, a la Krist Novoselic. Agata usually wears a surgical mask affixed to his face, sometimes with duct tape. They have recently opened for the band Tool in their 2007 tour.



  • July 1993 - Melt-Banana (released by Iguana Coax)
  • September 1993 - How Come Banana?? (released by Iguana Coax)
  • October 1993 - Raw Egg Till Morning (released by Iguana Coax)
  • September 1994 - Cactuses Come in the Flocks (released by Chocolate Monk)

External links