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Olga Zolina

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Olga Zolina
File:Dr. Olga Zolina.jpg
Dr. Olga Zolina
Born(1975-02-06)6 February 1975
Alma materMoscow State University
Known forChanges in European Extreme Precipitation
Scientific career
Atmospheric Scientist
InstitutionsMoscow State University
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
(Russian Academy of Sciences)
University of Bonn
Joseph Fourier University
Doctoral advisorSergey Gulev

Olga Zolina (Russian: Ольга Геннадиевна Золина) (6 February 1975) is a climate scientist, member of the GEWEX (WCRP), responsible for GEWEX Radiation Panel (extreme climate and weather events), member of the European Geosciences Union, German Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union.

Areas of expertise

  • Climate change in global- and continental-scale water cycle
  • Extreme climate events, statistical modelling of extreme precipitation
  • Dynamics of midlatitude and polar cyclones in the present and future climate
  • Air-sea interaction at synoptic and climate time scales
  • Tropical meteorology, El Niño – monsoon interaction

Professional societies

Professional activities

  • 2008 Member of the GEWEX (WCRP Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment)
  • 2009 Member of the project team for the international IMILAST (Intercomparison of midlatitude storm diagnostics) project
  • 2009 Reporter for European Alliance of Global Change Committees, Bonn/Koenigswinter, Germany
  • 2010 Chair, Scientific Organizing Committee “WCRP-UNESCO Workshop on metrics and methodologies of estimation of extreme climate events”, UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France
  • 2011 Co-convener of session “High-impact weather and extreme climate events” at the XXV IUGG General Assembly, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
  • 2011 Convener of special session “Understanding and characterizing climate extremes” at the WCRP Open Science Conference, 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA
  • 2012 Associate Editor, International Journal of Water.


  • 2007-2010 – “Mechanisms and predictability of long-term variability of extreme precipitation over Europe from observations and models”, excellence grant of the Ministry of Education and Science (Russia) (MK-345.2009.5), principal investigator.
  • 2000-2003 – “North Atlantic Oscillation: Regional Impacts on European Climate”, Volkswagen Stiftung, project scientist.
  • 2002-2012 – “Large Scale Climate Changes and their Environmental Relevance”, funded by North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts, research associate.
  • 2003-2005 – “Impact of Atlantic Cyclones on European Precipitation Extremes”, granted by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (03-05-64506), principal investigator.
  • 2008-2010 – “Mechanisms of the large-scale variability of extreme precipitation over the European continent from observational data and present climate modelling”, granted by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (08-05-00878-а), principal investigator.
  • 2009-2012 – “Spatial and Temporal Scales and Mechanisms of Extreme Precipitation Events over Central Europe (STAMMEX)”, granted by German Research Foundation (DFG) (PN 50160119), principal investigator.
  • 2010 - Organization and planning of the WCRP Workshop on metrics and methodologies for estimation of extreme climate events, granted by WCRP, Willis RE, NASA, principal investigator.
  • 2012-2014 - Eurasian snow accumulation – implications for understanding changes in hydrological cycle, Granted by ANR and CNRS, principal investigator.
  • 2012-2015 - Mechanisms of the moisture advection in high latitudes in the present and future climate, Granted by UJF and CNRS, principal investigator.




Foundations and Agencies:

Selected publications

Peer reviewed:

  • 2013 Changes in the duration of European wet and dry spells during the last decades.[1]
  • 2013 Recent trends in regional and global intense precipitation patterns.[2]
  • 2011 Changes in European Extreme Precipitation.[3]
  • 2011 Changes in synoptic structure of European precipitation and its impact on estimation of heavy rainfalls from daily rain gauges records.[4]
  • 2010 Improving the accuracy of estimation of climate extremes - WCRP-UNESCO Workshop on "Metrics and methodologies of estimation of extreme climate events.[5]
  • 2010 Changing structure of European precipitation: longer wet periods leading to more abundant rainfalls.[6]
  • 2009 Improving estimates of heavy and extreme precipitation using daily records from European rain gauges.[7]
  • 2008 Cyclone life cycle characteristics over the Northern Hemisphere in coupled GCMs.[8]
  • 2008 Seasonality of precipitation extremes over Central Europe during the last 50 years.[9]
  • 2005 On the robustness of the estimates of centennial-scale variability in heavy precipitation from station data over Europe.[10]
  • 2004 Analysis of extreme precipitations over Europe from different reanalyses: a comparative assessment.[11]
  • 2003 Characteristics of the resent eastward shift of interannual NAO variability.[12]
  • 2003 Synoptic variability of ocean-atmosphere turbulent fluxes associated with atmospheric cyclones.[13]
  • 2003 Evaluation of surface winds and waves from voluntary observing ship data.[14]
  • 2002 Improving the accuracy of mapping cyclone numbers and frequencies.[15]
  • 2001 Climate changes in the winter cyclogenesys over the Northern Hemisphere from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data.[16]
  • 2000 Innovative software facilitates cyclone tracking and analysis.[17]
  • 2000 Synoptic and sub-synoptic variability in the North Atlantic as revealed by the Ocean Weather Station data.[18]


  • 2013 Predicting precipitation.[20]
  • 2011 Workshop Is First Step in Improving Accuracy of Estimation of Extreme Climate Events.[21]
  • 2009 Statistical modelling of the catastrophic atmospheric precipitation. In: Dynamics and mathematical modelling of geophysical and hydrometerologycal processes.[22]
  • 2005 Use of indices in characterizing precipitation extremes: a European example.[23]
  • 1999 Seasonal and interannual variability in the cyclogenesis over the Northern Hemisphere from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data.[24]
  • 1998 Validation of the NCEP Reanalysis against instrumental measurements and VOS observations and the use of Reanalysis products for the study of weather regimes variability in the North Atlantic.[25]


  1. ^ Zolina, O., C. Simmer, S. K. Gulev, 2013: Changes in the duration of European wet and dry spells during the last decades. Journal of Climate, 26, 6, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00498.1.
  2. ^ Groisman, P.Ya, R. Knight, O. Zolina, 2013: Recent trends in regional and global intense precipitation patterns. Chapter 5, Climate Vulnerability, ed. Roger Pielke Sr., Elsevier.
  3. ^ Zolina, O., 2011: Changes in European Extreme Precipitation. In: “Changes of Flood Risk in Europe”, edited by Zbyszek Kundzewicz, IAHS Press (Wallingford, UK).
  4. ^ Zolina, O., 2011: Changes in synoptic structure of European precipitation and its impact on estimation of heavy rainfalls from daily rain gauges records. Transactions of RAS, 5, 436, 690-695.
  5. ^ Zolina, O., V. Detemmerman and K. E. Trenberth, 2010: Improving the accuracy of estimation of climate extremes - WCRP-UNESCO Workshop on "Metrics and methodologies of estimation of extreme climate events". EOS Transactions, 91, 51, 506.
  6. ^ Zolina, O., C. Simmer, S. K. Gulev and S. Kollet, 2010: Changing structure of European precipitation: longer wet periods leading to more abundant rainfalls. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37,L06704, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2010GL042468.
  7. ^ Zolina, O., C. Simmer, K. Belyaev, A. Kapala, S. K. Gulev, 2009: Improving estimates of heavy and extreme precipitation using daily records from European rain gauges, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/2008JHM1055.1, 701-716.
  8. ^ Loeptien, U., O. Zolina, S. K. Gulev, M. Latif and V. Soloviov, 2008: Cyclone life cycle characteristics over the Northern Hemisphere in coupled GCMs. Clim. Dynamics, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-007-0355-5.
  9. ^ Zolina, O., C. Simmer, A. Kapala, S. Bachner, S. K. Gulev, H. Maechel, 2008: Seasonality of precipitation extremes over Central Europe during the last 50 years. J. Geophys. Res. -Atmospheres, 113, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2007JD008393.
  10. ^ Zolina, O., C. Simmer, A. Kapala, S. K. Gulev, 2005: On the robustness of the estimates of centennial-scale variability in heavy precipitation from station data over Europe. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L14707, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2005GL023231.
  11. ^ Zolina, O., A. Kapala, C. Simmer, S. K. Gulev, 2004: Analysis of extreme precipitations over Europe from different reanalyses: a comparative assessment. Global and Planetary Change,44, 129-161. PDF
  12. ^ Jung, T., M. Hilmer, E. Ruprecht, S. Kleppek, S. K. Gulev and O. Zolina, 2003: Characteristics of the resent eastward shift of interannual NAO variability. Journal of Climate, 16, 3371-3382.
  13. ^ Zolina, O., and S. K. Gulev, 2003: Synoptic variability of ocean-atmosphere turbulent fluxes associated with atmospheric cyclones. Journal of Climate, 16, 2717-2734.
  14. ^ Gulev, S. K., V. Grigorieva, K. M. Selemenov, and O. Zolina, 2003: Evaluation of surface winds and waves from voluntary observing ship data. Advances in Applications of Marine Climatology, WMO, Geneva, 53-67.
  15. ^ Zolina, O., and S. K. Gulev, 2002: Improving the accuracy of mapping cyclone numbers and frequencies, Mon. Wea. Rev., 130(3), 748-759.
  16. ^ Gulev, S. K., O. Zolina, and S. Grigoriev, 2001: Climate changes in the winter cyclogenesys over the Northern Hemisphere from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data, Clim. Dynamics, 17(6), 795-809.
  17. ^ Grigoriev, S., S. K. Gulev, and O. Zolina, 2000: Innovative software facilitates cyclone tracking and analysis. EOS Transactions, 81, 170.
  18. ^ Gulev, S. K., O. Zolina, and Y. Reva, 2000: Synoptic and sub-synoptic variability in the North Atlantic as revealed by the Ocean Weather Station data. Tellus, 52A, 323-329.
  19. ^ Zolina, O., and E. Semenov, 2000: Impact of the El-Nino - Southern Oscillation on the summer Indian monsoon rainfall predictability. Meteorology and Hydrology, 1, 22-32.
  20. ^ Zolina, O., 2013: Predicting precipitation. International Innovation Journal, Environment-August 2013, 79-81.
  21. ^ Zolina, O., and V. Detemmerman, 2011: Workshop Is First Step in Improving Accuracy of Estimation of Extreme Climate Events. GEWEX News, 21(1), 7-9.
  22. ^ Zolina, O., 2009: Statistical modelling of the catastrophic atmospheric precipitation. In: Dynamics and mathematical modelling of geophysical and hydrometerologycal processes. Moscow, MAIK, 230-240.
  23. ^ Zolina, O., C. Simmer, A. Kapala, S. K. Gulev, 2005: Use of indices in characterizing precipitation extremes: a European example. GEWEX News, 15(2), 5-6.
  24. ^ Zolina, O., S. K. Gulev, and S. Grigoriev, 1999: Seasonal and interannual variability in the cyclogenesis over the Northern Hemisphere from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data. WCRP Second International Conference on Reanalysis Volume, WCRP-104, WMO/TD-876, 351-354.
  25. ^ Zolina, O., and S. K. Gulev, 1998: Validation of the NCEP Reanalysis against instrumental measurements and VOS observations and the use of Reanalysis products for the study of weather regimes variability in the North Atlantic. WCRP First International Conference on Reanalysis Volume, WCRP-104, WMO/TD-876, 298-301.
