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Human Rights Violations At Chester Mental Health Center, In Chester, Illinois!

 Dear Felice D. Gaer,
 If I may, I'm submitting this letter to you, as an ONLINE WRITTEN COMPLAINT, regarding the ABUSES my lovedone(D.Poole), has endured for OVER 14 years, at Chester Mental Health Center, in Chester, Illinois.
 I have in my possession, a HUGE BOX, of MANY written complaints, photos of injuries he has sustained through this period and names of individuals who are responsible for these 'Human Rights' violations.
 In December, 2011, I requested a FACE-TO-FACE meeting, with their administration, to discuss WHY, has his transfer OUT of CMHC, been again DELAYED, while accomplices of ASSAULTS on him, transfers has been adherred to, but I haven't received a date as of yet, this February 1, 2012.
 He's still(against his will), being FORCED PSYCHOTROPIC drugs and this have us extremely concerned for his COGNITIVE abilities deterioating, which will assist CMHC, at getting away with the label of "schizophrenia", "anti-social" and other false labels they have labelled him with.
 He was RAILROADED from minimum Elgin, TO maximum Chester, with FALSE charges of rape and false robberies, which on 01-26-2010(after being at CMHC over 10 years), we learned that those false charges were scratched OFF his record, which made him eligible to go BACK before the courts, under the "RECONSIDERATION ACT", which STILL haven't taken place yet.
 An article was put in the ELGIN newspaper in '2002', stating that, if they didn't get the money they wanted/needed, ELGIN, would be the first place they target.
 We(his sister and I), are being ignored concerning a WRITTEN letter we addressed to the admin.(Ms Ellen Steibel)(message left also with David Dunker), concerning our RIGHT, to be appointed as his "Power of Attorney".
 I've asked her to release this right of ours, BY LETTER, but we haven't received this request as of yet.
 I have FALSELY been informed by a psychiatrist there(Lambert), that, "We(CMHC), don't transfer patients out, we just take them in", which OBVIOUSLY, is a LIE.
 He has been raped there and we have MEDICAL RECORDS PROOF, of him being treated for rape, along with the fact that he has informed us that he has AND can identify the culprits.
 I have also CAUGHT his "SW", in a LIE, in an attempt to CHANGE the DATE/DAYS, of an altercation that he was FALSELY blamed for, which was an attempt to COVERUP, for the abusive guard, who was responsible for this altercation, causing him to be knocked off a good level(GREEN), to a bad level(RED).
 My sister, has requested definitions of what the different levels(red, green, yellow) represent, but she also, has not received a reply, IN WRITING, as she requested and have a right to.
 I have been informed by several, that they are aware of his great demeanor, yet "incidences"(as a prior patient(rodneyyoder.com calls them), are concocted against him, in an attempt to accomplish their perverted desires;etc.
 That guard did NOT clock in to work, that particular day.
 Another guard has threatened to "kill your ***, if I lose my job" AND, the SAME guard, threatened to, "have my wife's sister beat your sister ELois up, the next time she visits".
 We have another sister that was FALSELY JAILED for (30) days, because she DEFENDED herself, concerning an attack on her, during a visit with our brother, by guards, who lied that she assaulted them.
 We have informed DHS, HRA, EFE, Chester Police Department, Illinois State Police, but they ALL, turn a deaf ear and say things as such , "CMHC takes care of their OWN problems".
 We're asking for his transfer OUT of CMHC to take place AND for a thorough "internal investigation" be done, to eliminate these ABUSES on other patients.
 I also, am requesting to be contacted, for a FULL NEWS interview, on these issues, for daily, I view issues of abuse at other facilities, but not enough, is said/exposed about Chester Mental Health Center, which I KNOW, will save TAXPAYERS money, to release individuals such as my brother, who has proven that he's able to be in society again and has served his time AND has stated that he is totally remorseful for ANY harm he caused because of his fears of retaliating BULLIES, for his character is entirely different from others he has encountered, being in such a hideous place.
 He never understood WHY(now 51 years old), he was targeted,(at the age of thirteen and jailed in an adult facility at the age of (17), but even I, have learned names of some of the culprits.
 I have done as I should;contacted the F.B.I., if any problems occur and will continue to, but we ALL, have a RIGHT, NOT to be assaulted/bullied/harrassed/or injuried by such individuals.
 We have the right, to DEFEND ourselves and we shall, properly.
 I can be contacted at (773)622-2906, if any other information is required of us.
 Thank you, for taking the time to LISTEN/HEAR our PLEA for JUSTICE for our lovedone.
 I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon, for he needs representation.
 Thank you.
                       Mrs. E.P.Clayton
                       (sister of ABUSED patient, D.Poole)  — Preceding unsigned comment added by Eloispclayton (talkcontribs) 17:11, 1 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]