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Talk:Feast of Trumpets (Christian holiday)

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ECG observances


The WCG began observing the Feast of Trumpets, and all seven of the annual Holy Days, in the 1930s. The Jewish Calendar was followed. Scripture, however, does not teach the following of the postponement rules of the Jewish calendar but the watching for the visible crescent. "Herb Solinksy" has some good research available on the biblical calendar. Web Reader 11:14, 22 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

WCG observed it when it was called the Radio Church of God. Some in the COG 7th Day were observing it towards the beginning of the 20th century and possibly before. COGwriter.

When did the WCG start observing this "holiday"?


Is there any historical detail as to when the WCG started observing this holiday? There is certainly a great degree of overlap with the Jewish observances on Rosh ha-Shana, making me think that a lot of ritual was "borrowed". JFW | T@lk 18:32, 7 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Whoa, get serious!


Since when did christianity follow Rabbinic literature, Midrash, and other Judaism-only things? Why are all christian articles misleading? ems 07:16, 26 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Missing The Point


It matters not when the WCG or any of its off-shoots began to observe the Feasts; if they had only started to do so in the last 12 months they are still Christian congregations by definition, and choose to worship in this way. Regardless of the denomination, faith, beliefs, traditions etc of anybody else this is THEIR Christianity. The article thus is encyclopedic, NPOV and factual. Period. You cannot dispute an article because it goes against your personal beliefs. 11:40, 8 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • To add, see the archived discussion at [[1]] where it was established that these articles are relevant and essentially accurate regarding the congregations who celebrate them 11:57, 8 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
    • Note, the WCG no longer observes the Jewish festivals. Those groups still following Herbert Armstrong do so, though.

As the originator of this article, I added back much of what was eliminated in this article by an evangelical who apparently wanted to get his/her prophetic understanding out there. I left those comments in, even though I did not agree with them, but felt that since this article was to a major degree about the Church of God observing of this day, that more on what the Church of God teaches about it needed to be added. COGwriter

Note, changed from "Church of God" to "Church of God groups still following Herbert Armstrong's teachings." The problem with simply "Church of God" is that most groups with that name do not keep these days - they would be Pentecostal (tongues-speaking) groups that worship on Sunday. "Armstrongite" would simply mean "disciples of Armstrong" - a title you would think these groups would gladly accept, given their view of the man. However, perhaps the above title will satisfy Mr. Thiel.

"Feast of Trumpets" is not specifically "Christian"


The Feast of Trumpets is not a "Christian" "holiday", it is specifically a "Biblical" "Holy Day". It was ordained by God within the Torah long before the followers of Armstrong. The Feasts are not specifically Jewish either. The early Chistian Church observed ALL of the Feasts of Yahweh. "Ignorant" Christians (those who do not know their own Christian history very well, if at all) simply assign the Biblical Holy Days to so-called "Messianic" groups or simply regard them as the "Jewish" festivals. They do not know and are never taught that coming out of the first century, most Christians, including Jesus the Messiah and his Apostles, observed the Holy Feasts. The reason modern Christendom doesn't observe the Feast Days today is because of the changes the Roman Catholic Church made in the 2nd through 5th centuries within Christendom. The Council of Nicaea (325 CE)specifically abandoned the Passover and replaced it with Rome's more popular pagan fertility festival--Easter. So before you start dissing people who know more history than you do, do your homework instead of just assuming your traditional "purpose-driven" Christianity is somehow inerrant. --Solascriptura 16:18, 23 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Material from Feast of Trumpets page

The following was from the Feast of Trumpets page that has nothing to do with normative Judaism of any kind and therefore this material needs to be absorbed into this POV article, if not deleted entirely for violations of WP:NOR; WP:NEO and WP:NOTMYSPACE. Thank you, IZAK (talk) 06:28, 18 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The Feast of Trumpets in the Torah (Hebrew Bible) is derived from the Hebrew: zichron teruah (זִכְרוֹן תְּרוּעָה "a memorial proclaimed with the blast of horns") see the Book of Leviticus 23:24 [2] that refers to the command to perform the ritual of the blowing of the shofar on the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

In the days of the Jewish Temple, the shofar was accompanied by the blowing of two silver trumpets (which were also blown on other occasions): Book of Numbers 10:1-2; 10:10: "And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying 'Make thee two trumpets of silver (שְׁתֵּי חֲצוֹצְרֹת כֶּסֶף); of beaten work shalt thou make them; and they shall be unto thee for the calling of the congregation...Also in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed seasons, and in your new moons, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace-offerings; and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the Lord your God.'

Thus the name refers to:

Some modern Christian groups have also adopted a version of it as:

In the autumn of the year and on the first day of the Tishrei moon trumpets are blown to announce the Hebrew holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Biblical Christians refer to it as the Feast of Trumpets. It is the 5th of the Seven Feasts of Israel. The ultimate New Covenant fulfillment of this future Jewish New Year, (Tishrei 1 on the Hebrew calendar), will be spectacular beyond words. The feast will explode into holy history. And it will be a blockbuster. Moses declared and prophesied that it would become a "memorial of blowing of trumpets" (Lev. 23:24-25) It seems that many faithful saints will suffer at the hands of the powers because they blew the trumpet and sounded the alarm on that awesome future Rosh Hashanah. (Ezek.33) On that coming feast day the faithful watchmen of Israel will answer the call. And "they will not be silent". This 5th feast was instituted by Moses at Sinai approximately 3,500 years ago. It marks the first day of the Hebrew (civil) new year. 'Rosh Hashanah' means 'head of the year'. The Feast of Trumpets is the first of the three, yet to be fulfilled, Fall Feasts of Israel. These Autumn Feasts relate to Kingdom/political issues rather than the High Priestly/religious matters that we saw Messiah address in the spring feasts during His first coming 2,000 years ago. Back then we saw Him ride into Jerusalem on a donkey as the 'Suffering Servant'. But when Messiah returns this next time He will come as the Conquering King. After Trumpets come the "Ten days of awe" which lead on to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the most solemn day of the year. On this awesome Day of Reckoning all accounts between YHVH-God and all His covenant people are settled. The Jubilee Year is also announced on this tenth day of Tishri. Trumpets are also blown during special times of national crisis. God's covenant people are summoned to gather themselves together in a solemn assembly before the God of Israel. Trumpets are sounded during battle in times of warfare. Trumpets also announce the coming of a king.

On a future Rosh Hoshanah, on the new moon of Tishrei, the shofars will begin to sound on a day like no other. The ultimate epic future Feast of Trumpets will burst onto the world stage and into holy history. This will be an awesome day of mixed celebration and alarm. YHVH-God's determined times for Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 Weeks will resume in earnest. All of God's covenant people from both houses of Israel will be "called out", summoned to solemn assembly at YHVH-God's new and revamped 'ekklesia', His new 'congregation', 'synagogue', or 'church' of the 70th Week". The saints will be crying out to God and this will spark the climactic End-Time Revival that Joel saw. (Joel 2:28-32) We now have very strong evidence that this future Rosh Hashanah will mark the terminus of the "Roadmap to Peace". This will be the day when Israel signs the seven year peace covenant written about in Daniel 9:27. Israel will agree to divide and sell the Holy Land and their national sovereignty for a pocketful of promises of "peace and safety". Moses spoke of this final dalliance of Israel and predicted the ensuing Great Tribulation. Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, said that they would reject Him who came in His Father's Name and said that His covenant people would consort with a false messiah, a man who came "in his own name". John 5:43. Seven momentous years will then bring in the end-time witness. Then comes the final awesome Day of Atonement. Trumpets of Jubilee will herald the opening of the Day of the Lord which opens on the very next day. Angels of wrath will pluck up the wicked as tares for the fires. (Mat.13:30) At some unknown time in those ensuing days before the Feast of Tabernacles comes into its fulfillment the last trumpet will sound and all of God's Elect, (singular), will be gathered. The climactic future Resurrection-Rapture will see Messiah gather His Chosen from the nation of Israel and from among the heathen gentiles. All the saints, the quick and the dead, from every nation, race, and tribe, from both sides of Calvary will be there. And they will all enter the glory together. (Isa.49:6 and 1Thes. 4:15-17) Thus the Feast of Trumpets began. Moses instituted this feast as the fifth of seven feasts. God introduced the Seven Feasts of Israel as the children of Israel were encamped at Mount Sinai. There, at that awesome place of divine visitation the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob made covenant with a nation of two million souls. They had just left Egypt behind in an extraordinary exodus attended by many miracles. They had all passed through the waters of the Red Sea in a national baptism of sorts to emerge safely on the other side.

This was a wonderful moment in holy history. There, at the foot of the Mount Sinai, God brought His righteous rule, His precepts, His Torah (or Law) to the people and the nation of Israel.

This was not just official state business or just a judicial matter for the establishment of a nation. Nor was YHVH-God merely issuing statements of cold legalism. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, was revealing Himself to His covenant people in a very personal way. His intent right from this first camp meeting was to draw the citizens of this new nation into a personal relationship with Him. On this day of visitation and trembling the God of Israel would begin to come into union with His people right down at the grassroots of the nation at the tribal, family, and personal level. There at Sinai the God of Israel was introducing and drawing His covenant people to Himself. The God of Israel was showing the individuals in His nation the wonders of His essential character. The revelation of God's Law would lead the Chosen people on into an intimate walk of faith. Eventually, people around the whole world would come to know the Holy One of Israel.

The downloading of the Torah to mankind through Israel was the central reality at Sinai. It was YHVH-God taking the initiative and revealing Himself to His people and to all who called upon the God of righteousness and mercy. The Torah was never intended to be just book of state or religious legalities. Nor was it to become a list of instructions for a system of state rituals. It was the next step in a very personal family agreement, the blood covenant YHVH-God had already established with the family of Abraham.

So the Law, or Torah, was more than just a book of ethics, a list of taboos, or a statement of "core values". Nor was it just a quaint series of "thou shalt nots" once received by an ancient people that this evil world wants to forget. It was never intended to be built up into a colossal moral priestly code of religious mores for a legalistic finger wagging priesthood to dominate the people and keep them "in line". The Torah was certainly destined to go far beyond a mere religious idolatry of ten lofty ideals chiseled on stone tablets in front of government buildings. The prophet Isaiah saw the grand plan the God of Israel had intnded from the very beginning. And it was far greater than any of these things.

Right back at the beginning the plan Hashem had for His covenant people was a global one. His great salvation was destined to extend out beyond the DNA children Israel. Israel's Redeemer would become "a Light to the Gentiles", (the heathen). God had a grand worldwide plan. And in it He would be wooing a covenant people to Himself. His Elect and Chosen people would be the nation He established at Sinai. But that nation and that Congregation would eventually become the huge company of people Abraham saw. And in the fullness of time a glorious Commonwealth of Israel would be drawn out from all nations. (See Isa.49:6).

This was a tall order for the children of faithful Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But keeping the Law in the grace and favor of YHVH-God was not as impossible as Christians like to tell. It was not an impossible task to please God. This was very possible. Because those who chose to walk with YHVH-God, like King David, found themselves empowered for righteousness. The virtue came by their vital relationship with with Him!

The prophet Jeremiah described the way in which this was going to happen. He prophesied that the God of Israel would lead His people on into a New Covenant. The days would come, said Jeremiah, when God's Word, His Torah, would be written not just on stones of masonry but on human hearts. (See Jer.31:31-34)

Right from the very beginning the God of Israel was showing forth His grand plan of redemption, sanctification, and glorification of a family of faith that would go global. Torah was meant to be more than an objective legal matter of the head for a little nation between Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Law was intended to cross the gnostic chasm between heaven and earth and lead on into the most vital of all relationships. Judicial matters were intended to go into the most intimate places of the human heart. YHVH-God was in the process of bringing His people Israel into a very personal relationship with Himself.

This is no small matter. The true foundation of the nation of Israel was to spring up out of this devotion. Out of that love would come a personal walk with YHVH-God. God's people obey the Law because they love the One who gave that law. This is the "Key of David" that he knew and walked in. The devotion and the obedience would happen in and through the abiding Presence of His Holy Spirit. This was what that God intended from the beginning. And out of this intimacy would come the obedience and the gathering of the people to God's Law, even His righteous rule. God's righteous rule, His Torah, would thereby be established in the hearts of the people right down at the tribal, family, and personal level.

And so what was God doing at Sinai? He was setting forth His grand agenda for all this. He was laying out His plan for the salvation, sanctification, and eventual glorification of all His covenant people. He was doing this because he was a God of love. The scope of His grand Plan for the the children of Israel gathered at Sinai and later for the whole world, was set forth in the Seven Feasts of Israel. (Lev.23)

The Spring Feasts would see Messiah execute His Priestly role as High Priest of Almighty God. And the Fall Feasts would see Messiah come in His royal political role as King of Jerusalem, or Prince of Shalom/Peace. After the Judgment He would establish His Millennial Kingdom upon earth for a thousand years as the King of kings.


The player in the Hebrew calendar here contains a short 7 minute audio. It is a brief overview of the Seven Feasts of Israel. The Seven Feasts of Israel